
Three days ago

*Hearing Jason's comment Wes walks slowly behind him and though Jason is taller Wes still has long arms and is strong from being in the army. Putting Jason in a headlock Wes pulls him around the living room for a second.*

"Old...you think I'm OLD. I'll show you old."

*In one quick movment Wes brings Jason to the ground gently as to not hurt him. Standing over top of him he laughs, and offers a hand up again to Jason.*

"Now, if I was old could I do that?"

*Wes can't help the smile on his face as the enjoyment dances in his eyes.*

*Katie can't help the laughter that ring from her mouth as she watches Wes and Jason. It was good to see them getting along. Wes might not be Jason's dad but it was still good to see that they interacted ok.*

"You know I am feeling left out here."

*Katie shakes her head and continues to watch. Once the horse play is over Katie looks to Jason and smiles.*

"A movie sounds good."

*Looking down at the picture Angelica's eyes grow a little bit wider as she looks back up at Reese. A millions things ran through her mind. Bret seemed nice enough but anyone could wair a mask and now, was her sister in danger is well.*

"I havn't seen Charlotte in 3 days or so do you think...."

*Angelica's voice trails off as she grabs her phone and calls Charlotte work.*

"Hello...this is Angelica Lockheart, my sister Charlotte works there and I was wondering if she was in today."

"Nope we have it written down that she called off three days ago. She told us she had something important to take care of and would be back in a few days."

"Ok thank you."

*Hanging up the phone Angelica shakes her head.*

"They said she called off a few days ago. What now?"

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