

Though Jason and Katie had been close before, this moment felt new. Both had been through so much... both had grown... both had changed. And though love did exist, it would be nurtured slowly, gently pushing away fear, and bringing two lives together that were meant to be from the very beginning.

Drawing away, Jason looks down into Katie's eyes, a small smile on his face. Right about now, he could stay here forever and not care. But life was moving on around them, and no matter how it felt, time wasn't really standing still.

"I guess if you're ready to go... we should head out. We can make my mom's and Wes' by suppertime... and I bet they'd be thrilled with the company."

Finally letting Katie go, Jason takes her hand to walk her back to her things, and also gathers up his own backpack.

Though the trek is hard going down the slippery slopes, it doesn't seem so bad. Hand-in-hand half the time, few words are spoken, but company is enjoyed. After stopping for a light lunch, Jason gives Mick a quick call that things were fine, then the hike continues.

By the time Jason and Katie reach the bottom, both look as though they've been camping for a week, covered in mud and grass stains. Walking down the path, Jason turns and grins, reaching up to take a twig out of Katie's hair. "Remember I said they'd be thrilled with company? We might scare them away before we can get that far."

The sun is beginning to sink lower in the sky by the time the two reach Wes and Cindy's. Jason isn't sure about Katie, but he's exhausted, not only from the physical workout, but also from the emotional strain of the day. Though knowing he could walk right in if he wanted, to, he knocks anyway.

Cindy is stirring the sizzling hamburger for her casserole on the stove, while holding Kaylee with the other arm, the baby sleeping against her shoulder. Hearing the knock, she turns to Wes at the table. "Would you see who that is, please, hun? I got my hands full."

"Alright, we got fast food, we got family-style diners, we got elegant." Bret looks out the window of his car as he and Charlotte cruise the busy road. "I'm starving, but I don't care where we go, so I leave the option up to you."

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