
Weeks pass

At Misty's request for him to be safe, for a split moment, Carson could feel his guilt for being here again. But he quickly pushes it aside, convincing himself that he was fine and doing nothing wrong. He was just hanging out and relaxing. "Alright. Night."

Ending the call, he lifts an eyebrow at Peter's comment, an ever-so-slight grin quirking the corner of his mouth. "I don't have any old ladies."

Not letting that conversation go any further, he looks to Jess. "Of course I'm ready. Deal 'em out."

Days. They drag by, fly by, but never seem to go at the same pace twice. It never seems fair. One can always try to manipulate the speed of days that pass, but it never works. One must live with the passage that is dealt to them and accept the speed at which the hours tick by.

Jason sits at his desk, going over the paperwork Reese had given him earlier in the day. He was working late. He hadn't really wanted to, but Camryn had told him she couldn't do anything with him tonight...again...so he was stuck with the choice of staying here or just going home. Neither thought was too appealing, but he'd opted for work.

The last couple weeks had been full of days he wished hadn't existed. But they'd come anyway. Days had been full of too much thinking...too much awkward interaction.

Katie's memory had returned in full force and it had been several days of staying home before she'd been able to return to work. Though welcomed back with smiles and hugs, Jason could sense that tension still remained. Despite her remembering everything, she and Scott were still no longer engaged, and that in itself was something to create awkwardness.

Scott himself had appeared to have perfected the art of hibernating in his office. He only emerged when called to someone else's computer to fix a problem, and otherwise stayed quiet and alone.

Jason himself had not been happy with the work Reese had been giving him, but Rick had yet to sign the release for him to get back out to work. Jason had kept his mouth shut to everyone but Rick about the shots he'd been receiving for the pain in his knee, but he knew that if he stayed on those meds long enough, pretty soon they would do no good. After that, he didn't know what he'd do, but the last thing he wanted was for Rick to ground him permanently. For the first time, he got a glimpse of what Con had perhaps felt, knowing that he'd never be allowed on outside cases again. It wasn't something Jason wanted to think about, so he didn't.

Things with Camryn had been strangely tense as well, creating even more turmoil within Jason. They'd spent a lot of good times together the last couple weeks, but there were just so many things that were going unsaid... that were going undiscussed. Whenever Jason mentioned Katie, it was like pouring a bucket of ice water on whatever conversation they'd been having. He knew Camryn liked Katie, so he couldn't quiet understand what the problem was, but she was unwilling to talk about it. He could only hope that it was a simply bump in the road that would easily be overcome.

Carson downs a shot of whiskey and unfolds the cards in his hand, wincing a little as the hard liquor slides down his throat. This time the cards seemed to be in his favor. He hadn't had the best of luck tonight - maybe that was changing.

An elbow taps his arm and Velvet squints at him. "You did realize it's your turn."

Carson gives her a sidelong glance. "You did realize I was paying attention." He takes his turn and elbows her back. "Quit picking on me."

"Or what?"

"Or I won't take you home like I said I would."

Velvet smirks at him. "Thanks a lot. First Sean dumps me and now you."

"You said his car broke down after he dropped you off."

"Well it did..." Velvet grins. "But that doesn't mean I can't give him a bad time about it."

Carson rolls his eyes and goes back to his half-drunk beer, settling back into his chair. Surrounded by Velvet, Jess, and Peter once more, he felt comfortable. Almost every night had been spend back at the Bullseye, and he'd gotten used to being with this group. Still working, and still doing plenty of things with Misty, he reserved the drinking and card games for late nights. Every once in a while his conscience would knock at the door, but he was quick to remind himself that he felt wanted here...accepted. Sure, he had Mom and Pop's, and he had Misty...but this was one place outside of that small world that he enjoyed. He felt a part of something again...and having tasted that world once again, he couldn't resist coming back. Maybe he'd been drinking a little too much lately...and maybe it wasn't a good thing that he'd picked up smoking again...and maybe he flirted a little too much with Velvet...but why did he have to begrudge himself all pleasures?

"Helloooo." Velvet waves a hand in front of his face. "Earth to Carson. Where's your mind tonight?"

Carson grins and takes his turn. "Quit picking on me. I had a long day."

"I bet. Cleaning dishes or what?"

"And cooking," Carson retorts.

"Mm, I see." Velvet rolls her eyes and looks to Jess. "He cleans dishes and cooks. Someone better snatch him up before it's too late."

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