

*Misty listens to Jason words. Taking them in she knows it true but her heart just dosnt have the streagnth to listen. Her mind wanted a reason, her mind wasent to know why..and the only answer it could come up with was a finger pointed at herself.

At Carson's voice Misty looks up. Stairing through her tears at Carson what is left of her heart screams out to him. Her heart wants Carson, Her heart wants him close to her once again. Pushing her chair back Misty shifts a little bit. Listing to Jason talk to Carson and seeing him take a step twords him stops and eases herself down in the chair once again. Memories flooding back. The sicking feeling of another woman being in Carson's arms washing over her.

Misty new the look on her face was one that accepted Carson back. She new her eyes showed pain yet showed that she wanted him close still. With all that was left of her heart she wanted to take Carson back. Yet Jason was right, nothing would change if Carson new he could get away with it. He would never learn if she always went back to him. But having him in front of her was hard.

Trying to hold her tears back some still slip through as her head is heavy and her sobs strong yet soft as the same time. Slowly Misty pushes her chair so it spins till the back is to Carson. Her tears start to flow more as she thinks about what she is doing. What is going on, and who is slipping out of her fingers. But this had to be done. Carson needed to know there was consaquences. The only sounds Misty offered to anyone was her sobs and sniffles. While her heart screamed and hated her for denying it what it wanted. The battle raged inside causing Misty to cry even more,*

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