
Bottle Rocket

*Misty stands from the booth she was sitting in and smiles at Mable.*

"Do you mind if I go back and see that everything is ok with Carson Mable?"

*Giving a smile Mable nods.*

"It's quite alright dear, its not to busy at the moment."

*Misty gives her nod of thanks and heads back behind the swinging doors. Seeing Carson and Herb sitting in the hallway neather of them looking her way she starts to wonder closer about to say something but stops as a few words hit her ears.*

"I messed up."

*Misty listens closer for a moment. What was going on something was not right.*

"I just cheated on herI just cheated on her..."

*Misty's heart leeps into her throut as she takes in Carson's conversation with her. It was one she was not ment to hear but she did and she couldent pretent she dident. Some many things filled her at the moment she dident know what to do but stand there stuned, her heart cracking once again. How could this happen...again? Hadn't Carson learned? Hadn't her love not been enough? Was she doing something wrong? Misty did not know what to think. All the questions...all the wondering...all the pain built up inside like a bottle rocket ready to go off.*

*Herb listen to Carson as he talks. Not saying much but just listing. His heart sank a little at the news of why Carson had been late. He felt bad for him in a sence and at the same time he didn't. He new Carson was reeping the consaquences once again from his actions. All Herb could do was offer what little addivce he could.*

"Well Carson thats feeling like crap is called conviction. You have come along way not to feel it. The best addvice as any I can tell you is to talk to Misty before...'

*Herb's words are cute off as he turns his head hearing a soft noise. His eyes widen a bit and than show a sadness not often shown by Herb. The look written on Misty's face said it all. She had over hurd, she new, and she was hurting. Herb could not even start to imagen the pain that was being felt by eather.*

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