
Last Hope

*Katie steps all the way into Scott's office as he says its ok closing the door behind her. Timidly Katie walks over to the empty chair that was across from Scott. Looking down at her hands she than look up at him again. Searching his eyes for a long moment. As she looks into them Katie instintly remember what it was like to love Scott, she remembered the time together. What she had been looking for in the photo's she found again and now she missed it. Finally she speaks though its choppy and not put together well.*

"I'm...not even sure what I want to say. I mean I know but I dont know what to say it.."

*Katie grows silent for a moment listing to the nothingness and trying to collect her thoughts.*

"I guess I want to start with saying I am sorry.."

*Katie looks at Scott and gives a small smile reading his eyes for a moment.*

"...I know I don't have too, but I guess I want to say it anyways. I'm sorry I was stupid and if I could go back in time and stop myself from making that mistake I would."

*For a moment Katie looks around Scott's office the laughter ringing in her hears and the smile she remembered, the kiss and the hugs. Turning back to look at Scott across the table a single tear forms in Katie's eye.*

"All in all I was plane dumb to let something I charished so much out of my life. All I ever wanted I had and I said goodbye like the fool I am."

*Katie lets out a long sigh and looks down at her pants for a moment picking at the loss string. It wasent often she wore jeans to work but the last week or so she dident feel like geting dressed up. She herself dident feel like doing much.*

"I guess what I am trying to say Scott is don't stop living because of me. Don't let my stupidity hold you back from the man you are. I know and you know your more than you make youself out to be. Whether you'r as you put it the geeky Scott or the dresses up Scott, you were something to me, and your something to everyone out there too. I'm not the only one who looks past the outside Scott. Everyone alse does too. I just wanted you to know that."

*Katie lets out a sigh and stands from the chair she own shoulder slumped a little. She was now paying for her actions and it dident feel good, but Katie dident know what alse to say. She wasent even sure what Scott would think. She'd hurt him and he had every right now to listen to her of even care about what she said and Katie was ready to accept that consaquence.*

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