

*Herb rests his hand on Carson's shoulder. He new this was his fault but he also new he was sorry and he has been trying. Why he went down this path again he wasent sure but he new Carson was now in a great deal of pain that could not be discribed. Showing sympathy Herb gives a nod.*

"Take the rest of the day off. Get some sleep and give yourself as much time as you need. Your job will be waiting for you."

*Herb gives a small sigh and turns to head back into the kitchen. Stopping for a moment and looking back at Carson he trys to off him a look of comfort though he knows it probley dosent do much.*

"If you need anything or anyone to talk to Carson my door is always open. I'm here for ya."

*Herb enters the kitchen once again and starts to prepair a few orders that had come through. His own heart heavy for Misty and Carson.*

*As Misty pulls into TJY she keeps her car running for a moment just listing to the music and stairing at nothing at all. She wasent even quite sure how she had made it to work. She new she was driving but her mind was a million miles away on everything alse as her heart continues to break.

Leaning her arms on the stearing wheel Misty burrys her face into her arms and just lets the tears continue to come. how fast things had changed. One minute things were fine and the next they were laying at her feet in peaces.

The look that had been in Carson's eye was one that showed he was sorry, that showed his guilt. He had a look that said he dident want to lose Misty. The little boy pleeded for her to stay an not walk away. That look was the one that haunted Misty now. Even through this she hadent want to leave, she hadent wanted to walk away but she new she had to. Though the little boy was sorry, what was done was done and if things dident change it would just happen again. Misty loved Carson so much that she couldent let her heart break another time. This was the second time and it felt worse than the first. Misty wondered if she even had any heart left.

Whiping the tears from her eyes Misty shuts her car off. Trying to controll them all she can but leting a few escape anyways she heads into TJY. Keeping her head down Misty heads inside across the floor. Her stomach still doing flip flops. Slowly making her way to the infermary she stops at the door hearing voices. Letting out a sigh she opens the door and enters. Looking up she trys to give Rick and Jason the best smile she can. They had enough problems to worry about with out hers added on. Looking back down as the ground Misty continues to her desk. She new her eyes were bloodshot and a few tears were still there, but once she dived into work maybe her mind would be occupied on something alse and she would feel all she was. Knowing it wasent true she could only hope. She hurt all over and she just wanted to scream. She wanted to feel comfort, but her mind just tryed to block it out. A conflicting battle raged inside of her, fighting for controll and the want to tell the one last person she trusted. But how even now her heart was broken to much to but that faith in even the one she new she could trust.

Misty lets out a shuttering sigh as she pulls out of paper work and stairs down at it. She could read the letters, she new the words but she just couldent comprehend what it said. All she could see was Carson, all she could feel was Carson, all she new how to love was Carson, and now it was all taken away and Misty felt loss. What was the point if life seemed so empty.*

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