

Jason's words hit Carson harder than he would have thought. He'd been talked down to before. He'd been insulted before. He'd been given trashtalk before. But this hurt. It shouldn't, but it did. Right about now, he'd like to stop caring completely, but the wound was still too fresh for that. He had been stupid and this was the result of that stupidity.

Carson moves forward several more steps, desperation seeping in next to his frustration and anger. "Let me at least say my piece."

Jason stands his ground, shifting his weight to be a barrier between Carson and Misty. "You've done enough damage. Can't you see that? You need to leave. Now."

Carson's eyes narrow. "Nobody tells me what to do, least of all you." Seeing Misty turn her back on him is like a knife driving straight into his heart. Yet it was of his own doing. His eyes burn as the emotions threaten to spill over in the form of hated tears. He had never allowed himself to show this emotion in public to anyone before. Least of all over a woman. But for some reason this time it couldn't be stopped. "Come on," he begs. "Just let me talk. Misty?"

Jason puts his hands on his hips. "Go, Carson. Before you make things worse."

Not used to such an emotional strain, Carson's hands shake slightly, his voice rising to a louder level again. "Stop telling me what to do! This is none of your business!"

"You seem to have forgotten where you are, Carson." Jason takes several more steps forward to where he can look down on him. "You're not a part of this place anymore. You're an outsider, and overstepping your bounds. Now get out." His words are harsh and cold. He can't stand Carson's presence right now, knowing that it's tearing Misty to pieces.

Carson's jaw flexes as he takes in Jason's commanding tone. "Make me."

Jason searches Carson's eyes for a moment and shifts his weight.

Rick's eyes widen. "Jason don't..."

Too late. Jason's knuckles meet Carson's jaw. They land with such an unexpected force that Carson is thrown backward, stumbling before hitting the open doorway and sliding to the floor. Dazed, he blinks for a moment before Jason grabs him and pulls him back up on his feet, shoving him into the hall. "Out!"

Carson rubs his jaw, his anger the only thing he feels now. He stares at Jason, his blood boiling. He wants to fight back. He had enough negative energy to take Jason down. But this time...

He looks past Jason to Misty's desk. He can't see her face. All he can hear are her sobs. and he knew...now he knew...it was over.

Swallowing hard, but holding his head high, Carson reaches down to grab his baseball cap that had fallen off, and heads back to the main floor, aiming for the exit.

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