

Carson looks to the side quickly, following Herb's gaze. And all of a sudden he felt sick all over again. He wanted to act like everything was fine and pretend that Misty hadn't heard everything. He wanted to simply ask her what she'd heard. But he didn't have to. It was obvious. She'd heard his whole confession.

Without thinking, he stands up, taking a couple steps towards Misty, but daring to go no further. His eyes meet hers. His full of the pain of guilt...the lack of understanding his own actions...the apology reflecting clearly.

But seeing her own eyes...seeing the look that was passing through them, Carson knows. Deep down, he knows...this wouldn't be like last time.

"Misty, I..." What could he say? 'I'm sorry' just didn't seem to cut it.

He just stands...silent...motionless. Waiting for the dreaded outcome of this horrid mess.

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