
Mr. Hope

And so once gain time passes. Like grains of sand in an hour glass they slip from ones grasps. Not being able to stop them, or catch them they move slowly to there destination to be forgotten.

*As the night draws to an end Katie sits on her bed the photo album from Mick and Rosetta's wedding layed out in front of her once more. Most of her night since she got her memories back had been spend this way. She still felt like things were missing, the feelings the pictures implied, they were still missing replaced with others that just simply went true anymore. Katie's heart had found the love for Jason once and yet these pictures showed a love for Scott that was pure and true she loved him as well. The turmoil that had gone away was now back and the though of breaking someones heart that she cared for so deeply made her sick. Katie wasn't sure how to think or how to act. Her heart still ached, and depression made itself known.*

*As Misty lays awake in bed she cant help but twist and turn. Sleep seemed to come as a problem tonight. Every little noise waked her. She felt restless, and uncomfortable. Like tonight she felt more alone than any other night. Why she wasn't sure, every night she came home along to her apartment, and felt safe but over the last few weeks it just didn't feel the same. Nothing really did. Carson had been destine but not like he had been in the past. She still spent time with him, and he didn't hide where he was going at night. It was hard to read him this time around. He acted different yet like himself at the same time. Misty could tell he had started smoking again and though it didn't bother her to much she couldn't help but take that into consideration that maybe these new friends were not so good for Carson. Yet she never said a word about it except that the smokes were going to kill him. Who was she to criticize how he spent his free time as long as he wasn't in trouble.

Staring up at the ceiling Misty just stairs into the dark. She only hoped Carson cared enough not to do anything stupid. Faith is what she had in him, what she promised him she would give him. She had to stick by her word and do just so. Carson was everything to her and if giving him the faith he wanted would help him grow than so be it.

Rolling over Misty closes her eyes. Seven o'clock would come early she need at leats some sleep. Feeling Romeo and Juliet at her feel Misty trys to convince herself everything is ok untill finally though note peaceful she falls asleep.*

*Jess lets out a shrill laugh as Peter puts his arms around her once again and draws her in for a kiss again. It would seem this week was an on again week. Over the last few weeks it had been obvious they went back and forth, dating than not dating to dating again. Sometimes the reason for the break up was stupid and made no sense but who was to argue.

Pulling away from Peter again Jess throws him a grin and than looks to Velvet.*

"You better stop picking on him, I can't take you home tonight I have planes of my own."

*Peter gets a cheesy grin on his face as Jess slaps him.*

"Not that you idiot."

*Frowning Peter picks up his hand and looks at Carson.*

"See what I have to deal with. She gets my hopes up and than shoots me down every time."

*Shaking her head Jess lets out a sigh and takes the last sip of her beer. Giving a laugh to Velvet at her comment about where Carson works.*

"I think someone did snatch him up Velvet...his girlfriend."

*Peter looks to Jess and than to Carson.*

"Heyyyy, there ish nothing wrong with having someone alse on the side once and a while you know."

*Jess looks at Peter and quirks and eyebrow.*

"Oh really and do you like by that to Mr. Hope?"

*Peter cringes for a moment at Jess comment and than stratens.*

"Nope, your the only one for me."

*Jess laughs as she throws her hand down on the table.*

"Yeah, I'll believe that one with pigs fly."

*Looking back to Velvet she scoffs.*

"He's all yours I have enough problems!"

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