

*Katie slowly makes her way to the infermary she stops seeing Rick and Susanne outside. Standing to the side Katie decieds to wait as they talk not waiting to intarupt. Sitting down Katie waits.

As she waits she dosent mean to but over hear Rick and Susanne's conversation. Her own consern grows as she hears about Scott. She had done this to him. She had caused this hurt that caused him the depression. Pushing aside her own Katie stands again and slowly heads down the hall.

Coming to Scott's door Katie just stands for a moment. What was she going to say? What was she going to do? Katie wasent sure but she felt the need to at least see him and God would give her the words from there.

Softly knocking on the door Katie opens it hearing Scott's voice. Poking her head in she trys to replace her own depression with a soft smile. Though she probley looked like crap herself she had to try and be strong at this moment. Stepping inside Katie does not shut the door yet as she finally speaks looking at Scott. He really did look skinner than normal and her heart went out to him.*

"Hey Scotty, I...I was wondering if you wernt busy I could talk to you for a moment?!"

*As Misty is pulled up into Jason's arms she wraps her own around him soaking up his comfort and letting what was left of her tears come freely as she burryed her face into his shoulder.

Misty apreshated Jason's comfort. It was nice to just have a friend there she could lean on and cry too. It was something she wasent use to but she liked it.

Continuing to snivle in Jason's shoulder for alittle while longer she finally stops a little calming herself down. She felt tore up inside still and her hurt alot but no more tears could come right now. Her eyes were dry.

Pulling herself away from him she looks down at the big wet spot on his shoulder and gives a small laugh through the left over tears. Bringing a hand to it she rubs the spot.*

"I used you as a tissue!! Sorry about that."

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