

Looking into Thirteen's eyes, Ryder knew that it was a woman's heart that spoke, not just a little girl's dreams. He didn't know if this would work between them. He didn't know how long it would last, or if they were really meant to be more than friends. But he was lonely... and she was filling a hole in his life, as he was hers.

A light chuckle escapes. "Yes, now you know how to cook something. By the time I'm through with you, you'll know how to cook a lot more, too."

The sound of the front door startles him, and he leaves the kitchen quickly, his guard up.

"Anybody home?" Jason calls.

Ryder breathes a sigh of relief when he sees it's just Jason and Katie. "Ahh, the invalid has returned!" He grins and winks at Katie. "Welcome home."

Jason peers around the corner, seeing a form in the kitchen. "Company?"

"Uh, yeah. Thirteen is gonna be staying here for a little while... you know, get her out and about from TJY." Ryder looks to Katie. "Figured she could have the other room once Laura is all out... if that's okay with you."

"Not ready to be on her own yet, huh?" Jason inquires.

Ryder shakes his head. "Not yet... she will be. But not yet." He turns his attention to the kitchen. "Hey, Thirteen... Katie's here..."

Gage is still very quiet as he's uncuffed, then led away from Sapphire's cubicle. He doesn't say a word as he's allowed to clean up and change clothes. He'd been allowed some of these things before... it wasn't as though he'd been kept in a dungeon the last month - not like at the Agency when they kept prisoners. He'd been allowed to stay clean and change clothes here... but tonight... something was different. He was in a new room... a room with a bed instead of a narrow cot. A room with carpet instead of a hard tiled floor. A room that was warm.

Sitting down on the bed, Gage sinks down in the mattress a little. His jeans were a little baggy, but the t-shirt fit. He had a bit of a headache, but not bad. Looking up at Sapphire, still he had been silent. This place confused him. He had been trained to fight them - to retaliate. He had been trained to hate these people. But those same commanders who had trained him, had ordered Alec's death. Would they do the same with Gage? If so, then which place was really safer? He didn't know.

Searching Sapphire's eyes for a moment, his lips draw into something related to a smile. "Maybe I... should have hit my head sooner." He swallows hard. "What... what are they gonna do to me now?"

Eric watches Rosetta walk away, his eyes dark and pensive. Finally left alone, he's still sitting in the dim dining hall. Eventually, he rises, wincing just a little. Years on the road hadn't done his back any good. He stretches and sighs, ambling out into the evening air. Whenever he was home, he had a place in one of the bunks, but he went a different direction tonight. Tonight, he headed for the bunkhouse that had a light on.

Hearing a knock at the door, Trent pauses, shirts in hand. Setting them inside his bag, he then goes to see who's there. "Eric?"

His brother nods from his place on the small porch. "Got a minute?"

"Um... sure." Trent steps aside to let Eric in.

Eric enters the bunk and looks at the duffel bag suspiciously. "Going somewhere?"


"Oh, I see." Eric turns around, hands on hips. "Emergency?"

"Kind of." Trent squints one eye. "What do you want?"

"Why the sudden move after hearing about that girl?"

Trent blinks. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't give me that." Eric's eyes have gained an angry glint. "You got secrets, Trent. And I'm tired of it."

"Look, this is none of your business."

"It is when it involves my family. Jeff has disappeared, our niece almost died, now this girl shows up and you're out on the next flight. I want to know what you know that the rest of us don't."

"I don't know what-"

"Bull crap!" Eric's eyes blaze. "I'm tired of all the secrets! This family has been torn apart time and time again by secrets! When is it going to end?" Not receiving a response, he continues. "Where is Jeff"

"How should I know?"

"I think you do."

Trent throws up his arms. "I know as much as everybody else! Last I knew, we asked Reese about a month ago what was happening, and we got no answers and he said not to ask again. Why would I know more than that?"

"Because you've always been the one with hidden motives."

"So you think I'm still with the Agency or what?"


"Eric!" Trent shakes his head. "If you just came to accuse me, then you can leave now."

"I just want answers!"

"I don't have any!"

"Then why are you leaving?! Where is our brother, and who is the girl?!"

"Get out!" Trent points to the door, his own temper flaring. "Now."

"Not until I have answers."

"Fine then." Trent moves to grab Eric by the shoulder, manhandling him out the door. Eric resists, and once he's out on the porch, he has a firm grip on Trent's arm, bringing him down off the porch with him.

"Cut it out!" Trent barks.

"Not until you tell me the truth!" Eric's jaw is suddenly hit with excruciating pain. Staggering backward, it takes him a moment to realize that he'd just been struck by Trent's fist. Spitting out some blood, he glares at his brother. "So that's the way it is, huh?"

Trent grits his teeth, the churning in his stomach proving how badly he felt. "I... I'm sorry."

"Sorry don't cut it anymore, Trent."

Mick thinks he hears loud voices, and ambles to the window. What he saw made his eyes widen. "Rosetta, we got a fight out here." He makes a beeline for the door, glad that BJ was already asleep in bed. The boy didn't need to see Eric and Trent throwing fists at each other like they were now.

One thing

Looking up at Ryder, Thirteen nods. This was all so different and maybe a little scary but she knew it would be ok.

"I may not understand everything, but i know this is what I want. The way you make me feel, Ryder, I know I wouldn't want to feel that with anyone else."

Giving another bright smile, Thirteen nods her head. She knew at times it might be rough, but she was ready. "Hey, now at least I can cook you one thing."

She didn't know who she was, where she came from, or anything else about her past, but maybe she didn't have to, to be able to move on.


Ryder shakes his head, but finally just gives in. Drawing Thirteen into a strong hug, he holds her close and kisses the top of her head. "I didn't plan on this, ya know," he mumbles into her hair. For over a month, he had been with Thirteen day-in and day-out. He had focused on taking care of her and teaching her. But while spending so much time with her, how could he not have fallen for her bright eyes and pure heart? That would be asking too much of a man.

He lets out a deep breath and takes a step back to see Thirteen's face. "You're gonna make it, ya know that?"

He cocks his head and smiles. "And I'll be here for you, even if it's against the rules. Is this what you really want?" He knew that all of this was very new and probably exciting to Thirteen, but he didn't want her misinterpreting her feelings this early in the game, even if this is what he wanted.


Giving a smile, Thirteen rests her head against Ryder's, juts taking in the emotions and words.

"I guess for now, it can be our little secret."

She gives another smile as she lets out a sigh. For the first time, she felt happy and ready to face anything because she didn't have to face it alone.

Now what

Letting Thirteen return, Ryder can't help a smile as he returns the kiss again. Her fingers in his hair send a chill down his spine. He lets the exchange continue for several moments until he finally pulls away. Looking into her eyes, he bites his lip. "That's how it's done," he whispers.

He lets his hands run down her arms until he can lock his fingers with hers. "Now what, hmm? I'm supposed to be taking care of you, not dating you."


Feeling Ryder's lips against hers, Thirteen feels a whole new wave of emotions. The butterflies came faster and her head spun, but it was a good feeling and she didn't want it to end.

Bringing her hands to Ryder's back, she shakes just a little as her knees almost felt weak. Pulling away a little, Thirteen smiles as she whispers and bites her lower lip. "That was better than the books."

Going in close again, her lips press against Ryder's again and her hand runs through his hair, just letting the new passion run free.

The right way

Ryder allows Thirteen to come closer, though is a bit surprised by her action. Just looking at her as she backs away again, a soft chuckle escapes. "That's where we are, huh?"

His hand comes up to brush her cheek. He gives her a quick wink. "Then I think I better show you the right way to do this."

Pulling her close, he cocks his head to bring his face nearer to hers. He moves slowly, not to startle her, and making sure he didn't scare her.

Pressing his lips to hers, he doesn't let go right away. His hand moves up to run through her hair as his kiss lingers, softly then a little firmer, but not moving any faster than Thirteen would allow.

Leaves us here

Thinking for a long moment, Thirteen can feel herself move a little closer to Ryder.

Bringing her hand to his face, she runs her thumb over his cheek. "I think that leaves us here." Coming even closer, she brushes her lips against his before pulling away a little, hoping what she did was okay.

Supposed to

"I'm... supposed to... take care of you." Ryder's hands give her shoulders a gentle squeeze. For now, he was finished treating Thirteen like a little kid. Maybe she hadn't been taught much, but she was smart, and she was an adult. "So... where does that leave us?"

You are

Bringing her own arms to Ryder's, Thirteen continues to look at him dead in the eye. Giving a gulp, her heart races as the butterflies were back.

"You are, Ryder. From the moment you said hi to me."


Ryder sets down his towel, then reaches out to take Thirteen by the shoulders. Another sigh comes. He didn't know what he was even doing. "Who's your prince?


Thirteen looks up at Ryder, searching his eyes for a long woman. "The woman found her prince who rescued her from her silent world." She bites her lip, wondering if that sounded stupid.

Girl or woman?

Ryder stops what he's doing, staring at the dishwater. He swallows hard. Finally he turns around to face Thirteen and look her in the eye.

"Is it the little girl who wants to keep the butterflies? Or the woman who wants to find her prince?"


Picking at the table lines, Thirteen is quiet before looking at Ryder again. Her look was so innocent yet her words were strong as her own heart pounded.

Standing, Thirteen goes to help Ryder with the dishes. She brushes his arm then looks up at him. "Can you stop your role so I can keep the butterflies?"

Before she even knew it, the words had slipped out and her cheeks were red again. Her own heart was pounding in her ears.

Grow up

Ryder's heart pumps just a bit harder, though he tries to stop it. He didn't even really know what his problem was. "Well, Thirteen, like... I understand what you're saying, but... we have to be careful, you know?" He sounded so stupid.

Giving up, he stands to take his plate to the sink. But he feels guilty for not finishing the conversation. Talking again, his concentration stays on cleaning his plate. "People like w... like who we are... we can't just... I mean... my role is to get you back on your feet, not give you butterflies."

He hates his own words, but Thirteen had to grow up sometime. Was he talking to a little girl, or a grown woman?


Once again, Thirteen can feel her face turn red again. Her feelings - what did they mean? Such a simple question with a hard answer.

"I don't know what they mean yet but I am not scared of them." Her words seem so strong. "You're not holding me back when I want you here. The things I want to see I want to be with you. So we can enjoy them together."

What do you think?

"But what if I am?" Ryder shakes his head. "I'm the only person you spend time with. And... and if I don't help you see other people, then... I'm holding you back."

He takes a deep breath, wishing that the butterflies in his own stomach would stop. "If you're so sure your feelings mean something then... what do you think they mean?"

Can't hide

Looking at Ryder, Thirteen quirks an eyebrow. "I don't believe that. I know they mean something and I will figure it out."

Giving another little laugh, she takes a bit of food, quiet for a second. "You're not holding me back from anything.

Smiling as Jason leaves, Katie gives a sly grin.

You can run, but you can't hide.

Shaking her head, she takes out a napkin and just doodles for a second until she hears Carson's voice and looks up to see Jason coming back. "Control him... psh... good luck with that."

Giving a wink as Jason comes back, Katie straightens.

I believe we were talking about...

She thinks for a moment. Maybe for now, a subject change would be good.

Everything I missed while I was gone.


Jason shifts in his seat before looking over his shoulder to the counter. "I'm gonna go get a refill. Be right back."

Sliding from the booth, he goes up to Carson at the counter.

Carson is wiping off the counter and he gives Jason a wry grin. "Having fun?"

Jason chuckles. "Yeah."

"You two getting along then?"

"Of course. Why?"

Carson only smiles. "You love her, don't you?"

Jason pauses, handing Carson his empty glass. "Yeah... yeah, I do."

Carson takes the glass to fill it up, glancing in his friend's direction. "Good."

Jason's expression turns a bit sly. "And you and Misty?"

"Hey now, don't go turning the table."

"You wish. Now come on. I fessed up. It's your turn."

Carson hands him his pop. "Misty's the most important person in my life."

"How come you haven't married her?"


Jason laughs. "You heard me. Is it 'cause you don't love her enough?"

"I didn't say that!"

"Is it..." Jason's voice is a little more serious. "...because she's not accepted Jesus?"

Carson stops his cleaning for a moment. "Oh... that's part of it."

"But you do love her."

"Doesn't it look like it?"

"But can you say it?"

"Of course I can!"

"Then say it!"

Carson smirks. "Alright, Hotshot, fine. I l... l..."

Jason starts to snicker.

"Oh, shut up." Carson swings a towel at him.

Jason ducks, laughing. "Okay, okay, I'm gone!" He takes his drink back to the table.

Carson yells to Katie. "Hey, Kat, control that boyfriend of yours before I throw him out!"

Still laughing, Jason sits down and grins at Katie. "Where were we?"

Ryder twists his fork in his food, contemplating Thirteen's question. "Then... that's up to you, I guess. But... I don't want to hold you back from finding another g-... I mean... finding other friends. Your feelings... I mean... they don't necessarily mean anything, ya know?"

But what if

Looking down at her food for a moment, Katie can't help the small feeling of being let down with Jason's answer.

"Then I will continue to ask. I'm letting this one go."

Giving Jason a smile, Katie's disappointment fades. There was still hope and she would hold on to that.

Still looking at Ryder, Thirteen studies him. For a moment, she doesn't even know why he was saying sorry again.

"You can stop saying sorry now. I don't think you did anything wrong."

Taking a sip of water, she holds a confused look on her face for a moment. "But what if I don't want to feel this way about anyone else?

Too soon

Ryder can suddenly feel some heat rise to his face, and he closes his eyes for just a moment before looking back up at Thirteen.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes quietly. "Those... those feelings you have... they're my fault." He tries to smile, his lips pursed together. "I'm... not the only one you can feel that way with. I mean..."

A little laugh escapes and he leans back, shaking his head. A real smile surfaces. "There's so much you've missed out on without having a real mom around. I don't know how to help you with all this kind of stuff."

"Mmm." Jason drops his gaze, desperately trying to control his emotions, so Katie doesn't come to any wrong conclusions. He takes a slow sip of his pop.

Too soon, Babe. Too soon.

Close to death

Looking at her plate, Thirteen moves her food around for a moment before looking up at Ryder. "The world is full of heartache and pain. Why would I bother putting myself through it?"

Thirteen is quiet again for a moment. This stuff was confusing and she wasn't even sure how to talk about this.

"I like how I feel around you. Even if I don't understand why my heart races and why it feels like something is fluttering in it, but I know it's a feeling I like."

Thirteen looks down at her plate again as her cheeks turn red. She felt embarrassed but why, she wasn't sure.

Looking up as Reese walks away, Sapphire can't help but be a bit surprised. She had hoped Reese would let Gage go, but she didn't think he really would.

Turning back to Gage, Sapphire gives a nod then goes to her phone. "Dalton, can you set up a cam in the extra room please? Yeah, thanks."

Hanging up the phone, she waits for Hal to uncuff Gage before helping him up. "Come on, lets get you cleaned up and settled." She offers Gage a friendly and inviting smile. "I think we have some clean clothes for you too. They might be big but will work for now."

Leading the way, Sapphire weaves in and out of cubicles before coming to the extra room. "No more cell. You get to stay in a more comfortable place now."

Giving a smile, Katie doesn't let it bother her that Jason laughed. She was sure that she sounded a little crazy.

Coming so close to death, I guess I just realized life is too short to just stand waiting.

Taking a sip of her water, Katie looks back up at Jason and gives a small laugh. "I guess I just didn't want to wait any longer."


Rick examines Gage's head while Sapphire talks. "Mm-hmm..." He sighs and nods. "Don't think it's any more than a bump on the head. "Hal?"


"Go get permission from Reese to release Gage within premises."

"What? But-"

"Would you please just go ask him?"

"Ask him what?"

All eyes raise at Reese's voice. Reese folds his arms. "What happened here?"

Hal is quick to explain. "We tripped. Gage fell and hit his head. Rick wants him released on premises."

Reese sighs deeply. He'd just been through this with Thirteen. he felt so stuck. He really didn't like it any better than anybody else. Perhaps he seemed rough and uncaring sometimes, but he didn't mean to. He just felt as though he was between a rock and a hard place, and wanted to make the best decisions. The whole thing with Thirteen really did bother him, even if he'd given Ryder a bad time. It pained him to think of the young woman raised by the Agency. Clearly she was intelligent but had been severely held back. And now Gage. He was different. The young man obviously had been involved in plenty of illegal activities and had admitted to assisting with tortures and killings, trained for Agency combat. Yet he'd also been sheltered from the real world.


He snaps back to attention at Rick's voice. "Um, yeah. Um... Hal, uncuff him and... Sapphire, take him to the spare room. Have Dalton keep a security watch on the room and... as long as Gage sticks around he can stay in there for the time being. Carry on."

Turning, Reese walks away, leaving the others with surprise on their faces.

Gage blinks at Sapphire, almost as if he needed help in knowing what to do. No more cell?

Before Jason can help it, a laugh escapes. "What is with you lately, Kat? Hmm?" He shakes his head in amusement whiel taking another sip of his pop.

I know you went through a lot and it probably got you thinking about a whole bunch of stuff, but...

He leans back in his seat, his eyes still locked with Katie's. "Isn't the question supposed to be one the man asks and not the other way around?"

Ryder takes a few moments before responding to Thirteen. finally he sighs, pausing his meal. "What's wrong, kiddo, huh? I know this stuff might be hard to understand but... meeting other people... making other friends... it's part of living life to the fullest."

He can see something in her eye, and knows that something is different. Was it the topic? Or was it him?



Leaving the kitchen and scaning the room Rosetta makes sure there is no more dishes that needed to be done. Seeing Eric sitting at the table still Rosetta gives a small nod and goes over to him offering to take his coffee cup.

"Its good to have you home again. Just feels a little more complete. Now if I can only get you all here at once."

Giving a smile Rosetta turns to head back to the kitchen. She missed her brothers, and the closeness of them always being there they once had after finding each other. But part of getting older was sometimes going your own way as well and at least she got to see them sometimes.

But new form of melloncly come as Rosetta washs the last cup. She missed Jeff something horrable. He was a big boy and could take care of himself but she still missed him and wished she new where he was and if he was ok. A twins sixth sence told her something was wrong, but she didnt dair ask or she would just get the same information as she did before. Nothing.

Smiling at Jason Katie takes a small bit of her food. It never tasted better and it almost felt like her tastbuds were singing.

Don't worry I'll let you know if I need anything. Seeing as its easyer to tell u than anyone else.

Katie cant help the small grin that formed as silence rules for just a little while as they both enjoyed there food.

Finally Kaite puts her napkin down and her fork. She hadnt eaten much but it was more than she thought. Her tummy just couldnt handle anything more at the moment.

Looking up at Jason the smile is still on her face, as her eyes hold a searousness to them. In a strong voice she asks.

"Jason, will you marry me?"

Looking back across the table Thirteen can tell the change in Ryder's tone once again, and she new that meeting new people would be important but she didnt really understand why.

"But when do I need other friends when I have one I like spending time with already?"

Looking down at the food for a moment Thirteen can feel her cheeks turning red.

"I know I need other friends...I just...I.."

Stoping herself Thirteen picks up her fork and knife. Maybe somethings shouldnt be said. Still the feeling lingered that maybe she had done something wrong and now Ryder was being carfel around her.

Taking a bit of her food Thirteen continues to just look at her plate forcing a smile to come forth. If Ryder was upset she should just act like herself and trying to be normal.

"This tasts really good."

Looking at Gage Sapphire's own look showed one of compation for him. She wanted to help him, and she wanted to teach him. She wasnt sure why but it was just a feeling.

About to say more Sapphire stops and stands up straght ass Rick and Hal return. Looking to Rick Sapphire nods pointing to the floor and than Gage's head.

"He fell there and hit his head pretty hard. I think he dented my floor."

Sapphire gives a small chuckle.

"He has a nice bump on his head but there is no blood and I didnt feel a crack. He was getting pretty dizzy so I thoughh he might have a concution and I would hate for him to fall asleep in the cell and not wake up."

Sapphire looks to Gage and than back to Rick again.

"He also has a nice gash on his wrist but its nothing to bad and I cleaned it, and wrapped it up already, but I think maybe you guys should take the cuffs off so they dont irrotate it. I doubt he would run."


"Maybe..." Mick rests his chin on Rosetta's shoulder for a moment before sighing and pulling away. "I'm gonna go get the kid and put him to bed. See you back at the house." Another kiss to the head and he's off to the adjoining room where there is monstrous growling followed by a fit of giggles before BJ disappears out of the dining hall, slung over Mick's shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Eric sits in the corner, alone, a small grin appearing as he watches Mick and BJ leave. Then his eyes fall back to his empty cup of coffee. It had been empty for a while now, but he had yet to take it to the kitchen. A sigh comes... he'd been just within earshot of Mick's short conversation with Rosetta. And it made him wonder. Who had his brother become all these years? And what was his motive for leaving so suddenly? Secrets... again.

Ryder gives a little laugh, but pauses for some reason before answering Thirteen. "Yeah... yeah I'll be around. We'll have to decide where you'll be when I have to go to work."

He stops again as the timer dings, and he prepares their dishes for supper. Bringing them to the table, he makes sure they have all they need, then sits down across from her. But he doesn't dig in right away. "You need to learn to spend yoru time.... with... other people too, ya know? I mean... I can't be the only person you ever interact with." He seems to force a smile and a wink. "Friends... they're a part of life you need to discover."

Gage lets Sapphire finished and glances up at her with a look in his eye almost undescribable. It was confused... sad... humliated... pensive. "I don't... understand."

Too soon, Hal is back with Rick and they are interrupted.

Rick moves close and glances to Sapphire. "Where did he fall?"


Turning to see Mick Rosetta held a look of confusion for her brothers actions. The vagueness of the situation was strange and a little frustrating.

"Maybe when he was mixed up in the Agency he new her?"

For a moment Rosetta is quiet thinking for a long moment.

"If Trent can help this girl remember her past maybe than she can move on with her new life."

Trying to fallow and keep up with Ryder in the kitchen Thirteen does her best to keep notes in her mind of how Ryder was doing things.

As Ryder bumps into Thirteen she braces herself but notices something was off. Trying not to dwell on it though she continues to try and move on. Things were still tense with them and she new it.

..Sitting down at the table Thirteen waits for the food. It smelled so good, and she couldnt wait to tast it.

Listing about the new additions that Ryder was putting on the house intregued her even more.

"That would be strange. But we would, I would still get to see you alot?"

Thinking for a long moment Sapphire knows she had to watch what she says but can hear the tone in Gage's voice and it makes her a bit sad.

"We are good guys, if we wernt we wouldnt have let you outside at all. But for now we have to keep you here. You were part of the orginzation that does alot of bad things and you helped in hurting Katie."

Continuing to gentily clean Gage up Sapphire finally finish and puts a wrap around his wound before moving in front of him. The soft smile on her lips still.

"We cant blame you for only knowing the Agency's ways but we also have to be coutious so no one else gets hurt and you dont hurt yourself eather. We do care, I care and hope soon we can help you learn."

Locked up

Mick raised his eyebrows as he too scanned the room for Trent. Upon Rosetta's request, he nodded. "Yeah, sure."

Giving her shoulder a squeeze, he rises from hsi chair to wander outside. It takes him a few minutes, but he finally spots Trent standing quietly by one of the pasture fences. It wasn't all that strange - even though Trent was a part of the gang again, he was still a loner and would often spend quiet time alone. But Mick would check on him for Rosetta. "Hey, Trent."

Trent didn't move.

Mick tried again, leaning sideways into the fence to face his brother-in-law. "Everything okay?"

Trent's eyes hold a strange far-away look, and he doesn't glance in Mick's direction. His jaw muscles try to work out his tension as his fingers pick at some loose splinters of wood on the roughly-hewn fence.

Now Mick was beginning to think Rosetta was right. Something was strange. He tries a third time to start a dialogue, this time more cautiously. "Trent? What's wrong?"

By now, the traces of the one rogue tear were gone, but his eyes still held so much emotion as he finally turns to Mick. "Her name is Jasmine."

Mick had absolutely no idea what Trent was talking about. "What? Who?"

"The girl... in Nevada."

One of Mick's eyebrows quirks. "The one we were talking about who looks like Katie?"

Trent nods, but offers nothing more. Mick is almost frustrated with the lack of information. "And...how do you know her name?"

Trent swallows and shakes his head. "I have to go."

"Well, can't you answer me first?"

"No... I mean, I have to go... to Nevada."

Mick's eyes widen. "I don't understand."

"It was a long time ago." Trent purses his lips grimly as he pushes off the fence, straightening up. "I'll be leaving tomorrow."

"But..." Mick watches in total confusion as Trent walks away, towards his bunkhouse. Sighing, he turns to aim for the dining hall again. By the time he gets there, most of the others have started breaking up for the night. Mick finds Rosetta standing near the kitchen, and he slips his arms around her waist from behind, leaning over her shoulder to give her cheek a kiss. "Trent won't talk to me," he mentions quietly. "He knows something about the Agency girl though, and he says he's leaving tomorrow for Nevada."

Ryder laughs and reaches out to ruffle Thirteen's hair. "Alright... Give me ten minutes, then we'll cook some supper together."

Just as he said, ten minutes later, he's returned, having cleaned up and donned more comfortable jeans and t-shirt. "Ready?" He motions for Thirteen to join him in the kitchen. Setting about gathering the dishware, he moves about, knowing exactly what he wanted. "We're gonna do Italian tonight," he proclaims decidedly. "How does pasta, red sauce, chicken and mozzarella sound to you?"

He scans the inside of the refrigerator. "Don't know what it's called, but it tastes good."

Getting what he needs, he turns to smile at Thirteen. "Pretty soon, you're gonna be self-sufficient, you know that?" He moves about, accidentally bumping into her. "Oh, sorry."

It was the first time he hadn't reached out to steady her.

He hands her a pot then reaches out to turn on the oven. "Okay, lets see what we should do first..."

Soon, the kitchen is filled with aromas that could make anyone's stomach growl. Ryder leans back against the counter, waiting for the timer as he folds his arms over his chest. "If I can get permission, I'm gonna try to build some outside stairs," he muses. "That way, you and Katie can have even more privacy down here."

I'll catch you before you fall in your food.

A smile spreads on Jason's face and he raises Katie's hand to plant a kiss on it.

I missed you too. I would have been lost without you.

Waiting for their food, Jason's mind wanders just a little. Katie hadn't asked him yet today if he'd marry her - perhaps she really had forgotten the notion.

As soon as he'd thought about it though, he knows if Katie had been paying attention, she would have caught on. A month without their connection, Jason had lapsed into not being so careful about his thoughts. He speaks quickly, scattering those rampant thoughts.

"Laura and Nate are gonna be gone for a couple days, but as far as I know, Ryder will be there when I take you home. If you need anything though, on't hesitate to let me know, even if it's small."

Gage is a little surprised by Sapphire's order to sit down, and he doesn't have much choice but to obey. It was hard, giving her access to his wrist, but sitting sideways, he can feel her dabbing away the blood.

He's very quiet for several moments. "I used to be free," he comments. "I don't understand why if you're the good guys, you keep me locked up like this, taunting me with freedom."

He'd enjoyed going outside, but it had fed his loneliness and his desire to be free again... or at least what he had believed was real freedom.



Sapphire's face still held the smile it had before soft, caring, cautious but caring non the less. Gage had been nice, and on her visits to him her never acted up or showed any signs of violence so she really didn't have much of a fear, just a caution in case anything happened she could be ready.

"At least you can still think. Thats always important."

Sapphire cant help the small bit of humor that showed itself as her grin formed. She only hoped Gage didnt take it the wrong way himself.

Seeing Gage start to stand again and still see the glossy look in his eyes, along with the look of falling over Sapphire puts her hands gentily on his shoulders so has to sit down again.

"Don't stand right now, your dizzy and if you dont get your footing your going to go down again."

Moving around to the back of Gage Sapphire than notices the blood. Reaching for a tissue from her desk Sapphire dosnt move to fast not wanting to startle Gage.

"Its ok, a little blood on my chair wont hurt anything. I'd rather know you were ok first anyways."

She couldnt help her kindness to this prisoner of TJY. He was Agency, but like Thirteen its all he new. Could someone really balm him for that?

Entering Mom and Pop's the smell of food hits Katie's noise and makes her tummy rumble making itself known that it was hungry but also that Katie needed to watch what she had to eat the first night out of the hospetil. It had been a long time since she had, had real food and her body just might not be ready yet.

Giving a small wave to Carson a bigger smile forms on Katie's lips.

"Hey Carson. It smells as good as ever in here. Though I think right now anything would taste better than hospetil food."

Moving father in Katie felt a little wobbaly, but she figured it might just be everything that had been going on. She had been locked away for so long it was parable a shock to her system to be out and about again.

"I heard your running the place now. Congrats, I couldn't think of anyone better for the job!"

Giving another smile to Carson Katie makes her way to the table that always had been labeled theres and slowly sits down.

I think I might be overwhelmed just a little. Make sure I dont do a face plant in my food ok?

Katie couldnt help the little chuckle that came next. At least she still had a small part of her sence of humor.

"I think to drink I will have a pepsi, and for dinner...maybe the chicken."

Reaching her hand across the table Katie gentily takes Jason's. Feeling his warm hand in hers never felt so good.

I'm happy I get to be sitting here with you again. I missed you so much.

Thirteen thinks for a moment before answering. She was a little hungry but not to much with her nerves being in a bunch but who could turn down Ryder's cooking.

" I'd love some dinner, if your cooking it that is."

Thinking for a moment Thirteen stands and comes around to the back of the couch giving a smile.

"Maybe I can watch you so I can cook for you some day."

Holding Kaylee on his knee bouncing her gentily ass Cindy brushed her hair Wes just shakes his head.

"Its horrable, no child should have to live like that. I couldnt even imagen how hard it must be on her now."

Sitting next her to husband Rosetta leans back just a little to look and makes sure BJ was still playing safly in the playroom before turning back to the others.

"I wonder if its just a quintessence she looks like Katie or if the Agency made her look like that. Eather way though it burns me up to think she had to live like that and think it was normal."

Shaking her head Rosetta leans just a little bit forward onto the table letting out a sigh.

"I'm happy someone is taking care of her now and is not holding her responsible for anything. She deserves a life like anyone else. Trent did..."

Looking to where he brother had been Rosetta now found the spot empty. She hadn't even relized he got up and left.

"Where did Trent go?"

Wes looks up and than to the door.

"I saw him slip out a few moments ago. He looked upset but thats all I know."

Cocking her head just a little Rosetta sat thoughtfully before looking over to Mick.

"Would you mind making sure he is ok sweetheart?"


Hal comes to his own senses, realizing that Sapphire was lending a hand. He'd seen Gage hit the hard floor, so she was right - just to be on the safe side, Rick should take a look at him. There was no point in having an injured prisoner. He could blame himself... he could have cuffed Gage in the front instead of the back, but he'd thought it best.

"Yeah, keep him there and watch him," he precautions. Gage had been a calm prisoner since he got there, but he didn't want anything else to happen. "I'll be right back."

Getting helped into the chair, Gage winces, giving his head a little shake. Sapphire had asked if he was okay, but he wasn't sure if he was or not. "Um... I think so."

His head hurt like mad - the floor had been very hard. But it wasn't there that he felt a warm ooze trickling down. It was from one of his wrists. He must have given a hard jerk, trying pointlessly to catch himself, and he must have ripped his skin when doing so. He stands back up to avoid getting blood all over Sapphire's desk chair. "Sorry... I... I didn't mean to interrupt your work." He staggers just a little, another wave of dizziness hitting him.

Jason grins and aims the truck in the right direction. "Mom and Pop's it is. They should still be open."

It only takes a few minutes before they reach the little restaurant, and Jason walks Katie inside. It was quiet - most people had had their suppers for the day and it wouldn't be too long before they would close up.

"Well, if it isn't the little sheila back on her feet." Carson smiles as he leans on the counter, then looks at Jason. "They finally release this wildcat?"

Jason grins. "Sure did. They just couldn't keep her there any longer. She was ready to tear the place apart."

"I believe it." Carson throws Katie a wink. "Whatever you want is on the house."

Ryder can't help a soft chuckle at Thirteen. "Crying doesn't always mean you're sad. It just means you're feeling strong emotions."

His smile is evident in his eyes. He was proud of her. He was pleased that she was happy with this arrangement.

"I'm gonna try to work on a few renovations around here, but... I'll be right upstairs any time you need me, and Katie will be here too."

Pausing, he cocks his head. "Want any supper?"

"Yeah, they said she looked a lot like Katie." Mick nods as he leans back in his chair, enjoying an evening cup of coffee with some of the others in the dining hall. The conversation had been turned to the case in Nevada and of the whole scenario of Katie's abduction and rescue.

"That's what Jason said," Cindy agrees. She reaches out to brush Kaylee's hair, who sat on Wes' lap. "He said once you're up close it's obvious it's not Katie, but from any distance anybody could be taken by surprise."

"So who is she?" Sparky questions.

"They don't know." Mick shakes his head. "Well, not really. They're calling her an Agency baby. All they know is that they call her Thirteen. She doesn't even have a name. Gunner said that she called someone her father but they've got their doubts that it's even her real father."

Cindy frowns. "That poor girl. Can you imagine?"

"No." Mick cups his mug between his hands and looks towards BJ. "No child deserves that kind of life. I hope they can give her a good life now."

Luke joins in from the far corner. "How old is she?"

"They're not positive, but they think she's about twenty-one or so."

"Wow and she's never been out in society?"


The conversation continues, but back in the far corner, Trent's eyes are wide and glistening, his face pale. There were too many details... too many pieces that fit.

Without saying anything, he stands up and slips out of the dining hall, going out into the fresh night air to breathe. Leaning against one of the fence rails, a tear runs down his face.

Why am I crying?

Turning back to her paper work Sapphire continues to grin. Gage didn't seem like such a bad gut to her just lost, and even a bit confused. The Agency had been his home since birth would could blame him for how he was when it was all he new.

Stopping for a moment on what she was doing Sapphire just thinks her mind wondering to the few conversations she had with Gage if you could even call it that. She did most of the talking but she didn't mind it much. It was something to break up her day not to mention it was kind of nice to connect with someone different but an outcast almost like herself.

As the few short moments go by Sapphire is back to work after her short break, but the quit only last so long as she hears Susanne shriek and than a lot of banging around outside her cubicle. About to get up and see what was going on Gage appears in the doorway with a large thud.

Seeing out hard Gage hit his head Sapphire jumps from her chair. A little startled and a little concerned at the same time.

Going over to Gage she bends down next to him and gentily places her hands at the back of his head lifting it slightly to make sure he was not bleed.

"Oh Gage, are you ok?"

Seeing now blood she continues to help him up but dosnt let go of him knowing he had to be dizzy after that hit to the head. Gentily guiding him over to her desk she offers him the chair before looking back to Hal.

"Get Rick, Gage hit his head pretty hard and might have a concution."

Looking back to Jason Katie smiles. It felt good to be outside again, the fresh rain fallin air was nice in her lungs after being inside for so long. Though most of the time she had spent not even knowing she was inside still she could tell the fresh air was nice.

Giving a smile Katie nods.

"I am as ready as I will ever be. If I had to spend one more day in the hospetil I thought I was going to go crazy."

Thinking for a long moment Katie continplated going somewhere to eat. She still was not comfortable with her own scars she now had but did it really matter what others said? No not really Jason should be the only one she was conserned with but still it was hard. She new people would looks, and whisper.

Trying her best to swallow her own pride and not worry about how she looked Katie gave a nod.

"How about we go to Mom and Pop's for something to eat? It would be nice to see everyone outside of the hospetil as well."

Turning a little to look up at Ryder Thirteen cant help the smile that makes its way across her face. It was differnt, and felt good to think about this being her home, and having her own big room.

Her eyes beamed showing she was pleased.

"I...thank you so much. I never had a place I could feel comfortable and at home in. I hope here I will be able to."

Thinking for a long moment Thirteen looks away from Ryder, and than back to him again her smile growing.

"And I know things will be ok, because you will be close by. I....wow. Why do I feel like crying when I am not sad?"



Ryder leans over the back of the couch beside Thirteen, cocking his head so he can see her face. "Yeah... if you want it to be. It's the only thing I can think of, unless you want to go back to the spare room at TJY. Pretty soon Laura will be gone and you'll get a room all yours too. What do you think about that?"

Gage turns to look over his shoulder as Hal pushes him along towards the exit. His eyes catch Sapphire's for a moment until he has to look where he's going.

Getting outside, he breathes in the cool evening air. The rain had stopped and the air was damp. But it felt oh-so good. Closing his eyes, he leans back against the building, ignoring the fact that his hands were cuffed and Hal was right there.

Being outside of the building had never felt so relieving before. With hardly any contact with anyone at all, he had feared losing his mind. At least he'd started to make one friend... kind of. Losing hope that anyone from the Agency would come and rescue him, a small light had started to glimmer. Whenever Sapphire had been allowed to bring him his meals, or if she'd been staying late, he at least had someone other than Hal or Reese talk to him. He never said much in return... he mostly just listened. She laughed and he didn't. But he liked the way she smiled and the way she didn't seem to think badly of him. A few chats were all they had, but it was more than he had with anyone else at this point. He wondered if he would get to continue seeing Sapphire, if they moved him somewhere else.


Gage opens his eyes back up to look at Hal, giving a sigh. No, he wasn't. He wanted to stay out here all night if just to be outside the building. His tired gaze proved it, but he nods anyway. Beggars couldn't be choosers.

Walking back inside, it was back down through the line of cubicles. This time he dares to look around a little more, though his head was low, trying to avoid much attention. He knew that around here, he was an outcast. He was the enemy.

Nearing the corner, a woman comes out of nowhere. Her arms were full of papers. No one has time to stop, and the three-person collision sends papers all over the floor.

Susanne gives a little cry as she stumbles backward, all of her files going every which-way. Hal trips and lands against a cubicle, trying not to hit Susanne. Gage tries not to fall, but his foot slides on a piece of paper over the tiled floor. With his hands cuffed behind his back, he has no way to keep his balance or to catch himself.

Going down hard, he falls backward, his head taking the brunt of it. Wincing, he feels a wave of pain and dizziness roll through his skull. He blinks and realizes that he's partway into Sapphire's cubicle, disturbing her as well, and his face reddens slightly, still remaining silent.

Jason looks over to Katie in the passenger seat of his pickup and gives her a smile before they pull out of the hospital parking lot. "Alright, Hero, you ready to get out of here?" It was starting to get dark, but he'd left it up to her if she felt up to going somewhere to grab something to eat first, or if she just wanted to head home.

New Face

Giving a small smile Hope walks back to her desk and sits down.

"You to, I'll be waiting."

Hanging up the phone Hope holds it in her hands for a long moment before putting it back down with a small sigh.

Sifting through her paperwork she stops on a manila envilope that caught her eye as she raised her eyebrow. Strange her was getting something from the state. She'd reading in a few seconds after she looked at the rest of the mail.

Looking at the couch and than Ryder Thirteen almost felt like crying. After Brown had said she deserved her chance she didn't expect to let her stay at his place on the couch.

Walking over she just looks at the couch and than at Ryder before sitting down on it. Never had she felt something so soft and comfortable.

Turning and looking up at Ryder Thirteen gives a smile.

"This is really going to be...my my home?"

Hearing the door open Sapphire looks up from her paper work and see Gage. Giving a small soft smile as Gage pass by Sapphire ofers a small nod knowing she would probley see him again, and couldnt wait.


Silence on the line. Scott just looks at the ceiling, so wishing that things were different. His hand stops on Domino's head as he spots movement in the doorway. It was Gunner, eating a sandwich.

Gunner points to his watch. "Time's up. They'll track it."

Scott sighs as he walks away. "I gotta go," he mentions softly. "Thanks for calling, Hope... it was good to hear from you."

Rolling out of bed, he ambles to the window to look out. "I'll see you soon." He wasn't at all confident, but he had to say it... he had to keep praying he would be released soon. "Take care of yourself."

Ryder busies himself with a couple blankets and pillows, setting up the couch. Finished, he gestures Thirteen towards it. "You're not going back to TJY," he states flatly. 'They'll have to come and drag me out before that so... make yourself at home. This is your home now too."

Reese sits in his office, sifting through papers until he finally finds the one he's looking for. He'd written it up about two weeks ago, and had just been sitting on it. But it was time he did something about it. He needed to talk with Hope Garrison. In the meantime...

He picks up his phone. "Yeah, Hal? Go ahead with Gage, alright? Yeah. Just keep him close."

Gage lifts his head from his spot on the floor. He had no idea what day of the week it was, or even the date. Every day just ran together into one big muddled mess. But he didn't think it was mealtime.

Hal takes some cuffs off his belt. "Come on, Kid. Let's get you some fresh air."

"Fresh... air?"

"Yeah." Hal makes him stand up, and puts his cuffs on before taking him from the room. "You know... outside."

Gage hadn't been outside in almost two months. He hadn't even been near a window. "Wh... why?"

"Because... it's time."

Gage shuffles in front of Hal, looking around the hall nervously. Coming out on the main floor, his eyes are wide and nervous. There were a lot of people out here. The one desk closest holds a girl he's never seen before. The nameplate said Sapphire. His eyes catch hers for a moment before he's prompted towards the door.


Hope listens to Scott enjoying being able to hear his voice again that had a tiny bit of glimmer in it. Even when he became more serous there was still something in his voice that Hope could pick up on.

"I am sure Carson is doing his best and it will be over soon. He's good, and he knows where to look. It wont be long before he finds out your innocent I just know it."

Continuing to look out the window Hope lets out a small sigh. She wasn't Scott councler anymore but she was his friend and liked listing to him, and as a friend she liked to still offer help.

"Always keep a little Hope, a little faith. God will never leave you high and dry..."

Hope pauses for a moment before speaking again.

"..nether will I. No matter what I will be here for you."

Leaning her head aganst the glass for a moment Hope hears a knock at the door. Turning to look she saw her secritary holding the mail. Motioning for her to put it on the desk Hope turned back to the window.

"I miss you too very much Scott."

And she did. He sounded ok, everyone said he was doing ok but to see it with her own eyes would be a whole nother thing. Maybe on the way home from work she would get "lost" and see if maybe just maybe she could catch a glance.

Just want

Scott lifts his eyebrows at the mention of the pictures. "Naw... I don't mind. I think I've got some better ones here in the last month or so though, so I'll have to get you some new ones. I've got one of a rose that turned out really well."

Glancing down at Domino, he scratches her head. "Domino is doing fine, but she's bored out of her mind. All she wants in a romp in the park, but Gunner doesn't do dogs and I can't go anywhere so... she's stuck keeping me company here."

His eyes roam his room, then glance towards the sunlit window. "I wish I could go to the park too... it's been... lonely." His voice has returned to a more melancholy state, proving that though he was thrilled to be talking to Hope, there was still a serious matter here that was wearing on him.

"I just want this whole thing to be over... I just want to be... free again. But Carson's not finding anything and at this point... I'm running out of hope. I'd almost rather be told I'm going to prison, than to keep living in limbo like this."

Giving a sigh, he just lets silence rule for several moments, not minding the pause. "I miss you."

Little Ham

Hope cant help but laugh at Scott's comment happen to hear the humor in his voice and know just form the sound something had changed and maybe even been overcome.

"I guess that would be different huh? I don't like how I sound. Your voice it much more appealing than mine you know!"

Hope leans back in her chair and just looks up at the cealing for a long moment as the silence is turd on both ends. Finally talking again she humors Scott.

"Oh, thinks are going ok here. Business is kind of slow at the moment but I have a few regulers I have been seeing. I even hung a few of your pictures up in my office. One I like them and two I guess I wanted to have them so they could give other hope that they two could make it out of the darkness. I hope you dont mind to much. If you do I can take them down."

Giving another smile Hope stands and goes over to her windows to look out. It was nice out, the sun was shinning and she didnt have much to do. She wondered if Gunner would let her see Scott too.

"How is Domino doing? I miss the little ham."

Other way

Scott's eyes flash as he realizes just who is on the other end. Then a smile forms.

His cheeks grow just a little warm and he rolls over on his back to stare up at the ceiling. A light chuckle escapes.

"I'm doing... okay." He pauses, rerouting the start of their conversation. "What I want to know is what took you so long to try and call me."

Teasing, his smile could be heard in his voice. "How come I have to do the talking, hmm? Can we try to do it the other way around once?"


How sweet

Listing intently to Brown, Thirteen didnt feel as nervous about him anymore. His eyes were bright, and he seemed very calm and nice.

Thirteen's own eyes light up as she hears Brown talk about getting her charges dropped, and not having to stay at TJY anymore. For some reason she didnt think it would be quite this easy.

Standing when Ryder does Thirteen holds her hand out to Brown for a handshake a smile had formed on her lips as she gives a little sniff her hold still hanging on.

"Thank you so much Sir."

Following Ryder outside Thirteen slips her hand into his again as she smiled at him. His compliment making her feel good.

"So did you, thank you Ryder for everything."

Getting into the truck once again Thirteen couldnt help but feel a little excited now. Things would be differnt, Ryder said so. She would be normal now like she always wanted to be.

"So now what?"

Holding Dani's number in his hand Dalton felt a little strange for a moment. He almost felt like a little kid with a crush. Not letting the feeling hang around for to long Dalton looks up at Dani and lets the courners of his mouth turn up in a smile.

"I will call you, that you can bet on."

Reaching out Dalton gentily runs a hand down the side of Dani's face letting it linger for a moment before retreating.

"I am happy I could make you smile today. For once I returned the favor."

Shocked for a moment at Gunner's outburst Hope is taken back and for a second wondered if it was a good idea calling at all.

Listing to the muffled sound in the background Hope was about to hang up thinking maybe Gunner was going to be disconnected from him, but as she is about to hang up the phone a new voice is hurd.

How sweet it sounded to hear Scott's voice and how it made her heart jump. She wasnt ashamed to addmit she had missed the sound of it.

"I had so much I wanted to say to you, but now that your on the other line I think I would just rather listen to your sweet voice talk. Oh how I missed it. How are you sweetheart?"

Thought Scott couldnt see her Hope was smiling as her cheeks started to hurt but the pain when unoticed.

Different voice

Brown listens to Thirteen and cocks his head thoughtfully while he listens. When she's finished, the office grows quiet until Brown finally leans forward, resting his elbows on his desk. "Well, young lady... I don't like anybody getting caught in the system. And... from what I can tell, you've supplied us with all the information you can. As far as I know, there is no proof of intentional illegal activity so... what I can do is put in a special request for you that the charges be dropped and the file closed so that you will be free to live your life."

Ryder can't help that his eyes widen slightly. Though he'd acted confidently, he hadn't really thought that Brown would actually help in this capacity. "How long will that take?"

"Depends on if I can get the request to go through. But... since things are so busy, I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't take long just because it's not a priority."

"That's great. Um... thank you. Is there anything else we can do?"

"Well what do you plan to do with the little lady in the meantime?"

Ryder glances to Thirteen, then back to Brown. "I have a few things in mind. There's an empty couch I know of at the moment, and pretty soon an empty bed too. I want to give Thirteen a fighting chance."

Brown's gentle smile returns and he nods. "I've got three daughters. I understand. I'll be in touch."

Ryder takes his cue to rise, and lets Thirteen stand with him. "Thank you..."

"Don't thank me yet. Just take care of her."

"Oh... one more thing?" Ryder turns back around. "Do you think you could tell Reese it's alright to have Thirteen in my care?"

"I think I can do that." Brown chuckles. "I admire your determination. Hang in there."

Once Ryder and Thirteen are outside again by the car, he slips his arm around her shoulders to give her a little squeeze. "You did good."

Dani leaves the restaurant with a smile on her face and a hand on Dalton's arm. He was such a gentleman. She'd known he was nice, but she hadn't known he was THIS nice. It made her smile, just thinking of him being so soft and careful with her, when he was so big.

The ride back to the apartment seems too quick, and when they're parked, Dani waits a moment before getting out. She turns to look at Dalton, quiet for several seconds. "Thank you... I needed that boost today and... I'll look forward to that run in the park."

She slips him a piece of paper with her cell phone number on it. "Just let me know when."

Hearing Hope's voice on the other end of the line, Gunner gives a low growl of frustration. "You do realize that this whole thing is stupid, don't you?" He gets up from the couch, walking across the room as he talks. "I'm getting paid to be a babysitter," he grumbles. "Just quit jumping through the Elite hoops... you of all people could get away with more than this."

There's a long pause with muffled background noise and bumps and bangs. One might think they'd been disconnected. But finally a voice comes back. But it's not Gunner this time.

Scott quirks an eyebrow, having no idea why Gunner had handed him his cell phone. He rolls over to prop himself on his elbow while on his bed, his other hand stroking Domino's head.



Knowing something still wasn't up to par with Ryder but it was a little better. Sitting quietly in the truck Thirteen watches as the scenery go by.

Finally getting to the station Thirteen just looks out the window at the building for a long moment. Was coming really a good idea? Getting out of the car Thirteen standing next to Ryder and slips her hand into his slowly closing her fingers around his. The wormth from his own making her feel comfortable and safe.

Following close to Ryder Thirteen keeps her eyes down as they move through the station not looking at anyone.

Getting to Brown's office Thirteen looks up and gives a small friendly smile before looking down again and standing with Ryder. Listing to his words again she felt a little strange standing there and having someone talk about her.

Finally as Brown turns his own attachen to her and asks the question Thirteen trys to raise her head as high as she cant, mimicking Ryder's own confidence. she clears her throat and talks quiet but with her own confidence.

"Ryder has helped me alot, and has taken good care of me."

Looking to Ryder Thirteen smiles a little before looking back to Brown.

"He's the best friend I ever had and He has showed me so much. I dont like being at TJY and staying in a room all the time. I promise I wont make trouble if you let me out of there."

Dalton gives a small smile and a nod as the waitress brings over the check for the table. Reaching out to take it he had already planed on picking up the tab.

"Well, our next date will have to be a run in the park requested by you. I think I like the sound of that."

Giving a smile Dalton stands and puts his arm out for Dani once again offering to walk with her out to the car.

Giving her thanks to Susanne Hope hangs up the phone and than dials Gunner's phone. Letting it ring for a little while Hope wondered if he would even answer the strange number. Finally hearing Gunner's voice Hope sits up.

"Hello Gunner, My name is Hope Garrison and Well, I wanted to say thinking you. I was very happy to get Scott'd letters. I've really missed seeing him."

Quit for a moment Hope is quiet, but than continues really wanting to know from someone else how Scott was.

"How...How is Scott doing?"

Good reason

Ryder grabs his wallet to put in his back pocket and heads for the door, a little surprised but fine with Thirteen coming along to the police station.

Stopping at the door, he turns to look at her for a moment, cocking his head. "Don't worry... we'll find a place for you. I won't leave you hanging." He nods to the open door for Thirteen to exit before he locks up the house.

Driving down to the station, Ryder is pretty quiet. With a lot on his mind, he did his best not to act differently around Thirteen, but he knew that she could sense it. She wasn't stupid.

Once they're at the station, Ryder takes Thirteen's hand and walks inside, keeping her close as it was apparently a busy day. Approaching the counter, he addresses a woman office. "Is Chief Brown in today?"

"He just got back," she informs. "He's got a meeting in fifteen minutes, but you might be able to catch him in his office."

"Great. Thanks." Heading in the right direction, Ryder keeps Thirteen's hand in his grip until they've been invited into the warm office.

"Ah, Ryder, right?" Brown extends his hand.

"That's right. G'day."

"And who is this?" Brown looks to Thirteen, seeming to catch the shyness behind her bright eyes. His smile is gentle.

"This is Thirteen," Ryder introduces.

"Ah yes. The ward from TJY."

"Yes. That's... actually what I wanted to talk to you about."

Brown invites both to sit down and he himself sits on the other side of his desk. "I know the paperwork has been hung up for a while... this is an odd case. Reese and I were just discussing it the other day, but the judges have been busy with other priorities so no decisions have been made yet."

"As it's been with Scott," Ryder comments, a bit pointedly. "Look... we just need something else to happen here. Thirteen can't keep staying at TJY. She's been locked in a room for crying out loud. I took her to stay in a house for one night and I got raked over the coals for it. She's learning and growing and if we're going to have a success at reintroducing her to society, then we have to do just that... reintroduce her, not keep her locked up like an animal." He didn't particularly care for talking about Thirteen when she was right there, but he didn't have much of a choice.

Brown sits back, his eyes narrowing a little as he thinks. Pursing his lips, he looks to Thirteen. "I see your friend here is trying hard to do what's best for you. What do you have to say about all of this?"

Another little chuckle bubbles to the surface as Dani looks across at Dalton. Her cheeks were warm, her eyes glistening. "I guess first dates are always kind of awkward. But... I'm having a good time too. I, um...." She looks down, giving a bit of a laugh at herself. "I guess I kind of hoped you would ask me one of the days."

Glancing back up, she takes a sip of her water. "Walking sounds nice too... Though we could try the running sometime. I wouldn't mind trying to keep up. At least if I couldn't, there would be a good reason."

Susanne looks over her shoulder to make sure Reese's office is closed. "Hi, Hope. Um... yes.... I could give you Gunner's number." A smile is on her lips, her voice kept quiet. "Just don't tell anyone I gave it to you."

After giving Hope the number, Susanne hangs up, her smile still present. She knew she wasn't supposed to give that out, but after all, Hope had been Scott's councilor... surely she had special priviledges... and no one had specified not to give HER the number.

Gunner is lazing on the couch in front of the television when his phone goes off. Checking the number, he furrows his brow, tempted not to answer. But for some reason he did. "Yeah, hello?"


Seeing Henry enter the room Thirteen puts her hand down slowly to let the cat sniff her hand.

"Hi Henry your pretty kitty."

Feeling Henry jump up on the couch after Ryder had put her down she pets his few. How soft he felt under his finger tips.

Bringing her attachen to Ryder again Thirteen just thinks about what he said trying to process everything in her own mind.

For a moment Thirteen thinks. If she didnt stay at TJY anymore and she couldn't stay with Ryder where would she go.

"Hmmm...Ryder? If I don't stay at TJY and I cant stay with you where will I go?"

Moving from the couch Thirteen stands and takes the blanket she was using and folds it draping it back over the back before taking her cup and putting it into the sink before coming back into the livingroom where Ryder was.

"I'll come with you. Maybe....if your friend at the station see me he will see I am no threat and if he has any questions I can answer them. I'm not scaired, you will be there with me."

Smiling from across the table one who new Dalton at all would know it was very rare to see the light that was now on his face.

Not to mention Dalton himself was not use to having someone who was so interested in him and not concerned with his looks. It was strange trying to find something to talk about other than work.

"Well I'd tell you to come running with me and I would stop for breathers with you but...I don't think you could keep up. My legs are pretty long."

Dalton cant help the chuckle that escapes his lips as he takes a bite of his food. It had been a long time since he has Chinese and it tasted like heaven.

"..I like walks though."

Looking down at his plate and than back up at Dani Dalton look was more on a serious side now, but the smile still twinkled in his eye.

"Thanks Dani for coming to lunch with me. I'm having a nice time even if we feel a little awkward."

Opening her door for the daily mail Hope hears the ploop of something outside the door. Looking down and seeing the envilope a smile comes to her lips....

...Finishing the last letter Hope cant help but whipe a tear from her eye but not one of sadness but one of happyness and an honnor like no other.

Scott was well and that made Hope happy to know. Sitting in her chair she wondered. Gunner, yes he was the one with Scott could it have been him who droped the letters?

Grabbing the phone Hope waits for someone to answer hoping it would be the one she wanted. Hearing Susanne's voice Hope can only thank the lord for her answer prayers.

"Hi Susanne, its Hope Garrison. I was wondering if you could give me Gunner's number so I could see how Scott was doing!"


Ryder sighs again and stands up to pace while he thinks. He knew by the look on Thirteen's face that she'd had another small setback - and this one was his fault. He had to fix this... he had to make all of this right.

"I'm gonna go over Reese's head," he states decidedly. "You're stuck in the system, and I'm tired of it. I don't care if I lose my job. You deserve better." He kept saying that... but he still believed it. Living at TJY was no place for anybody, let alone someone like Thirteen who had no mal-intent whatsoever. Ryder couldn't sense a mean bone in her body. She was lost, confused, and needed a bit more TLC, just enough to give her a boost so she could start being more independent. Maybe Ryder had gone a little too far this morning, but it was over and wouldn't happen again. He was growing more and more attached to Thirteen... he couldn't deny that... and he knew it was dangerous. But he wasn't going to shove her off onto someone else.

"I'm going to see to it that you don't have to stay at TJY any longer. You've given us all the information you can and there's nothing left. You don't deserve jail and they know that - otherwise you'd be there already."

Henry wanders into the living room, having been hiding out in Laura's room. He sniffs the air and rubs up against Ryder's legs, looking over to the couch uneasily. A little meow signals that he wonders what's going on.

Ryder bends down to pick him up, stroking the soft fur. "Henry, this is Thirteen." Shaking his head, he puts the cat back down and turns his attention back to Thirteen. "I'm going down to the police station. You can stay here alone or come with me. No one knows yet that I've found you so we shouln't have anybody from TJY clammoring to get you back."