

Sapphire's face still held the smile it had before soft, caring, cautious but caring non the less. Gage had been nice, and on her visits to him her never acted up or showed any signs of violence so she really didn't have much of a fear, just a caution in case anything happened she could be ready.

"At least you can still think. Thats always important."

Sapphire cant help the small bit of humor that showed itself as her grin formed. She only hoped Gage didnt take it the wrong way himself.

Seeing Gage start to stand again and still see the glossy look in his eyes, along with the look of falling over Sapphire puts her hands gentily on his shoulders so has to sit down again.

"Don't stand right now, your dizzy and if you dont get your footing your going to go down again."

Moving around to the back of Gage Sapphire than notices the blood. Reaching for a tissue from her desk Sapphire dosnt move to fast not wanting to startle Gage.

"Its ok, a little blood on my chair wont hurt anything. I'd rather know you were ok first anyways."

She couldnt help her kindness to this prisoner of TJY. He was Agency, but like Thirteen its all he new. Could someone really balm him for that?

Entering Mom and Pop's the smell of food hits Katie's noise and makes her tummy rumble making itself known that it was hungry but also that Katie needed to watch what she had to eat the first night out of the hospetil. It had been a long time since she had, had real food and her body just might not be ready yet.

Giving a small wave to Carson a bigger smile forms on Katie's lips.

"Hey Carson. It smells as good as ever in here. Though I think right now anything would taste better than hospetil food."

Moving father in Katie felt a little wobbaly, but she figured it might just be everything that had been going on. She had been locked away for so long it was parable a shock to her system to be out and about again.

"I heard your running the place now. Congrats, I couldn't think of anyone better for the job!"

Giving another smile to Carson Katie makes her way to the table that always had been labeled theres and slowly sits down.

I think I might be overwhelmed just a little. Make sure I dont do a face plant in my food ok?

Katie couldnt help the little chuckle that came next. At least she still had a small part of her sence of humor.

"I think to drink I will have a pepsi, and for dinner...maybe the chicken."

Reaching her hand across the table Katie gentily takes Jason's. Feeling his warm hand in hers never felt so good.

I'm happy I get to be sitting here with you again. I missed you so much.

Thirteen thinks for a moment before answering. She was a little hungry but not to much with her nerves being in a bunch but who could turn down Ryder's cooking.

" I'd love some dinner, if your cooking it that is."

Thinking for a moment Thirteen stands and comes around to the back of the couch giving a smile.

"Maybe I can watch you so I can cook for you some day."

Holding Kaylee on his knee bouncing her gentily ass Cindy brushed her hair Wes just shakes his head.

"Its horrable, no child should have to live like that. I couldnt even imagen how hard it must be on her now."

Sitting next her to husband Rosetta leans back just a little to look and makes sure BJ was still playing safly in the playroom before turning back to the others.

"I wonder if its just a quintessence she looks like Katie or if the Agency made her look like that. Eather way though it burns me up to think she had to live like that and think it was normal."

Shaking her head Rosetta leans just a little bit forward onto the table letting out a sigh.

"I'm happy someone is taking care of her now and is not holding her responsible for anything. She deserves a life like anyone else. Trent did..."

Looking to where he brother had been Rosetta now found the spot empty. She hadn't even relized he got up and left.

"Where did Trent go?"

Wes looks up and than to the door.

"I saw him slip out a few moments ago. He looked upset but thats all I know."

Cocking her head just a little Rosetta sat thoughtfully before looking over to Mick.

"Would you mind making sure he is ok sweetheart?"

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