

Hal comes to his own senses, realizing that Sapphire was lending a hand. He'd seen Gage hit the hard floor, so she was right - just to be on the safe side, Rick should take a look at him. There was no point in having an injured prisoner. He could blame himself... he could have cuffed Gage in the front instead of the back, but he'd thought it best.

"Yeah, keep him there and watch him," he precautions. Gage had been a calm prisoner since he got there, but he didn't want anything else to happen. "I'll be right back."

Getting helped into the chair, Gage winces, giving his head a little shake. Sapphire had asked if he was okay, but he wasn't sure if he was or not. "Um... I think so."

His head hurt like mad - the floor had been very hard. But it wasn't there that he felt a warm ooze trickling down. It was from one of his wrists. He must have given a hard jerk, trying pointlessly to catch himself, and he must have ripped his skin when doing so. He stands back up to avoid getting blood all over Sapphire's desk chair. "Sorry... I... I didn't mean to interrupt your work." He staggers just a little, another wave of dizziness hitting him.

Jason grins and aims the truck in the right direction. "Mom and Pop's it is. They should still be open."

It only takes a few minutes before they reach the little restaurant, and Jason walks Katie inside. It was quiet - most people had had their suppers for the day and it wouldn't be too long before they would close up.

"Well, if it isn't the little sheila back on her feet." Carson smiles as he leans on the counter, then looks at Jason. "They finally release this wildcat?"

Jason grins. "Sure did. They just couldn't keep her there any longer. She was ready to tear the place apart."

"I believe it." Carson throws Katie a wink. "Whatever you want is on the house."

Ryder can't help a soft chuckle at Thirteen. "Crying doesn't always mean you're sad. It just means you're feeling strong emotions."

His smile is evident in his eyes. He was proud of her. He was pleased that she was happy with this arrangement.

"I'm gonna try to work on a few renovations around here, but... I'll be right upstairs any time you need me, and Katie will be here too."

Pausing, he cocks his head. "Want any supper?"

"Yeah, they said she looked a lot like Katie." Mick nods as he leans back in his chair, enjoying an evening cup of coffee with some of the others in the dining hall. The conversation had been turned to the case in Nevada and of the whole scenario of Katie's abduction and rescue.

"That's what Jason said," Cindy agrees. She reaches out to brush Kaylee's hair, who sat on Wes' lap. "He said once you're up close it's obvious it's not Katie, but from any distance anybody could be taken by surprise."

"So who is she?" Sparky questions.

"They don't know." Mick shakes his head. "Well, not really. They're calling her an Agency baby. All they know is that they call her Thirteen. She doesn't even have a name. Gunner said that she called someone her father but they've got their doubts that it's even her real father."

Cindy frowns. "That poor girl. Can you imagine?"

"No." Mick cups his mug between his hands and looks towards BJ. "No child deserves that kind of life. I hope they can give her a good life now."

Luke joins in from the far corner. "How old is she?"

"They're not positive, but they think she's about twenty-one or so."

"Wow and she's never been out in society?"


The conversation continues, but back in the far corner, Trent's eyes are wide and glistening, his face pale. There were too many details... too many pieces that fit.

Without saying anything, he stands up and slips out of the dining hall, going out into the fresh night air to breathe. Leaning against one of the fence rails, a tear runs down his face.

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