

Scott is so absorbed in his own world, that he doesn't even hear Katie come into the infirmary. When she touches his arm though, he almost jumps out of his skin, snapping his head up, with fear in his eyes. The look that crosses his face is sheer terror until he realizes who she is.

His heart pounding in his chest, Scott swallows hard before looking down again, once more hiding his face in his knees. "Don't let them come back," he begs, his words muffled, barely understandable. "Please... I can't... they wouldn't listen.... please... don't let them come back."

Jason gently picks out the soft notes on his guitar, slouching in his living room chair. He wasn't paying much attention... just letting the music follow where it would. The mellow tune drifted out, calming the atmosphere and even putting Trooper to sleep.

A strange interruption though, causes Jason's fingers to stop. What was that? It hadn't been any stronger than a feather brushing against one's skin, but his sensitivity had intensified the last couple months, and any slight variance to the emotional pull was felt.

If Katie wasn't paying attention, it could be nothing more than her watching an emotional movie, but the lurch was just enough to make Jason question it. It was late, and he'd been unconsciously ready for a more relaxed flow. One that mimicked the steady breathing of one fallen to sleep - it was always a soothing calmness when Katie was asleep. But obviously she was awake.

Jason didn't want to be paranoid, nor did he want to interrupt Katie if she was in the middle of anything, but he couldn't tell if it had been a good lurch or a bad one. Sometimes he wished he had her gift for knowing what the feelings were. All he could do was sense a change.

Hey, Hero... call me crazy... everything okay?

"Mmm...." Bret yawns and stretches long on the couch, shutting the tv off. The weatherman had just predicted that the unusually cool temperatures were to taper off and they would be in the middle of their normal and comfortable fall conditions. "Looks like a cave adventure won't be so bad after all," he mentions sleepily.

His arm flops back around Charlotte, and he scoots further down into the couch, not sure exactly how his legs were tangled around hers and the cushions, but he didn't care. It was comfortable.

Though tired, he can't help but run his fingers through her soft hair. "I don't think I can make it upstairs," he mumbles.


*As Katie sits along in her room she thumbs through some old books. It was a quiet night and much had been delt with at work. Though she new Jason didnt really want to be alone he had asked to be and Katie wanted to respect that. So she choose to just sit and read her own mind moving to differnt places. As Katie turns the page of her book a strange feeling over comes her. Something, somewhere was not right. It wasnt Jason that the feeling came from, and it felt differnt from what she normaly felt with him. This was more of an incling than an emotion she felt. It was the normal feeling of thinking someone was being hurt. A friends feeling that another needed tham, it was normal. Resting her book in her lap Katie soaks in this new feeling. It was strange and it was enough for her to be on edge that something really was wrong but with who? Scott! His name was the first one to come to mind. Something...it was enough of a feeling that Katie had to make sure. She had to see he was ok. After knowing what he had been though Katie had to see for herself for her friends sake. Putting her book down Katie thorws her hoodie on and takes her car keys heading out the door.

...Opening the door slowly on the infermary Katie peeks her head in trying her best to be quiet in case Scott is sleeping. Looking over twords the bed Katie can make out the figured huddled up on the bed. An instint sicking fear hits Katie as the sit could hurt the hardest of hearts. Opening the door more but not moving to fast to scair Scott Katie makes her way over to him quickly.

Sitting down gently on the bed Katie puts her hand on Scott's arm to let him know she was there.*

"Hey Scotty. Whats going on? You don't look so hot."

Shattered soul

Kyle takes a deep breath and gives a little nod, his goal to not make Misty feel any worse than she already did. "Well... I want to keep working on us too, but... I'll be honest... I don't wanna be the one lost in the dust here."

A grin still tweaks the corner of his mouth. "But you know that."

He is silent for a few more moments, then glances down at his watch. "How about...we both go back to work...I'll be late the way it is. And... tomorrow I've got double-shift, so free time won't exist, and then... I'll call you Friday."

He gets up from the table, setting his napkin down by his half-full plate, reaching down to run a finger along Misty's cheek. "Don't worry about me, Miss T. You need to do what you want to do and nobody should tell you different."

Kyle bends down to kiss her lightly on the forehead before turning and exiting the restaurant, paying for both their meals. Heading for his truck, he just sits in it for a moment before finally starting the engine and pulling away. Getting back to work, he heads to the hot, busy kitchen.

"Kyle?" Nancy looks at him with question. "You've got a whole forty-five minutes left on your break. What are you doing back here so early?"

Kyle shakes his head and grabs an apron. "Oh, you know how dates go. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you fall flat on your face."

Nancy looks at him with pity. "Aww... that bad?"

"Nah." Kyle jumps right back into work. "Nothing a little pizza grease won't cure. What kind of orders we got?"

"Darin's got the large supreme. You can take the pepperoni one." Nancy moves to answer the phone before coming back. "So you didn't even get to ask her what she thought about that thing with Cryptic?"

"No, but I will. I'll probably see her Friday."

Nancy looks at him skeptically. "Alright. Well...let's get this day over with."

The day seems to go by slowly, time the only factor that weaves everyone together in an unknown plan of the future. Smiles are worn on faces... some genuine, some forced as teeth are gritted to ignore the pain within.

On one side of town, things are warm, factors settling at least for now. Carson finishes out his day at Mom in Pops in time to visit Dani and work things out, then spend some time with Jess at a movie.

Nearby in an apartment, one brother relaxes after work by lounging in front of the television, while Kyle heads for his room where songwriting becomes the ultimate distraction.

On the other side of town, nerves grow more tense as the arrival of a senior TJY agent is anticipated. Unable to concentrate any more, Jason heads from work early to go home. Not wanting to go out, and not wanting to socialize with friends, he gains time with his guitar alone, though even then, the lonely atmosphere isn't a welcomed one.

TJY grows quieter and quieter as one by one, agents leave for the night. Some readily, others reluctantly. Lights are shut down, computers turned off, and desks left until the morning.

Down the hall, the infirmary is left quiet, Scott resting as peacefully as he could. Rick had given him something to help him sleep, even though he'd been in and out of dozing all day. It hadn't been enough to rid him of his exhaustion, or his fear of the dreams that would come, and now as the shadows grow long, and the quietness fills the room, he can't help but pull the blanket up closer and bury his head a little deeper into his pillow...

"Well, hi there, Scott."

Scott turns his head too quickly, sending a pain down the back of his neck. Seeing Austin in the doorway, he raises his eyebrows. It had to have been about a year since Austin had been back here...since he'd been stationed in Texas.

"Hey, welcome back, Austin." Scott's voice is a bit weak and hoarse, but he manages a forced smile.

Austin returns a smile and enters the infirmary, his hands tucked in his pockets. "Thanks. good to be back. Heard about everything that's been going on here. How are you?"

Scott shrugs. "I'm....ok." He pulls himself up so he's sitting up straighter in bed. "Here for just a couple more days then...back home I guess. Heard things were okay in Texas."

Austin nods. "Yeah... Kinda quiet there now, which is good. I'm glad anyway. For them, and for me so I could finally come back. Reese has been taking care of my house, but once I get back there, I can't imagine what I'm going to find."

Scott offers a slight grin. "Get your dust cloth ready."

"No kidding." Austin studies Scott for a minute, seeing the lack of vision in one eye, and seeing all the remnants of cuts and bruises. He was sure he looked better than when they'd first brought him back. "Well, hey listen, um... I've got a friend here with me, and I know technically the office is closed, but he's leaving tonight and we just wanted to chat with you for a couple minutes if it's okay."

Scott can feel himself get just a little on edge. "Who?"

"Oh, he's an agent," Austin assures. "He's been in Utah and met me here."

"Well, what..."

"I promise it will only be a couple minutes." Austin smiles and prompts Scott out of bed. "You alright walking?"

"Um...yeah..." Confused, Scott follows directly lamely. He gets out of bed and teeters for just a moment before finding the strength in his legs to walk, then goes with Austin, being led by an arm.

Heading down the hall, Austin stops by the open interrogation room. A man is outside waiting. He was well-built with dark hair, and seemed friendly enough. But Scott didn't recognize him at all. "What are we..."

"Just come on in and sit down," Austin urges, moving forward again.

Reaching the doorway, Scott's eye sees the interior of the concrete room, and a slight smell of must hits his nose from the damp basement atmosphere. He stops in his tracks, a wave of terror hitting him as his mind suddenly sees images of the cell he'd been chained in. "No...I..."

Austin stops. "What's wrong?"

"I...can we...." Scott swallows hard. "Can we talk somewhere else?"

"In here is fine. It was just convenient. Come on."

"But..." Scott resists the nudge to his arm, planting his bare feet on the floor. "No... it..."

"Come on." Austin's voice grows firmer. "It'll be a lot easier if you just cooperate."

Again, fear surges through Scott's veins. Something wasn't right. "Cooperate? What...what are you talking about?"

Austin ignores the question and looks to his friend. "Jerry, help him inside."

Before Scott can react, Austin has entered the room, and Jerry has approached quickly, pushing Scott in as well. Scott tries to resist, but has no strength to fight, and winds up being shoved toward the table and into a chair, almost falling onto the floor.

His eyes are wide as he looks across the table at Austin, his ears hearing the door being closed. "Austin...what's going on?"

"I'm sorry, Scott, but I need some answers."

"Answers? About...about what?" Scott glances around fearfully, his hands starting to shake. "What...what are you talking about?"

"Who was holding, you, Scott?" Austin's questions are even and cool, his hand hovered over a notepad to take notes.

Scott licks his dry lips. "Well...it was the Agency. But...you knew that."

"I need more than that. I need names."

"I...don't have any."

"Yes you do." Austin looks at him sternly. "You do. You heard and saw things and were told things and that's the information that I need."

"But...but I don't remember."

"Yes you do!" Austin slams a hand down on the table. "Names. Now."

Scott can feel his heartrate quicken. Reese had said he could just write up a report when he felt ready...he hadn't said anything like this would happen. His mind takes him back to a place he doesn't want to go. The voices..the eyes...the rough hands... the beatings.

"Names, Scott!"

Scott jumps. "D...Donovan."

"Who was he?"

"I don't know."

"Who was he?!"

"I don't know! He slapped me around!"

Austin takes a note. "What did they want from you?"

"What do they always want? They wanted to know about TJY."

"What did you tell them?"


Austin looks up at Scott, a smile curling his lips. "Come now, Scott. We both know you broke. Now what did you tell them?"

Scott's face pales, the shaking of his hands worsening. "I...nothing...." An image flashes through his mind of Donovan screaming at him for answers, then hitting him again. He flinches. "Nothing."

"What did you tell them?!" Austin barks. "I know you gave up information!"

"I did not!" Scott raises his voice, a tear stinging his eye. "Why do you think they beat the crap out of me?!"

"They have ways of making people talk," Austin replies calmly. "They also brainwash their prisoners so they'll continue feeding them information. I want to know who your contact is supposed to be."

Scott's eyes are wide with disbelief and fear. "Nobody...I... it's not true... I didn't..."

A heavy hand is laid onto Scott's shoulder. Jerry speaks quietly but sternly. "You better give him the answers he wants."

Scott jumps under the stranger's hand, and he begins to tremble all over. "They...they tried. But...but I wouldn't give them what they wanted."

"How did they try?"

Scott's voice wavers. "I...don't remmeber."

"Yes you do! How did they try?!"

Scott cringes at the memories being hurled at him. He didn't want to think about them. They terrorized his mind and brought on a fear like not other. "I....no.. they... they hit me and told me...told me they'd hurt my friends..." He swallows hard, a tear running down the side of his face. "It hurt...but I couldn't...."

"What else?"

Scott shakes his head. He didn't want to talk about it.

"Talk!" Austin leans forward across the table. "I want answers, Scott. TJY can't afford a mole."

"I'm not a mole!" Scott shouts back. "It's not true! I didn't rat anybody out!"

"That's impossible with them!" Austin doesn't flinch. "They make people talk, and they made you talk too. Now tell me what you know!"

Scott felt dizzy, and like he was going to throw up. The explosion... being taken... beaten... tortured... beaten again... "No... no..." He shakes his head again. "There's nothing there. I don't remember."

"Yes you do!" Austin's hand comes down hard on the table once more. "By the time we're finished here, you will have told me every single detail that's lodged in that mind of yours. You will tell me how you were taken, you will tell me who was there, and you will tell me what methods of torture they used and how you were able to even escape. It can take ten minutes or it can take all night. It's your pick. But you will answer me...you will tell me..."

Scott looks back at Austin, a fear in his veins that he never wanted to feel again...

...The infirmary was dark and quiet. A small corner light provided a slight warm glow, but the rest of the room was dark. Scott sat on top of the bed, his knees tucked up tightly against his chest, held in place by his arms. His face was buried in knees, and he rocks slowly, trying to erase the memories...trying to erase the words...the pictures...the feelings.

It had taken two hours. Two hours of pure torture, dredging up details... horrific images... terrifying feelings... half of which he hadn't even been able to voice because it hurt too much. All to end up not even being able to give Austin what he wanted. There were things Scott simply couldn't remember... and the things that he did were so painful, they'd had to be pried from him, each and every word tearing at his heart and mind all over again.

And when it was over... he'd been brought back here to be left in the dark... alone... under direct orders to tell no one that he had been interrogated. He felt exposed and betrayed by his own team.

The room was dark... quiet... only if close would someone hear the quiet whimper of a shattered soul.

Don't know

*Misty puts her other hand on top of Kyle's as his finger ran over her skin. What was wrong with her she had something good right in front of her someone she cared so much for and yet Carson was still on her mind. Would she grow out of thinking about what they had? Did she just need more time? Though Kyle tryed to hide it Misty could tell there was hurt. She was hurting someone she didnt want too.*

" I dont know what to do Kyle. I Want to keep trying to work on us Kyle. I like what we have but I dont know if its right or not."

*Misty trys to force the best smile she can. Was she doing what was right? She was stronger than they why did she feel so weak.*



Kyle is quiet for several moments, going through Misty's words one at a time in his mind. Sighing deeply, he lowers his arms, slowly reaching across the table to take her hand in his. He looks down, running a thumb over her fingers thoughtfully before looking up at her face.

A slight smile is forced through. "You realize that, um... a guy can't just forget it when a girl tells him something like that." He makes himself hold a wary grin. "I'm glad you didn't hide anything, but... there's obviously something there and... I..."

Kyle stops, not even sure what to say. Misty obviously didn't want to hurt his feelings, or cause a rift or anything, but what she'd said... he couldn't simply ignore it.

"...I don't know... what to do." His admitting it aloud sounded almost silly, but it was true.

He withdraws his hand and leans back in his chair, his appetite having dwindled. "What do you want to do? I mean... if it's really nothing, then fine, but... I can tell it's not just nothing, so..." He tries to keep emotions out of his voice, speaking out of pure logic and question. "Do you want to change something or... take time out, or.... I mean.... I... I'm cool with whatever... whatever you want to do. As long as you're happy, ya know?"

He throws Misty a wink. "You're what counts, babe. Us guys... we're at your mercy."


*Continuing to cook Herb nods as Carson talks.*

"Yeah Nate might be a good person to talk to. He seems like the kind of guy that could have a lot of insight about that stuff."

*As the morning rolled on more people came in and more orders where taken. Having Jess there to help Mable and Aerith was nice and she enjoyed it. It was something to keep her busy in her spair time.*

*Misty continues to play with her food on her plat for a moment before looking back up at Kyle.*

"Oh Kyle, of course I am enjoying what we have and I care about you so much. You mean a lot to me and I have grown so close to you. What Carson and I had I don't know if it could ever be regained. I just wanted to be fair in telling you how I felt because I didnt want to hide anything from you. I just...I guess I am confused. I'm sorry Kyle, forget I said anything ok."

*Misty looks down at her plat again. What was she trying to say? What was she trying to do? Her heart was being pulled two differnt ways and she didnt like it.*


Quite a guy

Carson listens to Herb’s words, a strange pang hitting his heart… again. Looking to his older friend, he wondered… did he know? He shouldn’t be surprised… Herb had a way about him… an insight that not everybody had. He saw things most people wouldn’t. And Carson knew that he’d read him more times than he’d like to think. Was this another one of those times?

He looks down at his work again, swallowing hard.

Misty…Misty… Why couldn’t he get her out of his mind? He’d thought he was getting over her. He was doing so well. But then seeing her again… talking to her again… every time, it put him right back where he’d been.

“...You can’t give up Carson…”

He lifts his head at the tone in Herb’s voice. What was he referring to? The case about the dog? Or…something else? Something harder?

Tomorrow… Carson shakes his head and tries to concentrate, looking up to see another order come in. Today… tomorrow… it would never be the right time for what he really wanted… And it wasn’t just a won case about a dog that he wanted.

A portion of Carson wanted to turn right around, head out the back and go right back to TJY. But glancing out onto the floor, he sees Jess again. And again, he stops his thoughts from going anywhere else.

“Maybe I’ll call Nate about the dog,” he muses aloud. “Maybe he can tell me if it’s worth talking to Angelica or not. And if it isn’t, I’ll go to the police station or something instead and at least try to report the guy.”

Suddenly Carson groans. "And I have to go see Dani too. There's another mess I made."

Kyle listens to Misty for several moments, just letting her talk and remaining silent. He swallows his mouthful of food and studies her eyes, looking from one to the other.

Finally his gaze drops and he twirls his fork in his food, pushing a piece of pork from one end of his plate to the other. His mind runs through scenarios faster than he'd like. Images of the past come to mind. Seeing Misty's tear-streaked face... seeing Carson and his so-called friends... seeing the anger in Carson's eyes again, and feeling his own anger for what had been done to a woman like Misty.

Kyle's jaw tightens slightly and he looks back up, searching her eyes once more. Question fills his gaze. She still had feelings for Carson? A man that had lied to her? A man that had hurt her? Had cheated on her?

Had Kyle done something wrong? Was there something he hadn't done? He'd thought...

His eyes drop once more and he shakes his head just slightly, a sorry grin forming at the corner of his mouth. "He must've been quite a guy, huh?" He stabs a slice of meet, sliding it through his rice before finally setting his utensil down and folding his hands, his elbows resting on the table.

It wasn't often he got serious... he liked having fun, and liked laughing too much. There were certain times he knew he needed to be serious though... but he hadn't wanted this to be one of those times.

Kyle just looks at Misty... her eyes so deep... so mysterious. Her face so soft... so pretty. "So..." He clears his throat, searching for the right words. "Feelings for Carson." He pauses again. "I appreciate you telling me."

He gives her a little nod. "But, um... I don't know what this means exactly." He tries to hide it, but his eyes cannot lie. Her words had stung. And he didn't understand.

"What..." He hesitates. "What does...or where does this put us then? I mean..." He swallows hard. "Are you...saying you don't want this? Or... that you want to go back to Carson or...?"

Kyle can't help his questions. He didn't want to ask them, and he didn't want to jump to any conclusions, but though Misty's admittance might have come fairly casually, it didn't feel that casual to him.

His eyes linger on hers, glistening with a fearful hope.


*Herb just stands cooking and listing to Carson for a long while. Taking in what he said about about happend and the dog. Understanding a few new things about Carson. As Carson starts to talk about going to TJY and there being a snag Herb turns around to look at him. He didnt need to say anything, or name any names and Herb new who he was talking about. Studying Carson for a long moment Herb turns again before speaking.*

"Maybe you should go back again. I know its probley hard to be there, and to look into the eyes of the people there but its something you have to do ya know. You can't give up Carson...."

*Herb continues to talk about the dog and going to Angelica but would he catch onto the hiddin meaning Herb was getting at. He though Jess and Carson were cute but Carson's eyes betrayed him. Herb could tell there was no love there and his heart still rested with one person and one person alone.*

"...Your trying to right the wrongs and though they are hard and they hurt. You can't give up. Tomarrow, don't wait for tomarrow with what could be done today because you never know when tomarrow could be to late...Aerith your order is up."

*Herb continues to cook and call out the ordes as they came in.*

*Seeing Kyle Misty's lips spread into a smile. It was always nice to see Kyle, no matter what he could make her smile. Wrapping her arm around him Misty follows him inside.

Before long lunch is served. Stairing down at her food Misty trys to keep smiling and laugh at Kyle but she knows as well she he does its not working to well. Receving Kyle's question Misty pokes at her food for a moment her apitite disapearing.*

"I....I had a run in with Carson today. Well...its wasnt really a run in he...I dont know why he was there but he ended up coming to see Scott...and I was going to leave because it was hard being in the room with him."

*Misty lets out a sigh as she remembers what happend that day about the way Carson had looked at her.*

"He ended up stoping me and asking if we could be friends. I told him I couldnt be."

*Misty looks up at Kyle. She didnt want to hurt him but she had to let him know how she felt. She couldnt hide this form him.*

"I have to many feelings and emotions twords him still to be his friend. I just don't think it would be good. I'd never want to do anything to hurt you Kyle I care for you way to much. I think thats why I wanted to tell you all this."

*Misty holds her gaze with Kyle not even sure if she made sence.*

Tough chick

Scott sighs, but doesn’t try talking to Misty anymore. It’s obvious that she’s hurting, and though he wanted to help, it was also obvious that nothing he could say would do justice. Things like this just wouldn’t go away with a simple kind word or pat to the shoulder. They went deeper than that.

“Well, look who’s up!” Rick enters the infirmary, not meaning to make Scott jump. “Sorry.” He grins down at his patient. “How’s that appetite of yours?”

Scott gives a little grimace. “I’m not very hungry.”

“Hmm…well…” Rick hangs up his jacket and starts settling in for the day’s work. “Let’s at least get a little bit in your stomach, okay?”

Bret grins as he hangs up the phone. Jamie was a neat woman, and he respected her. Not to mention, he and Charlotte always had a blast with Con and Jamie both. The prospect of going to the caves with them was appealing, even if the weather was a bit chilly.

Turning around, he looks at the mess he made and groans. If he didn’t get it cleaned up though, he’d have to pay once Charlotte came home for lunch. And he had… He looks up to the clock… Exactly an hour and a half.

Carson looks out from the kitchen onto the main floor, his eyes widening in surprise as he sees Jess. “She…” He looks back to Herb, confused and just a little annoyed. Jess was working it off for him… She shouldn’t feel like she had to, and he wanted to go out there and tell her so. But… He looks back out to where she was working. He knew her well enough to realize that she was doing it because she wanted to, not because she felt she had to.

He sighs and shakes his head. “Tell you about that brawl in a minute. Be right back.”

Slipping out of the kitchen, Carson waits by the hall before Jess passes, then takes her by the arm out of sight of the public. Turning her around, he studies her for a moment, searching her eyes for the motives. They sparkled as always with the life that had returned to her.

Carson hangs his arms over her shoulders and bends down to rest his forehead against hers. “You are one tough chick, you know that?”

Giving another little sigh, he pulls her into a hug, kissing the top of her head lightly. “Thank you,” he says quietly.

Withdrawing, he lets her go, nodding back to the kitchen. "I gotta get to work...I guess I'll be seeing you then." A grin curls the edge of his mouth while his eyes linger on her face. Few might notice his subdued actions this morning. His own gaze held a strange stare this morning as his mind battles with itself deep down, preventing him from both backing off or giving himself away. And in his heart of hearts, he didn't know which side would win.

Tossing Jess a haphazard wink, Carson finally turns back around to slip into the kitchen again, met with the strong smells of the food Herb was preparing.

"It was my fault." He starts to answer Herb's question, while repeating what he'd said in his note. "I'm in a bit of a sticky spot with a guy who was abusing a dog and... I probably did the wrong thing, but at the time it seemed right, and now I'm paying for it."

He glances up at a new order, then heads to the refrigerator, talking over his shoulder. "Thought it would be a good idea to talk to that lawyer over at TJY about it, but..."

His statement trails off and he pauses by the fridge, the image of Misty flashing through his mind. Her eyes... her stare... those tears... the way her face had felt under his hand...

Carson swallows hard and tries to stay on track. "But I hit a bump, so I came back here instead. So..." He approaches Herb, a look in his eye almost like a scared little boy. "I guess I'm sorry and... I'm trying to make it right."

Kyle steps down from his pickup and spies Misty just exiting her car as well. The smells from the Chinese restaurant wafted through the air, making anyone's mouth water.

A smile spreads on Kyle's face and he holds up his arms. "Miss T! Long time no see!" In truth, he'd seen her the day before, but that never hindered his enthusiasm.

Coming close enough he can throw an arm around her shoulder, he leads them to the front door, opening it for her first. "I don't know about you, but I am totally starved. Phil ate the rest of the cereal, finished off the milk, we ran out of oatmeal, there was no pancake mix and the fruit was gone."

He throws Misty a smirk. "Needless to say, I went without breakfast this morning. Just don't tell my mother." His teasing tone precedes his laugh as the enter the restaurant and are seated.

It doesn't take long for them to order and start their food, but the table is just a little quieter than normal.

Fooling with chopsticks, but failing at getting too much of a laugh out of Misty, Kyle finally quits trying, and looks at her with his head cocked. "I'm getting a vibe that you're not quite into this today... what's up?"


*Misty just watchs Carson leave her heart breaking all over again. She wanted to say more, she missed Carson...she wanted to stop him but she couldnt. It hurt so much inside to see him live all over again.

For a long moment Misty just stairs at the empty doorway so many thoughts running through her head and heart. Memories, good and bad laying themself in from of her. Ones that made her miss Carson even more. Finally Misty looks to Scott and trys to smile just a little though the lack of anything sort of real smile being there.*

"Because Scott, it hurts to much to love him, and it hurts just as much not to love him."

*Misty lets out a heavy sigh as she turns and heads back to her desk.*

"Maybe part of me is scaired to love him, maybe part of me is....something"

*Ploping down in her chair Misty trys her best to consintrate on anything something but what was on her mind now.*

*Jamie can't help the laugh that escapes her lips as she hears Bret. Giving a small shake of her head as she walks into work. She was late today due to car trouble but she was there non the less.*

"Well it sounds like your having some problems over there."

*Jamie can't help but cringe at the sound of something alse in the background drops and she trys to hold in a laugh. Since Bret and Charlottte had gotten married they had spend more time together as couples and it had been fun.*

"Well..I don't see a problem with that I'll just have to talk it over with Con and see if he dosnt mind and than I can see if I can round up some people from around here to go. It might be fun. Kind of like an end of the summer thing or something. I will deffintly get back to you on that Bret."

*Picking up some files from her mail box Jamie cradles the phone between her ear and her shoulder.*

"...yeah thank you for the offer. Ok...I'll let you know Bret. Ok...thanks Bye."

*Haning up the phone Jamie can't help but shake her head again as she sits down at her desk joting down a note to call Con later.*

*As Carson enters the kitchen Herb gives him a friendly smile and turns back to what he was doing.*

"Having a new window is good. Thank you Carson for that as for payments I think we have that covered. I've already payed for it, and well....someone alse is working off the payments."

*Herb nods out to the dinning room where Jess was in an aprin and some black slacks taking orders at the tables. Herb can't help the smile the surfecs a little more.*

"She told me not to tell you, but I told her sooner or later your going to notice because you DO work here, She a good person who wanted to help you out because she knows you have alot on your plate. Don't be to hard on her eh?"

*Herb continues to move around the kitchen getting everything ready while doing up orders as well.*

"So now, tell me about this fight, what happend?"

As so once again the minutes go by, time slowly slips away and the past events to some still linger. Words, emotions still hang one even after a few hours. Sometimes its just not that easy to say goodbye to them.

*Misty throws her pen down on her desk leting out a frestrated sigh. It had been 3 hours since Carson was here last and yet his presence still lingered. Misty could still hear his voice, smell him all over again and she could get her mind on nothing alse. Scott's words echoing in her ears, was she being fair, to herself to Kyle. Kyle.....He'd been so nice to her and helped her through so much. Misty had to addmit she feel for him he was great but was Misty being fair. Carson....Carson....DARN HIM her mind just wouldnt let go.
Opening her desk draw Misty pulls a small envilope out. Opening it Misty retreaves shinny trinket. Pulling out the steel bracelet Misty runs her finger over the name plate. She did miss Carson, everything about him. Even after everything how Misty missed him. Puting the braclet back into the draw Misty picks up the phone and dials Kyle's number.*

"Hey Hey...hows your day going?...good good...yeah Scott is doing good. Hey listen I was wondering if in maybe an hour we can have lunch? Ok...ok..see ya than. Bye."

*Hanging up the phone Misty leans back in her desk chair and just runs a hand over her face in a low whisper she talks to herself forgetting anyone alse was in the room with her.*

"What am I doing?"


Instead of fading...

Carson stares into Misty's tear-filled eyes, his ears receiving the words that he had dreaded. But he knew them to be true. How could it be so impossible to have a friendship between two people who had cared so much? It just wasn't fair. And once again, Carson was reminded that this was his fault... this whole thing was on his hands.

The flame had died, and rekindling anything was just not going to work. He'd known it was over, but now... not even being able to sit and talk... it was more than he could stand here knowing.

Carson's eyes drop, his whole body sinking slightly. "Alright. I won't bother you anymore." He dares to glance up one more time, a faint grin surfacing. "I guess I'll see you around then." He opens his mouth to say more, but it's no use. It didn't matter.

Turning around, he hits the door before Misty, exiting into the hall. Pausing briefly to take a deep breath, he glances down to Angelica's office. No... he couldn't do this. Not today... not now. He couldn't stay here any longer.

Feeling the emotions pooling hot behind his eyes, Carson turns the other way, back out the way he'd come. It had been a mistake to come... he shouldn't anymore.

Heading out across the main floor, he accidentally brushes past Laura too quickly, bumping her elbow and sending her papers flying.

Laura gives a little cry and tries to grasp at her stack of files, but most slide off onto the floor.

Carson's face grows hot and he kneels down to help pick things up. "I'm sorry," he mumbles. "My fault."

"No, no, I wasn't watching where I was going." Laura rolls her eyes at herself. Glancing up, she catches Carson's eye, and sees the redness there. Suddenly she senses something is not right. "You okay?"

Carson swallows hard and has to look away as he stands back up again. "I...no..yes... I'm fine."

"You sure?" Laura puts as hand on Carson's arm, concerned. She didn't interact with him all that much, especially now since he wasn't at TJY much, but she'd never seen him with quite this look on his face before.

"Yeah." Carson's voice almost cracks. "Sorry again. I'll see ya."

Laura watches helplessly as he walks to the exit. "Okay..." Gathering the rest of the papers, she looks to the exit again as the door closes, and she shrugs. It was none of her business.

Scott watches the brief exchange between Carson and Misty, his heart going out to them. Focusing on something other than himself for the moment gave him a needed distraction, though he wished it wasn't something as emotionally painful as this.

Seeing Carson walk away, and seeing Misty's tears, Scott gives a deep sigh. Still lying down, but alert now, he shakes his head a little. "Why don't you just love him?" he asks quietly. "It'll only eat you up inside if you deny it."

A small pain hits his own heart. He knew this all too well. He'd tried to make a future with someone who had loved another... and their love simply couldn't be snuffed out. He had settled on that, and he was okay with it. But he knew that no matter what he ever could have done, Katie's love for Jason would have always been in the forefront.

"Are you being fair?" he asks softly.

Carson stuffs his hands in his jacket pockets and heads across the parking lot to the sidewalk and down away from TJY. A bitter wind stung his face and he swipes his eyes with the back of his hand, blaming the cold air for the salty moisture.

Trudging along the sidewalk, he kicks an empty can with force, sending it into an alley. Normally he'd pick it up and recycle it, but today he wasn't in the mood. He'd been a fool today... He'd made a complete idiot of himself. Why did he have to go and do the things he did? Why couldn't he have just said hi to Misty and left it at that? He'd talked to her since they'd broken up, and though awkward, it had never been like this. Why had he pushed things too far this time?

He knew good and well why. Because the more time he spent away from Misty, the more he missed her. Instead of getting over her like he should, the longing to be with her only grew stronger. Instead of the desire to see her fading like it should, it only increased. He didn't jog by her house two mornings because he liked the scenery...he did it with the hope of just being able to wave a greeting to her... just being able to see her once more.

Who was he fooling? It was over. How long would it take for him to realize that? How long would it take for him to accept it? He just missed her so much... He missed seeing her... he missed her smile... he missed talking with her... he missed laughing with her... he missed just hanging out with her. More than the romance, he missed her friendship. But just as the romance had died, the friendship had gone right along with it.

Reaching the back of Mom and Pop's, Carson has to stop once more to take a deep breath. He had to refocus. He couldn't let his mind be stuck on Misty all day. He had work to do, and Jess was coming for lunch.

Jess... Carson leans against the building, a sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach. He cared about her... He didn't want to hurt her... He enjoyed her company... So why was he still feeling pain about Misty? He needed to move on... he needed to finally let go and move on. And Jess was there...waiting...putting up with him, even as he fumbled along.

Finally Carson lets himself inside and heads to his room where he sheds his jacket. Trying to clean up a little, he then aims for the kitchen where he could hear Herb already hard at work. Entering and grabbing an apron, Carson bravely looks to his employer and friend. "The hardware store can have a new window by tomorrow," he informs quietly. "And...they said they'd work with me on payments so... I'll be taking care of it."


*As Carson reaches out and touches Misty her heart skips a beat as the warmth from his skin can be felt on her shoulder. Than as Carson's hand movies to her face Misty can't help but close her eyes and lean hear head into his hand slightly as she gets lost in a million emotions. His skin aganst her felt so good, a feeling she had missed.

Slowly opening her eyes again Misty's are glossy with more tears that wanted to come, the feelings had come, the feeling had gone and it killed Misty inside knowing she could hug him, knowing she couldnt kiss him. In a low horse voice Misty makes her reply.*

"I wan't to be friends Carson. More than anything I want to be, but I don't think I can. I still have to many feelings, I still....want things like they were when I look at you. I don't think I could ever be just friends with out wanting more and I don't know if that will ever go away or not."


As Misty starts to pass Carson, he sees the tear in her eye. It hurt worse than a knife to his heart, and he can't break his stare. He had come here to fix one mess on the road to many fixes. How could he let this chance slip by?

Before Misty can leave, Carson steps away from Scott's bed, and lays a hand on Misty's shoulder, stopping her. Turning her so she is forced to face him, his heart skips a beat. How long it had been since he had touched her.

Swallowing hard and pushing these feelings aside, he reaches up to gently brush the tear from her face before withdrawing his hand.

"Misty..." His voice is low, almost begging. "Can't we be friends?"

Bret's eyes fly open as he hears the phone ring, and he groans, pulling the covers up over his head. When he realizes it's Charlotte's voice that comes through the answering machine though, he exposes his head again to listen to the message. A smile creeps onto his lips and he speaks, even though she's hung up. "I love you too."

Sighing, he glances at the clock. He really did need to get up. But with three attempts at getting winter jobs and being turned down, it was yet another morning that it really didn't matter what time it was.

Falling back to sleep, it isn't long before he's awake again at the sound of a car horn, and he rolls his eyes. It was no use.

Rolling out of bed, he finally gets up to shower and put clean clothes on, shuffling downstairs to make some coffee. Grabbing the cordless phone he looks at a handwritten list of numbers by the kitchen counter and dials absentmindely as he makes the coffee.

Putting the receiver to his ear and getting a female voice, he rolls his eyes at himself. "Ohhh, Jamie, I'm sorry. This is Bret. I meant to dial Con."

Bret reaches for the can of coffee in the cupboard but it slips from his grasp, bouncing off the counter and onto the floor. The lid hits a cupboard door handle on its way and as if it couldn't have been planned better, coffee goes everywhere.

Staring at the mess wide-eyed, Bret blinks, almost forgetting his phonecall. "I, um...uh...." He gropes for something to try to clean up the mess by pulling off some papertowels, but they won't tear and he winds up with a mile of sheets, still not any closer to getting anything clean, other than what the bottom of his socks have picked up off the tile floor.

"Uhhh...." He tries to collect his thoughts. "Caves... yes... Charlotte has extra tickets and wondered if you and the Tank wanted to check it out. It's getting cold, but I guess they're still doing business."

So early

*Misty head snaps back up once again as Carson calls her by her nickname. How long had it been since she had been called that name. The name she had grown to love and look forward to hearing. A unexspected pain hits Misty's heart as she trys her best to hold back the tears that wanted to come. She was deturmened not to let them show. Would she ever be ok to be around Carson, would she ever be able to be around him and not flinch.*

"I'm hanging in there. Had some long work hours as of late but I don't mind to much."

*Fiddaling around with a few more things on the counter Misty trys her best to stay at ease but it was hard. Carson's voice alone caused her to melt, just his name sent her heart fluttering for something she could no longer have. No, she belonged to someone alse now and what she and Carson had was lost.

Moving away from the counter Misty trys to her to hold her voice steady. She count stand here any longer and she couldnt turn her back on Carson but she had to leave.*

"Excuse me, I have to get back to work. It was good seeing you Carson. Scott if you need anything you know where I am."

*Moving twords the doorway Misty slides past Carson her eyes locking with his one last time as a tear makes itself known once she gets a wiff of his colone.*

"..Hey Hun sorry I am calling so early I dont mean to wake you if I have already. I was just calling because I got some free tickets for the caves, the company is just trying to get rid of them before winter so they dont have to clame taxes on them. So I didnt know if maybe you wanted to go with me one night and than you can ask Con and Jamie. I know they have a few other friends I have met once or twice and maybe they would like to go as well. It might be fun to get to know some people a little better. Anyways thats up to you. I better get going back to work before I get into trouble. I love ya Hun and see you for lunch."

*Charlotte hangs up the phone with a smile on her face. Since her and Bret's elopment it had never left her face. Though some things had been hard and problems stood in the way she could never be happyer. Bret was perfect the man of her dreams, her light at the end of the path and she could ask for nothing more.

Sticking her phone back in her pocket Charlotte turns and goes back behind the little ticket booth to help more waiting customers.*


Scott can't help but lift an eyebrow at Misty's comment of his importance. He certainly didn't feel he was that important to TJY at the moment. They had someone to replace him, and all he was doing was lying in bed. But...Misty's care did provide some comfort, and he couldn't deny that.

Carson fixes his gaze on Misty as she talks, his shoulders relaxing a little. He'd talked to her on and off, but never for long, and he was always afraid she'd just turn around and walk away.

Somewhat of a grin comes to his mouth and he shakes his head at her question. "Not great at the moment. You know me though...always in some kind of trouble." Though meant as a joke, there was too much truth to it to completely hide the lack of humor in his eyes. "You look good yourself, Sassy."

The nickname slipped out before he could stop it, and he bites his tongue, lowering his gaze. "I, um..." He fishes for something to say, but for once, comes up empty-handed. Looking back up at Misty, his eyes roam her own, searching for something...for closure. But it wasn't there. There was no closure for him. Would there ever be?

Scott glances up between the two, not feeling uncomfortable, but feeling just a little sorry for the two of them. He knew the past, and it was obvious that not much had changed in the last two months.

Anything less

*Misty's head shoots up as she hears that voice she had hurd so many times before and the hair on the back of her neck stands up as she turns around. Misty's eyes lock with Carson's for a long moment her mind moving, memories forming the same ones she had been trying to keep at bay. Those were the past, they could never be again and they needed to stay away before they betrated her. Breaking her gaze Misty fiddles around with a few things on the counter.*

"I do what I can to keep Scott comfortable. I only hope its helping.He's to important to TJY to give him anything less."

*A long moment of silence pass again before Misty looks up once more. Giving Carson a once over he looks like he was doing well.*

"You look like your doing good. Hows everything at mom and pop's?"

That I am

Jason stops as Katie does, looking down at her as she talks. Taking in her words, he just looks down into her eyes, studying them for the longest time. Not saying anything...not sharing any unspoken words.... Just looking at her.

Feeling the warmth of her hand against his face and her fingers running through his hair, he finally releases some of his emotions.

You know you drive me crazy when you do that.

"Quit apologizing, Katie," he answers quietly. His arms wrap around her and pull her close to him. The chilly wind was cold on their skin, but it didn't matter. "If anybody should be grateful for a second chance, it's me."

A fleeting thought passes through his mind, betraying him once more. But only one word is formed, slipping through the cracks, the host unaware.


"I couldn't live without you." Only after he's said it, does a soft laugh come out. "Literally."

Jason cocks his head to bend down and give Katie a tender kiss on her lips, lingering only for a moment. "Come on. You're keeping me plenty warm, but eventually it's going to get cold out here."

Carson sighs deeply and gives a shrug of surrender. "I guess...I can't argue with you."

Giving Jess' back a short rub, he moves to stand up. "I'm sorry our date got ruined again. I need to get some shut eye before the morning or it'll just make things worse."

Getting to his feet, he pulls Jess up too, drawing her close for a goodnight kiss. "Drive home safe and I'll talk to you sometime tomorrow. Thanks...for all your help tonight."

Scott knows that Misty has more on her mind than she says, but he doesn't push. He was too tired to try and figure it out anyway, though a part of him wanted to remember this conversation for later when he felt more up to it.

His eyes start to drift shut, though he fights it.

"Misty..." His voice is barely audible. "Keep the monsters away?"

Giving up, his eyes finally close as sleep has its way.

And the moon watches over the night, casting light through the darkness. For some the darkness lies in the shadows of the evening air. For others, the darkness lies within themselves as they battle with their own minds and hearts.

But as the moon slowly bids farewell to the black sky, so the sun appears, bringing a new day....a new start...new chances.

Seven o'clock. A note is taped to the kitchen door at Mom and Pop's in Carson's handwriting.

Herb -
You probably already noticed the front window. It's my fault. I'm sorry. I'm gone this morning to the hardware store to see about a replacement. I also have to make another quick stop to try and fix something else. I will be in a soon as I can, and I will work late to make up my time. I'll explain more later...it will be the truth.

Scott's eyes flutter open and he stares up at the ceiling, taking a moment to figure out again where he was. He was tired, and the dark circles under his eyes proved it had not been an easy night. He was glad the morning was here... but he was still exhausted. Rolling over onto his side, he curls up again, as if trying to block out the world. Rick would be here soon enough, and he'd get told what to do and what not to do today. Scott's mind was in a fog, and he wasn't quite sure he was even really awake yet.

Jason makes his way across the TJY floor, heading straight for his office. He was only a few minutes late, but it was enough to throw him off. Passing Laura, he waves, and going by Nate, he throws him a nod. "Mornin' Nate."

Making it to his office, he flops down in his chair and flips on the computer, making a mental note to go see Scott again today too.

But all plans seem to fly out the window as he sees a handwritten note on his desk.

Austin is arriving tonight. Thought you'd want to know.

Jason lets out a sigh and crumples up the paper to throw it in the trash, negative emotions flaring up again. Trying to get a lid on them, he attempts concentrating on the work he was suppose to start, but it wasn't easy.

Carson takes a deep breath and opens up the door to TJY. Now that they were the Elite, security wasn't as tight, and he was glad of it.

He'd just come from the hardware store to fix that problem, now he was trying to fix another one. And maybe this one couldn't even be fixed, and he might get into trouble, but.... if he didn't start being a hundred percent honest and fixing the messes he was making, it would just get worse.

Walking across the main floor, Carson keeps his eyes down a little, not really sure how to feel about being here. He knew it wasn't as bad as it used to be, but it still felt a little awkward. He thought he knew were Angelica's office was and heads for it, mulling over what he was going to say. He didn't know her, but she was the only lawyer he knew of that he could at least get this close to without paying an arm and a leg. And he knew that she dealt with big cases, not small ones about dogs and who they belonged to, but she was the only one he could thing of to see. At least in a place like this, he knew he could trust her.

Heading down the hall, Carson passes by the infirmary and just happens to see the door is open. Not even realizing it, he glances in, and spots Scott in the bed. He'd heard he'd been found, and now felt a strange sense of gladness.

Stopping in the door and looking past Scott, he spots Misty next. His eyes linger on her a moment, words seeming to get lost in the expanse between them.

Scott senses someone else in the room and opens his eyes, his face to the door. Looking at Carson a moment, he blinks, then the corner of his mouth twitches a little. "Carson?"

Carson can't help his grin, and he enters the room, letting his gaze move from Misty to Scott. "Hey, Scott. Welcome back."

Scott gives a little nod. "Thanks...I think."

Carson approaches the bed, rare compassion filling his eyes. He saw the marks on Scott's face and arms and he knew...he knew what he'd been through. "Sorry, mate."

Scott swallows hard and looks down before glancing up again. "You know, don't you."

Carson's jaw tightens. "I do." He'd been there...he'd been on the other end though. He'd been the one to hit... he'd been the one to ration food... he'd been the one to torture... he'd been the one to give those shots. He knew... he recognized the Agency's work all too well. "I'm glad they found you."

"Me too." Scott gives a little nod.

Carson looks up, spying Misty again. His original goal to be at TJY was lost, and he clears his throat awkwardly. Glancing down again, he gives Scott a small smile. "Looks like you're in good hands."

Scott gives a forced, weak laugh. "That I am."


*Leaning aganst Carson Jess lets out a sigh mulling over what he said. Sometimes, she wish she could run away. Hide from the world.*

"Running isnt the answer Carson. Lord knows there are days when I wish I could just run away and never come back. But that wouldnt solve anything. You'd still be in the same position that you are now."

*Leting out a sigh again Jess sits up.*

"We all make mistakes Carson. Over and over again but whats imporant is learning from them I think. The hardest part is asking for forgivness, but its something we all learn in time. I think I am finally getting the hang of it...maybe."

*Katie can't help but giggle as she lets Jason finish eating. She new he was tired but was thankful that he would go for a walk with her anyways. There was just something about tonight that she didnt want to stay inside.

Standing Katie gives a strech and takes her jacket off the hook and heads out the door with Jason. Reaching out Katie takes Jason's hand in hers as they walk down the sidewalk and the moon shines bright lighting there way. Being silent for a long moment Katie finally speaks.*

"I know I dont say much J...."

* Katie cant help the grin the plays on her lips.

and even when I dont say it I know you can feel it but its not the same...*

"I really am happy with you, and yes the past is behind us but I'm sorry anyways."

*For a moment Katie stops and turns twords Jason running a hand to the side of his face and through his hair.*

"...Thanks gor giving me a second chanse. "

*Katie lets out a sigh and shakes her head. What that what she really wanted to say? Did that come out how she wanted? Did she just sound silly?*

*Misty looks up at Scott again quiet for a moment and than looks back down at her paper work. She never really talked about what was on her mind let alown let her thoughts linger to sitting on just one thing. Finally looking back up at Scott Misty gives a smile.*

"Alot of things on my mind I guess. It's not really one thing by itself, its more a mixture of alot of things. It will pass in time I am sure."

*Looking back down at her paper work Misty trys to hide her eyes that said there was more than what she was saying but what WAS she to say? How was she to express how she felt. It was just something that was always hard for her.*


Once I'm there

Carson doesn’t keep Jess from helping him, and concentrates on work, though he listens to her talk.

“I’m not scared of Herb being upset. On the contrary, I know he won’t be. He’ll just look at me… with that disappointment in his eye.” He shakes his head. “That’s worse than him yelling at me, you know that?”

Pausing, broom in hand, Carson almost laughs at himself. “Listen to me… I sound like some little kid who’s just done something wrong and is waiting for their dad to get home.”

Caught off guard by his own statement, he stops, lost in a stare. Disappointment had been a fear since childhood... a fear up until he'd decided he didn't care what other people thought of him.

Blinking, he sighs and looks back at the glass on the floor, having almost swept all of it up. "I need to find some cardboard and some duct tape. Then tomorrow morning I'll head right out to the hardware store when they open to see about a new window. Maybe if I've got repairs in the works by the time Herb sees this, I won't be in so much hot water."

Working hard, he and Jess accomplish a lot, and soon the floor is clean, no glass to be found, and no one would have known what had happened, were it not for the cardboard up by the door.

Exhausted and sore, Carson leans against the side of a booth, finally just sliding to the floor to sit there instead of a chair. Catching Jess as she passes, he pulls her down into his lap and wraps his arms around her, burying his face in her shoulder.

"Can we just run away?" he mumbles. "Is there anywhere that I can get away from making mistakes all the time?"

Lost in thought for a moment with feelings he's not sharing, it takes a second or two for Katie's words to register and Jason finally focuses back on her face. "Um...walk?"

He shrugs. "Sure. Why not. But can I at least finish my food first? I've been trying to ever since we sat down."

A grin plays at the corner of his mouth, his eyes tossing Katie a playful glance as he tries to finish his supper.

Finally done, Jason gives a contented sigh. "That was much better than a tv dinner...thank you." He thumbs to the door. "Alright, a moonlit walk is waiting. And if you don't get me out there now, I'm liable to go sack out on the couch instead and once I'm there, you know I'll fall asleep."

Scott takes in Misty's words, and though he might not react to them, he was absorbing them and trying to let them make him feel better. He wanted to feel better... he really did. It just... seemed... hard.

Watching Misty work for a while, he fights sleep, not wanting to face the dreams just yet.

"Misty?" He asks just loud enough for her to hear him. "How come you can't sleep at night?"


*Jess lets out a sigh but lets Carson clean her up anyways. Thinking about all the was said Jess felt helpless on what to do next besides help Carson clean some more. Going back over to the table with the over turned chairs Jess starts to pic of the peaces of wood and glass putting them in piles and riting the chairs that were still whole.*

"Pst...I busted lip isnt much of anything to me. I've been though worse."

*Jess falls quit for a moment thinking about what she just said. Quickly pushing the feelings away again before anything could form Jess trys her best to make Carson feel better.*

"You know if you just explain to Herb what happend I am sure he will understand and not be to upset. He could probley even help you Carson if your just honest with him."

*For a moment Katie takes in Jason abrupt departure. Trying not to pry into Jason's feeling Katie stands as well and sits back down at the table. Giving a shake of her head she looks at Trooper.*

"You silly dog."

*Poking for a moment at her food Katie finally sets her fork down and looks at Jason giving a smile.*

"I thought maybe we could go for a walk after dinner. Its pretty nice out and there wont be many days left like this where it wont be to cold that is if you want."

"...I know it can probley be quit a shock to the system nothing really being the same, but its time to start new now even if its scary and you don't want to."

*Misty felt sorry for Scott. She could say anything and comfort him all she wanted but it wouldnt take away the pain he felt inside. The mental torment he was going through. All Misty could do was hope her words helped if even alittle.*

"Things will be ok Scott...in time. Till than you have people you can talk to when you need it and friends to stand by your side or just sit to keep the monsters at bay. Thats what friends are for."

*Misty gives Scott's arm a gentil pat before turning and heading back to her desk.*

Not every day

Carson relents to Jess' help, knowing it was no good fighting her. Only when she mentions her lip does he give a double-take, now seeing that she'd taken a worse hit than he thought. Apology floods his eyes. She'd been hit because of him.

"Because of a stupid dog," he grumbles. Though his tone was angry, the look in his eye proved he had compassion for the dog - otherwise he wouldn't have rescued her in the first place. "I'd give her to you, but she's not mine to give. I can't give her back to that guy and I can't turn him in either because I haven't got proof. It's a lose-lose situation, and in the meantime, I'm harboring a stolen animal, not to mention illegally without a license."

Wincing as Jess cleans the cut on the side of his head, Carson reaches up to stop her hand, lowering it, and taking it in his own. Though still upset, he reaches over for a damp cloth, making himself wait, and gently wiping the blood from Jess' own lip. "I'm sorry," he offers quietly. "This is all my fault."

Pausing, he takes his fingers and softly tucks her hair behind her ear. "Thanks for jumping in there for me though... I just wish you hadn't gotten hurt."

Heaving a sigh, he sets the cloth down and slides off the stool again, not caring that he wasn't completely cleaned up yet. "Dani can wait...she'll be fine... I have to clean this up."

To Carson, the worst thing wasn't getting slugged in the face... He'd survived worse... he'd endured a whole lot more pain than this. The worst thing was him knowing the disappointed look on Herb's face come morning. Carson could clean up the mess alright, but there was still a window that needed to be replaced, chairs that needed fixed or replaced, and glasses that needed to be replaced. Carson would pay it all if he could, but almost all his last paycheck had gone to bills, and the little amount leftover had gone for dogfood. And that was it.

Carson trudges to the broken window again, breaking off all the pieces around the edge not caring when he accidentally sliced his finger. He needed to sweep up all the glass and find some cardboard for the night. It was cold outside, and the inside of the restaurant was quickly becoming cold as well.

Piling up all the shattered pieces, Carson's mind continues to mull over his outburst at Dani. He'd told the truth about his mornings...but it really was no excuse for being late to work. Maybe he was making a couple old people happy, but he couldn't spend all his time there. Sure, he was cleaning up trash, but maybe he needed to do it after hours. He was taking care of a dog, but that was turning into a mess. And maybe he needed to cut out his long routes... but for some reason he hadn't been able to stop going past Misty's place those two days.

Staring at the mess, Carson keeps working. He'd ruined his own evening, he'd ruined Dani's evening, and he'd certainly ruined Jess'. There went their date...again.

Jason just grins up at Katie, then lets her roll down next to him. With anyone else, he would have felt utterly ridiculous, knowing they were lying on the kitchen floor. But for some reason, he didn't care.

I don't think I could not enjoy this...

His hand crawls up around Katie's shoulder before he gives her a squeeze, bringing her close enough so he can crane his neck and kiss the top of her head.

It's not every day a guy is as lucky as this.

Hearing Katie's statement about family, Jason stops his communication for a moment, a strange pang hitting his heart. Family?

"I think I want to finish my supper," he suggests abruptly. "If my dog would behave himself."

Trooper groans and rolls over on his back.

Jason shakes his head and manages to sit up, then stand, offering Katie a hand too. Smirking at his dog, he points a finger at him. "I don't know what's gotten into you tonight, but you can stop now."

Trooper flops down on his side and sighs deeply, seeming to give up.

Jason sits back down at the table, and has to look around for a moment to find his fork again. "Okay, so where were we?"

Scott is quiet as Misty checks him over again, used to the routine, even after just a day. He watches her, understanding what she did, and not flinching, even when something hurt.

Settling back in bed and rolling onto his side again, he doesn't focus on much, but still hears Misty talking to him.

How did he feel? He'd never felt so turned around in his life. Never had he felt like this, and he wasn't so sure he could even adequately describe it. "I feel like I'll never be the same again," he answers softly. "The pain doesn't really matter... and the time that's passed doesn't really matter either..."

His words drift off for a moment, and one might think he'd fallen back to sleep. But he finishes, his thoughts still quiet. "I feel good and bad and all mixed up all at the same time."

Not even know why he was expressing this, and realizing that Misty probably hadn't intended for her question to bring about quite that kind of answer, Scott shifts his head deeper into his pillow, not embarrassed, but not wanting to say anymore either. So many things ran through his mind... so many images that were haunting him. He was tired... so tired... but he feared the dreams that would come.

Happy Family

*Jess looks at Carson for a moment before going over to the table that had the over turned chairs and starts to put them back up the right way. Listing to Carson and knowing his harsh tone was just his frustration but feeling bad for Dani and Carson all the same. Once Carson lets room to talk Jess bends down again her own acks from he fight kicking in but trying not to let them bother her anyways.*

"You know, I always wanted a dog. Not to mention my place is pretty big with a back yard."

*Jess lets out a sigh*

"Ah well...maybe same day."

*Finishing with the chairs Jess heads into the back and comes back out with a first aid kit. Going over to Carson Jess takes him by the hand to lead him to the counter weather he liked it or not. Pointing to the stool Jess gives a small smile and direct orders.*

"Sit, the mess can wait. Let me clean up those cuts than I can take care of my lip."

*Jess new Carson wouldnt want the help, and she new he might fight her on it, but she didnt care. Carson needed to know it wasnt always about what He wanted.*

"You know your sister was just worryed Carson thats all. She dont want to lose her big brother again. I think you should go after her before the sun can go down on the anger that was stired up. I can work on fixing things here and wait for you to get back."

*Kaite just stairs down at Jason for a long moment. On hand on one side of him and the other hand on the other side. The grin on her lips never moving her eyes locked with Jason.

I don't know, just enjoy it I guess...unless you dont want to.

As if snaped back into reality by the big dog bumping her Katie relizes just how she is still and gives a slight roll to move off Jason and just lay down next to him her head on his shoulder and her arm draped over him, her hand on Troopers head.*

"We are one big happy family."

*Looking up from her desk Misty is saprised to see Scott awake but a small smile spreads across her lips as she pushes away from her desk and stands walking over to him.*

"I don't sleep to well at night anymore. So I spend my time here doing research."

*Taking a few things off the counter Misty checks Scott's vitals again and looking over his bumps and bruses now that he was awake.*

"Sorry if I woke you, I was trying to be quiet."

*Shifting again Misty moves to the counter to wash up her hands and clean up a few things she had used.*

"How are you feeling?"

All the reasons

Trooper gives a start as Katie joins them, drooping his toy right on Jason's face.

"Oh, thanks," Jason smirks.

Trooper pants and twists his head to lick Katie's face, then promptly drops down to sprawl on top of Jason instead of stand.

"Ahk!" Jason breath is knocked out of him as the weight of both dog and Katie come down on his stomach. "Trooper! What do you think you're doing?!"

Trooper gives a quiet woof, wiggling all over from his unstoppable energy.

"Dang, mutt, get off of me!"

The dog just groans and licks Jason's face before licking Katie's again too. He then manages somehow to half roll, half scoot out from under Katie, toppling right over Jason's face.

I can't breathe!

Jason grabs Trooper with both arms, shoving him off onto the side. Trooper immediately gets up, the hunkers down like he's ready to pounce again.

"Oh, no!" By this time, Katie's on top of Jason, and he grabs her to pull her up so she's between him and the dog. "Crazy dog! Go attack somebody else!"

Trooper barks, then nuzzles himself in next to Jason and Katie, squirming on his stomach until his head reaches theirs. Then he just waits, panting, looking at Katie, then looking at Jason, then back again, his tail wagging.

Great. So you both got me pinned down now. What's a guy supposed to do?!

The smaller thug is taken so by surprise by Jess joining in, that he stops, leaving himself wide open for her attack. Groaning and reaching for his knees as he's kicked, he goes down, just to receive her beating.

Carson struggles under the two other men, finally getting enough leverage to get his feet under one of them and send him flying back into the counter. The guy's arms hit a stack of glasses, sending them to the floor with a crash. Glass goes everywhere, ignored by the brawlers.

Having a brief moment of just one attacker, Carson manages to get enough strong punches off that he can be freed enough to stand, right before sending the leader up and over his shoulders, into a table.

The leader of the small gang slides across the table, taking chairs with him as he goes, and yelping in pain as his own leg get tangled in the chair legs.

For several more minutes, the chaos continues, no one really knowing where they are or who is who. Until suddenly a chair flies, hitting the window by the door. Struck at just the right angle and with just enough force, it shatters. The noise is enough for several cars to slow as they're passing on the street, and the three attackers gather on the side to catch their breath.

"Let's get out of here," one of them suggests. "We'll get him later."

"Yeah, we're drawing too much attention."

The leader glares at Carson one last time. "You bring her back in twenty-four hours, or you'll pay, man."

Carson glares right back at him, grabbing his broom handle again as a threat. "Get out," he hisses. "And don't come back."

"Whatever." The three grumble as they head out the door, kicking glass out of the way as they go.

Carson stands breathless, surveying the mess. He'd just cleaned. He'd just picked things up. And now... glasses were broken, two chairs were broken, and one of the front windows was in pieces all over the floor and sidewalk.

The look on his face matches what he feels - utter despair. Blood trickles down the side of his face from a cut on his head, and his nose and lip are bleeding too. All he could think about was what Herb was going to say when he found out. This was Carson's fault...he'd caused this mess... and he'd be paying for it.

He turns to look at Jess, making sure she's okay before turning without a word and walking toward the door. All he can do is start sweeping up the glass.

"Carson?" Dani comes up cautiously from the back, having let herself in with the key Carson had loaned to her. She'd been on her way home from work and had just seen some guys leave in a hurry, had noticed the front window, so she'd come through the back.

Her eyes widen as she sees Jess and Carson, both looking as though they'd been in the fight... then the mess. "What...what happened?"

Carson grits his teeth, spitting out some blood before continuing to sweep.

Dani looks to Jess with question, then back to her brother. "Carson...what happened?"

"I got in trouble again," he snaps. "What does it look like? You gonna just stand there and stare? Either get a broom or leave."

Anger flashes through Dani's eyes as she receives the sharp remark, and she puts her hands on her hips. "Heaven forbid I care about you. Now what is going on?"

"Just do yourself a favor and go home, Dani."

"I don't want to!" Dani's stubbornness comes through. "Tell me what happened!"

"I got jumped, alright?!" Carson stops sweeping, taking the back of his hand to wipe the blood off the side of his face. "They came in looking for a fight, and then Jess..." He gestures to her. "She got herself in the middle of it, trying to help me out."

"Well who were they? What did they want?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Well I do!"

"I don't care!"

"You should!" Dani's face reddens as her irritation grows. "Stop acting like a child and tell me what's going on!" She waits, but all she receives is silence as her brother keeps working to clean up the glass. "You've been acting weird for weeks!" She exclaims. "You've been late for work with lame excuses and fibs that you think no one will notice. Then this happens. Tell me what's going on, or so help me, I'm calling Herb right now to tell him about this."

Carson glares at his sister, then looks to Jess, then back to Dani again. "Alright. You want it? Here it is. I'm late in the mornings because there's an old man who needs help. When I jog in the mornings, I stop by his place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and stay just long enough to put a few boards together, a few shingles on a roof or get my own fingers black and blue. There's also Martha Hemmet, and old lady, who lives on Parker. She had a run-in with a sleezeball once and I broke it up. Out of thanks, she makes cookies and has adopted me as her company on Tuesday and Friday mornings."

His tone grows louder as he talks, proving he hadn't wanted to share it, but was fed up with being interrogated. "On Mondays and Thursdays, I pick up trash and bottles on my route. I throw the trash out and take the bottles to the recycle bins down by the grocery store. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I also take a longer route just so I might be able to wave at an old friend."

Carson pauses only to catch his breath, his tone still raised in anger. "And a while back, I spotted that scumbag you just saw leaving, beating his Boxer half to death because she wouldn't fight and he'd placed a bet on her! So I took her! It was animal abuse, but I had no proof, so I've been keeping her at a safe place. No one I know wants a dog, can keep them in their apartments, and even if they did, that guy still technically owns her! Not to mention, if I get caught with her, I can't afford a license for her, so she'd go to the pound. So he found me, alright?! Are you quite satisfied now?!"

Carson takes an angry swipe with his broom at some more glass. "All I'm trying to do is the right thing, and actually do something good for once, and all I do is get interrogated about it all the time! Herb doesn't trust me, and you don't trust me. I'm late because I'm helping people out, and I'm low on cash because I'm buying dog food all the time!"

Emotions surge through Carson's eyes. He felt so miserably lost, he didn't know what to do. He'd been trying so very hard, and this is what he got for it. He got in trouble for doing wrong, and he got in trouble for doing right. What did it matter?

Giving a growl, he turns back to his work without another word.

Dani stares at him dumbfounded for several seconds, blinking, then turns to look at Jess. "I..." She looks back to her brother. "I... I'm sorry."

"Just go home, Dani... just go home." His tone was softer, but he was tired of talking.

Tears fill Dani's eyes and she hangs her head. "I just care about you," she mumbles. "I'll see you tomorrow sometime then..." Turning, she heads for the back once more.

Scott is asleep, but feeling a soft hand, for a moment, he thinks he's dreaming, but then he realizes that it's real. And that voice.....was.... Misty's. Finally placing it, he rolls over in bed, seeing her start to work.

He just watches her for several minutes, studying what she was doing.

"Can't sleep, or just plain bored?" he asks softly.