
That I am

Jason stops as Katie does, looking down at her as she talks. Taking in her words, he just looks down into her eyes, studying them for the longest time. Not saying anything...not sharing any unspoken words.... Just looking at her.

Feeling the warmth of her hand against his face and her fingers running through his hair, he finally releases some of his emotions.

You know you drive me crazy when you do that.

"Quit apologizing, Katie," he answers quietly. His arms wrap around her and pull her close to him. The chilly wind was cold on their skin, but it didn't matter. "If anybody should be grateful for a second chance, it's me."

A fleeting thought passes through his mind, betraying him once more. But only one word is formed, slipping through the cracks, the host unaware.


"I couldn't live without you." Only after he's said it, does a soft laugh come out. "Literally."

Jason cocks his head to bend down and give Katie a tender kiss on her lips, lingering only for a moment. "Come on. You're keeping me plenty warm, but eventually it's going to get cold out here."

Carson sighs deeply and gives a shrug of surrender. "I guess...I can't argue with you."

Giving Jess' back a short rub, he moves to stand up. "I'm sorry our date got ruined again. I need to get some shut eye before the morning or it'll just make things worse."

Getting to his feet, he pulls Jess up too, drawing her close for a goodnight kiss. "Drive home safe and I'll talk to you sometime tomorrow. Thanks...for all your help tonight."

Scott knows that Misty has more on her mind than she says, but he doesn't push. He was too tired to try and figure it out anyway, though a part of him wanted to remember this conversation for later when he felt more up to it.

His eyes start to drift shut, though he fights it.

"Misty..." His voice is barely audible. "Keep the monsters away?"

Giving up, his eyes finally close as sleep has its way.

And the moon watches over the night, casting light through the darkness. For some the darkness lies in the shadows of the evening air. For others, the darkness lies within themselves as they battle with their own minds and hearts.

But as the moon slowly bids farewell to the black sky, so the sun appears, bringing a new day....a new start...new chances.

Seven o'clock. A note is taped to the kitchen door at Mom and Pop's in Carson's handwriting.

Herb -
You probably already noticed the front window. It's my fault. I'm sorry. I'm gone this morning to the hardware store to see about a replacement. I also have to make another quick stop to try and fix something else. I will be in a soon as I can, and I will work late to make up my time. I'll explain more later...it will be the truth.

Scott's eyes flutter open and he stares up at the ceiling, taking a moment to figure out again where he was. He was tired, and the dark circles under his eyes proved it had not been an easy night. He was glad the morning was here... but he was still exhausted. Rolling over onto his side, he curls up again, as if trying to block out the world. Rick would be here soon enough, and he'd get told what to do and what not to do today. Scott's mind was in a fog, and he wasn't quite sure he was even really awake yet.

Jason makes his way across the TJY floor, heading straight for his office. He was only a few minutes late, but it was enough to throw him off. Passing Laura, he waves, and going by Nate, he throws him a nod. "Mornin' Nate."

Making it to his office, he flops down in his chair and flips on the computer, making a mental note to go see Scott again today too.

But all plans seem to fly out the window as he sees a handwritten note on his desk.

Austin is arriving tonight. Thought you'd want to know.

Jason lets out a sigh and crumples up the paper to throw it in the trash, negative emotions flaring up again. Trying to get a lid on them, he attempts concentrating on the work he was suppose to start, but it wasn't easy.

Carson takes a deep breath and opens up the door to TJY. Now that they were the Elite, security wasn't as tight, and he was glad of it.

He'd just come from the hardware store to fix that problem, now he was trying to fix another one. And maybe this one couldn't even be fixed, and he might get into trouble, but.... if he didn't start being a hundred percent honest and fixing the messes he was making, it would just get worse.

Walking across the main floor, Carson keeps his eyes down a little, not really sure how to feel about being here. He knew it wasn't as bad as it used to be, but it still felt a little awkward. He thought he knew were Angelica's office was and heads for it, mulling over what he was going to say. He didn't know her, but she was the only lawyer he knew of that he could at least get this close to without paying an arm and a leg. And he knew that she dealt with big cases, not small ones about dogs and who they belonged to, but she was the only one he could thing of to see. At least in a place like this, he knew he could trust her.

Heading down the hall, Carson passes by the infirmary and just happens to see the door is open. Not even realizing it, he glances in, and spots Scott in the bed. He'd heard he'd been found, and now felt a strange sense of gladness.

Stopping in the door and looking past Scott, he spots Misty next. His eyes linger on her a moment, words seeming to get lost in the expanse between them.

Scott senses someone else in the room and opens his eyes, his face to the door. Looking at Carson a moment, he blinks, then the corner of his mouth twitches a little. "Carson?"

Carson can't help his grin, and he enters the room, letting his gaze move from Misty to Scott. "Hey, Scott. Welcome back."

Scott gives a little nod. "Thanks...I think."

Carson approaches the bed, rare compassion filling his eyes. He saw the marks on Scott's face and arms and he knew...he knew what he'd been through. "Sorry, mate."

Scott swallows hard and looks down before glancing up again. "You know, don't you."

Carson's jaw tightens. "I do." He'd been there...he'd been on the other end though. He'd been the one to hit... he'd been the one to ration food... he'd been the one to torture... he'd been the one to give those shots. He knew... he recognized the Agency's work all too well. "I'm glad they found you."

"Me too." Scott gives a little nod.

Carson looks up, spying Misty again. His original goal to be at TJY was lost, and he clears his throat awkwardly. Glancing down again, he gives Scott a small smile. "Looks like you're in good hands."

Scott gives a forced, weak laugh. "That I am."

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