
So early

*Misty head snaps back up once again as Carson calls her by her nickname. How long had it been since she had been called that name. The name she had grown to love and look forward to hearing. A unexspected pain hits Misty's heart as she trys her best to hold back the tears that wanted to come. She was deturmened not to let them show. Would she ever be ok to be around Carson, would she ever be able to be around him and not flinch.*

"I'm hanging in there. Had some long work hours as of late but I don't mind to much."

*Fiddaling around with a few more things on the counter Misty trys her best to stay at ease but it was hard. Carson's voice alone caused her to melt, just his name sent her heart fluttering for something she could no longer have. No, she belonged to someone alse now and what she and Carson had was lost.

Moving away from the counter Misty trys to her to hold her voice steady. She count stand here any longer and she couldnt turn her back on Carson but she had to leave.*

"Excuse me, I have to get back to work. It was good seeing you Carson. Scott if you need anything you know where I am."

*Moving twords the doorway Misty slides past Carson her eyes locking with his one last time as a tear makes itself known once she gets a wiff of his colone.*

"..Hey Hun sorry I am calling so early I dont mean to wake you if I have already. I was just calling because I got some free tickets for the caves, the company is just trying to get rid of them before winter so they dont have to clame taxes on them. So I didnt know if maybe you wanted to go with me one night and than you can ask Con and Jamie. I know they have a few other friends I have met once or twice and maybe they would like to go as well. It might be fun to get to know some people a little better. Anyways thats up to you. I better get going back to work before I get into trouble. I love ya Hun and see you for lunch."

*Charlotte hangs up the phone with a smile on her face. Since her and Bret's elopment it had never left her face. Though some things had been hard and problems stood in the way she could never be happyer. Bret was perfect the man of her dreams, her light at the end of the path and she could ask for nothing more.

Sticking her phone back in her pocket Charlotte turns and goes back behind the little ticket booth to help more waiting customers.*

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