

*Leaning aganst Carson Jess lets out a sigh mulling over what he said. Sometimes, she wish she could run away. Hide from the world.*

"Running isnt the answer Carson. Lord knows there are days when I wish I could just run away and never come back. But that wouldnt solve anything. You'd still be in the same position that you are now."

*Leting out a sigh again Jess sits up.*

"We all make mistakes Carson. Over and over again but whats imporant is learning from them I think. The hardest part is asking for forgivness, but its something we all learn in time. I think I am finally getting the hang of it...maybe."

*Katie can't help but giggle as she lets Jason finish eating. She new he was tired but was thankful that he would go for a walk with her anyways. There was just something about tonight that she didnt want to stay inside.

Standing Katie gives a strech and takes her jacket off the hook and heads out the door with Jason. Reaching out Katie takes Jason's hand in hers as they walk down the sidewalk and the moon shines bright lighting there way. Being silent for a long moment Katie finally speaks.*

"I know I dont say much J...."

* Katie cant help the grin the plays on her lips.

and even when I dont say it I know you can feel it but its not the same...*

"I really am happy with you, and yes the past is behind us but I'm sorry anyways."

*For a moment Katie stops and turns twords Jason running a hand to the side of his face and through his hair.*

"...Thanks gor giving me a second chanse. "

*Katie lets out a sigh and shakes her head. What that what she really wanted to say? Did that come out how she wanted? Did she just sound silly?*

*Misty looks up at Scott again quiet for a moment and than looks back down at her paper work. She never really talked about what was on her mind let alown let her thoughts linger to sitting on just one thing. Finally looking back up at Scott Misty gives a smile.*

"Alot of things on my mind I guess. It's not really one thing by itself, its more a mixture of alot of things. It will pass in time I am sure."

*Looking back down at her paper work Misty trys to hide her eyes that said there was more than what she was saying but what WAS she to say? How was she to express how she felt. It was just something that was always hard for her.*

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