
Instead of fading...

Carson stares into Misty's tear-filled eyes, his ears receiving the words that he had dreaded. But he knew them to be true. How could it be so impossible to have a friendship between two people who had cared so much? It just wasn't fair. And once again, Carson was reminded that this was his fault... this whole thing was on his hands.

The flame had died, and rekindling anything was just not going to work. He'd known it was over, but now... not even being able to sit and talk... it was more than he could stand here knowing.

Carson's eyes drop, his whole body sinking slightly. "Alright. I won't bother you anymore." He dares to glance up one more time, a faint grin surfacing. "I guess I'll see you around then." He opens his mouth to say more, but it's no use. It didn't matter.

Turning around, he hits the door before Misty, exiting into the hall. Pausing briefly to take a deep breath, he glances down to Angelica's office. No... he couldn't do this. Not today... not now. He couldn't stay here any longer.

Feeling the emotions pooling hot behind his eyes, Carson turns the other way, back out the way he'd come. It had been a mistake to come... he shouldn't anymore.

Heading out across the main floor, he accidentally brushes past Laura too quickly, bumping her elbow and sending her papers flying.

Laura gives a little cry and tries to grasp at her stack of files, but most slide off onto the floor.

Carson's face grows hot and he kneels down to help pick things up. "I'm sorry," he mumbles. "My fault."

"No, no, I wasn't watching where I was going." Laura rolls her eyes at herself. Glancing up, she catches Carson's eye, and sees the redness there. Suddenly she senses something is not right. "You okay?"

Carson swallows hard and has to look away as he stands back up again. "I...no..yes... I'm fine."

"You sure?" Laura puts as hand on Carson's arm, concerned. She didn't interact with him all that much, especially now since he wasn't at TJY much, but she'd never seen him with quite this look on his face before.

"Yeah." Carson's voice almost cracks. "Sorry again. I'll see ya."

Laura watches helplessly as he walks to the exit. "Okay..." Gathering the rest of the papers, she looks to the exit again as the door closes, and she shrugs. It was none of her business.

Scott watches the brief exchange between Carson and Misty, his heart going out to them. Focusing on something other than himself for the moment gave him a needed distraction, though he wished it wasn't something as emotionally painful as this.

Seeing Carson walk away, and seeing Misty's tears, Scott gives a deep sigh. Still lying down, but alert now, he shakes his head a little. "Why don't you just love him?" he asks quietly. "It'll only eat you up inside if you deny it."

A small pain hits his own heart. He knew this all too well. He'd tried to make a future with someone who had loved another... and their love simply couldn't be snuffed out. He had settled on that, and he was okay with it. But he knew that no matter what he ever could have done, Katie's love for Jason would have always been in the forefront.

"Are you being fair?" he asks softly.

Carson stuffs his hands in his jacket pockets and heads across the parking lot to the sidewalk and down away from TJY. A bitter wind stung his face and he swipes his eyes with the back of his hand, blaming the cold air for the salty moisture.

Trudging along the sidewalk, he kicks an empty can with force, sending it into an alley. Normally he'd pick it up and recycle it, but today he wasn't in the mood. He'd been a fool today... He'd made a complete idiot of himself. Why did he have to go and do the things he did? Why couldn't he have just said hi to Misty and left it at that? He'd talked to her since they'd broken up, and though awkward, it had never been like this. Why had he pushed things too far this time?

He knew good and well why. Because the more time he spent away from Misty, the more he missed her. Instead of getting over her like he should, the longing to be with her only grew stronger. Instead of the desire to see her fading like it should, it only increased. He didn't jog by her house two mornings because he liked the scenery...he did it with the hope of just being able to wave a greeting to her... just being able to see her once more.

Who was he fooling? It was over. How long would it take for him to realize that? How long would it take for him to accept it? He just missed her so much... He missed seeing her... he missed her smile... he missed talking with her... he missed laughing with her... he missed just hanging out with her. More than the romance, he missed her friendship. But just as the romance had died, the friendship had gone right along with it.

Reaching the back of Mom and Pop's, Carson has to stop once more to take a deep breath. He had to refocus. He couldn't let his mind be stuck on Misty all day. He had work to do, and Jess was coming for lunch.

Jess... Carson leans against the building, a sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach. He cared about her... He didn't want to hurt her... He enjoyed her company... So why was he still feeling pain about Misty? He needed to move on... he needed to finally let go and move on. And Jess was there...waiting...putting up with him, even as he fumbled along.

Finally Carson lets himself inside and heads to his room where he sheds his jacket. Trying to clean up a little, he then aims for the kitchen where he could hear Herb already hard at work. Entering and grabbing an apron, Carson bravely looks to his employer and friend. "The hardware store can have a new window by tomorrow," he informs quietly. "And...they said they'd work with me on payments so... I'll be taking care of it."

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