

*Misty just watchs Carson leave her heart breaking all over again. She wanted to say more, she missed Carson...she wanted to stop him but she couldnt. It hurt so much inside to see him live all over again.

For a long moment Misty just stairs at the empty doorway so many thoughts running through her head and heart. Memories, good and bad laying themself in from of her. Ones that made her miss Carson even more. Finally Misty looks to Scott and trys to smile just a little though the lack of anything sort of real smile being there.*

"Because Scott, it hurts to much to love him, and it hurts just as much not to love him."

*Misty lets out a heavy sigh as she turns and heads back to her desk.*

"Maybe part of me is scaired to love him, maybe part of me is....something"

*Ploping down in her chair Misty trys her best to consintrate on anything something but what was on her mind now.*

*Jamie can't help the laugh that escapes her lips as she hears Bret. Giving a small shake of her head as she walks into work. She was late today due to car trouble but she was there non the less.*

"Well it sounds like your having some problems over there."

*Jamie can't help but cringe at the sound of something alse in the background drops and she trys to hold in a laugh. Since Bret and Charlottte had gotten married they had spend more time together as couples and it had been fun.*

"Well..I don't see a problem with that I'll just have to talk it over with Con and see if he dosnt mind and than I can see if I can round up some people from around here to go. It might be fun. Kind of like an end of the summer thing or something. I will deffintly get back to you on that Bret."

*Picking up some files from her mail box Jamie cradles the phone between her ear and her shoulder.*

"...yeah thank you for the offer. Ok...I'll let you know Bret. Ok...thanks Bye."

*Haning up the phone Jamie can't help but shake her head again as she sits down at her desk joting down a note to call Con later.*

*As Carson enters the kitchen Herb gives him a friendly smile and turns back to what he was doing.*

"Having a new window is good. Thank you Carson for that as for payments I think we have that covered. I've already payed for it, and well....someone alse is working off the payments."

*Herb nods out to the dinning room where Jess was in an aprin and some black slacks taking orders at the tables. Herb can't help the smile the surfecs a little more.*

"She told me not to tell you, but I told her sooner or later your going to notice because you DO work here, She a good person who wanted to help you out because she knows you have alot on your plate. Don't be to hard on her eh?"

*Herb continues to move around the kitchen getting everything ready while doing up orders as well.*

"So now, tell me about this fight, what happend?"

As so once again the minutes go by, time slowly slips away and the past events to some still linger. Words, emotions still hang one even after a few hours. Sometimes its just not that easy to say goodbye to them.

*Misty throws her pen down on her desk leting out a frestrated sigh. It had been 3 hours since Carson was here last and yet his presence still lingered. Misty could still hear his voice, smell him all over again and she could get her mind on nothing alse. Scott's words echoing in her ears, was she being fair, to herself to Kyle. Kyle.....He'd been so nice to her and helped her through so much. Misty had to addmit she feel for him he was great but was Misty being fair. Carson....Carson....DARN HIM her mind just wouldnt let go.
Opening her desk draw Misty pulls a small envilope out. Opening it Misty retreaves shinny trinket. Pulling out the steel bracelet Misty runs her finger over the name plate. She did miss Carson, everything about him. Even after everything how Misty missed him. Puting the braclet back into the draw Misty picks up the phone and dials Kyle's number.*

"Hey Hey...hows your day going?...good good...yeah Scott is doing good. Hey listen I was wondering if in maybe an hour we can have lunch? Ok...ok..see ya than. Bye."

*Hanging up the phone Misty leans back in her desk chair and just runs a hand over her face in a low whisper she talks to herself forgetting anyone alse was in the room with her.*

"What am I doing?"

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