

*Herb just stands cooking and listing to Carson for a long while. Taking in what he said about about happend and the dog. Understanding a few new things about Carson. As Carson starts to talk about going to TJY and there being a snag Herb turns around to look at him. He didnt need to say anything, or name any names and Herb new who he was talking about. Studying Carson for a long moment Herb turns again before speaking.*

"Maybe you should go back again. I know its probley hard to be there, and to look into the eyes of the people there but its something you have to do ya know. You can't give up Carson...."

*Herb continues to talk about the dog and going to Angelica but would he catch onto the hiddin meaning Herb was getting at. He though Jess and Carson were cute but Carson's eyes betrayed him. Herb could tell there was no love there and his heart still rested with one person and one person alone.*

"...Your trying to right the wrongs and though they are hard and they hurt. You can't give up. Tomarrow, don't wait for tomarrow with what could be done today because you never know when tomarrow could be to late...Aerith your order is up."

*Herb continues to cook and call out the ordes as they came in.*

*Seeing Kyle Misty's lips spread into a smile. It was always nice to see Kyle, no matter what he could make her smile. Wrapping her arm around him Misty follows him inside.

Before long lunch is served. Stairing down at her food Misty trys to keep smiling and laugh at Kyle but she knows as well she he does its not working to well. Receving Kyle's question Misty pokes at her food for a moment her apitite disapearing.*

"I....I had a run in with Carson today. Well...its wasnt really a run in he...I dont know why he was there but he ended up coming to see Scott...and I was going to leave because it was hard being in the room with him."

*Misty lets out a sigh as she remembers what happend that day about the way Carson had looked at her.*

"He ended up stoping me and asking if we could be friends. I told him I couldnt be."

*Misty looks up at Kyle. She didnt want to hurt him but she had to let him know how she felt. She couldnt hide this form him.*

"I have to many feelings and emotions twords him still to be his friend. I just don't think it would be good. I'd never want to do anything to hurt you Kyle I care for you way to much. I think thats why I wanted to tell you all this."

*Misty holds her gaze with Kyle not even sure if she made sence.*

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