
Quite a guy

Carson listens to Herb’s words, a strange pang hitting his heart… again. Looking to his older friend, he wondered… did he know? He shouldn’t be surprised… Herb had a way about him… an insight that not everybody had. He saw things most people wouldn’t. And Carson knew that he’d read him more times than he’d like to think. Was this another one of those times?

He looks down at his work again, swallowing hard.

Misty…Misty… Why couldn’t he get her out of his mind? He’d thought he was getting over her. He was doing so well. But then seeing her again… talking to her again… every time, it put him right back where he’d been.

“...You can’t give up Carson…”

He lifts his head at the tone in Herb’s voice. What was he referring to? The case about the dog? Or…something else? Something harder?

Tomorrow… Carson shakes his head and tries to concentrate, looking up to see another order come in. Today… tomorrow… it would never be the right time for what he really wanted… And it wasn’t just a won case about a dog that he wanted.

A portion of Carson wanted to turn right around, head out the back and go right back to TJY. But glancing out onto the floor, he sees Jess again. And again, he stops his thoughts from going anywhere else.

“Maybe I’ll call Nate about the dog,” he muses aloud. “Maybe he can tell me if it’s worth talking to Angelica or not. And if it isn’t, I’ll go to the police station or something instead and at least try to report the guy.”

Suddenly Carson groans. "And I have to go see Dani too. There's another mess I made."

Kyle listens to Misty for several moments, just letting her talk and remaining silent. He swallows his mouthful of food and studies her eyes, looking from one to the other.

Finally his gaze drops and he twirls his fork in his food, pushing a piece of pork from one end of his plate to the other. His mind runs through scenarios faster than he'd like. Images of the past come to mind. Seeing Misty's tear-streaked face... seeing Carson and his so-called friends... seeing the anger in Carson's eyes again, and feeling his own anger for what had been done to a woman like Misty.

Kyle's jaw tightens slightly and he looks back up, searching her eyes once more. Question fills his gaze. She still had feelings for Carson? A man that had lied to her? A man that had hurt her? Had cheated on her?

Had Kyle done something wrong? Was there something he hadn't done? He'd thought...

His eyes drop once more and he shakes his head just slightly, a sorry grin forming at the corner of his mouth. "He must've been quite a guy, huh?" He stabs a slice of meet, sliding it through his rice before finally setting his utensil down and folding his hands, his elbows resting on the table.

It wasn't often he got serious... he liked having fun, and liked laughing too much. There were certain times he knew he needed to be serious though... but he hadn't wanted this to be one of those times.

Kyle just looks at Misty... her eyes so deep... so mysterious. Her face so soft... so pretty. "So..." He clears his throat, searching for the right words. "Feelings for Carson." He pauses again. "I appreciate you telling me."

He gives her a little nod. "But, um... I don't know what this means exactly." He tries to hide it, but his eyes cannot lie. Her words had stung. And he didn't understand.

"What..." He hesitates. "What does...or where does this put us then? I mean..." He swallows hard. "Are you...saying you don't want this? Or... that you want to go back to Carson or...?"

Kyle can't help his questions. He didn't want to ask them, and he didn't want to jump to any conclusions, but though Misty's admittance might have come fairly casually, it didn't feel that casual to him.

His eyes linger on hers, glistening with a fearful hope.

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