

*As Katie sits along in her room she thumbs through some old books. It was a quiet night and much had been delt with at work. Though she new Jason didnt really want to be alone he had asked to be and Katie wanted to respect that. So she choose to just sit and read her own mind moving to differnt places. As Katie turns the page of her book a strange feeling over comes her. Something, somewhere was not right. It wasnt Jason that the feeling came from, and it felt differnt from what she normaly felt with him. This was more of an incling than an emotion she felt. It was the normal feeling of thinking someone was being hurt. A friends feeling that another needed tham, it was normal. Resting her book in her lap Katie soaks in this new feeling. It was strange and it was enough for her to be on edge that something really was wrong but with who? Scott! His name was the first one to come to mind. Something...it was enough of a feeling that Katie had to make sure. She had to see he was ok. After knowing what he had been though Katie had to see for herself for her friends sake. Putting her book down Katie thorws her hoodie on and takes her car keys heading out the door.

...Opening the door slowly on the infermary Katie peeks her head in trying her best to be quiet in case Scott is sleeping. Looking over twords the bed Katie can make out the figured huddled up on the bed. An instint sicking fear hits Katie as the sit could hurt the hardest of hearts. Opening the door more but not moving to fast to scair Scott Katie makes her way over to him quickly.

Sitting down gently on the bed Katie puts her hand on Scott's arm to let him know she was there.*

"Hey Scotty. Whats going on? You don't look so hot."

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