

*Jess lets out a sigh but lets Carson clean her up anyways. Thinking about all the was said Jess felt helpless on what to do next besides help Carson clean some more. Going back over to the table with the over turned chairs Jess starts to pic of the peaces of wood and glass putting them in piles and riting the chairs that were still whole.*

"Pst...I busted lip isnt much of anything to me. I've been though worse."

*Jess falls quit for a moment thinking about what she just said. Quickly pushing the feelings away again before anything could form Jess trys her best to make Carson feel better.*

"You know if you just explain to Herb what happend I am sure he will understand and not be to upset. He could probley even help you Carson if your just honest with him."

*For a moment Katie takes in Jason abrupt departure. Trying not to pry into Jason's feeling Katie stands as well and sits back down at the table. Giving a shake of her head she looks at Trooper.*

"You silly dog."

*Poking for a moment at her food Katie finally sets her fork down and looks at Jason giving a smile.*

"I thought maybe we could go for a walk after dinner. Its pretty nice out and there wont be many days left like this where it wont be to cold that is if you want."

"...I know it can probley be quit a shock to the system nothing really being the same, but its time to start new now even if its scary and you don't want to."

*Misty felt sorry for Scott. She could say anything and comfort him all she wanted but it wouldnt take away the pain he felt inside. The mental torment he was going through. All Misty could do was hope her words helped if even alittle.*

"Things will be ok Scott...in time. Till than you have people you can talk to when you need it and friends to stand by your side or just sit to keep the monsters at bay. Thats what friends are for."

*Misty gives Scott's arm a gentil pat before turning and heading back to her desk.*

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