

*Katie's mind trys to process the information about Austin being the problem with Jason. She new they had there outs and everything was not always right with them, but maybe she hadntrelized things were just this bad. But obaying Jason's wishs not to talk more on the topic Katie trys to let it drop.*

"Yeah, work seemed less than exciting for me as well. I don't know if its just me or what but it seems to have lost its certin spark it once had. I mean I still love my job but something feels differnt. Maybe thats what growing up is about."

*As Katie puts her glass down the table start to shake and Katie turns her head to the hall where she see Trooper bouncing down the hall. Katie's eyes grow wide as she watchs Trooper tackle Jason. As Jason goes down with the dog on top of him Katie can't help the laugh the escapes her lips just watching them for a long moment.

You know you both look like your both having to much fun without me.

Getiing a grin on her face Katie stands from the table and softly draps herself off Trooper and Jason.*

"Oops...I fell."

*As Jess drinks her milkshake she watches Carson work. It never bothered her to sit there and wait. There was just something about Carson that made her feel alright and waiting a little bit longer was not a big deal.

As the time pass Jess pull out a magazine and starts to read it letting the noise around her drowned away. Getting wraped up in what she was looking at she gives a small jump as Carson bumps into her but recovers quickly giving him a little shove back.*

"Well I was thinking maybe a short walk and than come back here and watch a mo....."

*Jess voice trails off as the 3 thugs enter the restaurant. Looking over Carson's shoulder Jess eyes the three men a bit confused about what was going but listing anyways. As the tiff goes back and forth and Carson starts the fight Jess gives a jump and stands as it continues. Seeing Carson holding his own Jess does nothing but backs up a few steps placing her hand on the phone, than seeing all three men on top of Carson beating the crap out of him Jess steps forward as a strange feeling curns inside of her. She couldnt just stand ther and do nothing she had to do something. Picking the smallest of the three thugs and the one that happens to be the closest. Getting a strength not often seen Jess yanks the thug up and just looks at him squair in the eye for a moment before bringing her own foot up to meet his knee caps and kicks befor swinging her arm around connecting with his face before anyone knows is Jess is not in the middle of the fight.*

*Moving quietly across the floor Misty enters the infermary and slowly walks over to Scott. Just looking at him for a moment Misty reaches down and checks his pulse before moving just a little but still looking at him not knowing if he was awake or not she talks out loud.*

"It's gonna be ok Scott. Just hang in there. We all are here for you and love you."

*Leaning down Misty gives Scott a kiss on the head and runs a hand through his his hair before walking over to her desk and turning the small light on. Pulling out a file Misty studys it and makes a few notes working as quiet as she can.*

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