

"Ohh, you're too sweet." Shirley smiles her thanks to Karla's compliment. "It's just a bit of eggs and cheese."

"And love," Kip adds.

Shirley gives his arm a swat and looks to Karla. "He likes making me feel good so I'll make him those peanut butter cookies he likes. Never did figure out how he can eat so many and still stay so skinny."

Kip's grin widens. "I think it's called metabolism."

"Well, you keep on going for ten-mile runs, you're gonna eat me out of a kitchen." She gives his hair a loving ruffle before turning back to Karla. "I'll get Rin some water."

As she leaves, Kip takes another bite and chuckles at Karla's question. "Other than getting myself in trouble? Most of my free time is used to play bass guitar. I was in a band, Righteous Bullet, for a while, and now we're forming a new one with the guy out there, Kyle, as lead singer. Erik and Twila are in on it too, and a couple other guys." He shrugs, making light of it. "Otherwise, I keep myself busy with handiwork around here to earn my keep." Another, smaller grin emerges. "This is actually Erik's family's place. They took me in when..." Though his grin remains, a shadow passes through his eyes. "...well, when I needed a place to stay."

He takes a sip of fruit juice then scrapes the last bit of breakfast from his plate. "Sometimes I get out for a night on the town, but only when I'm daring enough to face Erik when I get back." He shrugs again. "My life in a nutshell. I should write a book." A laugh escapes. "People could use their copies as doorjams or something."

Leaning back in his chair, Kip cocks his head. "Now that I've bored you out of your mind, what about you? Last time I looked, this 'getting to know you' thing went both ways."

"I think I could go for that." Leo waits for Ryan to finish wrapping her wrist before leaning over and giving her lips a light kiss. "Thanks for helping me get back on my feet. I think I'm gonna miss spending so much time over here."

Jason has his eyes on his task, but a smile spreads on his face. Turning around, he looks down at Katie, just letting his gaze fall into hers for several moments.

No... I'm not ready. For the first time, I don't want to go. I've been without you so much lately, that to think it might happen again... I don't know if I could take it.

He reaches out with a gentle hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, his eyes still on hers.

I love you, Katie Pent, more every day.

Giving a sigh, one corner of his mouth upturns a little more. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be, Hero. Let's nab these bad guys."

They had another half hour before heading out. Then they'd land in Texas and settle in a hotel for one night, making contact with Mick. Then they'd wait for Reese's direction with where to head after he'd received more information from the police. It could be the next day they'd head out, or the next week. It all depended on what intel they'd be fed.

Jade's head turns to follow Dan as he walks a short ways away into the barn. He sees the look he tosses her, and she smiles her response. This wasn't much fun. But... it was nice they could still communicate without needing to talk. It would get old pretty quickly though... and after thinking about it all day, she felt ready to talk to her father about it again. She needed to give him an answer... but she wasn't willing to leave because of Dan, and she wasn't willing to just throw away her newfound friendship in order to stay. There had to be a compromise... right?

Gunner looks at the clock. Most people had left TJY for the night. It was getting late. Past the time JT said supper would be on. Gunner sighs. His stomach didn't feel very good, but maybe that's because he hadn't eaten all day.

Thinking for a few minutes longer, he gets to his feet. He was being silly. He'd missed Bree all day... and even if he felt odd about that morning, he just needed to let it go. Surely she had... right? Maybe it was his fault... maybe he needed to apologize or... something. Bree hadn't acted like she minded it, sitting with him... like... that.

He shakes his head as his spine tingles a little. Okay. He'd go. On his way across town though, he does get distracted by a little shop on Main street before continuing his route...

Arriving at the house, he rings the doorbell and shifts his weight a little nervously, the small bundle under his arm.

JT looks up from a bite of spaghetti and glances to Bree as he hears the doorbell. They'd only been at the table for a few minutes after working together on the meal. It had been a nice relaxing time after a long day, and JT had thought Gunner wouldn't show up. "Hmm... maybe that's our friend." Going to the door and opening it, he smiles. "Hey, Gunner."

"Hey, um... I'm late."

"No one's ever late around here." JT steps back to let him inside. Studying Gunner for a moment with expert eyes, he takes a guess. "Haven't eaten much lately, have you?"

Gunner was surprised at JT's skill and just shrugs. "Wasn't hungry, I guess."

"Well, come on in. Bree and I haven't finished yet, but there's enough here to feed an army anyway."

Gunner gives a little nod and wanders behind him to the kitchen table. JT goes to the counter to grab a plate and starts to dish out another helping of spaghetti from the pot.

Gunner ambles closer to Bree, giving her a crooked grin. "Hey." He wasn't really sure what to say. This whole day had seemed topsy-turvy, and he didn't know what was supposed to happen next, especially when his stomach does a little flipflop. Clearing his throat, he then remembers the object under his arm. "Oh, um, I saw this today and I don't know..." He shrugs. "It made me think of you so..." He sets the little white teddy bear down in front of her. It had big brown eyes and was dressed in purple scrubs like a nurse. Its shirt said, "You're a beary special friend!" Gunner looks at Bree's face for her reaction, hoping that if anything needed to be fixed, that this would help... that if an apology was needed, that this would do.

JT glances over his shoulder, keeping a smile to himself. He takes his time getting the food.


Sniffing the womans hand cautiously Rin can smell the small remainder of food from whatever meal she was making. Giving in a playful lick and moving his front paws as his large tail wacked the floor to show he was happy.

Giving a small laugh at her dog and taking a bit of the food Karla was surprised on how good the meal tasted. Flashing a grin at Kip and than a look twords the cook Shirley.

"The meal is amazing, thank you so much. As for Rin, he could go a week without water and be ok. But getting him some water would be very nice of you. Thank you!"

Turning back to Kip and taking another bit of the food Karla savers the tast. It was nothing like she had, had before but it was so good, and after the last few days of eating nothing but ramen noodles this was heaven.

"So, what do you like doing in your free time? If we are going to be friends and not strangers anymore I need to know what you like."

Giving another grin Karla's eyes twinkled. It was nice having someone who talk with and get to know. Kip had made it so easy as well, and formed around her shyness.

Giving a chuckle about being the body guard Ryan shakes her head a little. It made her feel good to know Leo would stand up for her even if he new it would end bad though she would never ask him to do so.

"Mmmm...If you come with me we can go watch the race. My car is far from ready to race again, so maybe watching a race will give me the motivation to race again."

Though she didnt say it Ryan did miss racing and couldn't want to get back on the track. Knowing Leo was there to cheer her on was always nice too.

"How about we grab something to eat together and than head over? I'll leave Eli a note in case he comes back early."

Giving a big smile Ryan was happy Leo was there with her and talked her into going with him. Reaching to the table for the ace bandage Ryan wraps her wrist tightly making sure it was well supported.

Looking up and seeing Jade sitting outside Dan couldnt help the small ping that hit his heart. He'd liked becoming friends with Jade and talking to her. He liked having her work along side him so he had someone to chat with. But not it was like being caged away, being able to look out but it being to far to touch.

Bringing the horse around the ring one more time to pass Jade Dan looks at her giving a smile and a wink. He couldn't talk to Jade for fear of Mick getting upset but maybe that was his silent hello to her. Leading the horse into the barn Dan throws a look over his shoulder one last time before disappearing inside to get the next horse.

Mmm....yes I believe we did. But you know how it goes, on the road again.

Adjusting the bag on her shoulder Katie makes her way down the hallway. She was picked along with Jason, and Wyatt in the search for Dylan. Mick thought it was the Agency but the others could only hope not. Katie new what it was like to be under them and it was thought. Even if they didnt kill Dylan they wouldn't make it easy.

Everything the room where Jason was Katie lets her warm emotions flow even though she was worried about her cousin. Coming up behind Jason she nudges him just a little.

"The three stooges, I like it. Ready?"

Getting Axel's voice mail Misty puts her papers down as her voice held a little bit of excitement. It had been longer than planned but she was finally calling Axel back.

"Heya Ax, its Misty. Sorry I didnt call sooner its been crazy. Anyways I got your blood tests back and your cleared. Everything is ok to continue with the research. So when your free in the next say or two I'd like to do the mini surgery to take a peace of your nerve from your wrist. Give me a call back when you have time."

Hanging up the phone Misty leans back in her chair for a long moment as her lets out a small sigh. Things had been moving on with her research well and she was pleased. but what was to come next would be the real test in if this would work or not and Misty couldn't be more excited.

Lil' Cowboy

Gunner hears his phone ringing this time, but seeing it was Bree, for some reason he didn't answer it. He wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because he knew he really didn't have a reason not to meet her today.

Listening to the voicemail, he feels a little worse. It was odd Bree didn't want to go either... she sounded like she was having a rough day. And he'd turned down having floats with her.

He sighs and slips his phone into his pocket, trying to get more work done. It's only ten minutes later that once again, he has a call. This time he answers it though, and tells JT he's not sure if he'll be over for supper or not.

Kip grins at Karla, pleased to see that she was asking about prayer before eating. It was a nice change to make a friend who did that. He knew he didn't always pick the best friends... but he had such a hard time fitting in, that he often took what he could get. "Yeah, sure."

Bowing his head, he thanks God for the food, then pauses before going on. "And thank you for strangers along the road."

Ending his prayer, he still has a little grin on his face as he takes a bite of his breakfast. "Mmm.... Shirley!"

The older woman near the stove turns around in surprise. "What? What's the matter?"

Kip laughs. "Did I ever tell you that you're a good cook?"

Shirley gives him a little smirk. "Almost every day." Her eyes had a sparkle to them that a fun grandma might have. "But that's okay, I don't get tired of it." Chuckling, she wipes her hands on her apron and wanders closer. "Who are your new friends?"

"This is Karla... and Rin."

"Nice to meet you, Karla." Shirley gives a warm smile, then stretches out a hand for Rin to sniff. "I could get him some water if he needs it," she offers.

Leo gives Ryan's fingers a little squeeze. The look on his face was gentle and understanding. Though she didn't say so, he knew she must be a little nervous to go back. He was too. He still looked like he'd been run over by a truck, and Roth's handiwork would have a longer impression on his mind than his looks. "Well... we could always just go and watch tonight." He shrugs. "Say hi to some people and see what's up."

He gives her a rueful grin. "Not that I'll be much good as a bodyguard, but I can try. Miles said he might go down too and hang out for a while though."

Jade rubs some oil into the saddle, folding the cloth and continuing the gentle cleaning and oiling. The sunshine felt warm today, despite a cool breeze. She'd chosen to bring the saddle outside to work on it today instead of staying cooped up in the tack room. There was a reason she'd chosen to set up out behind the barn though. Looking up every now and again, she would steal glances at Dan exercising some of the horses. The only thing better would be riding with him, but she'd take his advice for now and play things cool.

It was funny... she barely knew him... had really not been here all that long to spend time with him... yet seeing him and talking to him was the highlight of her day. The awkwardness she usually felt about new friends just didn't exist. It was like she and Dan... clicked. She'd had guy friends before, and a few boyfriends, including Jason. But even then, all had seemed almost like she had to really try hard to make a go of it - like it was one-sided. It just wasn't like that with Dan. It was just... easy. Her nerves had caused her to flirt with him in the beginning, but now... she didn't act silly with him like she'd done with other guys. She didn't feel the same nervousness around him, or the need to impress him as she had with guys like Jason. She just felt like... herself. It was a nice, warm feeling and she liked it.

Glancing up again, she smiles as Dan passes by near the fence.

Jason throws a few things into one of his bags and scans the rack of firearms before choosing his pistol. He'd just gotten back from lunch, and was preparing to head out later in the afternoon.

Didn't we just leave Texas?

He grins a little, knowing Katie and Wyatt would probably be joining him soon.

The three stooges take off again. I just hope Mick isn't right about thinking it's the Agency.

Scott looks at his computer screen and grins at the picture of BJ that he'd caught on his short stay at the ranch. The boy was outside grinning from ear to ear, his cowboy hat pulled down so far that he had to crane his neck to look up and see the camera.

Scott pulls up an email and types a quick message:
Subject: Lil' Cowboy
Thought you might like having this.
Attaching the picture and clicking 'send' the email was off to Rosetta.



Letting out a small sigh Bree just looks at her uncle before looking down at her food again. She wouldnt be calling her mother back, even if JT hadn't said she didn't have to she wouldn't have. Bree loved her parents still but she would rather not communicate with them.

Sitting on the couch after JT was long gone Bree mindlessly flips through the channels on tv. She really didn't want to do anything else and she was waiting to hear back from Gunner. If there was one thing she wouldnt mind doing it would be her normal float with Gunner.

Nodding off for a second from being bored the sound of her phone reminding her she had a voice mail wakes her. She must have been so deep in sleep she hadnt even heard it go off. Listing to the voicemail from Gunner Bree couldn't help the disappointed feeling she felt. There was something odd about Gunner's tone as well and Bree could only hope what happened this morning had ruined there friendship. Calling Gunner back and getting his voicemail again Bree gives a sigh.

"Hey Vamp. Guess its phone tag now. No prob about not coming out for floats, I kind of didnt feel like going myself. I hope your day goes ok, and I will see ya again soon."

Putting her phone down again Bree continues to flip through the channles just trying to let her mind wonder on what was on tv and not everything else that was going on right now.

Giving another pleasant smile to the group of friends at the table Karla felt welcomed into this home. A feeling of peace was around the group that even though she had just come here seemed to emanate off them.

Offering another small wave as she leaves with Rin following Kip through the swinning doors. Coming up to the counter and sitting down Karla looks at the casserole and her stomach growls.

"It sure does look and smells good. No one could have to much cheese."

Karla gives a small laugh looking around the large kitchen just taking everything in. Turning her head back to Kip as he offered her a drink Karla had to think for a moment. She never had so many chooses on things to drink before.

"Mmmm...some apple juice sounds good. I haven't had that in a while."

Waiting till Kip comes back over with the drinks Karla takes a small sip savering the tast she hadn't have in a long time. Looking to Kip again and folding her hands she gives a smile.

"Would you like to pray for the food with me?"

Raising her own eyebrow at her brother's strange behavior she looks to Leo with question wondering if it was just her or was her bother acting a little odd.

"He's usally not. I guess people can change."

Following behind Leo Ryan sinks down on the couch with him her wrist was throbbing a little after racing to get the car done today. But it had been fun, and she had to let them all know she didn't lose her touch.

Thinking about Leo's qyestion for a moment Ryan does lift her head from the couch but turns it to look at him. Giving a small nod a look in her eye flashes that she did indeed miss racing.

"Yeah, I'll go back soon. One of my loves is racing, I dont know how I couldnt go back. Just wasn't sure if I was gonna tonight or not."

Giving a smile to Leo Ryan takes his hand in her own just holding it. She wanted to go tonight, but maybe even if she didnt say it she felt a little nervouse. It had been almost a month since she had been at the track and who knows what she had missed. Not to mention she wasnt looking forward to seeing Roth again.


"Yes." JT spoke with firm confidence, even though there was a portion of his heart that was worried. He wouldn't show it to Bree.

He looks her in the eye, forcing her to see his assurance. "It will be okay. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, Bree. You are not sick, and you know this. You don't need help from anybody else, okay? I won't tell you what to do, but you do not have to call your mother back, and you don't have to feel guilty at all if you don't. You're a grown woman, Bree, and your life is yours."

JT gives her hand another squeeze while smiling again. "Ever since you came, we've been a team, right? I'm not gonna let anything happen to ya now."

Letting her go, he turns back to breakfast. "Now, try to eat a little bit so I don't worry about you all day. I gotta get to work, and we'll do spaghetti tonight. I'll see if Gunner wants to come for that." It doesn't take long to finish the morning meal, and soon, JT is on his way to the hospital for a few hours. He did worry though, about Bree. He didn't think anything could happen, but he would be praying about it nonetheless.

Gunner listens intently, still leaning back to see Nate. He doesn't crack a smile, and almost seems to concentrate too hard on what Nate was saying, almost like he was looking for a formula he had to remember.

By the time Nate concludes, Gunner was having a hard time not acting as silly as he felt. He manages a thoughtful nod. "Thank you."

Without so much as another word, he slides back into his cubicle, out of sight, bringing an abrupt end to the strange conversation. Leaning his arms on his desk, he could feel that his face was beet red, and he just hoped that no one came to see him before it decreased by several shades. He liked Bree... he thought about her a lot... he missed her when he didn't see her for a while... and lately he'd been getting all these strange feelings. They hadn't really gone out together, other than meeting for a quick float... they hadn't even known each other that long, once Gunner thought about it. And they certainly hadn't talked about dating or hugged or kissed. Well... they'd come close to kissing one or twice. Did that mean he should ask Bree if she wanted to be his girlfriend?

"Gunner, would you..." Susanne's voice trails off as Gunner jumps so badly that he knocks a stack of his papers all over the floor. "Uh..."

Gunner's face didn't have a chance at returning to its normal color any time soon, and he leans down to pick up the papers only to have his chair slide out from under him, sending him to his knees.

Con peeks around the corner from his cubicle a few feet away, his eyes wide. "Gunner! I didn't know you felt that way about Susanne!"

Gunner looks up at Susanne, still on his knees, and his mouth opens as he blinks.

Susanne starts to laugh. "I think this is the first time you've been at a loss for words. Were you planning to propose or clean the floor?"

"Uh..." Gunner scratches his head, then goes for the papers. "Floor... papers... yes... um... what did you need?"

Susanne, still grinning, shakes her head. "I'm sorry. Need some help?"

"No, no... I can make a fool out of myself all on my own, thank you."

"Well, I think you had some help." Susann shoots a smirk in Con's direction before looking back to Gunner. "I just wanted to drop off these files. Didn't mean to startle you."

"It's alright. Thanks." Gunner continues to pick up his mess, irritated with himself. He had too much on his mind that he didn't understand. He didn't understand what he was going through, and he didn't understand all the different levels on which he was experiencing the strange feelings. He felt silly or stupid or both, and making a fool out of himself just now didn't help much.

His buzzing phone on his desk alerts him that he had a voicemail. Apparently he hadn't heard the call come in. Abandoning his work for a moment, he gets back in his chair and listens to the message from Bree. "Hey Vamp, it's about that time and I was just wondering if you would like to join me for some non ice cream floats."

Gunner looks at his phone for a moment and sighs. Dialing Bree, he waits until she answers, but even when he hears her voice, he hesitates. "Um, hey, it's Gunner. Um... listen, I wound up with a bunch of work today..." He looks down at all the paperwork scattered around him. He didn't want to do any of it. He wasn't required to even get it done today. As a matter of fact, he wanted to get out of the office for a while. But... after this morning... he just felt... he didn't know. "I'm sorry," he apologizes to Bree. "I'm gonna have to skip on today's floats. I, um... yeah. Sorry."

Twila immediately senses Karla's shyness and grins. "Well, if you like scrambled eggs and bacon, you'll probably like breakfast casserole."

Kip notices that Karla isn't making any move, so he gestures to the swinging doors of the kitchen. "Come on. Follow me." It was nice having someone new to show around. Karla had been the much-needed distraction this morning, and she was nice to boot. He already hoped that this morning wouldn't be the last time he saw her.

As the two walk away, Erik throws Twila a look of question. She just shrugs lamely, just as bewildered. "She seems okay," she barely whispers so Kip and Karla couldn't hear.

Erik gives his eyes a bit of a roll. "As long as it isn't Whitney," he comments under his breath. He didn't trust Kip's choice of friends though, so he'd be curious to see what Karla was all about.

In the kitchen, Kip ignores the cook who was busying herself with cleaning and preparing food for later. He knows where everything is, and grabs two plates, setting them down next to the pan of still-warm casserole. "Looks like... eggs, bacon, some green peppers and.... lots of cheese." He grins. "Cheese is always good." Dishing out some for him and some for Karla, he then points to one of the smaller refrigerators. "For drinks we've got..." He opens one side, scanning the contents. "Milk... iced tea... coke, mountain dew, apple juice, cranberry juice... mixed fruit juice..." He looks over his shoulder at Karla. "And water of course. What'll it be?"

"Hey, you two." Eli grins as Ryan and Leo get back from the auto shop where they'd been for the morning. Ryan had felt up to it, and Leo had at least wanted to go in and say hi to the guys. "How'd it go?"

"Miles said I looked worse," Leo comments ruefully. "Wore me out, but it was good to get some fresh air. Not to mention, it was fun to see Ryan try to finish work on a car all in a few hours while Jed and Axel took bets on whether or not she could do it."

Eli chuckles as he dons his leather jacket. "Let me guess... another McKade takes the prize."

Leo grins. "Of course. Looks like you're just leaving."

"I am." Eli tosses Ryan a wink. "Gonna go out for a bit. Grab some lunch and check out a few of those bikes I was looking at yesterday. Met a guy who might wanna go out for drinks later, so I'll probably be back after dark." He pats his pocket where his cellphone was. "Call me if you need me though." Grabbing his cycle keys, he exits before any questions can be asked.

Leo quirks an eyebrow and folds his arms, staring at the closed door. "Didn't figure your brother to be quite the social butterfly." He wanders into the living room to ease down onto the couch a bit gingerly. Feeling up to going out this morning or not, he was still sore. "This morning after breakfast, Eli said you weren't racing tonight... you're gonna go back sometime though, right?"

"So how'd it go?" Wyatt munches on a sandwich, joining Ty in the kitchen.

Ty throws him a withering look. "Take a guess."


"Just stop, alright?" Ty slams the refrigerator door shut and opens his bottle of pop. "This was the last time. I'm just not gonna be able to get my license. Period. I can't do it."

"Yes you-"

"No, I can't!" Ty glares at him. "Let it drop, Wyatt. I can't pass the driving test without reading, and I can't read so it's a closed case."

Wyatt sighs. "All you need is more time. You can learn how to read if you just-"

"I'm going to bed, I worked all night." Ty takes his pop and trudges from the kitchen and down the hall to his room.

Giving a growl, Wyatt finishes up his sandwich then goes to pack. He needed to get back to TJY by five o'clock to head out with Jason and Katie. The three of them were the chosen team to go in and investigate the case with Dylan. Dalton and Scott would be their main route of communication back here, while they would also be in touch with Mick.


Looking up at her Uncle Bree looks for the comfort in his eyes. She had always been able to count on him no matter the situation and his arms had always been open to the love she had felt no where else.

"She just talked about getting together, and wanted to know why I left without a word and told me I needed help. If I came home they would give me the help I needed because I was sick without even knowing it."

Letting out a long sigh Bree looks down at her food just running her fork through it. She was hungry and the food smelled good but a will to eat just didn't come anymore. Bree was to upset and if she did have something to eat her stomach might bring it back up.

"It will be ok, right Uncle JT?"

Standing outside the house for a moment Karla looks up at what she would call a mansion not a house. Not behing able to help that her mouth was hanging open a little Karla finally looks back to Kip giving a smile.

"What a place to live."

Looking down at her dog and patting her side Rin moved in a little closer looking up at her.

"Stay close."

Finally following Kip inside Karla's eyes moves over the doorway, around the room an far into another. Rin following close and keeping pase with her on guard but very behaved in this place he new nothing about.

Coming into the dinning room Karla once again looks around and over her head at how big it was and how pretty everything looked. It was almost like she had just stepped into a dream. But bringing her eyes back to the large table and seeing the people She couldn't help the color that came to her face as a little bit of her shy nature came into play.

Giving a small wave to the Erik and the other Karla offers a small smile as well to the strangers.

"Good Morning. I've never had breakfast casserole before but it sounds wonderful."

Looking back to Kip Karla dosnt move just waiting for him. She didnt want to be rude even though they had just offered the food to her. The shy side of her just refused to move till Kip did too.

Looking up to the sounds of Gunner's voice Nate offers a smile as he puts his papers down seeing in his eye he wanted to ask something. But hearing the question Nate's eye widen just a little. He'd never been asked that question before let alone from Gunner himself.

"Well, honestly it starts out as a feeling. You like being with the person and you think about them alot. Me, I couldnt keep my mind off Laura. She had been a friend for so long but than out of no where I just started getting butterflys when she was around and started missing her when she was not."

Nate stops for a moment thinking about when he had first relized he liked Laura and everything he had went thought to shower how much he cared. It had been a long hard road but Nate wouldnt have changed it for anything and that thought alone put a smile on his face.

"I started asking her out, to lunch, dinner even for ice cream. We talked about and just shared time together relizing we really did have a lot more in conman than we thought. Than I asked her to be my girlfriend and waited to see if she had the same feelings for me. She did and after that we were more than friends. I couldn't get enough hugs, or kiss and the hours we spent together where never enough.Being more than friends is a feeling that two people share. A warmth, a tinger a skip in ones heart beat."

Searching Gunner's face Nate wondered if he has explained it ok. Though he had a sister he hasnt had to worry about explaining any of this stuff to her, and he had no idea where to start with Gunner. But he hopped that he had done ok.


A laugh escapes JT's lips at Bree's admittance and he just grins, watching her face grow red. Hearing Gunner might have gone to kiss her makes him wonder if maybe his guess had been right - that these feelings weren't just one-sided. "Well... if it's meant to be, it'll come."

Letting her changes the subject, he's hit full force with a reality check. Bree's mother might be his sister, but for a long time now, he had no feelings for that family. They'd mistreated Bree as a child, causing her to go off the deep end, winding up in a mental hospital worse than Northside. It was amazing she was living now as well as she was, and JT blamed her parents for any consequences of the past.

"Alright, don't panic." JT forces himself to keep his voice calm and he reaches out to give Bree's hand a reassuring squeeze. "You're safe, remember? You're a grown woman with your own rights now. They can't bully you like they did when you were underage. Now... did your mother leave a message?"

Kip grins as he stands up and takes a deep breath. "It didn't take me long to get here, but walking, it'll take just as bit to get back, if you don't mind."

Leading the way, Kip does manage to take a few shortcuts through property owned by people he knew, shortening the walk by a little. He remains quiet most of the way. He'd divulged enough dark information to Karla, he really didn't want much more of that for a while. As for his reasoning to invite her back to the house... he had no idea. But she had a certain air about her that he liked... something that told him she was okay.

Finally getting back to the family's house, Kip leads up the long driveway and to the house. Getting to the doors, he pauses and glances at Rin. "He'll be okay inside if you keep him close to ya. Nobody should mind."

Letting Karla go in ahead of him, Kip cocks his head, listening for voices, and he finds them coming from the dining room. He didn't think much of the house anymore... the grandness of it was normal to him, so bringing Karla into the huge room didn't seem anything special to him.

Erik stands from the table. "Kip? What...?"

"Hey, guys." Kip nods to Erik, Twila, Alice and Kyle. "This is Karla and Rin. I asked her over for breakfast."

Erik blinks, trying to figure out what was going on. He didn't trust Kip's choice of friends, but he wasn't about to be rude. He forces a smile to the attractive young woman. "Hi, Karla. I'm Erik and these are our friends Twila, Kyle and Alice. We've got half a pan of breakfast casserole left yet, so please... help yourself."

Jade nods to Dan, knowing they didn't have much of a choice right now. Seeing him gone, she sniffs and wipes her eyes with the palm of her hand, trying to look halfway decent in case Mick saw her. She's surprised by a clean bandanna being offered to her. "Thanks, Sparky."

"No problem." He gives her shoulder a pat. He didn't like taking sides, but right now... he knew too much about Mick to turn a blind eye. Whether he'd admit it or not, he still had ill feelings for his brother right now, and if he could help Jade, well... he would.

"Why?" Gunner looks at Reese, a little upset to be chosen to stay here during the Texas case. Only a few from the meeting had been selected to go, as Reese had wanted to keep the team small and stealthy. But Gunner had thought for sure that he'd go.

"Gunner, don't make me explain myself." Reese sighs as he stares up from his desk. "You're staying here. I think you should be glad of it."

"Well, I'm not. Now why are you making me stay?"

"Alright, you really want to know? Because you're head's not back in the game yet. You know it, and I know it. I wish you would have taken more time off work, but since you insist on remaining in action, I'll keep your busy here."

Gunner grits his teeth and turns to the door. There was no point in continuing this conversation.

"Gunner, wait just a-" Reese stop and shakes his head as his words are met with the closing door.

Gunner wanders back to his cubicle, flopping down into his chair. Swiveling back and forth for a few minutes. He finally tries to concentrate on work, but it's hard. Not only did he have things on his mind about his past and about himself, but about Bree now too.

It's a while later and he's finally had enough of battling his own thoughts. Leaning back in his chair, he scoots towards the cubicle opening and sticks his head back to see the wall of Nate's own space. "Hey, Nate...." He waits until he hears a response, and he keeps his voice at a tone just so Nate could hear and no one else. "I remember you and Laura... worked here quite a while before... well before getting married and all that."

He feels funny talking about this. At the same time though, if he had ever had this experience as a teenager, he didn't remember it now. So whether he had or not, it was all new to him at this point. And no one could blame him for that, right? "How did you... well how did you know you were more than friends?"


A call

"I dont think he's handsome...I think he's hott."

Once the words are out of her mouth Bree's eyes seem to widen a little as her face turns red looking down into her coffee again for a moment.

"I mean...year He's handsome."

Looking up at her Uncle again a small smile forms on her face. Hearing that Gunner might get butterflys in his stomach too made her feel good. She wasnt the only one who felt like this.

"I think...he was going to kiss me two times now too. But...he didn't."

Drawing quiet again Bree thinks about the next topic that was on her mind. Her mother, had called and it really shook her up. Changing topics not really knowing what else to say about Gunner Bree's eyes hold a new look in them.

"I got a call from Mother today. She got my voice mail, but I don't know how she got my number. I hope she dosnt find me here Uncle JT!"

Thinking for a moment Karla gives a small smile. She really wasnt doing anything other than her normal run, not to mention her stomach did give a growl at the mention of food.

"Well, as long as I can bring Rin with me I'll join you. As long as your family dosnt mind a stranger and her dog."

Giving a chuckle and standing streching a little Karla gives a little laugh.

"As for the creep...you dont look very creepy to me, and like I said as long as Rin is with me I have nothing to worry about."

Patting her side Rin lifts his head from Kip's lap and goes to his masters side as commended. No leash was needed as the dog was very well behaved and was trained to listen to Karla to a T.

"Lead the way and I'll follow."

Continuing to keep his arms around Jade Dan looks up at Sparky's voice. It didnt really startle him but he jumped anyways. A small smile formed on Dan's lips thankful for his watchful eye. He didnt want to let go of Jade, fearing it just might be the last time he ever held her. But he new to keep everyone out of trouble he had to.

Pulling away from Jade, Dan places his finger under her chin gently.

"It's going to be ok. Just play it cool around you dad for a few days see what happens. Maybe we can see each other tonight are chores."

Giving Jade's hand a squeeze and a nod Dan slips out of the stall stopping in front of Sparky.

"Thank you!"

Going down a few stall and finding a pitch fork Dan starts to clean the stall out and place need bedding inside, finishing up his barn work.

Look alive

JT leans back in his chair, cradling his coffee mug with his hands as he listens. Now things were making a little more sense. He'd been right about Gunner not dealing with things well. And though he trusted Bree from the get-go, it was still a bit of a relief to hear the whole story after her original question.

A small smile forms on his lips as he looks at his niece. She was a grown woman with little to no experiences in this area of life. His smile wasn't because he found it humorous, but because he was proud of her, and loved her innocence.

"I'm glad you went to see him - that was very kind and I'm sure that you're doing him a lot of good by spending time with him."

JT nods, contemplating what his next words should be. Was Bree just having a simple crush? Was it more? Who was he to say?

"I... think I know what you're feeling, Bree." His smile remains. "I've had similar feelings a a few times in my life, but not for a long time."

Leaning forward again, he sets his mug aside. "I don't know if you and Gunner are more than friends, but... I think you might want to be. I think that's why you get those butterflies in your tummy. Maybe you think he's handsome?"

He cocks his head, searching Bree's face for more and he throws her a wink. "There's absolutely nothing wrong with you, if that's what you're thinking. You just gotta... go with the flow. See what happens. He might get butterflies in his tummy too when he sees you."

JT's smile is a gentle one. "Just keep being Bree and you can't go wrong."

"Yeah... yeah, I live a couple miles that way." Kip points down the street, only now realizing just how far he'd run. "Didn't grow up there though. It's kind of my adoptive family, you could say."

His hand continues to run through Rin's fur. "You busy?"

He had no idea why he'd just asked that, and he felt a little silly. This really wasn't normal for him. "I mean... I don't know... come see the house... get some breakfast?" He cringes a little. "I promise I'm not a creep."

"I won't choose," Jade mumbles stubbornly into Dan's chest. "He can't make me."

Just feeling his arms close around her offered the shelter she'd been looking for. It was a different kind... different from her father... different from other arms she'd had around her. It was... strong... warm... nice. His kiss to her head just makes her lean on him a little more, not wanting to let go.

"Look alive."

Jade jumps, her face turning up at the sound of her uncle's voice.

Sparky was standing casually at the stall door, his back to them as he paused his sweeping in the aisle. He didn't turn around. "Your father's headed this way from the house... figured you'd want to know."

Jade swallows hard and looks up at Dan. "I don't know what to do."


Giving another chuckle Karla looks around her at all the big houses. They cost an arm and a leg and she new it to live in one of these.

"One of these big fancy houses, I only wished I lived in one of these."

Looking down at the ground for a moment before looking up at Kip again Karl just thinks. She wasnt embarrassed about where she lived but she wasn't proud ether. But it was all she could aford right now.

"I live easy of here in a pretty rough neighborhood. Its really all I can pay for right now. I just come here to run because its a lot safer. Same time everyday there is where you can find me. Do you live here in one of theses nice houses?"

Still not even realizing what she had said and hour it must have sounded to JT Bree looks down at her food thinking for a long moment before looking up again.

"Well, lastnight Gunner called me. He didnt sounded good at all and was really out of it. So I hurryed over as soon as I could..."

Bree points to her Pjs signaling she hadn't bother to change because she had been worried.

"..come to find out he's not doing so well getting use to being at home alone again. So he asked me to stay the night and I did. We sat on the couch together and he was leaning on me. I read a little bit of a book to him we both fell asleep."

Finally looking down at her breakfest and taking a small bite Bree is quiet while she chews and than swallows.

"He took a shower this morning, I guess forgot I was in the room and there he was shirtless."

Stoping again a sparkle forms in Bree eyes as she thinks back to this morning. Color coming to her face again.

"I feel so strange when I am around him. Not bad, it feels good I think. Its like my tummy has butterflys in it and I feel like I am going to explode and my face gets really hot. I just...never felt that around a guy before."

Suprised as Jade puts her arms around him Dan just stands there for a moment almost frozen. But not taking long he softens feeling her tears through his shirt and knowing she needed comfort.

Bringing his arms up Dan gently wraps them around Jade drawing closer to him as her offered what he could to bring her comfort.

Hearing Jade's words feel like a dagger to Dan's heart. He'd been through this before and it was happening again. But why? Why didnt Mick like him? He hadnt done anything to him, or even give him a reason not to trust him. Dan couldnt help the tiny silver of anger the boiled inside of him. Gentily rubbing Jade's back Dan didnt know what to do now. He'd found a friend, and now he was losing his friend.

"Its going to be ok Jade. Maybe if we just play things cool he will understand and let us do things together again. "

Swallowing hard it was tough for Dan, to see this and it reminded him of the past. He remember how much Becca had cryed losing her own family.

"I could never ask you to choose our friendship over your family Jade. Your Dad does love you."

Just holding Jade for a long moment Dan leans his head down to Jade's getting a whif of her shampoo sent chills up his spin as her closed his own eyes tight trying to block out his emotions. Continuing to hold Jade for a long moment, and placing a soft kiss to the top of her head.

"Its going to work out."

He doesn't

Kip can't help a chuckle at Karla's remark about giving him attention. "I guess you are at that."

Without much more time for conversation, he's suddenly disrupted by the enthusiastic dog. Not afraid in the least, he lets Rin burrow under his arm and looks down at him with a grin. "Well hello, Rin." He scratches the dog's fuzzy head, his smile becoming warmer as for a moment, the animal seemed to have pushed aside his worries. "Don't worry, I won't try to harm your mistress. She's too nice."

Still petting Rin, Kip gives a little sigh. "I had a dog once for about a year. Then I got home from school one day and my dad had sent him to the pound. Never had the heart to get another one after that."

Glancing up to Karla, curiosity finally takes over. "You must live around here?"

JT chokes on his coffee, spilling some down the front of his shirt. Setting his mug down quickly, he grabs a napkin to wipe up his mess. Looking at Bree, he just blinks, his mouth partway open. Surely there was a good explanation for her question. She had better judgment than most other people he knew. It just... seemed a bit bizarre even for her.

"Um... well, um... that... that alone doesn't mean anything, but... maybe if you... tell me why on earth you saw him without a shirt, I could try to answer your question."

He looks at Bree, his eyes still a little wide, breakfast forgotten for the moment.

Looking up quickly, Jade's face is streaked with tears, her hair a bit of a mess and her eyes red. But she doesn't try to hide it. She was too upset to care. And here was Dan again, ready and willing to see if she was okay... the same man that her father didn't want her being with.

Not caring right now though, all she needed was comfort - comfort she wasn't finding anywhere else.

Standing up, she throws her arms around Dan and buries her face in his chest, letting the sobs continue. Her fingers clutch at his shirt, clinging for something, anything to show her it was going to be okay.

She chokes out the words she knew she needed to say. "He doesn't want me around you." Her shoulders shake as she cries. "I don't think he really wants me here at all."

Big Baby

Looking up at her Uncle relizing he was saying something Bree trys to give a small smile. Her mind was in so many places at once it had been a long time since she felt like this. Not only did she have the questions about Gunner, but she had the worry about her family as well. That in itself made her feel sick.

"Oh, spaghetti I'll come over tonight for some of that."

Not making a comment about how she only wanted the sause, or meatballs separate was unusably for her but today her mind was to busy with other stuff.

Looking up at her Uncle Bree contemplates for a moment before finally just asking.

"Uncle JT I have a question. This morning I saw Gunner without his shirt on...and I was wondering if that ment we were more than friends?"

"No problem Ty. I'll see you around."

Giving a smile and than making sure Ty was out of the car along with his bike Libby pulls off. Heading to the west she wasnt sure where she was going but new she would end at the arcade. Doing what she could to keep herself out of trouble.

Looking to Kip Karla tilts her head a little trying to catch his eye. She could see the confustion that seemed to frustrate him.

"But if she is not so good to start with dosnt it really not matter if you tick her off? I mean you could always find other girls to talk with and give you attachen right? I mean heck technically I am giving you attachen right now too."

Karla couldnt help the small chuckle that escaped her lips at the mention to her name.

"I guess that might help. I'm Karla, and sometimes knowing from experience its easyer to talk to a strange who doesn't know you."

Seeing the exchange of friendship between his master and the other person Rin had enough of sitting till and wanted to be introduced too.

Trotting over to Karla and Kip he sits between them nudging Karl's arm and than squeezing his head under Kip's arm and resting in his lap his tail thumping aganst the ground.

Seeing her dog antics and that he meant no harm to Kip Karla laughs. Rin always one who broke the ice and she was a bit thankful for it.

"And this...is my dog Rin. As long as you dont try to hurt me, he is a big baby."

Entering the barn after thinking he saw Jade come in Dan was about to give up. He was thinking about going for a ride and having company was always nice. Not seeing Jade though Dan is about to turn around and leave when he hears an all to familiar sob.

Following the sound and opening the small door that lead to where the hay was kept Dan squints seeing Jade in the far corner. Coming over to a hay bail and leaning over it Dan just looking at her for a moment his face soft. He hated seeing Jade cry even more now that he had gotten to know her.

"It seems I always look for you at the wrong times! Are you ok?"

On One Condition

"Duh. The offer for coming over is always open, you know that." JT doesn't even turn around, finishing up the breakfast on the stove. For a long time now, it was so usual for Bree to be around that sometimes he forgot she didn't live here. Even her spare room here made it feel as though this was her house too. And JT didn't mind a bit. He got lonely on the days she didn't come over, reminding him how important his niece was to him.

Finally getting everything done, he comes to add to what Bree already set at the table. After a short prayer, food is served, and JT is content just to eat for several quiet minutes before striking up a conversation.

"I gotta go to work for just a couple hours today, so I thought tonight I'd have time to make spaghetti." He had a secret recipe for his spaghetti sauce. He'd never dare to call himself a cook, but that was one thing that he never had complaints about. The only reason he didn't do it more often was a lack of time.

"Maybe we can even invite Gunner over again. He seems to be doing pretty well, but I got a hunch he could still use a bit of a boost. People like him... in that position... sometimes it's harder than they think going home." In reality, JT felt just a little badly. He still knew Gunner had crossed a dangerous line with him when he'd come looking for information, but JT wished he'd been able to see the signs that Gunner wasn't a bad guy, but that he just needed help. But instead, he'd turned him in. Now he hoped that by continuing to build a friendship, he could make up for what had happened.

He takes another bite and cocks his head at Bree, realizing that she seemed to be far away. He waves a hand in front of her face. "Earth to Bree."

Talking with Libby was surprisingly refreshing. Ty didn't have many friends outside of TJY, so having a conversation with someone new was kind of fun. He didn't usually like small talk, especially on days like today when nothing was going right. But for some reason, it wasn't hard to slip into light conversation with Libby.

Getting dropped off at the street corner, Ty gets out to retrieve his bike, then leans in the open window for a moment. "Video arcade, huh?" He didn't usually spend time at places like that - he'd gotten into too much trouble at one point. But... the thought of making a new friend was appealing enough that he might go. "You might see me around then."

A rare, genuine smile surfaces. "Thanks for the lift, Libby."

Another dry laugh surfaces from Kip's mouth. "Yeah... it's a good thing about God 'cause I'm about as far from perfect as one can get."

Looking down, he scuffs his toe on some loose gravel. "Oh well... it's life, right?" He sighs. "Sometimes I just wish I'd never been born. Better for those that despise me, better for me." He shrugs. He wasn't close to taking his life by any means, but his comment did prove some of his real feelings.

"I got a friend who looks out for me see... and all I wind up doing is disappointing him. I got a girl who's no good and I know it, but when she's the only girl who's given me attention, it's just... I don't know...easy, I suppose. But in the end all I do is tick her off. Then there's my father who would just as soon I disappear from the face of the earth. Nothing's good enough for him. So what's left?"

Giving a little growl, he wipes some sweat from his brow. "And here I am, spewing all this to a perfect stranger." He manages a wry grin that made one eye sparkle just a little. "If I knew your name, you wouldn't be a perfect stranger anymore and I'd feel better."

"We've been working with the police in Texas - the same investigator who is leading up the search for Dylan."

Mick listens to Reese through the speakerphone, leaning back in the chair at the table in the corner of the dining hall. He folds his arms across his chest and scans the information that was being sent to his computer. "And?"

"They've narrowed down three locations where Dylan could have been last seen or taken from."

"Are you sending in a team?"

"We're having a meeting today and I will choose who goes in."

"Isn't time of the essence here?"

"Yes. But remember, Mick, that the police are searching for him nonstop right now. The Elite is getting involved only because we believe the Agency might be the culprit here. If that's true, you know how hard it is to find someone, not to mention, more than likely, Dylan is okay - otherwise, the Agency would have rubbed it in your face by now."

Mick sighs and runs a hand over his face. His eyes show how weary he is - the lack of sleep he's had. "Yeah, okay. But everyone's sure he didn't just run off, right?"

"We're ninety-nine percent on that one. The police have tracked down all his friends in state and out, and there's no sign of any foul play, playing around or lies."

"Alright... I'm getting the files now. Who's sending them?"

"I got Scott and Dalton on it. We were allowed access to the case files, so they're retrieving them and sending them your way. I don't know if it'll help you or not. You can't think of anything strange lately at all? Why the Agency would want to get to you?"

Mick shakes his head, even though Reese couldn't see him. "No."

"Would the Agency be trying to get to someone other than you?"

Mick hadn't thought of that. "I... don't think so. There's no one else as closely connected to me, and his mother's family would rather shrink away from the Agency than step up to it, so they're no threat. It's gotta be me."

"Well, I agree that makes the most sense. One thing I want you to keep in mind though, is that in those files you're going to read, the point is made that five other guys Dylan's age have been abducted in the last month. Those are believed to be the work of a psycho who the cops have been tracking for a year. There are similarities in Dylan's case."

Mick's stomach churned. He'd heard about those cases. So far, all boys had died, and it hadn't been quick and painless either. "Yeah... yeah, I know. Thanks, Reese. Let me know what happens after your meeting."

"Will do. Take care."

"Yeah, bye." Mick hits the button to end the call, heaving a deep sigh. God, please bring Dylan back to us... wherever he is, keep him safe... please?


Mick jumps, jerked from his train of thought by Jade's presence. "Hey."

Jade approaches cautiously. Though successfully avoiding him the night before, she knew he hadn't slept last night, and she knew the result couldn't be good. But she'd put off her request long enough. "Um... do you have a minute?"

"Oh yeah, sure." Mick tries to focus, pointing to a chair Jade could use.

She sits down hesitantly. "Um... you know when you asked me how long I was going to stay?"

Mick nods. "Yes. I'd been meaning to talk to you about that myself, but I figured you just needed some time away to breathe for a while."

"Heh... yeah." Jade tries to grin. "Things have been... kinda rough. You know Mom... she does the best she can, but with Grandma, it just isn't easy."

"I know." Mick had been there.

"Well... um... I was thinking that maybe... since I'm not really into the school Grandma wants me in... and things at home aren't all that great... um.... well I..."

Mick cocks his head a little, waiting. There were things he wanted to say to his daughter, but he would wait, respecting her obvious need to say something.

Jade can feel the heat rise to her cheeks. "I was wondering if I could stay here," she finally blurts. "As in... indefinitely, or... permanently, depending."

Mick's eyebrows rise all on their own before he furrows his brow. He sees the hope on Jade's face, and the fear that he was going to say no. "That's... and interesting thought. What does your mother think?"

"She... doesn't know." Jade bites her lip. "You know she'd want me to stay with her, but... but I'm seventeen, Dad... I was going to be on my own at college... why would this be different? It would be even better, right? I mean, since you're here? And more family?" She searches Mick's eyes hopefully. "I'd pull my weight. I'll work in the barn or the kitchen or... or help Angel or... or help Rosetta in the office or... anything."

Mick purses his lips, thinking for several long moments. He could hear some other people moving around in the dining hall and kitchen, but he ignored their presence, concentrating on Jade. "I'm glad you're thinking that way - everyone who lives here does their share, family or not. But... what about your future? Where do you see yourself in five years? Or ten?"

"I... I don't know. Maybe... maybe I'll still want to go to college, but not until next year. All I know is that I really like it here. And... and I don't know my own father as much as I want to. There's so much about you that I don't even know and... and we fight and I hate that but... but I'm so different from Mom and this is the only place lately where I've felt like I fit at all."

Mick is still very calm, contemplating the subject. A part of his heart wanted so badly to keep Jade here. He loved her so much and had never had the chance to show her. He'd never had a chance to have an influence on her life as a father should. But one thing bothered him. And he knew that bringing it up could produce results he didn't want. But as her father, he felt he needed to. "What about the kinds of friends you'll have here. Or... better yet, who you might take an interest in for perhaps more than a friend?"

Jade's eyes flicker as she keeps her temper at bay. She wanted this too badly to mess it up now. Playing dumb might work at this point. "What do you mean?"

Mick sits back and folds his hands in his lap. "I'm talking about the man you spent all day with yesterday. The one that you know I don't want you spending time with. If you're going to live here, I need to know what your intentions are."

Jade's cheeks turn even redder. "Dan's... a friend. He's just a friend. We had fun, so what?"

"And you have no other thoughts about him?"

"I..." Jade swallows hard. She found Dan attractive, fun, kind... what was not to like? She couldn't help it that she was attracted to him. She'd felt the chemistry, whether her father wanted to acknowledge it or not. "I'm not made of stone," she finally states. "What do you expect me to say? That I think he's unattractive, unkind and repulsive? He's not. But that doesn't mean I have plans."

Mick continues to think before responding. He remains very calm, finding the best possible solution in his mind. To some it might seem cruel, but to him, it was best. He sensed things Jade didn't, and he felt he was doing what was right. "You can stay." He nods. "I don't want to fight your mother over it, but you're right - you're coming of age and you have a right to make some of your own decisions now."

Jade straightens a little, filled with hope again.

"However..." Mick holds up a finger. "If you stay, I expect you not to leave the premises with Dan again. You can be his friend, I don't care. I'm his friend too and he's a good hard worker. But I don't want you spending time alone with him or leaving the ranch with him. He will have to do his daily work as normal, and you'll have your own work to concentrate on."

Jade's hope plummets. Her stomach churns and her cheeks turn from red to white. "But..."

Mick cocks his head. "If you just want to be his friend, you shouldn't have a problem with that."

Sure, she just wanted to be Dan's friend. But she couldn't help the little tingle at the bottom of her spine that hinted at the possibility there could be more between them. But her father was putting the kabosh on it before she even discovered if it was something she wanted. She knew his reasons. She knew he had a bad feeling about Dan that he couldn't put his finger on, and that it gave him a lack of trust. But... it felt so harsh. "That's it huh?" she asks quietly. "If I agree, you'll let me stay?"

Mick nods. "I will."

Jade looks down and finally stands up. "I'll think about it, okay?"

"Okay." Mick glances up at her, offering her a gentle smile. "I love you, Jade."

"I love you too." But Jade's head hung as she left the dining hall. She felt sick as hot tears formed behind her eyes. Even if she just wanted to be friends with Dan forever, they couldn't even do anything together? No going to town? Sharing lunch? No more horseback rides that went beyond the corral? It wasn't fair. And it hurt.

Picking up her pace, she keeps her head down as she goes into the barn, heading for a familiar horse stall. She needed to get out... to clear her head. But arriving at the stall, she finds the mare has been put out with the other horses. She didn't want to take the time to go get her. It felt like what was left of her little world was crumbling.

Instead of leaving though, she enters the stall and hides in a dark corner, sinking down in the clean straw to bury her face in her knees. She couldn't help the few sobs that escaped, and she just hoped that no one heard her.


Sad Day

Just staying quiet Bree felt so strange. For a moment there again it was almost like Gunner was going to kiss her again but like before he had pulled away. There was a strange feeling of disappointment there that Bree didn't quiet understand.

Turning to say something to Gunner Bree it only met by the closing door as Gunner was gone. Just staring at the closed door for a long moment Bree just sits there her mind wondering on many things. This way she felt about Gunner, she didnt totally understand it. He was her friend and she loved being around him and felt so comfortable but at the time time he could make her turn read for reasons she didnt even know. Not to mention they way her stomach fluttered when she saw him, and her heart seemed to feel like it was going to pop.

Finally standing Bree looks around the house once again before leaving. She had felt really comfortable and for her that was strange to feel that the first time ever being somewhere. Maybe it had been Gunner himself who helped her feel that way.

Getting into her car and hearing her phone beep from the seat Bree had forget it in the car last night and now it seemed like she had two missed messages. Hear the first the voice that played was familure and sent Bree's heart into a panic invoking a feeling she didnt like. It had been a long time since she had talked to her mother. If they new her phone number did they know where she was too? Were they getting close to her? Bree didnt like the feeling she had now, Gunner's wormth being replaced with the cold hard chill. Hearing her Uncles voice in the next message Bree was thankful he had called. The sound of his voice calmed her a little and the invitation to come over was even better to keep her mind from playing tricks on her.

Wasting no time, and only take 15 min to get to her Uncles place Bree was parking and making her way up the driveway. Not even bothering to knock on the door Bree just enters being greeted but the delicious smell of food.

"Uncle JT, I hope the offer is still open for food. I am here and I think my stomach is going to eat itself."

Walking through the house and to the kitchen Bree smiles as she see her Uncle and the food on the table. Going over to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek not missing a beat Bree helps with plates, drinks, and forks before finally sitting down to the mail. Though she tried to considerate alot was on her mind and it was hard.

Continuing the kiss with Jason Katie enjoys the long moment. Not wanting it to end to soon Katie knows it has to. There was work to be done no matter how much she wanted to spand all day with Jason.

Yes we can run away. I'd kind of like that actully.

Letting out a sigh knowing really it couldnt work that way Katie stands and smile down at Jason.

I guess we should go though I know Reese wanted to see me too. I am guessing its about Dylan.

Continuing to drive Libby takes a glance at Ty every now and than smileing. Ty seemed like a nice guy and she was happy to have helped him.

"Its nice to meet you Ty."

Coming to a stop light Libby waits to take her left hand turn looking at Ty again studying him for a moment before answering.

"Yeah, I live on a farm at the outskirts of town with my family."

Taking the turn when the light turns Green Libby continues to drive to where Ty had told her to drop him off.

Small talk continued not about anything of great important but just a few things here and there about each other. Something to fill the space and not leave an awkward silence.

Finally getting to fifth street Libby pulls onto the curb she shuts the engine off. Looking once last time to Ty and being able to take a closer look not having to keep her eyes on the road Libby now noticed Ty was pretty handsome.

"Well Ty, once again it was nice meeting you and I hope to see you again. I often hang out down by the video arcade if you ever get bored and find yourself over that way."

Sitting down on the curb next to Kip. Karla wasnt sure why she felt like her continued coversation with Kip for for some reason she did. It was almost as if she new he needed a friend right now and she was there.

"Its ok, I dont mind listing."

Quiet for a moment Karla listins to Kip and trys to make sence of everything he was talking about. Peacing together what should could without really knowing the facts.

"Well we all mess up sometimes. We are human after all and if we were perfect we wouldnt need God. That would be a sad day."


"Yeah... yeah, ok." Gunner tries to regain what composure he can and get his head back on straight. As strange as it was though, he simply didn't want to let go of her hand, or even get up for that matter. He wasn't too thrilled with himself, especially when he caught a look in Bree's eye that mirrored the feeling in the pit of his gut. It was an odd form of disappointment. He gives her fingers a gentle squeeze, his heart still beating wildly under her palm.

Finally, he lowers his hand, along with hers, and stands up. Heat comes to his face all over again, for what reasons, he still wasn't sure. Now that he'd made a fool of himself, he wanted to stay and run away at the same time. What were these terrible conflicting feelings?

Sighing briefly, Gunner grabs his t-shirt and pulls it over his head as he goes back around the couch. He leaves it untucked, going for his denim jacket. It was supposed to be a warmer day today, but he knew it was probably still a bit chilly out. Grumbling as he looks for his keys, he finally finds them and is ready to go, skipping on breakfast.

But when he gets to the door, he pauses, turning back around. He walks partway back to the couch, stops, turns back to the door, makes one more spin about again until he finally decides on the door. "Just... leave the door locked on your way out," he throws over his shoulder. "And... call me about that float... I think I'm gonna need it later."

And with that... he was gone. Heading down the single flight of stairs, he gets to his car and starts for work. On his way though, his mind was anywhere but the road. "Dang it," is mumbled under his breath. What was he doing? One wrong step and he could ruin the friendship he'd formed with Bree. Again, he thinks about all the friends he had... all of them could be collected at TJY. But he'd never really gotten close to them. He was closest to Con, but even then, apart from recent events, the only interaction they had was at work. Oh, sometimes lunches were eaten together out or at the office... but all these years, Gunner had been so involved in his own mission... he'd hardly noticed any real friendships that he might have been within his reach. And now he had Bree. If anyone would ask who his best friend was, she would be the first one to come to mind. Would these... strange new feelings... interfere with that?

Gunner's foot slams on the brakes, his heart feeling as though it would go right through his chest. The pickup truck crosses the intersection, feet in front of his car, its horn blaring. It was Gunner's fault. The intersection that he stopped at every day had gone unnoticed, along with the stop sign.

Getting his mind back where it should be, he continues to work with a good reminder to keep his eyes on the road.

"Yo, Bree!" JT had gotten her voicemail, calling her as he stirred breakfast on the stove. "I made too much food... again. I don't know if you're working later today or not - you might even be at work now and I could be talking to the inside of your purse. But, I figured if you were up and had time for a bite, there's plenty. Otherwise you know me - it'll go to waste. One of these days, I'll figure out how to prepare the right portions." He laughs. "You don't need to call me back - just come over or ignore me. Talk to ya later."

Returning Katie's kiss, Jason pulls her onto his lap, his eyes closing as he runs his fingers through her hair.

Mmmm, I'm glad you're back. Talking to you every day just isn't enough.

Cocking his head the other way, he lets his emotions run freely to her, through their connection and through his kiss.

Reese is waiting for me... but I don't wanna go. Can we run away, now that you're back?

"Uh... just take me straight down to fifth street. I gotta go over a couple blocks from there, but I can walk that alright." Ty sighs, feeling a bit miserable from the entire morning's ventures.

Giving Libby a sidelong glance, he can't help but notice her fine features and the way a stray strand of hair played about her cheek.

"Nice to meet you, Libby. I'm Tyler... though I go by Ty - easier to say one syllable I guess. Do you live around here?"

Kip turns his head to look at the young woman, surprised she was still there and more surprised yet by her wanting to help. "Yeah, I'm okay."

Another bead of sweat trickles down his face and he shakes his head. "No, that was a lie. But a kind word and a swig of water are far from what I need to be okay." He gives a dry laugh and glance down the deserted street. It was quiet this early morning.

"I'm surrounded every day by people who care, but I continue to screw up anyway, playing with fire and dancing evil game with a father who would like me to make him rich or die."

Rolling his eyes at himself, Kip didn't know why he'd just said that to a total stranger. It had just come out without him thinking. "Sorry," he apologizes, offering another short laugh. "Not my day."



As Gunner brings his hand up to meet hers Bree cant feel something inside her jump. It was almost like an electric jolt, with a million and one strange feelings passing thought her at once. She new what some of them ment though she had never felt them before, but she wondered if it was only in her head.

Feeling Gunner's own heart beating in seemed to be in toon with her own. Racing, and making her tremble so softly. These emotions felt nice but at the same time they startled her.

"A tire iron, that had to hurt."

Bree's words were still a soft whisper looking into Gunner's eyes it was so much differnt now. They were the same eyes but they seemed to hold so much more.

Feeling Gunner draw close to her Bree thought her heart was going to leap out of her chest. Gunner's breath brushing across her skin send chills up her spin as she anticipated what would come next even though she had no idea how to do it.

But than seeing Gunner draw away again, Bree couldnt help the small disapointment that seemed to hit her heart though she had no idea why. She didnt even know how to kiss someone. Why did it seem to disappoint her so.

Feeling a little heat come to Bree's face again She looks down at Gunner's hand on top of hers and moving just fingers just slightly on his chest Bree liked how his hand looks on her.

Looking up deep into Gunner's eyes again it still felt like all air was gone from the room but she had to speak anyways.

"I guess you probley should so your not late. Maybe we can meet up for a float later or something."