

Letting out a small sigh Bree just looks at her uncle before looking down at her food again. She wouldnt be calling her mother back, even if JT hadn't said she didn't have to she wouldn't have. Bree loved her parents still but she would rather not communicate with them.

Sitting on the couch after JT was long gone Bree mindlessly flips through the channels on tv. She really didn't want to do anything else and she was waiting to hear back from Gunner. If there was one thing she wouldnt mind doing it would be her normal float with Gunner.

Nodding off for a second from being bored the sound of her phone reminding her she had a voice mail wakes her. She must have been so deep in sleep she hadnt even heard it go off. Listing to the voicemail from Gunner Bree couldn't help the disappointed feeling she felt. There was something odd about Gunner's tone as well and Bree could only hope what happened this morning had ruined there friendship. Calling Gunner back and getting his voicemail again Bree gives a sigh.

"Hey Vamp. Guess its phone tag now. No prob about not coming out for floats, I kind of didnt feel like going myself. I hope your day goes ok, and I will see ya again soon."

Putting her phone down again Bree continues to flip through the channles just trying to let her mind wonder on what was on tv and not everything else that was going on right now.

Giving another pleasant smile to the group of friends at the table Karla felt welcomed into this home. A feeling of peace was around the group that even though she had just come here seemed to emanate off them.

Offering another small wave as she leaves with Rin following Kip through the swinning doors. Coming up to the counter and sitting down Karla looks at the casserole and her stomach growls.

"It sure does look and smells good. No one could have to much cheese."

Karla gives a small laugh looking around the large kitchen just taking everything in. Turning her head back to Kip as he offered her a drink Karla had to think for a moment. She never had so many chooses on things to drink before.

"Mmmm...some apple juice sounds good. I haven't had that in a while."

Waiting till Kip comes back over with the drinks Karla takes a small sip savering the tast she hadn't have in a long time. Looking to Kip again and folding her hands she gives a smile.

"Would you like to pray for the food with me?"

Raising her own eyebrow at her brother's strange behavior she looks to Leo with question wondering if it was just her or was her bother acting a little odd.

"He's usally not. I guess people can change."

Following behind Leo Ryan sinks down on the couch with him her wrist was throbbing a little after racing to get the car done today. But it had been fun, and she had to let them all know she didn't lose her touch.

Thinking about Leo's qyestion for a moment Ryan does lift her head from the couch but turns it to look at him. Giving a small nod a look in her eye flashes that she did indeed miss racing.

"Yeah, I'll go back soon. One of my loves is racing, I dont know how I couldnt go back. Just wasn't sure if I was gonna tonight or not."

Giving a smile to Leo Ryan takes his hand in her own just holding it. She wanted to go tonight, but maybe even if she didnt say it she felt a little nervouse. It had been almost a month since she had been at the track and who knows what she had missed. Not to mention she wasnt looking forward to seeing Roth again.

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