
Sad Day

Just staying quiet Bree felt so strange. For a moment there again it was almost like Gunner was going to kiss her again but like before he had pulled away. There was a strange feeling of disappointment there that Bree didn't quiet understand.

Turning to say something to Gunner Bree it only met by the closing door as Gunner was gone. Just staring at the closed door for a long moment Bree just sits there her mind wondering on many things. This way she felt about Gunner, she didnt totally understand it. He was her friend and she loved being around him and felt so comfortable but at the time time he could make her turn read for reasons she didnt even know. Not to mention they way her stomach fluttered when she saw him, and her heart seemed to feel like it was going to pop.

Finally standing Bree looks around the house once again before leaving. She had felt really comfortable and for her that was strange to feel that the first time ever being somewhere. Maybe it had been Gunner himself who helped her feel that way.

Getting into her car and hearing her phone beep from the seat Bree had forget it in the car last night and now it seemed like she had two missed messages. Hear the first the voice that played was familure and sent Bree's heart into a panic invoking a feeling she didnt like. It had been a long time since she had talked to her mother. If they new her phone number did they know where she was too? Were they getting close to her? Bree didnt like the feeling she had now, Gunner's wormth being replaced with the cold hard chill. Hearing her Uncles voice in the next message Bree was thankful he had called. The sound of his voice calmed her a little and the invitation to come over was even better to keep her mind from playing tricks on her.

Wasting no time, and only take 15 min to get to her Uncles place Bree was parking and making her way up the driveway. Not even bothering to knock on the door Bree just enters being greeted but the delicious smell of food.

"Uncle JT, I hope the offer is still open for food. I am here and I think my stomach is going to eat itself."

Walking through the house and to the kitchen Bree smiles as she see her Uncle and the food on the table. Going over to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek not missing a beat Bree helps with plates, drinks, and forks before finally sitting down to the mail. Though she tried to considerate alot was on her mind and it was hard.

Continuing the kiss with Jason Katie enjoys the long moment. Not wanting it to end to soon Katie knows it has to. There was work to be done no matter how much she wanted to spand all day with Jason.

Yes we can run away. I'd kind of like that actully.

Letting out a sigh knowing really it couldnt work that way Katie stands and smile down at Jason.

I guess we should go though I know Reese wanted to see me too. I am guessing its about Dylan.

Continuing to drive Libby takes a glance at Ty every now and than smileing. Ty seemed like a nice guy and she was happy to have helped him.

"Its nice to meet you Ty."

Coming to a stop light Libby waits to take her left hand turn looking at Ty again studying him for a moment before answering.

"Yeah, I live on a farm at the outskirts of town with my family."

Taking the turn when the light turns Green Libby continues to drive to where Ty had told her to drop him off.

Small talk continued not about anything of great important but just a few things here and there about each other. Something to fill the space and not leave an awkward silence.

Finally getting to fifth street Libby pulls onto the curb she shuts the engine off. Looking once last time to Ty and being able to take a closer look not having to keep her eyes on the road Libby now noticed Ty was pretty handsome.

"Well Ty, once again it was nice meeting you and I hope to see you again. I often hang out down by the video arcade if you ever get bored and find yourself over that way."

Sitting down on the curb next to Kip. Karla wasnt sure why she felt like her continued coversation with Kip for for some reason she did. It was almost as if she new he needed a friend right now and she was there.

"Its ok, I dont mind listing."

Quiet for a moment Karla listins to Kip and trys to make sence of everything he was talking about. Peacing together what should could without really knowing the facts.

"Well we all mess up sometimes. We are human after all and if we were perfect we wouldnt need God. That would be a sad day."

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