
Good to see you or not

Starring up at the ceiling Katie gives a tiny roll in her only to feel her pad of paper and pencil next to her. Just starring at the wall for a long moment it takes Katie a second to relies where she was. Soon, the smell of the bunk house, and the faint memory of arriving yesterday enters her mind Katie relies where she was and sits up.

Swinging her feet out of bed Katie sits on the edge for a long moment as a whole new wave of feels come to her. But they were not anyone else's but her own this time. The thought was great, yet horrifying all at the same time. The feeling of being away from Jason was still one Katie didn't like.

Katie stomach starts to churn as memories start to surface. Yesterday she had skipped out on having any episodes but today she would not be so lucky. Standing Katie makes her way to the bathroom just in time as she stomach revolts against her and she loses what little she had in her stomach already.

Sitting at her desk Hope taps her pencil on her desk. Dialing Scott's number and getting his voicemail Her heart sunk a little. Today was the day of her hearing and though she hadnt told anyone not even Angelica she was scared. Even if she herself acted confidant. She didnt know what was going to happen and this could very well be life changing though she would never change a thing she did.

She had a few hours before her hearing and she was hoping to have lunch with Scott or at least talk to him to calm down a little bit.

"Hey Scott its Hope. I was hoping we could grab something to eat. Court is not for about two hours so if you get this before than just give me a call back. Thanks."

Hanging up the phone Hope stands and walks over to the window that many times in the past Scott himself had looked out. Finding comfort in the nice view Hope let out a small sigh trying to calm herself down.

Giving a snicker from behind Gunner Bree shakes her head. Taking a spoonful of whip-cream.

"I think that waitress is going to have a bad day today if she is already getting stressed out this morning. I tell ya though I need to start a petition to put un-sundays on the menu, or at least do something so everyone knows what they are."

Giving a half smile to Gunner the rest of Bree's face stays emotionless as the glimmer of humor in her eyes proceed.

"Morning Gunner, I haven't deiced if its good to see you or not yet, no offense of course. Just weighing the options of your here by chance, or we are stalking each-other!"

Rootbeer breakfast

A quiet city. A quiet countryside. A quiet ranch. God sends His peace, despite the turmoil in the hearts and minds of His children. Night envelopes all, before a new dawn comes. Perhaps the dawn brings newness. Perhaps it brings opportunities not presented until now. Perhaps it brings chances to grow and learn that yesterday didn't hold.


Jason lifts his head under his pillow, blinking in the dim light of his bedroom. The voice came again.

"Jason, I know you're there! Pick up!"

His answering machine... it was Reese. Jason groans and flops back down again. Reese had probably already tried his cell phone, which he'd turned off several hours earlier when he'd finally gotten to sleep.

"Jason!" Reese's growl comes over the machine. "Look, Hotshot, I'm tired of you coming in late. I want you here within half an hour, do you understand me? I want you out on the street with Con and I want you to do it on time. The department isn't revolving around you, Jase. Now come on - get your hind end out of bed and get in here!"

The click almost seemed to shake the room. Jason grimaces and finally sits up in bed, putting a hand to his head. He had a headache... but otherwise his body felt alright. No traumatic events... just... quietness. Feeling the string around his neck, Jason fingers the ring that dangled, hidden beneath his t-shirt. He'd tried to sleep off all his bad feelings, but the confusion was still here this morning. Katie had left without actually telling him goodbye, she'd cut herself off from him, and left him a token to remember her. What did that mean? He was afraid to ask. Part of him wanted to call... wanted to email... but if Katie really wanted to be away from him, then he should probably just leave her alone. He didn't understand... and it hurt just a little bit. But... it was obviously what she wanted.

The phone rang again. "Coming!" Jason shouts to no one. He trips over Trooper and yells at the dog to get out of his way, scrounging for a clean pair of jeans.

Gage sits in the quiet, dark room, hearing the sounds of a new day, out in the hall. He heard Rick walk by - he recognized the steps. He heard Dalton... or was it Con? Both men had long strides. The clicking of heels was Susanne. And there was the softer sound of Ty's tennis shoes.

This morning though, Gage doesn't get up off the bed. Last night, he'd had a lot of time to think, and what he had come up with, wasn't pleasant. He'd thought a lot about Katie, putting the pieces together until he figured he knew what was happening. She must have left to mentally recuperate. The hard part was knowing that Gage was one of the reasons this had happened to her. He'd helped torture her... he'd helped hold her against her will and had helped separate her from her lifeline, Jason. And she wasn't the first. He'd helped inject fear into others.

At the time, he really hadn't thought much of it. He'd thought there was a bigger purpose behind it all. But now... now he knew the truth... and the guilt was overwhelming.

Scott curls up on his bed, his hand stroking Domino's head. Yesterday had been a whole lot tougher than he'd thought it would be, especially seeing Gage walking around. Seeing someone constantly, who was apart of the data his mind held wasn't a feeling he wanted to repeat. He didn't know yet how to control these things, and it was a little frightening.

He was more tired than he thought he'd be too. Though working alongside Dalton hadn't been all that hard, it had been mentally stressful, trying to get back in the groove of things again.

And this morning... this morning, he wasn't sure he was ready to go back. Nothing traumatic had happened, but he just felt... alone. He had his sister at work... he had Dalton... he had everyone else who were his friends... but no one really understood what he was going through, mentally. He didn't know how to tell them, and he didn't like jumping at the little things, or cringing when a random piece of information surfaced that made him remember the Agency. Couldn't he just stay in bed today?

"A rootbeer float... for breakfast?"

Gunner lifts an eyebrow at the waitress by his table. "Got a problem with that?"

The waitress sighs and shakes her head. "No... whatever happened to eggs and toast?"

"Do I look like an ordinary man to you?"

"No, I can definitely say, you don't." The waitress rolls her eyes and heads back into the kitchen. "Your float will be right out."

Gunner only grins when she's gone, then opens up his laptop. He'd told Reese he'd be in late today, and it was for a good reason. He'd just gotten some new files from Billy and he was itching to find out what was in them. One day he'd find the right one. One day.


Seeing Gage's concern for Katie Misty was just a little surprised. First that Gage had noticed Katie wasnt around today, and two that he would even care to see how she was.

"Katie is going to be ok, she just needs some time to heal emotionally. That was very nice of you to ask about Katie."

Giving a tiny nod to Gage Misty gives a smile. She wasn't sure how things would go with Gage, but she hoped things would go well and he would get that chance he should have.

Thinking for a long moment Dan though about some of the other things Rosetta wanted him to do tomorrow. He should have time to go with Mick and than be back in time for his other chores.

"Sure, I'd love to go and help with you. I should have time anyways. What time will we be heading out?"

Finishing up with her shower Katie throws her hair up on the top of her head before heading over to the bed and pulling the covers back. Hoping in she pulls out a pad of paper and starts to write a few things down. Words flowed from her hand as her poem started to form, keeping her mind busy from the memories that wanted to come.


Gage looks at Misty, a little surprised. He didn't talk much with anyone around here except Sapphire. "Um... no... no. Um, thank you..." He shrugs lamely. "I'm just... heading to bed I guess."

He starts to continue his route, then stops and turns to her again. "Um... I didn't see that girl today... Katie? Is she okay?"

Ryder stops a moment, seeming to be confused, then a smile spreads on his face. She hadn't understood that he questioned whether she was comfortable staying alone in a house with him, not whether she was scared to be by herself. He decides not to try and explain. Instead, he chuckles.

"I can stay out here on the couch, that's no problem. If you need anything, you can come and get me."

Mick glances up from handling the foal, letting her return to her mother in the large stall. Nodding to Dan, he takes off his gloves, exiting into the aisle. "I think we should be good for the night. Tomorrow I want to go out and check the back fenceline. Might take a few hours. Thought I'd go on horseback if you want to tag along."

Jason fishes in the junk drawer of his kitchen until he finally finds the thin black cord he's looking for. Holding it up, he eyeballs the length and is satisfied. Heading back to the couch, he sinks back down into the cushions, tired, but feeling too much stress to sleep at the moment.

After fooling with the string for a few minutes, he picks up his notepad and pencil to write. He didn't want to think about him and Katie right now... he didn't want to think about that area of his life right now. He just wanted to be able to concentrate on something else.

The words to songs flows through his mind as easily as water flows through a river, and he writes.

New Faces

Leaving the infirmary Misty was ready to go her jacket in hand. Carson had called to let her know tonight he was tired after a long day at work and would be heading right home but tomorrow they would hand out. Now it was her turn to leave after checking on Jeff before heading out.

Hearing a noise at the end of the hall Misty turns to look squinting in the dim light. Seeing Gage's form at the end of the hall Misty turns and starts to head down that way. Trying not to sneak up on him she gives a small cough to let him know she was there before getting to him. Giving a small smile she inquires.

"Hey Gage, I saw you down here and I just wanted to make sure everything was ok or if you needed anything before I headed out?"

Keeping his arm wrapped around Laura firmly yet gently Nate leans his head on top of hers continuing to watch the movie.

It had been a good night full of laughter, and fun with his sister and wife. Though he felt completely exhausted Nate didn't want to move. He was to comfortable here and the movie wasn't close to being over. He'd rise the rest of the movie out, and once it was done he would carry Laura up to bed with him, but for now this was perfect.

Parking her car next to the bunk house Rosetta had said was empty and would be hers Katie pulls out her suit case and takes it inside. She had been here for about an hour now and had gotten her hello's out of the way. Now as the medicine kicked in Katie could feel the small throb as a headache formed, a few memories trying to creep out she new that her emotions where cut off from Jason.

Throwing her suit case onto the bed she starts to unpack a few things placing them in the order of where they would go and making sure there was fresh towels in the bathroom. Maybe a quick shower would help her feel better tonight before she headed to sleep.

Tomorrow would be another busy day filled with seeing everyone and even going to see Clint, Wendy and Chase. Though she wasn't sure what to say she hoped they would be happy to see her. Maybe she would even go see Wes, Cindy and Kaylee tomorrow too.

Only one thing Katie really wasn't looking forward to was explaining to people why she was here, and staying for a while. With any luck maybe no one would ask for they would just assume she was here to visit for a little while.

Grabbing a fresh pare of pjs and her bath soap and shampoo Katie headed into the bathroom turning on the water to fill the tub. A bath would help her relax and even ease her mind. After the long ride, and the stress she new would come this is what she needed.

Leaning back on the couch and looking up at Ryder, Thirteen gives a little smile as she thinks. It was going to be strange without Katie there now, not to mention even a little scary.

"Maybe just for tonight you could sleep on the couch and I will sleep in my new room? Than tomorrow I can sleep alone down here?"

Thirteen wanted to be able to be alone and it to be ok, but she had hardly gotten use to the noises in the house let alone sleep in her new room. The walls where still bare and there went curtains on the windows. The room needed some work to become hers but sleeping in it would be the first step.

"Hey Mick?"

A tall blond haired gentleman steps out from one of the stalls looking down the isle for Mick. His blue eyes shone bright from under his stetson even in the dim light of the barn.

Taking his tan work gloves off Dan heals down looking into each stall till he finds Mick in with the foal.

Dan had been working at the ranch for about two weeks now. He'd just recintly moved into town and heard many people talk about this ranch. He wanted to get back into horses and if this place was as good as people talked about he might as well get a job here.

Though at the time the ranch wasn't looking for worked Dan got Rosetta to take him on at least part time till as the long winter months were coming up fast. After that if they liked his work and needed someone for the busy summer he would stay. He promised to work hard and prove he new what he was doing around horses. Though his past he didn't talk to much about his future was bright and it made him even more excited when he found out that ranch was a Christian one on top of it.

Pushing his Stetson back a little bit Dan leaned on the railing just watching Mick with the foal for a moment. Finally though Dan straightens just a little before speaking.

"Mick, I got all the feedings gone, and new bedding laid down. I made sure Thunder had his special feed as well. Was there anything else you needed me to do before I headed to wash up?"



Gage wanders down the quiet hall, running his hand along the wall. Reese had told him that after Hope's evaluation, he had a good chance at freedom. But even that was only one of the many things on his mind tonight.

It had been a new experience, going to the fair with Sapphire. He'd never done anything like that before. The noise, the lights, the people. It had been a bit intimidating at first, but after she convinced him it was alright, he'd started to relax. Riding a ferris wheel for the first time had been great fun, and cotton candy really tasted good, even if it did stick to his teeth.

He'd been a little confused at Scott's behavior, but hadn't asked about it. It just seemed strange that Scott appeared to want to go, but after seeing Gage, had backed off. Was he afraid of him? Gage knew that was a possibility - he'd been Agency after all. But he was trying to change, he really was.

Reaching the end of the hall by the main floor, he turns around and heads back the other direction. Most people were gone home now, and it was time for him to head back to his room. He did feel a little lonely though.

Laura curls up tighter into Nate on the couch, her eyes falling shut, even though the movie was only half over. After supper out, and Maggie put to bed, they'd decided to watch an action flick, but tonight, she was too tired to pay much attention. It had been a tiring day at work, and right now, she was oh so comfortable.

Nuzzling her head into Nate's chest, she sighs with content. She couldn't have asked for more than this.

Jason sits alone at home, his feet up on the couch as the television drones on with a show he didn't care about. The orange bottle shifts in and out of his fingers, his jaw muscles tightening and relaxing over and over.

He'd found Katie's note before coming home from work, and almost hadn't believed it. Why hadn't she told him in person? Why hadn't she talked to him? He hadn't tried to communicate with her all day, but he'd figured she just needed some space. He hadn't thought she'd be taking off. Why couldn't she at least have told him without just leaving a note that Rick had to point him towards? He didn't understand.

He didn't understand why she had suddenly changed her mind. While much of him wanted to try this again and was glad to take the antidote again, part of him was confused. Had he done something wrong? Was this all his fault?

After reading the note, he'd almost spoken to Katie... but something had stopped him. If she'd wanted to talk to him about it, she would have done so. Communicating with her now might just complicate things. So... he'd remained silent. Was she okay? Had she driven? Flown? What time had she left? Was she there?

A headache starts to form, and a bead of sweat trickles down the side of his face. Jason's eyes are aimed ahead but he focuses on nothing. Trooper whines from the floor.

The pain in Jason's chest begins. He can feel it tightening, slowly, starting to suck the life out of him. It was a strange sensation, feeling as though he were suffocating, when there was nothing holding his mouth or throat.

Why he hadn't taken a pill an hour ago like he should have, he wasn't sure. Maybe he just wanted to make sure that Katie was actually going to go through with it first. Maybe he hadn't believed it. Maybe for the first time, he was experiencing doubt if this was the right thing to do.

He winces as a new wave of pain shoots through his body. He numbly tries to communicate with Katie, but his emotions are hurled back at him with force. Yes, she had gone through with it.

Enduring the pain for a few minutes, Jason finally pops the lid on the bottle and downs one pill. Tossing the bottle onto the table, he leans back in the couch, waiting for it to take effect. How long would Katie be gone? Would she actually come back? What was he supposed to do now? Did she want him to call? Did she want to see him at all? Or should he just let her have her space?

Gunner stares up at the dark sky, gazing at the stars that were so far away. Taking in a deep breath, he lets it out slowly before closing his eyes and just feeling the cool night air. Strolling to the low brick perimeter, he leans on it and looks out across the city lights, just able to make out brief flashes in the distance. It was another storm. He could feel it without having seen it - his head throbbed. It always did when it rained.

His fingers knead his head a moment before he straightens and wanders a few feet away, sinking down into the soft folding chair and looking back up to the sky. Some nights he didn't bother with his telescope. It was nice to view with his own eyes.

It was a long way up, on top of the Thomas J. Yates building. It was his place to hide. Cell phone off, no alarm clock, just the world... and a laptop disconnected from that same world, at least for the moment.

The apartment felt small tonight. I don't normally write so soon after having written, but I got a call earlier. They said Parks is dead. Been dead three years. I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that my parents' killer may not even be around anymore to bring to justice. He will stand before God one day, to be sure. But it just doesn't feel good enough right now. Then the question remains - have I even been going for the right man? My target has changed so many times, it seems, that I wonder who it is that I'm searching for. Maybe it's me. Maybe my hope is to find a piece of the past, my past, and somehow recall who I am.

My gut tells me that the man is still out there. Somewhere. Running free, when he should be hung for taking two innocent lives... make that three.

I don't know where this road is leading me. But be it lonely or stormy or raging with fury, I will find my man... and my past. And now I need to find a stick of gum.

Gunner closes his computer, setting it down next to him before digging in his pocket for his mangled pack of cinnamon gum. Last piece. Putting it in his mouth, he stands up and wanders back to the brick rail to lean on it and once again stair down into the lit streets.

Ryder clears off the coffee table from the popcorn he and Thirteen have shared, and lets the movie credits roll as he takes the dishes to the kitchen.

Returning, he leans over the back of the couch to look down at Thirteen. "Since... Katie's gone right now, if... you'd be more comfortable with someone else here too or something, we can work something out..."


Katie had called Ryder and let him know what was going on. She left him money to pay for bills and rent while she was gone. Now home again she started to putting a few things in her bag Katie holds the extra bottle Rick had given her. Jason would find the letter in about an hour along with the bottle of pills next to it. She new he would know what it ment. Once she was closer to the ranch she would take her own pill giving Jason two hours after that to take his.

Few people new, Rick, Reese, Ryder and soon Jason when he would read the letter. She told the people who had to know the most. It was hard, and she new she would miss it here, and Jason but she had to. Grabbing her bag Katie takes it to her car and throws in it. Taking on last look at the house before getting in and heading down the street.

A few hours later..

Looking up at Gunner Nate gives a smirk and waves him off before pulling out his cell phone and dialing Laura's number. Tapping his pen on the desk he waits till he hears Laura's voice. His mouth turning up into a smile when he did.

"Hello my loving wife. What...no I am not up to anything.."

Nate gathers his papers up and shuts his computer off as he gives a small chuckle listing to Laura on the other end. He loved being married now. It was one of the best feelings in the world and to know Maggie had a female figure in her life was great too.

"..Well...I was calling to see if you and Maggie and would like to go out to the Greek restaurant tonight for dinner?!"

Watching the scenes pass by Katie continues to drive her mind raced on many things. She had called her Aunt to let her know she would be coming home for a while, and had also been told the new about Wendy. Her heart was now heavy for another reason hearing her friends loss.

Excited about going home Katie was also scared about what was to come. She had much to work on and work through. The road would not be easy in fact it would be quite hard but it was still something she had to do.

The scenery becomes more and more frequent as to what she was use to the close she drew. She would be home in an hour, and in another half she would take her pill.


Carson really doesn't have a whole lot to say, though he's still a bit surprised, and still a bit sad to see Katie go.

Receiving the kiss on the cheek, his eyebrows rise. Opening his mouth, he isn't even sure how to respond, and already, Katie is gone from the kitchen. He's left standing, staring, and hearing the front door's bell. What was all of that really about? And her comment about Jason... were things not okay between them anymore?

Only the smell of smoke brings him back to his attention as he realizes a pizza is burning. "Ohhhh crap." Jumping towards the stove, he fans away the smoke with his apron and turns on the fan. "Aerith! Go make table three happy while they wait for their pizza!"

Dalton's kiss to her cheek makes Dani blink in surprise and she blushes a little. Not realizing it, she takes a small step back, biting her lip.

Trying to recover, she manages a little laugh at the continued antics between Dalton and Scott. "I think it's okay to let others win once in a while..." Rocking on her feet, she looks down for a moment, before glancing up at him again. "I... better get going. I have to run a couple errands to run before I head on over to work."

A bit awkward, she stands a moment, then nods. "I'll... see you soon." Heading back down the hall, she makes her way to the exit and out into the warm air.

Later in the day...

Scott slowly gathers up his things, ready to go home for the day. He'd wound up staying in the office all day. Though invited again to go with Sapphire and Gage, one look at Gage had set his information reeling again, to the point he really didn't want to deal with it. He'd thanked his sister anyway, but had politely declined. He could tell Gage was confused, but he hadn't wanted to bother explaining... he was still trying to get used to all of the data that was in his head, and trying to figure out how not to make it surface when he didn't want it to.

"Did you find him?"

"Yeah, yeah." Con nods to Reese. "We took him down and Brown took over from there. I'm just glad it's over. Took us two hours of tracking after we located him once."

Reese walks with the agents across the main floor of TJY. Con, Jason and Gunner had just returned. "Well, good job. One of you can turn in a report to me later."

"Gunner," Both Con and Jason say at the same time.

Gunner stops in his tracks and throws up his arms. "Why me??"

"Because you were late," Con teases.

"Because of a girl," Jason adds, heading towards the hall.

"Oh, you two think you're so smart." Gunner stops, happening to be right by Nate's cubicle. "Hey, saw your wife downtown at the station. She said to tell you it's chicken again for supper unless you take her and your sister out."

Jason continues to his office, sweaty and tired. It had been a long day and he was exhausted. He hadn't said one word to Katie all day, and after the phone call from his mom, things just seemed to go downhill from there. He didn't know why he hadn't talked with Katie. He just felt... confused. He could feel the stress between them and just didn't know what to do with it. Maybe he should call her... after work maybe. Even if he didn't know what to say to her, maybe she'd want some company, especially if she'd heard about Wendy. Jason did find it a bit odd Katie hadn't talked with him all day either.

Passing by his office, he goes to the break room instead, sinking down in chair with a can of pop. It was time to head home, but he'd rest here a while before driving.

Away Forever

Smiling and looking down at the hat Dalton gives a little chuckle. He didnt know Carson all that well, but from the little bit he had saw him he always had his hat, and he was madly in love with the woman Dr that also worked here.

Taking a small step closer to Dani Dalton leans in and gives her a soft kiss on the cheek pulling away with a small smile.

"I don't mind you stopped by to say Hi. Its always nice seeing a pretty face."

Looking over his shoulder back into the office Dalton smiles as his eyes give a new twinkle. Maybe one that showed he was happy his little friend was back and well, and even happier that he had more confidence in himself than before.

"This time around, I'll let him win."

Trying to give a little smile Katie looks up at Carson as they stop working. Though they didnt talk much, and they never really spend much time together Katie always had a spot inside her heart somewhere that cared a great deal for Carson.

" I know Jason miss me but as for moping I think he'll be to happy to have his own quiet mind back."

Putting the order she had been working on up in the window and giving a little ding of the bell Katie turns back to Carson taking her gloves and apron off.

Stepping for ward a few steps Katie comes close to Carson and stands on her tip toes leaning towards him. Giving him a soft kiss on the cheek Katie lets it linger for just a moment as she closes her own eyes a tear trickled down her face. In a soft whisper she says.

"I'll miss you to Carson. Thanks for everything. I'll be back one day, can't keep me away forever from the people I love, just till I am healthy again!"

Stepping away from Carson Katie does her best to try and muster up a smile though she knows it dosnt hold much of a glow she turns to head out of the kitchen.


Scott smirks at Dalton as he's put down. "Hey, Reese is the one who promoted me. Got a problem with my rank, you better take it up with him." Still breathing a little heavily, he grins a little at Dani before heading back into the office to sit at the desk.

Dani is still giggling as she looks up at Dalton. "I'm doing alright. Carson left his precious baseball cap her yesterday, so I told him I'd come pick it up." She shows Dalton the black hat. "But I figured I couldn't come without saying hi, so... here I am."

She quirks an eyebrow, giving the office a sidelong glance. "I don't know, but... I'd say Scott was winning that one."

Carson pauses his cooking a moment, hearing the rest of what Katie has to say. He seems a little surprised, not really having known she was having a hard enough time to want to leave.

Trying to process everything while they both work, he glances at her working. "You've been here one too many times," he teases, seeing that she knew where a lot of things were. He catches her salad though before she puts on the dressing, and hands her the right kind instead. "Other than using the chicken I was going to use for this other dish, you're a pro." He gives her a wink.

Quiet again though, he's not all too sure what to say. Finally he gives up trying to do two things at once, and just stops working for a moment, making Katie stop too. Looking her in the eye, a strange emotion swims in his gaze. "Just take care of yourself, okay?" He reaches out to brush a smudge of flour from her cheek.

"I guess you..." The sentimental words didn't want to come out. His rough nature just didn't want to say aloud what he felt... and what he felt was that Katie had given him someone to look out for, even from a distance... she was like another kid sister to him, and he knew he'd miss not seeing her around. He lets his phrase just trail off into nothingness.

"Well... just come back, alright? We'll miss you... especially that boyfriend of yours. I guarantee he'll be moping around here in the evenings." He grins a little. "But don't tell him I told you that."


Feeling Scott hitting his back Dalton cant help but laugh. Scott was strong but Dalton's back was stronger.

"Big Oaf huh?"

Giving a little jump Dalton puts Scott farther on his shoulder as she turns to Dani again. Dalton couldnt help but mess around. It was good to have Scott back and he was glad to see him. Having someone again to talk with in the office would be nice. It wasnt every day Dalton got along with just anyone.

"Oh yes yes everything is under control..."

Feeling Scott struggle again Dalton finally life Scott up a little before putting him down on the ground gentily.

"Look at that your here not even a day yet and you think your the boss."

Dalton's face held a smile to let Scott know he was playing around with him and didnt mean anything bad by it.

"Go on get out of here you."

Giving Dani's cheek a playful little brush Dalton's eyes give a small sparkle.

"How are you today Dani?"

Continuing to make her way around the kitchen Katie almost felt like she a natural at this and it was something she did everyday even though this was her fist time in this kitchen.

Looking to Carson Katie trys to give a small smile though she knows there is not much life to it.

"I just came, because I guess I wanted to say Good-bye. At least its goodbye for a little while."

Seeing an order coming Katie takes it before putting it down so Carson could see it too as she went to prep a few peaces of chicken and a salad. It was a moment before she would talk again.

"I decide I am going to be going home for a little bit. After everything thats happened, I just need time to heal and I think one of the best places would be back in Texas."

Katie didn't know if Carson would understand or now but she always considered herself close to him and she would hate to leave and not let him know.

"I probley wont have contact with anyone while I am gone, because I need to just find that peace I once had again continuing to be confused and hurt is not going to let me do that and its only going to make everything worse. I do plan on coming back though so this is not goodbye for good."

Katie's eyes held a small tear. It was always hard for her to say goodbye. But she new it was not for good, and she had to. She only hoped Carson understood her bumbling words.

"I guess I just feel close to you even if we don't talk alot so I wanted to let you know so you didn't worry."

Katie continues to move around the kitchen with ease helping where she could. Something inside her felt comfortable in the kitchen almost like this was a peace, of being peaceful itself.



Carson's eyebrows rise as Katie comes into the kitchen, and he looks even more surprised when she starts to help. He wasn't going to complain though.

"Well yeah, that's fine..." He cocks his head as he stirs some sauce. Something seemed... off. Katie didn't usually just come to talk, least of all to him. And it was even stranger that she'd come to help out at the same time.

"Fire away. What's up?"

Scott slowly backs up a step away from the desk, his eyes widening slightly. Dani's jaw drops at Dalton's comment, having absolutely no idea what was going on. But seeing the desk jostling, she can't help a giggle, and covers her mouth.

Without time to move, Scott cries out as he's picked up once again, this time slung over the giant's shoulder. He gives a half-hearted whack to Dalton's back. "Put me down, ya big oaf!"

By now, Dani is trying to control her laughter, her eyes dancing with humor. She didn't want to poke fun, but knowing Dalton had been stuck under his desk, well... it was quite funny. Managing a little wave, she stifles another laugh. "Hi, Dalton. Got everything under control, I see."

"Put me down!" Scott wails, kicking a little. "Dalton Heathrow, that's an order! Don't make me pull rank on you!"

Too fat

The slight grin still on her face, Bree gives a nod to Gunner. "It was nice meeting you as well. Who knows, we might meet again on an unordinary day."

Looking down at her book again, Bree picks up her fork and spoon, ready to dig into her nonsundae.

Entering Mom and Pop's, Katie took note to how busy it was. It would be hard to talk to Carson being this busy, unless she went back into the kitchen.

Stepping up to the counter, Katie leans into Mabel, asking her a question as she gives a nod and smile. Moving around the counter. Katie heads into the back and next to Carson. Putting on some gloves and an apron, she starts to help him put things together.

Finally speaking, she gives a little sigh. "I wanted to talk to you and I know it was busy, so I thought maybe we could talk while I helped you."

Looking out a little from under the desk Dalton raises an eyebrow at Scott. Hearing Scott's comment his eyes widen just a little bit.

"Why you little.." Going to reach for Scott Dalton manages to turn his bottle a little and get wedged under the desk

Trying to give a pull Dalton lifts the desk up a little and than down again with bang.
His face held no smile but his voice was laced with humor. "When I get out of here Scott your gonna pay."

Continuing to struggle Dalton stops when he hears Dani's voice. His hear starts to race and his face turns beat red. Trying to shift again the desk once again goes up and than down with loud bang. "gah, ah Dani yes Hi....I am...caught I mean stuck. You seem too be to fat to be here." Dalton's eyes widen just a little."No no no I mean I am to big to be in here and you picked a bad time to come see me. Yes thats it."

Trying a little harder again a small crack sounds as Dalton pushes his weight on the side. Finally coming free with a pop Dalton puts one arm on top of the desk before the other pulling himself up and only the top of his head and eyes can be seen as he gives a wave to Dani.

Finally standing Dalton gives a smirk to Dani and holds up a finger. " Give me one second. Turning around to Scott Dalton takes a step forward grabbing Scott before he can run and throws him over his shoulder moving to the door and stepping out to the hall. "Trouble maker in the house be on the look out."

Stepping back in still holding Scott Dalton turns to Dani. "Hi!"


A wry grin slowly spreads on Gunner's lips. "I guess freaking people out has always been my nature. I do like ice cream sometimes though."

Accepting Bree's hand, he gives it a strong shake. "Well, quirky Bree, I'm Brent Franklin... but friends call me Gunner."

The cell phone on his belt starts to vibrate, interrupting the brief greeting. Looking down at the number, Gunner purses his lips, not annoyed, but not happy either. "That would be my buddy Conrad, wondering where I am."

Glancing back to Bree, he gives a little nod. "I hope you enjoy your un-sundae. Tomorrow is Tilly's turn behind the counter, and she's real easy to freak out." He tosses her a wink. "Don't have too much fun."

"Gunner, where are you?" Con mutters into his phone, reaching Gunner's voicemail. "You were supposed to meet Jase and me on the corner of Madison and Park fifteen minutes ago. Call me back or show up."

Con hangs up and glances to the passenger seat where Jason is still just staring out the window as if not paying a bit of attention to anything. "Hotshot, if you're not up to this stakeout, you better say so now."

"I'm fine." Jason shrugs. "Just tired I guess."

Con sighs. "You want to talk about it?"

"Not really."

"Well if you-" Con gets interrupted by Jason's phone ringing. "That better be Gunner."

It wasn't. Jason flips open his phone. "Hi. Yeah..." His conversation doesn't last too long, but by the look on his face, it wasn't a good one. Closing his phone again, he's quiet for several moments.

Con senses something is wrong, and his tone softens. "Everything alright?"

Jason shakes his head. "That was my mom. You know Clint and Wendy?"


"They lost one of their babies."

"Oh." Con's shoulders drop a little. "That's too bad. You close to them?"

"Not really..." Jason shrugs, keeping his eyes busy roaming the street. "We're friends. Katie's pretty close to Wendy though... Mom said somebody was going to call her too." He couldn't imagine how Wendy or Clint must feel, torn between the sorrow of a loss, and the joy of still having one child. Why did everything have to hurt lately? He knew this would impact Katie too.

Though Con was saddened as well, he knew he needed to ask. "You need to pull out?"

The last thing Jason wanted right now was to be left to his own thoughts. He'd rather be on this case. "No. We've got a job to do."

Carson turns up the radio in the kitchen, his hands full today. Mabel was there for a little while and Aerith was working her tail off, but Dani wasn't supposed to come in until later. After the first good night in ages though, he was ready for the busy day. Tonight, Dani would close up for him, so he could go out with Misty, and with that in mind, he looked forward to time going quickly.

Scott stays under the desk, staring at the back as Dalton joins him. "Wha, huh?" He gives Dalton a sidelong glance while keeping a straight face. "Oh, I just wanted to see if you'd really fit under here." He reaches back and pulls the tiny camera out, studying it for a moment. "I put this here once when I thought a rat was getting into the garbage." It was now obvious that he was simply getting Dalton back for picking him up a few minutes earlier.

"Knock knock!" Dani pokes her head into the office, looking around, but seeing no one. "Dalton?"

Scott slithers back and pops up to see her. He hadn't interacted with Dani much, but knew who she was. "Oh, hey, Dani. Dalton is um... checking out some wiring."


Looking down at Gunner's side where his gun shows a little the woman seemed almost unfazed. Than glancing back up at Gunner the smile is still present in the woman's eyes though it was no longer on her lips.

"And you dont like ice cream but your here too when it would be cheaper. So I figure, we both think its more fun to freak someone out, than to simply buy something from a store."

Her eyes giving a twinkle a little before letting them fade to hide away that sparkle that was there as her face holds very little emotions again though she wasn't sad.

Holding out her hand to Gunner she offers a friendly handshake.

"Bree Connor, its always nice to meet someone who shares the same quirks."

Turning and taking the papers along with the bills from Rick Katie gives a dull nod.

"I will, thanks Rick for everything."

Turning to Jeff Katie gives a little smile and a nod before she heads out of the infermary and head back twords Reese's office handing the paper work to Susanne and heading out again. Stopping by her own desk Katie grabs a peace of paper and a pen writing a short letter.

Whats go great about normal? You asked me that once and I said nothing it was because of you Jason and your love for me. Our connection it was great, and It was the love for you that made un-normal good. Now though the answer is different, Normal is something I need to be able to heal and thats why I have to leave. I have to find my peace and who I am again. Don't hate me for doing this, I love you more than you can ever know. -Katie

PS. Tonight at 6 take one of the pills Rick gave you. Once you do, you can be normal again!

Taking the paper in hand Katie stands once more and heads to Jason's office. She would of said goodbye to him in person but he failed to show up to work. Maybe this was better anywas.

Entering the room Katie glances around. The room smelled like Jason and it was a smell that Katie loved, she had always loved it. Walking slowly over to one of Jason's shelfs Katie looks at the number of pictures that lined the shelfs. There were pictues of her and Jason, the smile on there faces that no longer eather of the wore. It seemed like such a long time ago. Katie wanted to find that smile again, that person who was taped in those pictures, and she wanted Jason to find his too.

Going back to Jason's desk Kaite
lays the paper down with a small orange bottle a tear rolled from Katie's face. She new Jason would know what to do without her even saying anything. It was hard, and it hurt, the memories that haunter her were like non other but it was something for both of them she had to do. For herself to heal, and for Jason to deal.

Taking one of the rings from her finger Katie lays it down with the paper. A memory for Jason so he wouldn't forget her. Letting out another quivered sigh Katie leaves the office and heads out of TJY. She had one more place she needed to stop, she wanted to see Carson before she headed back to the house to pack.

Hearing the tone in Scott's voice Dalton is next to him with in seconds. Looking under the desk it was dark and one could hardly see. Garbing a flash light Dalton bends down again.

"Here, watch out let my have a closer look."

Moving under the desk to take a closer look Dalton shines the light on a small black box.

"It looks like a camera or something, but why would it be here?"

Grocery store

Scott lets out a little wail, completely helpless against Dalton. With his feet off the ground though, he starts to laugh, giving the giant's arm a shove as he's set down again. Looking up at Dalton, he smirks. "Yeah, I missed you too."

Receiving the order, he glances over to the desk and sidles in behind it, sinking down in his chair. "Gladly." Looking at the computers a moment, he clicks a couple keys, then ducks his head to look under the desk. "Hey.... where did that come from..." Confusion fills his tone as his voice wavers. "Dalton? You better come... come looks at this... it's under here... near the back... ow!"

Jeff glances to Katie, letting a smile surface as he takes her hand, giving it a loving shake. "Just do me one favor, eh? Tell your aunt not to worry about me." He gives her a wink. "And take care of yourself, okay?" He knew why she was leaving... he didn't have to ask. He wanted to help, but he knew that there really wasn't anything he could do.

Rick comes up behind Katie, handing her the papers back, along with a bottle of pills. His face seemed to be one of disappointment. "Here... just make sure Jase knows and... and be careful." He rests a hand on her shoulder. "If you need anything, anything at all, call me, especially if you have trouble with the meds."

Seeing the gum, Gunner shakes his head, his eyes giving off an amused glint. "Got my own, thanks. If you're looking to curb your appetite though, chewing on napkins sometimes helps. More filling than chewing gum."


He twists around to see the counter where the waitress is holding up his half-finished float. He waves her off to tell her he was finished before turning back around, his shirt moving up a little on his hip to reveal his sidearm.

Folding his arms, he looks back to the blonde. "You don't want the ice cream, but you come here. You realize it wold be cheaper to get your own strawberries, chocolate and whipped cream from the grocery store?"



Looking up at the man who had now joined in on the conversation the blond than looks to the waitress again.

"See more than one person knows about this, that measn this is a real thing and by the way he is flashing that thing around I think he means business now I would do what he says."

The woman's face still did not movie as she looked to Gunner and rolled her eyes at his comment about people these days as if agreeing. Watching the waitress leave the woman looks to Gunner again as her lips slowly turn into a grin that she seemed to be amused.

"That was smart thinking, I was starting to lose hope that anyone else new what I was talking about."

Reaching into her back the Blond pulls out a pack of cinnamon gum. Taking a stick the woman pops a stick in her mouth before looking up at Gunner and holding the pack to him.

"Would you like a peace? I figure I better chew on something so I dont eat through the table since it might take that waitress a little while to bring me my non sundae sundae."

Heading out of Reese office Katie had the paper work she needed in hand. The next stop she would make would be the infirmary.

Giving a soft knock on the door Katie enters looking around. Seeing Misty at her desk, Rick at his and Jeff over on the bed. Making her way over to Rick first Katie sets the papers down on his desk.

"Rick, can...you fill these out for my reason for sick time, and leave of absence please and thank you."

Katie is quiet for a moment as she taps her fingers on Rick's desk her hand shaking just a little form everything she had been going through her nearves had been shot.

"I also need those two bottles of pills, for Jason and me."

Turning from Rick Katie would pick up the pills with the paper work once Rick had it filled out. Going over to her uncle Katie lays her hand on his arm knowing he was probably a little out of it from the pain meds.

"Hey Uncle Jeff."

Her Uncle had always been special to her, she wasnt sure why, maybe she felt like he understood her the most.

"I just want to let let you know I would be going home for a little while. I need to ya know? I just need to find myself again. But I didnt want to leave not telling you before your important to me and I didnt want you to worry to much."

Sapphire gives a small nod to her brother. She would let him know when she was ready to go and see if he still wanted to go or not. She only hoped if he did go he would have a great time as well as Gage.

Looking up from his desk as the voice sounds Dalton gets a big smile that cross his face. Standing Dalton goes to Scott and wraps his arms around him lifting him up off the ground.

"There is always room for you Buddy."

Finally putting Scott down Dalton takes a few staps back trying to keep a straght face.

"Glad you back, its been lonly and everyones computer keeps breaking at once and I cant get any peace. Now...get to work."

Dalton turns trying to hit his smile.


Reese nods slowly, understanding Katie's request. "You don't have to worry about him."

Seeing Katie walk away, he sighs deeply and turns in his chair to stare at the wall. The little high window didn't serve much for light today... not when the inside felt so dark.

"Um..." Scott doesn't really have plans for the day. He wanted to try and get used to being at work again, but he already wasn't so sure he could withstand a whole day here. "I think I might be able to handle that. Um... just grab me later or something and we'll go from there."

Making his way past the rest of the cubicles, he turns down the hallway, heading towards his office. On the way, he's almost run into by Gage, who had his eyes glued to the floor. Both men stagger back for a moment, trying to excuse themselves.

But as Gage moves on, Scott has to stop. He shakes his head as data flashes in front of him. It almost hurt. But in an instant, he knew just about all there was to know about Gage. Spinning around, Scott stares at the now-empty hall. What had just happened? A bit shook up, he slows down until getting to the office, trying to ignore the strange little episode.

Pausing in the doorway, he knocks to get Dalton's attention. "Got room for me?"

"Katie go to work today?" Jason speaks as he looks out the window of Con's car, heading with him across town.

"Don't know." Con keeps his eyes on the road. "Why don't you ask her?"

Jason shrugs. "Things aren't so hot right now. I don't want to bother her if she's sleeping late or something."

The waitress stares down at the other woman, pen and pad hovering in her hands. Chewing her gum slowly, she blinks at the request. "A sundae... without the sundae... I..." She shakes her head, not even knowing how to respond.

Having heard the short exchange, Gunner turns slightly in his seat, looking half over his shoulder. The scene was amusing. Too bored to know better, he slides off the stool to swagger over to the table. "You're having trouble today, aren't you?" he asks the waitress.

She shoots him something as close to a glare as she dares. "For someone who doesn't like ice cream, you sure stick around a long time."

"I'm just defending a fellow customer," he explains flatly. "She asked for a sundae without a sundae. Now if you can't give her that, then maybe she ought to take her business down the street to that other ice cream place that I believe is having a sale on their no-sundae sundaes."

The waitress has had enough, and sets her hands on her hips, still chewing her gum. "Alright, smarty. Why don't you tell me how to make a sundae without a sundae?"

Gunner rolls his eyes and looks down at the blonde as if exasperated. "Don't they teach these people anything anymore?" He turns back to the waitress. "Leave the ice cream off. Hello. Now look, I'm going to have to call you in on a three-five-sixty if you don't cooperate." He pulls on the chain around his neck, bringing out his Elite badge from under his loose t-shirt.

The waitress throws her hands up in the air, spinning around and stalking to the kitchen, mumbling to herself the whole way.

"And make sure you bring a spoon and a fork!" he calls after her. "Strawberries are hard to get with the spoons!" Once she's out of sight, Gunner turns back around, his lips curling slightly. "People these days. They can't seem to appreciate the simplicity of strawberries, chocolate and whipped cream. They gotta go ruin it with ice cream."

Minus Sunday

It was good to see her brother standing there again. She had almost lost him, than couldnt have contact with him it sure did open Sapphire's eyes to wanting to spend more time with those who are important.

"Yeah, I think I would like that as long as they are good ones and I get some with us together."

Sapphire gives a smile to Scott as an idea hits her. She new it was Scott's first day back but maybe he would have a little time.

"I know you might be busy but, I am taking Gage to the fair and maybe you would like to bring someone and come with us. You can bring your camra too. It can be like back in the bad."

Entering the small ice cream shop a medium high woman, with short blond hair enters. Her honey color eyes holding very little emotion at the surface, but beneath were smile. No smile was on her face as she found a table to see.

Waiting for the waitress to come back over the woman finally looks up at her. The woman's face held very little emotion as she spoke.

"Yes I'd like an ice cream sunday minus the sunday please."

Not bating an eye the woman looks down at the book she held as if what she had said was normal and people asked for it every day.

Giving just a small smile Katie gives a small nod. She was thankful for Reese being understanding, and still letting her job here for her when she came back.

"Thank you Reese. I'll probley be leaving tonight. Once I leave here I have some things I need to do but than I will fill out the paper work."

Turning just a little Katie looks out the window as a small rain started to fall. The smile she had held in then for a moment was now gone as her eyes were grey again. Maybe throughts ran through her mind as to what was to come.

"Keep an eye on Jason for me while I am gone ok?"

Katie looks back to Reese there was a sadness that was attached to her request from him. One she new he would understand. Once she was gone she wouldnt be able to feel Jason anymore and she wouldnt be able to tell if Jason would be ok. But it would make her feel better if someone she trusted looked over him.

Come back to us

Scott returns Sapphire's hug and manages to smile at her as she pulls away. "I'm doing alright." He gives a little shrug to show that there were still plenty of things he was working through, but he was here. His eyes were tired... his frame still thin. But he was looking a little healthier than a couple months ago, and he seemed to have gained at least a little more peace.

He had talked with Hope a long time last night about how he'd been during his house arrest... the things he'd thought of... how Gunner had helped him... and how he wanted to started again. He wanted to find strength again and he knew it wouldn't come overnight but... he was finally ready.

"I'm, um... trying to rebuild some of my photo albums since I don't have all of them anymore," he mentions to his sister. "Thought maybe sometime I could shoot some new pictures of you... if you'd let me."

Reese sits quietly, listening to Katie speak. He doesn't seem to have known this was coming, yet he doesn't seem surprised either. Slowly, he nods. He could be rough on his agents... he could throw orders around like the best of them, and push his agents to their limits. But in the end, he cared about everyone here like his family, and there were even a special few who had somehow made it to the softer spots in his heart.

"Okay." He calmly gives his approval. "And I hope you will take advantage of using some of your sick leave for this." A glint in his eyes reveals that he's allowing her to stretch the rules for this. "I don't remember many times where you've been away that it hasn't been connected to an Elite incident, and seeing as though you were out of commission for quite a while a couple times... I think you'll find you have more sick leave than you think."

A gentle smile reveals that he cares. "Come back to us, Katie. We'll be waiting for you."


Jason groans and pulls his pillow over his head. He didn't know why his friend was here, but he didn't care right now. "Go away," he mumbles.

"Not on your life. Come on, get up."

Jason only growls.

"Alright. You asked for it." Con comes all the way into Jason's bedroom and grabs a hold of the bed's mattress. It takes little effort for him to lift it up and dump Jason onto the floor.

"Conrad!" Jason gets himself untangled from his bedsheets and glares up at him. "What is your problem?!"

"Me?" Con looks innocent. "You're the one that's sleeping the day away. I came to tell you to get your hind end in to work instead of feeling sorry for yourself all day."

"Maybe I'm sick."

"Sick in the head." Con rips the sheet away from him. "Good thing I came too. Trooper had to go out so bad he was just about ready to go through a window." He sets his hands on his hips and waits, but Jason doesn't move. "Look, it's no secret what's been happening the last few days. I may be half deaf, but I do still hear things. And the last thing you need is to mope around alone. So come on. You and I need to go check out a club down on Fresno Ave and see if someone Brown's been tracking is there. Reese wants us on it."

Gunner spins his rootbeer float around on the counter of the ice cream shop, his eyes constantly bouncing around the room, back to his desert, to the door, then around once again. One leg bounces without him realizing it.

"Can I get you anything else?" a waitress inquires sweetly. "Up for a sundae after that?"

Gunner's eyes pause to rest on her own. "I don't like ice cream."

The young woman raises her eyebrows. "You're... in an ice cream shop... eating a float."

Gunner remains expressionless, his voice monotone.
"For the rootbeer."

The waitress eyes him for a moment before turning around and giving one of her other waitress friends a look that said she thought this guy was a few french fries short of a happy meal.

Only when she's turned does the corner of Gunner's mouth twitch. He takes another sip of his float and looks down to spy a newspaper on the counter. Pulling it towards himself, he figures it might occupy his mind for a while. If he was going to be a fish out of water, he might as well try to grow legs like everyone else around here. Unfortunately, he'd never gotten the hang of fitting in... not that he could remember anyway.



Typing away at her computer Sapphire works diligently. She wanted to try and get her work done early today. There was a fair in town and last night she had promised to bring Gage. They were going to need all the time they could get with showing him different things before the fire works that night.

Looking up at her brothers voice Sapphire gives a smile as she stands and pulls her brother into a strong embrace. It was good to see him again even if after the last few years that hadnt been close. Sapphire had missed seeing him just the same.

"Oh Scott, its so good to see you again."

Pulling away Sapphire takes a few steps back to look at her little brother. He looked like he was doing alot better on the outside she only hoped the inside matched.

"How are you feeling?"

Entering TJY Katie keeps her head down not really looking anyone in the eyes. Her head had been killing her this morning, and nothing seemed to bright. She just wanted to get what she had come for done, and put things into motion. For her sake....for Jason's sake.

Entering the tiny office Katie gives a small wave to Susanne point to the office. Receiving a nod that Reese was in his office Katie knocks and than enters.

"Morning Reese."

Making her way to the chair that was across from Reese desk Katie sits down drawing silent for a long moment as she looks down at her hands. She new what she wanted to do it just seemed so hard to do it. But finally looking up though Katie's eyes lacked much they also held a bit of emotion.

"I came because I wanted to request some time off. I know you need me around here but...I cant be here right now. For the last feel weeks I have been trying to convince myself and everyone else I am ok, but deep inside I am not ok. I'm broken, damaged..and I need time to heal."

Looking around the room for a moment Katie's eyes just rome the room as she trys to contain what little bit of dignaty she had and not break down in front of Reese.

"I need to find who I am again and I cant do that here. I was thinking about going home for a little while, back to Texas. I'll be back I'm just not sure when. So if you could grant me that time off that would be great."

When she was ready Katie new she would like to come back to TJY though she wouldn't ask Reese to hold her job for her because she new that was a lot to ask seeing as she didnt even know what she would be back. She only hoped that in time there would always be a place for her here.


Scott slowly enters TJY, letting his eyes adjust to the inside. It was early yet. He'd had a late evening with Hope at the lake, having just talked for the longest time before finally getting back home... but even that couldn't keep him away from an early start this morning. He'd been hesitant to come... feeling almost that he wanted a day just to adjust again. But... no, he needed to come.

Only a few people were here yet. He knew Reese was in the back. He'd seen Rick and Misty's vehicles. As he wanders down the row between cubicles, he hears the clicking of computer keys and a small smile surfaces. Maybe they still did think alike in some ways.

He stops and leans quietly on the cubicle wall. "Hey, Sis."

Jason hits his alarm for the third time, sinking his head back down into his pillow. Ever since yesterday, he'd had a headache, and it was stuck with him, even this morning. It was late... and getting later. But Reese would just have to wait.

Trooper groans and nudges his arm, but Jason just rolls out of the way, ignoring his dog for now.