

Feeling Scott hitting his back Dalton cant help but laugh. Scott was strong but Dalton's back was stronger.

"Big Oaf huh?"

Giving a little jump Dalton puts Scott farther on his shoulder as she turns to Dani again. Dalton couldnt help but mess around. It was good to have Scott back and he was glad to see him. Having someone again to talk with in the office would be nice. It wasnt every day Dalton got along with just anyone.

"Oh yes yes everything is under control..."

Feeling Scott struggle again Dalton finally life Scott up a little before putting him down on the ground gentily.

"Look at that your here not even a day yet and you think your the boss."

Dalton's face held a smile to let Scott know he was playing around with him and didnt mean anything bad by it.

"Go on get out of here you."

Giving Dani's cheek a playful little brush Dalton's eyes give a small sparkle.

"How are you today Dani?"

Continuing to make her way around the kitchen Katie almost felt like she a natural at this and it was something she did everyday even though this was her fist time in this kitchen.

Looking to Carson Katie trys to give a small smile though she knows there is not much life to it.

"I just came, because I guess I wanted to say Good-bye. At least its goodbye for a little while."

Seeing an order coming Katie takes it before putting it down so Carson could see it too as she went to prep a few peaces of chicken and a salad. It was a moment before she would talk again.

"I decide I am going to be going home for a little bit. After everything thats happened, I just need time to heal and I think one of the best places would be back in Texas."

Katie didn't know if Carson would understand or now but she always considered herself close to him and she would hate to leave and not let him know.

"I probley wont have contact with anyone while I am gone, because I need to just find that peace I once had again continuing to be confused and hurt is not going to let me do that and its only going to make everything worse. I do plan on coming back though so this is not goodbye for good."

Katie's eyes held a small tear. It was always hard for her to say goodbye. But she new it was not for good, and she had to. She only hoped Carson understood her bumbling words.

"I guess I just feel close to you even if we don't talk alot so I wanted to let you know so you didn't worry."

Katie continues to move around the kitchen with ease helping where she could. Something inside her felt comfortable in the kitchen almost like this was a peace, of being peaceful itself.

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