

Scott smirks at Dalton as he's put down. "Hey, Reese is the one who promoted me. Got a problem with my rank, you better take it up with him." Still breathing a little heavily, he grins a little at Dani before heading back into the office to sit at the desk.

Dani is still giggling as she looks up at Dalton. "I'm doing alright. Carson left his precious baseball cap her yesterday, so I told him I'd come pick it up." She shows Dalton the black hat. "But I figured I couldn't come without saying hi, so... here I am."

She quirks an eyebrow, giving the office a sidelong glance. "I don't know, but... I'd say Scott was winning that one."

Carson pauses his cooking a moment, hearing the rest of what Katie has to say. He seems a little surprised, not really having known she was having a hard enough time to want to leave.

Trying to process everything while they both work, he glances at her working. "You've been here one too many times," he teases, seeing that she knew where a lot of things were. He catches her salad though before she puts on the dressing, and hands her the right kind instead. "Other than using the chicken I was going to use for this other dish, you're a pro." He gives her a wink.

Quiet again though, he's not all too sure what to say. Finally he gives up trying to do two things at once, and just stops working for a moment, making Katie stop too. Looking her in the eye, a strange emotion swims in his gaze. "Just take care of yourself, okay?" He reaches out to brush a smudge of flour from her cheek.

"I guess you..." The sentimental words didn't want to come out. His rough nature just didn't want to say aloud what he felt... and what he felt was that Katie had given him someone to look out for, even from a distance... she was like another kid sister to him, and he knew he'd miss not seeing her around. He lets his phrase just trail off into nothingness.

"Well... just come back, alright? We'll miss you... especially that boyfriend of yours. I guarantee he'll be moping around here in the evenings." He grins a little. "But don't tell him I told you that."

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