

Carson really doesn't have a whole lot to say, though he's still a bit surprised, and still a bit sad to see Katie go.

Receiving the kiss on the cheek, his eyebrows rise. Opening his mouth, he isn't even sure how to respond, and already, Katie is gone from the kitchen. He's left standing, staring, and hearing the front door's bell. What was all of that really about? And her comment about Jason... were things not okay between them anymore?

Only the smell of smoke brings him back to his attention as he realizes a pizza is burning. "Ohhhh crap." Jumping towards the stove, he fans away the smoke with his apron and turns on the fan. "Aerith! Go make table three happy while they wait for their pizza!"

Dalton's kiss to her cheek makes Dani blink in surprise and she blushes a little. Not realizing it, she takes a small step back, biting her lip.

Trying to recover, she manages a little laugh at the continued antics between Dalton and Scott. "I think it's okay to let others win once in a while..." Rocking on her feet, she looks down for a moment, before glancing up at him again. "I... better get going. I have to run a couple errands to run before I head on over to work."

A bit awkward, she stands a moment, then nods. "I'll... see you soon." Heading back down the hall, she makes her way to the exit and out into the warm air.

Later in the day...

Scott slowly gathers up his things, ready to go home for the day. He'd wound up staying in the office all day. Though invited again to go with Sapphire and Gage, one look at Gage had set his information reeling again, to the point he really didn't want to deal with it. He'd thanked his sister anyway, but had politely declined. He could tell Gage was confused, but he hadn't wanted to bother explaining... he was still trying to get used to all of the data that was in his head, and trying to figure out how not to make it surface when he didn't want it to.

"Did you find him?"

"Yeah, yeah." Con nods to Reese. "We took him down and Brown took over from there. I'm just glad it's over. Took us two hours of tracking after we located him once."

Reese walks with the agents across the main floor of TJY. Con, Jason and Gunner had just returned. "Well, good job. One of you can turn in a report to me later."

"Gunner," Both Con and Jason say at the same time.

Gunner stops in his tracks and throws up his arms. "Why me??"

"Because you were late," Con teases.

"Because of a girl," Jason adds, heading towards the hall.

"Oh, you two think you're so smart." Gunner stops, happening to be right by Nate's cubicle. "Hey, saw your wife downtown at the station. She said to tell you it's chicken again for supper unless you take her and your sister out."

Jason continues to his office, sweaty and tired. It had been a long day and he was exhausted. He hadn't said one word to Katie all day, and after the phone call from his mom, things just seemed to go downhill from there. He didn't know why he hadn't talked with Katie. He just felt... confused. He could feel the stress between them and just didn't know what to do with it. Maybe he should call her... after work maybe. Even if he didn't know what to say to her, maybe she'd want some company, especially if she'd heard about Wendy. Jason did find it a bit odd Katie hadn't talked with him all day either.

Passing by his office, he goes to the break room instead, sinking down in chair with a can of pop. It was time to head home, but he'd rest here a while before driving.

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