

Reese nods slowly, understanding Katie's request. "You don't have to worry about him."

Seeing Katie walk away, he sighs deeply and turns in his chair to stare at the wall. The little high window didn't serve much for light today... not when the inside felt so dark.

"Um..." Scott doesn't really have plans for the day. He wanted to try and get used to being at work again, but he already wasn't so sure he could withstand a whole day here. "I think I might be able to handle that. Um... just grab me later or something and we'll go from there."

Making his way past the rest of the cubicles, he turns down the hallway, heading towards his office. On the way, he's almost run into by Gage, who had his eyes glued to the floor. Both men stagger back for a moment, trying to excuse themselves.

But as Gage moves on, Scott has to stop. He shakes his head as data flashes in front of him. It almost hurt. But in an instant, he knew just about all there was to know about Gage. Spinning around, Scott stares at the now-empty hall. What had just happened? A bit shook up, he slows down until getting to the office, trying to ignore the strange little episode.

Pausing in the doorway, he knocks to get Dalton's attention. "Got room for me?"

"Katie go to work today?" Jason speaks as he looks out the window of Con's car, heading with him across town.

"Don't know." Con keeps his eyes on the road. "Why don't you ask her?"

Jason shrugs. "Things aren't so hot right now. I don't want to bother her if she's sleeping late or something."

The waitress stares down at the other woman, pen and pad hovering in her hands. Chewing her gum slowly, she blinks at the request. "A sundae... without the sundae... I..." She shakes her head, not even knowing how to respond.

Having heard the short exchange, Gunner turns slightly in his seat, looking half over his shoulder. The scene was amusing. Too bored to know better, he slides off the stool to swagger over to the table. "You're having trouble today, aren't you?" he asks the waitress.

She shoots him something as close to a glare as she dares. "For someone who doesn't like ice cream, you sure stick around a long time."

"I'm just defending a fellow customer," he explains flatly. "She asked for a sundae without a sundae. Now if you can't give her that, then maybe she ought to take her business down the street to that other ice cream place that I believe is having a sale on their no-sundae sundaes."

The waitress has had enough, and sets her hands on her hips, still chewing her gum. "Alright, smarty. Why don't you tell me how to make a sundae without a sundae?"

Gunner rolls his eyes and looks down at the blonde as if exasperated. "Don't they teach these people anything anymore?" He turns back to the waitress. "Leave the ice cream off. Hello. Now look, I'm going to have to call you in on a three-five-sixty if you don't cooperate." He pulls on the chain around his neck, bringing out his Elite badge from under his loose t-shirt.

The waitress throws her hands up in the air, spinning around and stalking to the kitchen, mumbling to herself the whole way.

"And make sure you bring a spoon and a fork!" he calls after her. "Strawberries are hard to get with the spoons!" Once she's out of sight, Gunner turns back around, his lips curling slightly. "People these days. They can't seem to appreciate the simplicity of strawberries, chocolate and whipped cream. They gotta go ruin it with ice cream."

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