
Good to see you or not

Starring up at the ceiling Katie gives a tiny roll in her only to feel her pad of paper and pencil next to her. Just starring at the wall for a long moment it takes Katie a second to relies where she was. Soon, the smell of the bunk house, and the faint memory of arriving yesterday enters her mind Katie relies where she was and sits up.

Swinging her feet out of bed Katie sits on the edge for a long moment as a whole new wave of feels come to her. But they were not anyone else's but her own this time. The thought was great, yet horrifying all at the same time. The feeling of being away from Jason was still one Katie didn't like.

Katie stomach starts to churn as memories start to surface. Yesterday she had skipped out on having any episodes but today she would not be so lucky. Standing Katie makes her way to the bathroom just in time as she stomach revolts against her and she loses what little she had in her stomach already.

Sitting at her desk Hope taps her pencil on her desk. Dialing Scott's number and getting his voicemail Her heart sunk a little. Today was the day of her hearing and though she hadnt told anyone not even Angelica she was scared. Even if she herself acted confidant. She didnt know what was going to happen and this could very well be life changing though she would never change a thing she did.

She had a few hours before her hearing and she was hoping to have lunch with Scott or at least talk to him to calm down a little bit.

"Hey Scott its Hope. I was hoping we could grab something to eat. Court is not for about two hours so if you get this before than just give me a call back. Thanks."

Hanging up the phone Hope stands and walks over to the window that many times in the past Scott himself had looked out. Finding comfort in the nice view Hope let out a small sigh trying to calm herself down.

Giving a snicker from behind Gunner Bree shakes her head. Taking a spoonful of whip-cream.

"I think that waitress is going to have a bad day today if she is already getting stressed out this morning. I tell ya though I need to start a petition to put un-sundays on the menu, or at least do something so everyone knows what they are."

Giving a half smile to Gunner the rest of Bree's face stays emotionless as the glimmer of humor in her eyes proceed.

"Morning Gunner, I haven't deiced if its good to see you or not yet, no offense of course. Just weighing the options of your here by chance, or we are stalking each-other!"

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