
Some people

*Over hearing Clint's conversation Wes was outside and see Clint leaning aganst the wall.* "Hey killer. I dident mean to over hear your convo. But I was just coming to look for ya. So ya thought you could trust someone and it turns out you couldent. Its a tough lesson to leane huh? But because of this you cant think everyone out there is dishonest. There are some good peope left in this world." *Wes digs into pocket and hands Clint a check.* " A lady from the post office stop by here this morning. I guess the envalope got ripped in the mail. She saw my name and address on the check and came by to drop it back off to me." *Wes smiles.* " So, now what we have found what was lost, lets get a nice strong envalop for it and try sending it again." *Wes puts his arm around Clint's shoulder as they head into the shop.* " Oh ya, I saw the word you did over the last week. Very very nice job."

*Katie whipes her face.* "I'm...I'm ok. I just got an email from my dad is all. Not sure what I should think about it." *Katie lets out a long sigh.* " I'm sorry all this stuff happend to you Jason. Dont feel regret though. Everything helped you over come alot and I think thats more important. I mean I know TJY is your life but, now you can start doing more stuff too." *Katie smiles.* "Maybe we can go on the picnic too."

~*~Somewhere Alse~*~

*BJ bounces down the steps and runs into the kitchen sliding across the floor. All dressed in his bright orange shirt and his Red shorts. He also has 2 differnt socks on.* "Sham I is ready."

"You mean you ARE ready." *Sam looks at Jason and cant help but bust out laughing.* " BJ..since when do orange and red match?"

*BJ grins big.* "Since you told me to dress myself."

"You goof ball, lets get something on you that matches and than we will go to the park." *Sam takes BJ's hand.*

"YAY." *BJ squeels as he takes Sam's hand.*

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