

*Katie gets up and goes over next to Jason siting down. She lets out a sigh* " I really dont know what to say about it. I was to write him back, but I still hold so much anger and hurt, I dont know if I want to forgive him. What would compell him to write to me after all these years anyways. " *Katie stops for a moment and just thinks.* " I dont know what to think about it all. Its so hard ya know. Not talking to him for so long and than poof here he is emailing me. ah...and my step mom. I bet she woudlent be to happy if she new he was writing me again. We never got alone, and cuz of her I would never attempt to see him again. I just dont know J."

*Angel smiles and comes into the tack room. Siting down on one of the over turned buckets.* " Well...You know Rosetta have a very deep love for you Mick. And I can say that knowing its true. You guys grew up together. The last 18 when you were gone she missed you alot, but that fire never burned out. When you came back it grew an became stronger. Rosetta would probley love to throw her arms around you look you in the eyes and tell you she loves you. But she dosent. She knows things have been rough on you and she dosent want to push you into anything your not ready for. She is willing to wait longer for you." *Angel holds her smile. Than her mind goes to Wes. and looks back at Mick.* " Ya know in a way its a horrable thing to say but I am happy you came back when you did. Rosetta and Wes were happy but they wernt ment to be together. You could just tell. Rosetta's heart belonged to you. and she was ment to be with you. And if that never happens, thats ok. Just knowing she had that chanse to shair her life with you will be enough."

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