

Jason is silent for just a moment, trying to sort through all the different scenarios happening at once. He shakes his head and aims the conversation back to the direction he feels is most important. “Forget about me for a minute, Katie. You heard from your dad?” He looks at her with compassion. “Good news or bad, that’s gotta be rough. You going to be okay?”

Clint looks in surprise at the envelope Wes hands him. “I…” He almost laughs. “I feel stupid. What can I say but thank you?” He rolls his eyes at himself. “Way to go, Clint.” He glances at Wes, grateful for all his help. “I’m in deep, but I’d be in a whole lot deeper if it weren’t for you. I owe you big time.”
He beams at Wes’ compliment. “Thanks…there were a couple things I got stuck on, but I got a few things accomplished.” He follows Wes into the shop.

Mick sits in the tack room alone, oiling an old saddle. His hands move in a rhythmic pattern, memorized by years of the same. His thoughts wander in different directions, but here in the barn, he can find a small bit of peace.

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