

*Wendy nods to Clint.* "Ok..I'll save you a place. Have fun." *Wendy throws Clint a smile as he leaves.*

*Katie follows Jason trying to help him as much as she can. Once geting to the mess hall Katie stands with Jason leting him lean on her. After listing to all Con said to Jason, Katies heart acks for Jason. Slowly Katie helps him back t his bunk. As they enter Jason's bunk Katie hears her computer (that yes is still on Jason's table.) beeping leting her know she had a new email. She helps Jason to sit down.* "I"m going to check my message fast than if you want I'll leave ya be." *Katie makes her way over to her laptop. Not reconizing the address she starts to read the email. After several moment Katies eyes grow as she relizes who the emial is from. As she finishes it off tears flow from her eyes. Anger, confustion fills her mind. Should she write back, or not. Had her dad truly changed? Why would he email her after all this time? What was she to do next?*

~*~Somewhere Alse~*~

*BJ finishes his oatmeal and put his bowl into the sink.* "Tan we doe outshide now Sham?"

*Sam looks at BJ and smiles alittle.* " You havent even goten dressed yet. Run upstairs and take your bath and get dressed."

*BJ turns to run upstairs* "Otay"

* Sam yells after BJ.* "AND BRUSH YOUR TEETH." *After BJ is up stairs and out of ear shot Sam pulls out her phone and dials a number.* "Hey its me...Ya I know you told me not to call. But I wanted to know how much longer you wanted me to keep BJ...I ment Jason...I do like having him with me...but he deserves a real life. A real chanse...I know he is important to us but...He's a sweet kid. Fine whatever." *Sam hangs up the phone a sarrow hanging heavy in her heart.*

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