
Mountain dew

Rocky’s eyebrows lift just a little at Jess’ remark about not going out to lunch with the delivery man, and for just a moment, he believes her until he sees her trying to hide her smile.

Leaning against the desk, he folds his arms across his chest and waits until she looks up again. Her mention of a rock star makes him laugh. “Well, I don’t see any rock star around here.” He looks over his shoulder as if making sure. “But if you don’t mind me as a substitute…”

His smile is aimed at her. “Chinese buffet… at noon.” The beeper on his belt goes off, and he looks at it quickly. “In the meantime, I gotta scoot. I expect to see you there.”

He throws Jess a wink before heading out the door.

Jason stares at Katie, letting her suggestions sink in. And at first, it sounds great. But then something else appears in his mind, and he stops himself from getting too excited.

“I don’t know, Katie, I mean… maybe I need to think about these things first, ya know? I don’t think anybody is gonna throw me to the wolves when they find out what happened here, but… I think maybe I should be a little more cautious about things. Maybe sit on it a while.”

An old pride had suddenly emerged through the other emotions. It was an old feeling that had at one time driven him to excel and driven him towards the ultimate goal of leadership. He’d settled eventually, satisfied with his other roles. But today… today that old goal had been handed to him free and clear. There were things even Reese had done that Jason hadn’t liked. Could he now change those things? Wouldn’t bringing Reese back just complicate things? A part of Jason wanted to see if he could do this on his own first. He liked Reese, but he wasn’t sure he’d like all the free advice that would come along with rehiring him.

Jason’s eyes suddenly meet Katie’s again, and he knew that these thoughts and feelings had seeped out. He didn’t mean them to be bad, or arrogant… they were just what he felt, and he didn’t want to be too hasty in making decisions.

“I… I don’t want to tell everybody yet. I want to think first.”

Carson enters the Mom and Pops kitchen quickly, out of breath from hurrying in through the back. “Sorry I’m late, Herb,” he apologizes. It had been quite a while since he’d been late, so he knew he’d be forgiven this morning. He hadn’t needed to be here early, but he was still a good hour late.

Throwing on his apron, he tries to get his bearings. It looked like a busy morning. His mind is tired though, and it’s hard to concentrate. The night had been long. After finally getting to bed, his mind hadn’t wanted to shut down. Thoughts were of the holdup, and of the words Axel had spoken to him.

The mess in the front still bothered him. Though the plastic over the window didn’t seem to bother customers any or slow them down. And at least this time it wasn’t his fault. And at least Herb hadn’t seemed worked up over it.

But really, that whole situation wasn’t nearly as troublesome as what Axel had said to him. Had Axel been right? And even if he had been, what did it mean?

A small pang hits Carson’s heart. A longing stirred – one that he’d succeeded in thwarting… one that he’d succeeded in burying deeply enough that it would quit bothering him. But now… now he questioned everything.

He pauses a moment while chopping peppers. He’d meant to call Misty this morning, but had forgotten in his mad rush to get here. Maybe he’d call her for lunch. Or maybe… he didn’t know. He wasn’t sure of anything anymore.

Kyle sits on the park bench, bent with his elbows resting on his knees. He should go home. But he didn’t want to. He should be out searching, but he had no motivation. After five years… after building up trust and a good reputation… after earning his way up to management… this morning felt like more than a slap to the face. It was more than a hit to his ego.

Phil runs a comb through his hair, and heads for the answering machine. He’d heard the phone ring a few minutes ago, but had been in the shower. Hitting the play button, he waits, then is confused as he hears the male voice for Kyle. It was Shane. But… what did he want? Phil didn’t know their old friend had been hanging out with Kyle at all, but… He lifts his eyebrows at the mention of “tonight’s workout.” Then it hits him. Shane used to do karate. The pieces suddenly begin to fall into place. Kyle hadn’t been with Rocky all these late nights. He’d obviously been physically active. But… he hadn’t taken an interest in karate since he’d been a kid, and even then, it hadn’t been all that serious. Why this, why now?

He shrugs and leaves the message for Kyle. His brother had been quiet and evasive lately. It was odd, but… who was he to stick his nose in? His questioning had only led to arguments thus far.

Finally arriving home, Kyle walks in the door and simply heads to the living room, sinking down into the couch, not even bothering to take off his jacket.

Phil is just ready to head out for the lumberyard, but stops, looking at the clock. “Kyle?” He himself was heading in for a later shift than normal, but Kyle was supposed to be at the Pizza Box right now. “Kyle, what are you doing home?”

Kyle leans his head back to stare up at the ceiling. “I’m sitting on the couch. What does it look like I’m doing?”

Phil frowns. “Why aren’t you at work? Off early?”

“Yeah, something like that.”

Phil doesn’t trust his brother’s tone. “What do you mean?”

“I got fired, alright?”

Phil’s jaw drops. “What? Why? What happened?”

“Somebody stole some cash. Nothing could be proved. No one came forward. It was either me or the other guy, so we both got sacked.”

“Aw, Kyle.” Phil was genuinely sorry. His brother had held that job for quite a while. But faithfulness meant nothing to new management. “Now what?”

Kyle shrugs lamely. “They’re not pressing charges, so… I guess I find another job.”

Phil sighs deeply and eases down across from his brother, forgetting about his own work right now. It could wait. This was more important. “So you’re with two bands now, you quit the worship team at church, you’ve picked up karate again…”

Kyle lifts his eyes. “Figured it out, huh?”

“Yeah.” For the first time in a long time, Phil felt the opening to talk. Perhaps it was because Kyle was low from losing his job. “What’s really going on? Why all the changes?”

Kyle shrugs again. “Just… looking for something different I guess. Trying to get out of the same old mold.”

“I get that. But why all the secrecy?”

Kyle lets silence fill the gap for several seconds. “Guess I just wanted to do things on my own terms. I’m me… I do the things I want to do, and quit worrying about other people’s opinions or criticisms.”

Phil frowns. “I’m sorry you feel that way about me… and Jen… and Mike… and Jason.”

Kyle sighs. “I didn’t mean it was your fault. I just… I don’t know. I was wrong, and I’m sorry.” He gets to his feet, taking off his jacket. “Now I need to look for a job.”

Phil’s window of opportunity was gone. “You be alright?”

Kyle lets out a laugh. “As if I’m the first person to ever lost his job.” He smirks. “I’m fine. You better go though, or you’re going to be out of a job too.”

“You sure you’re alright?”

Kyle approaches his brother, leaning down to look him closely in the eye. “Phil Mitts… I am fine.” Humor sparks in his eyes. “Don’t make me wrestle you to prove it, because I’ll win.”

Phil relents and laughs, shaking his head. “Do you ever settle down?”

“Nope.” Kyle straightens and bounds into the kitchen. “But I do need some mountain dew to help me through!” He skids to a stop in front of the refrigerator. “Hey… that rhymes. Phil! I got our next new song!”

Phil rolls his eyes and heads for the door. “Great, Kyle. Don’t take too much sugar, alright? I want this place in one piece when I get back.”

“Yeah, yeah…” Kyle holds the fridge door open, until he hears Phil leave. But once alone, he lets the door fall shut, his shoulders dropping again. Instead of getting on the internet, or looking a the paper for jobs, he goes to his room and flops down on his bed.

Rock Star

Hearing about the new developments is almost like a ton of bricks to Katie. Slowly moving to one of the chairs Katie sinks down almost stunned. This had happend so fast and non of it made sence. Looking into Jason's eyes Katie trys to look for answers but comes up with nothing.

"Your...in charge?"

Katie lets the information sink in for a moment before saying anything alse. So much could change again.

"J do you know what this means? We can higher Reese and Ty back again. No one has to worry about getting fired. J...things can go back to normal. We can fix things."

A big smile spreads across Katie's face as she thinks about everything. About how less stressful things will become again.

"First thing first I think we should tell everyone whats going on."

Giving a smile Jess shakes her head. Rocky certinly did have a good sence of humor she did have to give him that.

"Yeah I could see how a nice day can help. Though I wouldnt know, I was here at 5 am this morning and it was a bit cold than."

At Rocky's invatation a small sassy smile forms on her lips. Lunch would be intresting and might even be fun. Though she couldnt give in so quick, she wanted to make him think a little first.

"Well I am not so sure about lunch. Its not normal for me to go out with the delivery men."

Looking back down at her paper work another smile forms on her lips though she trys to keep a straght face. Looking up again her eyes meet Rockys as her own softness lays behind them in a misterous mannor.

"But a certn rock star...I might be intersted in having lunch with him."


Jason is still sitting behind Austin’s desk when Katie comes in. He looks up at her, his eyes searching for anything that made sense.

“I…I don’t know,” he answers lamely. For a few moments, his shock overrides the other emotions he’s feeling. He was too confused right now to be angry. "I..."

He blinks and just stares up at Katie. "How did... what...." He tries to clear his mind. "I'm in charge of the Elite." His own tone indicates the confusion, and amazement that he was suddenly in this position.

"I'm... in control? Chief?" He pauses again, thinking. "What... I mean... holy cow, Katie."

Despite the tenseness, a bit of humor slips through. "Guess I can change the rules about making it to work early every day."

He tries to laugh a little, but then just shakes his head. "What do I do?"

Rocky chuckles and takes the small clipboard back. "Well, my day is going w..." His voice trails off and he quirks his eyebrow as he stares at Jess' signature. "I take back what I said. I really did forget your name. This says Jemmmm Ferchen..."

Looking back at her, he grins, the humor twinkling in his eyes. "My day is going just fine. The weather is nice out there, so that helps."

Pausing for just a moment, he cocks his head. "It would be going even better if you agreed to meet me for lunch."

Good Luck

Smiling as Katie receves the rose a smile spreads on her face. Jason and herself hadnt talked this much since this morning but she didnt mind to much. She was still pretty tired fomr the preious events.

No need to thank me J. I'd go to the end of the earth for you. You mean alot to be and it has just become second nature.

Smiling up at him Austin's harsh voice makes her jump. She turns her head fast just eyeing him for a moment. So much stress had beening happening as of late and most of it had started when Austin had taken over.

As Jason turns to leave Katie relays a quick message.

Good luck J keep you cool.

As Jason leaves Katie lets out a long sigh. She couldnt help he feeling of dread that came over her. She felt like something was going to happen, something bad. Trying to get back to work Katie just cant consintrat as many feelings were ranging inside Jason but where not being shaired. Katie hated the feeling of running into a wall and that was just as bad as getting to many feelings to fast but there really was nothing alse she could do.

...Looking up quickly from her desk again as the door to Austin's offince slams Katie is saprised to see Austin storming out of the TJY building. A wave of worry flashs over Katie. Searching her feeling fast she trys to find out what happend but only gets bits and peaces along with Jason message.

J...what happend? Whats going on? Got yourself into what?

Searching a little more Katie looks for more answers finally gathering enough infor to understand what was going on. Almost stunned Katie is silent for a moment before relaying anything to Jason.

Austin...quit? Wha....

Quickly getting up from her desk Katie is to tired to try and relay anything more to Jason through emotions as she was still getting his own feelings she had to save her strangth. Heading for Austin's office Katie enters and closes the door behind her.

"Jason...what..what now?"

Looking up from her desk Jess see the delivery man enter into the office. Thinking nothing of it she goes back to work like normal. Its not untill Jess hears Rocky's voice does she relize who it is.

Lifting her head slowly a smile spreads across her face. Shaking her head she gives a small chuckle.

"No your not going crazy nor have you forgotten my name, but I guess to make sure I can sign for you."

Taking the pen and the bored Jess signs her name fast. If someone didnt know who she was they would still wouldnt know after she signed. Her signature was hard to even read.

"There you go, but good luck trying to make out what it says."

Leaning over the desk just a little Jess smile grows. It was good to see Rocky again so soon. He made her smile and that was a good thing. Not to mention seeing him broke up her dull day.

"It's good to see you again Rocky! You get to see me in my work zone and now I get to see you in yours. How is your day going?"

Turn of events

Austin keeps a close eye on Angel, unable to help a little worry. There was a nasty flu bug going around right now - he hoped she hadn't caught it.

Getting her to her hotel, he walks her inside and to her room, making sure that she was okay before he left. Driving around for a while, he doesn't go home right away. He just thinks... letting his mind drift from the past to present and back again. When had things become so complicated?

Rocky flips his phone shut, a grin still on his face. Parking his car in his driveway, he gets out and ambles inside, greeting his calico cat by picking her up and giving her some loving. The day had been long... and a lot of bad had happened. But good had happened too... and ending on that note, he was at peace.

Late the next morning....

Jason wanders back into TJY. He’d left early that morning after waking up, still in the infirmary. Leaving Katie to sleep a while longer, he’d gone home to shower and change and take care of Trooper, bringing him back with him. Now he was late in getting started on work… an hour late, though he didn’t much care if anyone didn’t like it.

This morning he had a headache. No hot shower or dose of sugar had helped it, and he knew it would probably last all day. He felt drained after the night before, but was beginning to realize the truth of it all. He had so much on his mind that even not twenty-four hours later, he could feel his emotions starting to build back up again. He knew it was because he was harboring them. Most of them related to Austin. Now some related to JetStream and Kyle. They were confusing, and he didn’t know how to deal with them. He needed to let them go. But he just…couldn’t. So instead, he closed the valve just enough that Katie wouldn’t have to feel everything. She had enough to worry about.

Ambling down across the main floor, Jason knows that by now, Katie is up and going as well. He’d only conversed with her briefly a short time later, not having the energy to rehash anything that had happened yet. He knew they would, but for this morning, it felt better to just try and move on.

Slipping up beside her cubicle, he offers a gentle smile, knowing she was probably as tired as he was.

Thanks for sticking by me, Hero. You always manage to save the day.

Reaching down, he sets a red rose on her desk, his eyes meeting hers.

You deserve more, ya know. You’re too good for me.


Jason turns around to see Austin standing near the offices. “Yeah?”

“In my office. Now.”

Jason gives a nod, though his eyes have turned to an annoyed stare. Sighing, he turns back to Katie. “The tyrant beckons. He’s probably mad that I’m late again.” He shakes his head. “If I’m not out in half an hour, send in the troops. One of us might be dead.”

Though meant as a joke, the humor is lacking. Jason takes a deep breath and heads to Austin’s office, not looking forward to whatever it was.

Austin paces his office, his nerves shot. He’d hardly gotten any sleep at all last night. Too much had been on his mind. Angel, the ranch, Jason, the Elite… nothing felt right anymore. Nothing made sense. But his grandson certainly wasn’t making things any easier.

This morning, Austin was more mad at himself than anything, but it had turned into a bad mood that seemed to affect everything he touched. Would anything go right ever again?

He looks up quickly as Jason enters his office, his hard stare returning. “Jason, you’re late. Again.”

Jason rolls his eyes. “Yeah, so what?”

"I specifically told you to be at that meeting today, and you deliberately disobeyed orders!”

“I don’t care,” Jason shoots back. He folds his arms across his chest, his eyes narrowing at Austin, while his chin was lifted in defiance. His grandfather had no idea what Jason and Katie had been through last night, but he wasn't about to explain - it would only be viewed as an excuse or something to be pitied, and the last thing Jason wanted was pity from Austin.

Austin glares at him. No matter what they talked about anymore, it was always an argument. “You should. You’re pushing it, Jason. One more blatant disobedience, and you’ll be looking for another job.”

“Go for it,” Jason dares him. “Tell me I’m fired.” After a pause, he nods. “That’s what I thought. So if there’s nothing you can do about me, why are you wasting your breath? I don’t respect you anymore, Austin. You lost that respect the day I learned just what kind of person you really are. You’ve got no respect from me, and you’ve got no respect from the others around here either. Oh, we all put up with you, but when it really comes down to it, the only reason we don’t retaliate is out of fear.”

Austin’s hand slams down hard on his desk. “How dare you speak to me like that!”

“How dare you treat the people around you like you do! If you think that I’m going to back down just because you throw a temper-tantrum, you’re sorely mistaken.”

“You don’t know how hard this job is,” Austin hisses. “You don’t know what it’s like to run an organization like this – to be responsible for everyone and the well-being of all these people. You’re too thick-headed and naïve to realize just what kind of person it takes to run the Elite!” His voice raises with every word. “I’ve worked hard to bring myself to this point, and make this place what it’s become. Carter and I have been working for years to streamline this place into the best law-enforcement in existence! And you have the nerve to insult me to my face!”

“If you’d…”

“I’m not finished!” Austin barks. “You think you know so much about the way this place should run? You think you have all the answers?” He reaches onto his belt to pull off his badge, tossing it down in front of Jason on the desk. “Here.”

Jason grits his teeth, trying to maintain control of his temper. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“Call it chief for a day. Or better yet, for as long as they let you stick around.” Austin turns to grab his jacket and car keys. “All yours, Hotshot. Good luck.”

“Austin what are you…”

Austin whirls around as he reaches the door, staring at Jason with a cold gaze. “Maybe you’ll realize just what kind of position I’m in and learn some respect.”

Jason stares at the doorway, even when it’s empty for several minutes. His shock felt just as great as his anger. What on earth…

Turning back around, he looks down at Austin’s badge. Chief. Slowly, he walks around and sits down in Austin’s chair. He was hurt, he was confused, he was upset.

Katie, what on earth have I gotten myself into?

Austin slumps down in his seat, not wanting to get out of his car and go into his house. He wasn’t even sure there was a word to describe how he was feeling. He'd had intentions of checking on Angel today, but now all motivation was lost. Besides that, he didn't want to tell her what he'd just done.

His ringing phone makes him jump and he rolls his eyes, tempted to not even answer it. Giving in on the fourth ring though, he picks it up. “Yeah, hello?”

“I called the office and you weren’t there.”

“Hi, Jerry. No, I wasn’t there.”

“Did you do it?”

“Yeah. Didn’t think I’d have the opportunity this soon, but he pushed my buttons.”

“Now what?”

“Wait and watch. Jason’s gonna learn the hard way what life is all about. I know him. He’s too cocky not to take the position I just gave him. He likes power. He’ll take it and he’ll get a good taste of what it’s like to be in control, then he won’t want to give it up. He'll like the authority too much. The teams like him well enough that they’ll let him go for a while. They’ll help him along…put up with his novice moves.”

“The Elite is allowed to vote on a leader though. You don’t think they’ll choose someone else?”

“They like Jason too much. He’s popular and respected. Even guys like Rick will let him run, thinking that he’ll probably let them in on some decision-making anyway. And for a while, it will probably look like Jason’s doing a good job anyway."

"You don't think he'll bring back anybody you canned?"

"You mean Reese? Why should he? You think he'd want Reese back to tell him what to do? No, he won't - he's too proud."

“Then what?”

“Then one of these days, he’ll hit a point that makes him realize it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. He’ll realize that he’s not strong enough and not wise enough to be in that position. His pride will get the best of him and get him caught in a jam that he can’t get himself out of.”

“And he’ll come crawling back to you for help.”


“And you’ll go back to being chief, without that thorn in your side.”


“Want to try some breakfast?” Rick offers.

Scott is back on the infirmary bed and he shakes his head. He was back in the safe confines in this room after Jason and Katie were gone, but it didn’t seem to matter a whole lot. He hadn’t slept well, and he was tired. He didn’t feel much like doing anything, let alone trying to eat.

Rick sighs. “Just a little? A piece of toast shouldn’t bother you too much.”

Scott shakes his head again. “I’m not hungry.”

It was the same line over and over. Rick gives up. He could only push Scott so far. Last night he’d seem to take a step forward. This morning he seemed to have taken two steps back. “Are you going to see Hope today?”

Scott nods lamely. He knew he had an appointment. But he didn’t want to bother Katie. She had enough things to worry about.

Rick reads his silence. “You want me to take you?”

Scott nods again. “But…”

“But what?”

“I need to stop first…” Scott’s eyes roam to his camera. “One-hour developing before…before I go.”

Rick gives a small smile, glad to see at least some motivation still existed. "Sure. No problem."

Axel leans against the wall in the garage, an open book in one hand, an apple in the other. Taking a bite, his eyes roam the pages. A mid-morning break felt good today. The shop was busy.

"Man, you need to get a life."

Axel looks up to quirk an eyebrow at Leo. "Why's that?"

"You have no fun. All I ever see you do is stand around and read books. Don't you have any hobbies?"

Axel gives him a wry grin and holds the book up higher. "You think I read because I hate it?"

Leo smirks and goes back to his car. "At least you got a girlfriend."

"I do not!"

Leo's head snaps up at Axel's defensive tone. He'd never gotten a rise out of him before, and his eyes widen slightly, a small grin forming. "Sure you don't."

Axel relaxes and just shakes his head, going back to his book. "You got oil leaking."

"Wha..." Leo looks down and mutters to himself as he tries to find the leak.

Axel grins and takes another bite of his apple.

Rocky steps down from the blue truck, his eyes shielded by the baseball cap that bore the courier’s logo. Checking the address on the small box to the number on the glass door of the business, he steps forward. Clipboard and package in hand, his dark blue uniform signaled he drove for Shipping Smart.

Stepping inside the office, he looks around, then spots the secretary at her desk. A smiles forms and he ambles towards her, his eyes showing pleasant surprise.

He looks at the package, then back at Jess. “Well you’re certainly not Monica Baddger, unless I was sorely mistaken about your name.” He grins at her. “I’m not usually that bad at names though.”

He sets the package down on the counter. “I’ll wait until you sign for this though so I can make sure I’m right.”


Not having much energy to argue with Austin Angel accepts his help. She hated this feeling of helplessness and she hated not knowing what was wrong with her.

"Ok, I know you have changed but you havent changed that much. There is no point in arguing with you, you hard headed brut."

Angel gives a small laugh as she accepts Austin's arm as stands steadying herself before trying to move leaning mostly on Austin for support.

Getting into Austin's car Angel leans her head back and closes her eyes once again. A headack was now forming and any light just seemed to bother her. Seeming like she was asleep Angel was only deep in thought till finally she whispers horsly.

"Thank you Austin for the ride. I'm not sure whats wrong with me today."

A smile spreads on Jess face as she accepts Rocky's reply. It was nice to have someone alse that she would now be able to talk with. Hearing Rocky's flirting tone Jess cant help bu laugh a little wondering if he even new himself he was. But not minding it to much reply reply.

"I think you just might be right, and I look forward to it."

Haning up the phone Jess shuts her light off. Tonight she would dream of the good. Tonight maybe would be a peaceful night.


Feeling Angel’s hand against his face, Austin closes his eyes for a moment, soaking in her gentle warmth. How much had he missed out on, because of his own foolish mistakes?

Her words of advice fell on his ears as truth… but even truth sometimes has a hard time penetrating a heart hardened by time.

His eyes open again and he gazes at her with a look that had lost so much. There was so much lately he could never take back. It wasn’t as easy as just easing up.

Austin is ready to say something, when he sees Angel falter and have to sit down. His intent immediately shifts, his sorrow turning into worry. Searching her face, he shakes his head. "Let me take you back to your hotel," he offers. His tone indicates it was not a request. Their conversation was left behind, there to be revisited later. But for now, he would not dwell on it. This took priority.

Reaching down, he helps Angel back to her feet. "Come on. You can't fool me... you're not feeling well, and you probably shouldn't have even gotten out tonight."

Without waiting for acceptance, he slips on a pair of shoes and grabs a jacket with his keys. "The last thing I'm gonna let you do is get in some whacked taxi driver's cab."

Rocky's ringing phone startles him, and he fishes in his pocket as he waits for a red light. Seeing the number, he furrows his brow, not recognizing it. After answering and hearing Jess' voice though, a smile spreads on his face and he gives a soft chuckle.

"You didn't have to thank me, but you're welcome anyway." He pauses as he makes a turn towards his house.

He didn't mind the silence on the line. It wasn't awkward. He knew Jess was waiting for him to say more, but he teases with letting the pause linger before finally giving in. "I'm just about home, so I guess that puts us both safe and sound for the night. You get some sleep. And... unless my predictions are off, I think I'll probably see you again soon."


Seeing the look of enjoyment in Rocky's eyes Jess is pleased. She wasnt ashamed to admit that she had, had a blast as well. It was nice to enjoy the movie and some laughs with a new friend. Jess had missed this interaction with people and for a moment it made her relize just how alone she was. Straghting for a moment and pushing the feeling away Jess just smiles.

As She feels Rocky looking down on her Jess leans back a little and looks back up at him. Her eyes meeting his as they linger for a long moment, and the smile staying on her face. His eyes were so luring and soft Jess felt like she could look into them forever. Finally as Rocky pulls away Jess stands walking slowly to the door. Taking Rocky's number in her hand she can feel her cheeks turn a shade of red. This was the first time a guy had given her his number and though it might have been nothing more than a friendship thing the color came anyways. In a soft voice she reply.

"Ok, thank you. Have a good Night Rocky"

Closing the door behind him Jess just stands in her quiet apartment for a moment holding the paper in her hand. Turning Jess goes into her room and sinks down on the bed. Everything seemed so quiet now and for the first time Jess felt very alone. Picking up her phone she she dials the number that were written on the paper. Feeling a bit strange she trys not to pay attachen to it. Waiting for Rocky to answer Jess cant help her nervouse laugh.

"Hi, sorry to be calling you so soon but after you left I relized I forgot to thank you for the fun time as well so....thank you Rocky."

Hearing Austin's words hit a spot in Angel's heart. She had known at one point in time her and Austin had a strong attraction for eachother but differnt sercomstances always stood in the way of anything more than a friendship with him. Wendy was even named after a child Austin would of named his own. But over the time Angel had thought that, that feeling that they had so long ago had died but now it was clear for Austin it did not.

Standing Angel didnt want to go but she could feel her tiredness growing stonger as her head started to spin. She had to go before she passed out infront of Austin and made him worry but she couldnt just leave him there not like this...a little more time....she could stay a little more. She had to pushed herself and keep herself with it. Stepping a little closer to Austin Angel brings her hand to his face a brushs some hair from his eyes as she smiles.

"The point of staying in touch is I am your friend Austin and you need to stop letting the ghosts of the past follow you around. Life happens, and crap happens but we need to deal with it. I'll always care a great deal for you..."

Angel can feel herself growing weaker but she had to finish what she was saying she had to stay strong.

"..that will never change Austin. At work you know what your doing, but maybe your trying to hard. Ease up a little and just, let everyone be who they are ment to be there. Your a good guy and a bit a great boss, but your trying to...h..."

Trying to finishs her statment Angel withdraws her hand from Austin's face and brings it to her own head and everything starts to spin and the room goes out of focue and black than back in again...No not like this....

"I...I have to go."

Taking a step forward Angel's knees buckel as she can feel herself falling twords the ground though she sinks into the coution of the coutch for a moment just falling silent. Keeping her eyes closed she trys to regain her equilibreum and stop everything from spinning. Finally after a few moments she opens her eyes again and looks up at Austin. Worry layed in her eyes as if crying for help because there master wouldnt ask.

"I'm ok. I guess I am just more tired than I thought. Probley should be heading back now. Maybe tomarrow we can do lunch?"


Don't make me

Rocky settles back on the couch, grabbing the bottle of water that Jess had brought him. He grins at her comment. "Of course I have good taste. I'm not a movie buff for nothing." He takes a swig of his water and joins in eating some of the chips, remaining fairly quiet during the moving, but several times he can't contain his laughter, watching some of the funny scenes.

As the credits start to roll, Rocky stifles a yawn. Leaning back in the couch, he stretches out, somewhere along the line having taken off his shoes.

Glancing at his watch, he gives Jess a sidelong glance. "Well..." He sighs and leans down to slip his shoes back on. "Guess when the credits start rolling, the evening inevitably must come to an end."

Turning, he gives her a little grin. "Not that I want it to." His eyes reach hers, a gentleness to his gaze, while mixed with the glint of pleasure, proving that even though the evening had been chaotic earlier, he'd ended up enjoying his time with her.

He hopes that Jess will be comfortable alone now, though knows that regardless, it was late, and he should go home.

Standing up, he grabs his empty water bottle, and wanders to the kitchen to find the garbage. Ambling back to the living room, he leans over the back of the couch, cocking his head to see Jess' face. "I know you asked me to stay so I could keep an eye on things for a while, but if I left without thanking you for the good time I had, I'd feel badly."

A smile forms. "Thanks, Jess. You're a special person. Don't let anybody tell you different."

Searching her eyes, the next moment is quiet until he finally straightens up as if prying himself away. Heading to the door, he stops at the small table to grab a piece of scratch paper and a pencil, jotting down his number. "If you need anything... don't hesitate, alright? Bad enough we got goons like those lame robbers running around - I don't want to find out something happened and you didn't call."

Donning his jacket, he pauses at the door, his hand resting on the knob. His voice is low and soothing. "Goodnight, Jess."

Austin looks down at Angel's hand that rested on his arm, growing quiet again. He finally reaches over with his other hand, to give hers a soft squeeze before withdrawing. He looks up at her eyes for a moment, but then drops his gaze once more.

"I don't know how I am anymore," he admits quietly. "The world just gets harder and harder to deal with."

His eyes still down, his shoulders drop a little, signaling that his resistance is failing. "I miss the past too. I made a lot of stupid mistakes... but at least I had a goal. Now... now it's all just gray. The world hates me, and now those around me are starting to hate me too."

Angel's question once again of why he didn't stay in touch lingers on the air. "Why stay in touch with the untouchable?" he asks softly. He stares at the floor. "I have nothing left, Angel."

Austin finally looks up to meet Angel's eyes, his own begging her not to make him tear open wounds that no one had known even existed. "Don't make me tell you how stupid I feel... don't make me tell you how I think of the past every night, just wishing I could wake up and it would all be a dream, so I could change the choices I made. Don't make me tell you the things that I have no right to anymore."

Feeling old

Grabbing two bottles of water from the fridge Jess turns and grabs the bag from the counter and heads out of the kitchen to the living room. Standing in the door way for a moment Jess just watches Rocky as he plays around with the dvd playing knowing he didnt know she was there.

It was intresting watching him. Jess didnt know why or what it was but something was differnt about Rocky and it made her feel comfortable. Just watching him take the inisitive to figure something out without worry and the vibe that he was relaxed as well was new and it felt good.

Finally entering the rest of the way into the livingroom Jess smiles.

"Hey, it was a good guess! I mean hey who dosnt like chips? I would take them over popcorn any day. I hate the way popcorn squeezs when I chew on it."

Sitting down on the coutch Jess gets herself comfortable handing one of the bottles of water to Rocky and setting the chips on the table. Turning for a moment Jess just looks at Rocky just trying to figure him out.

Shaking her head she decieds not to bother anymore and just in joy the peace she felt and the company she had.

"What movie did you pick?"

Leaning forward and looking at the movie case she gives a nod.

"Ohh this is one of my fav. You have good tast my dear friend."

Finally as the movie starts Jess falls quiet though stealing a glance at Rocky when she could and reaching for chips every now and than.

Angel gives a nod as she listens to Austin but she cant help the feeling that maybe there was something that ran deeper than what he was saying. Over the years she had been able to lean differnt things about her close friends and how to tell this or that about them an now was one of those times. Though she would never out right ask Austin.

"Mmmm...I understand what your saying but everyone over at TJY are use to the old way of running things and a certin set of rules. They are use to being all equil, and going with the flow. Having somethig happen and change so fast can really be a shock to there system. Just like if Rosetta was to change things at the ranch in a matter of a few days I might be having my own problems getting use to the new way. Sometimes takig it alot is better than jumping right into things."

Stopping and thinking for a moment Angel looks up at Austin for a long moment just thinking. How time had gone by. Ages and so much had been delt with. Sometimes Angel wished they were young again everything seemed so easy to talk about than. Though she new it was just not possable. Laying a soft hand on Austin's arm she just looks up at him stairing into his tired eyes.

"How are you really? Its been so long, and life has been so hard for us both. Now sitting here I can see it in your eyes. We want life to slow down so we can keep up but its just passing by. We arnt as young as we use to be and I can feel it now. I miss my friend and the time we shaired. I just dont want to much time to go by and than it be to late to still shair what life I have left with my best friend.. How come when you left Texas you lost touch again?"

A deeper meaning layed in Angel's eyes. One that was almost sad. She was getting older now, and she could feel it. Some days it just hurt to move. Was her time slowly coming to an end? Though she wasnt THAT old the thought lingered with her anyways.



Rocky hesitates just a moment, then relents and takes off his jacket, hanging it up. Ambling to the living room, he looks around at some of Jess' things, getting to know her personality through her decor.

Hearing Jess' offer of something to drink, he hollers back to her. "Um... just water. I've had enough caffeine to keep me up for three nights."

Wandering to the shelf of movies as directed, he runs his fingers along the titles, looking for something to watch, and trying to get an idea of what Jess' tastes are. Landing on a comedy, he pulls it out, a grin forming. "After this harry evening, I think we could use a good laugh," he comments wryly.

While Jess is still in the kitchen, Rocky takes the initiative to figure out the DVD player and pop in the disc. Moving back, he eases down at one end of the couch, looking around for the remote and finally finding it. Picking it up, he looks at the buttons for a moment, figuring out how to get everything running.

His ears perk up to the sound of Jess moving around in the kitchen. "Okay... there's nothing like the sound of a rustling bag of chips," he comments loudly. "How'd you know I have a weakness for things salty and crunchy?"

A grin spreads on his lips as he waits for her to join him.

Austin watches Angel as she speaks, a strange tension evident on his face. He wasn't upset with her... not even close. He could never be upset with her.

At her mention of him not being in contact with her, his eyes finally drop, guilt creeping up on him again. She had been his friend for a long time... a whole world of events had passed between them. It was hard to believe how much they'd lived through. And yet, he'd pulled away... again.

Standing up, Austin paces for a moment, seeming unsettled. Turning around at Angel's coughing, a look of genuine worry crosses his face until she's quieted down again. Folding his arms across his chest, he looks down at her, taking deep breath and letting it out slowly.

"Well, I don't know what you've heard," he finally responds quietly. "But I'm doing my best. I know feelings have been hurt, and toes have gotten stepped on. But sometimes that's the only way to do things, and to run a place like the Elite efficiently. Maybe no one else sees where I'm coming from - but they're gonna have to trust me. As for seeing what I do..."

He gives a little shrug. "I took over for Carter. I keep things going here. Not a whole lot to see."

Phil steps into the dark apartment, hearing music coming from the living room. After tossing his keys on the table, he enters, finding the stereo going, and Kyle sacked out, face down on the couch. Sighing, he goes to him, sitting on an empty cushion. "Kyle?" Not getting a response, he picks up the stereo remote to turn it off. "Kyle?" He gives his brothers leg a light whack. "Come on. I want to talk to you."

Kyle had known as soon as Phil had walked in the door, but had hoped that he wouldn't have to talk to him. It was inevitable though.

Pushing himself up, he swings his legs over and sits up a bit wearily, his eyes remaining down. "What?"

Phil takes a moment. "Look... I'm sorry I reacted the way I did earlier. I don't want to let this go - us being at odds."

Kyle shrugs lamely. "It was all my fault. I shouldn't have kept the whole thing a secret. I just... I didn't want anybody's feelings to get hurt, or make a big deal out of the whole thing." He gives a short, dry laugh. "Though I did all of that anyway."

Phil grins a little. "I guess I can see your reasoning... now that I've thought it through. We were all just... surprised. Proud though."

Kyle turns to look at his brother for a moment. "And Jason?"

"He... had a bad spell. Mike had to take him and Katie to see Rick. Last I heard they were okay though."

"It was my fault."

"No it wasn't." Phil looks at him sternly. "I want to know more, Kyle. I didn't know you could sing like that, and I feel bad if you thought all this time you had to hide that talent. But for now... I just want to call a truce. We'll talk things through and if you don't want anything to change, so be it. If we do change things, then maybe it's time JetStream did something different, I don't know. And we'll talk to Jason too. I'm sure he'll be fine."

Kyle manages half a smile. "Sorry about all this."

"Me too. But... now it's time to move on, alright? I don't like fighting."

"Neither do I."

"You did sound good." Phil smiles. "Logan will be jealous."

Kyle chuckles. "Maybe."

For no one...

Entering her apartment the warmth his her and she smiles. It was nice knowing she had a home to come to and now have to worry if it was going to be infact warmer here than outside. Taking her jacket off Jess hangs it on the coat rack the way by the door and slips her shoes off.

It was strange to fell so comfortable with having Rocky in the house. The last guys she was even remotly comfortable having in her house was Carson but something about Rocky was just differnt.

Turning to Rocky before she heads into the kitchen she smiles and gives a nod.

"You can hang your jacket up there if you want, and the living room is right through there. You can make yourself comfortable."

Heading into the kitchen she pulls a bag of chips out of the cupboard and than goes to the fridge. Glancing in it her eyes scan over the few items there along with a few bottles of beer. Knowing better than to even offer one to Rocky Jess just skips over that option. Calling into the other room she inquires.

"I have Pepsi, Mountain Dew, water and I wouldnt trust the milk. Also the movies are to the left of you if you would like to pick one out."

Sitting down on the couch Angel makes herself comfortable. This had been the first time she had been in Austin's house. Looking around the room at the differnt things he had collected over the years she holds a smile on her face till her eyes come back to Austin.

"Ah, Luke is probley missing me something tarrable right now, but he's a good guy. I am sure if he could of he would of come too. Though I have to addmit a nice change in scene is nice."

Feeling the suddin awkwardness Angel find it odd for a moment. She had never felt this before and it makes her wonder. Austin and her had been best of friends for ages and after all this time one would think there would be no awkwardness.

At Austin's comment about this being more than a social call it hits a cord with Angel and her smile drops for a moment. A suddin twinge hit her. Austin almost seemed upset and she had to addmit it hurt a little to think that.

"I am a scout for no one Austin and I have to say I am a bit hurt to think that you would think that. After all this time I would think you new me better than that."

As fast as the smile went Angel puts it back on though it seemed a little harder now.

"I came to see how my long time friend was doing. I was worryed because after everything I was hearing it didnt seem like the man I once new. I just wanted to make sure you were ok. Not to mention once you left Texas again you failed to keep in touch and that made me worryed as well."

In all truth she was worryed. Angel didnt mean to be nosey, or pry but she was worryed about Austin and as his friend she wanted to make sure he was ok. Things like this had happend before and if it was happening again where The Agency was getting themselfs under peoples nail Angel wanted to know and help all she could.

Going into a coughing fit Angel is silent for a moment, the echos of coughing was the only thing hurt. Finally finished it almost hurt to talk but she pushed on anyways.

"Besides you always got to see what I did for work. I wanted to see what you did now too."

Not sure

Axel gives Jess a little grin at the mention of the rainbow, then bids her goodnight, along with Rocky. Watching them leave, he keeps an eye out until both vehicles are gone.

Carson pauses with his broom to quirk an eyebrow. "Rainbow?"

Axel shakes his head with a bit of humor. "Long story." He glances around the restaurant. "I know you said you could handle this on your own, but... let me help?"

Carson thinks for a moment and finally nods. "Alright. You can go in the back room and see if you can find some plastic and duct tape. We gotta get this window covered up."

Rocky follows Jess outside and chuckles at her mention of not driving too fast. Getting into his own car, he's more than ready to keep up, and follows her to her apartment.

Not turning the engine off, he's ready to pull away from the parking lot, but he stops as Jess approaches. Rolling the window down and receiving her request, he just looks her in the eye for several minutes. His own gaze has a gentle strength about it... strong with courage, yet mild and caring. He knew her intentions were pure.

"Sure," he finally agrees quietly. "There's no need for me to rush on home."

Shutting off the engine, he pulls out his keys and exits his car to follow Jess into her apartment. Entering behind her, he lets her turn on the lights, just scanning the room to take in the surroundings as he closes the door lightly.

Putting his keys in his jacket pocket, he wanders forward a little, not sure if Jess really intended for him to settle in for a while or just wait until she felt comfortable on her own again.



Shaking her head Charlotte just leans her back on the counter as she listens to her husband a quirky grin on her face.

"Well I guess I am gonna have to sit down and have a talk with these guys. Have to let them know there is no rough housing while I am around. Gonna have to put my foot down solid."

Letting the silence linger for a moment and hearing nothing She gives a laugh.

"I was only kidding. I can see this means alot to you, and there a new light in your eyes. I am happy this makes you happy. Not to mention when I told everyone at work that my husband was a race car driver they all went gaga and told me if you make it big I'll get to travel all over the place with you."

Seeing as how this was the last week she would be working at the cave just helping them shut down fold the winter months Charlotte saw no problem with her being able to watch Bret race. Finding a temp job would be no problem and she had already agreed with Bret to only be working part time for now.

Turning around again she takes the flowers and set them over on the table gaving them on last look and just smiling. Than hearing her statment about being prefect makes her smile grow that much more as her heart fluttered.

Grabbing her leather jacket and putting it on Charlotte heads to the bathroom and just leans on the door frame as she watches her husband get ready.

Crossing her arms she teases just a little.

"Its been past 10 min you know your late."

Giving a nod to Rocky she agrees to letting him follow her home. After tonights avents she was a little shook up and knowing that someone was close behind her would bring a little bit of comefort. Turning back to Axel she gives a shake of her head.

"Maybe tomarrow I can see a double rainbow at lunch. I hurd that pizza place down the road is not to bad."

Turning again Jess new no one alse would know what she said but the one who she was talking to would.

"Ok lets head out. I'll talk to you later Axel and thank you for the invite."

Leaving the restront Jess heads to her car, but before getting in she grins as she turns in the direction Rocky was walking.

"I'll try not to be a speed demon so you can keep up."

Pulling out of the driveway Jess squiels her tired and jets out of the parking lot. Heading down the road she makes sure she dosnt go to fast. It dosnt take to long to get to get apartment and Jess pulls into her parking lot. Sitting in the car for a moment Jess thinks before finally getting out. She was still a bit shaken and it probley would not be a while till she fell asleep.

Finally getting out ok the car Jess heads over to Rocky's car and taps on the window. Waiting for him to roll it down Jess leans on it for a moment.

"Thanks you very much for the escort. "

Thinking for a moment again she gives a small smile.

"This might be forward of me and if it is I am sorry but would you like to come in for a little bit? I dont have much but maybe we could shair a soda and watch a movie or something? It will be a while before I head to bed."

Jess was nervouse about asking Rocky inside and she was not sure why. She felt a bit shaky as well. It could of been the cold wind or the fact she was still a bit shook up but she wasnt to sure thats what it was. She herself wasnt even sure why she was asking him. She hardly new him but just something about how he had protected her tonight had put a feeling of being safe around him in her. Standing there she waits for Rocky's reply hoping he wont think ill of her for asking.



Bret grins and peeks into a mirror by the hall. He hadn't seen the small streak of grease on the side of his face, nor the rest of the grime. "Okay," he relents. "I'll wash my face. But you'll have to blame Noah. We sorta had a brawl... Well... I guess maybe it was Landon's fault. But that was after..."

His voice trails off and he gives Charlotte a sheepish look. "What can I say... boys will be boys."

Shaking his head, he aims for the bathroom. "Ten minutes. But my stomach won't last any longer than that."

Once in the bathroom though, he pokes his head out again to holler back to the kitchen. "You, on the other hand, look perfect. Don't change a thing."

Austin just stands awkwardly for a moment. He shouldn't be surprised that Angel had dropped by, but for some reason it had caught him off guard. Besides that, he couldn't help but be just a little bit suspicious. No on from the ranch had talked to him lately... did they know everything that had been happening, and if they did, what were they saying about him?

At Angel's last comment, he tried to bring himself back to attention. "No. No, for pete's sake. I was dosing, but it's not too late. Not like I got an exciting night life or something."

He closes the door and gestures for Angel to come into the living room and sit down as he turns on an extra light. Switching off the television, he eases down in another chair, just studying her for a moment. "Surprised Luke let you come to Nevada without him," he muses with a slight teasing tone. It doesn't go over as well as intended though, and he drops his gaze, suddenly feeling awkward.

Looking back up at Angel, he purses his lips in thought. "There's more to this than just a social call isn't there..." He sighs deeply. "You a scout for the others, or come of your own accord?"

Rocky searches Jess' eyes for a moment, making sure that she was telling the truth when she said she was okay. Pursing his lips, he gives her a little reassuring nod, his body visibly relaxing after knowing the chaos was over. Few would notice that he starts to reach out to give Jess' arm a pat, but then withdraws instead.

"Talk about an evening... You're never gonna want to hang out with this bunch again," he teases.

Axel's knowledge that Jess is alright puts him a bit more at ease, and he gives her a crooked grin. "Good. Thought for a minute there you might wind up with some broken bones."

Rocky smirks at him. "I was just reacting. You wouldn't have done differently if you'd been the one standing there."

"I might have at least shoved her away from the glass." Though keeping a straight face, Axel's eyes prove that he's only kidding around.

Rocky rolls his eyes and sighs, turning to Jess. "My apologies if I was too rough. I'm just glad you're alright."

"And yes," Axel interrupts to finally answer Jess' question. "Everyone else is too. Jen's pretty shook up, but she'll be alright. Phil's going to take her home and make sure she gets settled okay."

"Hey, guys..." Carson joins the threesome as the police cars start away from the scene, leaving them in peace. For now, he had pasted on a pleasant expression, not letting Axel's earlier words get to him just yet. He slings an arm around Jess to give her a little squeeze, knowing he's the only one in the room who could get away with that at the moment. "Bet you wish you woulda stayed home."

"Well, she would have missed an awfully good concert," Rocky muses.

Carson chuckles and lets Jess go. "Yeah well... now I get to spend a long night here."

"You want help?" Axel offers. "Be glad to."

Carson shakes his head. "Naw, that's alright. Not much you can do. I just have to sweep up all this glass and put some plastic up or something. Herb's not gonna be happy, but at least this time it wasn't my fault."

The four are interrupted for just a moment as Phil calls to them, letting them know that he and Jen are leaving. Once they're gone, Rocky gives a deep sigh. "Well... Axel, you ready for a ride home?"

Axel shakes his head. "Thought I'd walk tonight."

Rocky shakes his head in wry annoyance. "You and your walking. Alright, fine." He turns to Jess. "I can follow you home if you like," he offers. "Just to make sure no other bizarre storms roll through."

"She is the bizarre storm," Axel quips.


Axel almost chuckles and tosses Jess a wink. "Nothing."

Rocky lets it drop and simply looks to Jess with question, not knowing if she was the type to want an escort or not.

Carson moves to pick up his broom again, starting to calculate just how he was going to patch this up for the night and make it livable for the next day.


"I can't wait to go with you. From all the talk it seems like a great time just watching as much as it is driving."

Watching Bret head for the door Charlotte's smile stays on her face as her eyes twinkle in the light from the kitchen. Taking a step forward to payfuly swat Bret away She laughs before turning back around to place her flowers in a vase calling over her shoulder.

"We can go to the nice Greek dinner right down the road if ya want. Its will be a nice dinner but no you dont have to change."

Turning again Charlotte eyes Bret and his dirt covered cloths. Shaking her head she just smiled. Who cared what Bret looked like. In clean closes or dirty he was still the man she loved and having him there with here was all she wanted.

Charlotte's smile turns into a playful grin as she jokes.

"At least wash the dirt off you face though ok? I want to not have to squint to see those handsome eyes of yours."

Smiling back at Austin as he opens the door Angel steps into side. Glancing at her watch she relizes just what time it was. My how the time had slipped by without here even relizing it.

"Hey you. Sorry I showed up so late. I didnt even relize what time it was."

Stepping farther into the house she sets her small bag she was carrys down on Austins table. Before turning back to him. Was something wrong? Now that was a question to ask...yes something was wrong, many things were wrong but now was not the time to bring most of them up.

"Oh no nothings wrong I just hadnt seen ya in a while and I guess I wanted to. I wasnt able to catch you at work."

She wasnt lieing at the moment, other than being tired she felt fine and didnt think anything was wrong. So it was a little white lie and she new it, but Angel hadnt come here to talk about her problems. She had come to see her friend she hadnt seen in a while and make sure everything was ok with him after she had been told from Misty about everything that had been going on.

"If its to late I can come back another time its not a problem."

Driving down the street Misty had really no destination in mind. She was tired but she didnt want to sleep let alone even know if she could. The darkness called to her lonly heart. She wasnt even sure if she really was lonly or not. She felt happy in the morning but when the darkness came so did the feeling.

Coming to a look out not many people know about and only one other person had been there with her before Misty gets out of her car to make the short climb. Sitting on the egde of the peace of wood Misty stairs into the harizone where she new the sun would come. Sometimes sitting , thinking and waiting for the pretty in the world was a good way to spend the hours.

Not moving, or opening her eyes a soft smile forms on Katie's sleeping lips and Jason's arm wraps around her. Though she was asleep subcontuly she could still feel him and it braught her instint comfort.

Bring her hand to the one that was wrapped around her Katie places her hand ontop of Jasons. Tonight she would sleep in peace and the whole night through.

..Feeling Rockys hand on her her shoulder and seeing the men Jess freezes. In a situation like this Jess though of others more than her ownself. The fear that ran threw here were for these people she had just met and for Jen. How hard it was to sit by and watch as a gun was help to her head. Knowing you were helpless to stop anything, but also knowing better than to move.

Just watching Jess stays still not sure everything thats going on but only catching bits and peaces of Axel and Carson's conversation. The glances here and there from Axel and knowing Rocky was beside her gave her the confadince not to pass out yet her fear ran high.

As everything starts to go down and Jess is pushed to the floor by Rocky Jess lets out a little shreak. Feeling herself shake underneath Rocky Jess holds her eyes closed tight waiting for the whole thing is over.

Finally as Rocky lifts himself off of her and helps her stands Jess looks around at the mess. Her heart still raced face as everything was still clear in her mind. Looking to Rocky Jess gives the best smile she can as her eyes lock with Rockys for a moment.

"Yeah I think I am ok, just pretty shook up."

Wrapping her own arms around herself she turns her head face as Axel comes over. Giving another smile.

"Yeah I think I am. Is everyone alse ok?"



Bret keeps his arms around Charlotte, a smile spreading at her forgiveness. "It was good," he replies. "No... it was great." His eyes shine again, proving his passion for the sport. "But it will be even better next time... because I'm going to insist you go with me."

Giving her a tight squeeze, he finally lets her go and aims for the door. "Your pick on where we go..." He stops, turning back around to throw her a teasing look. "Just as long as I don't have to change my clothes."

Austin is roused from his drowsy state as he sits on the couch. The tv was still going, but he was unsure of the time. What had woken him anyway?

Suddenly it dawns on him that it had been the door. Someone was here.

Rising quickly, he stubs his toe on the coffee table and stumbles forward, wincing and holding back the curse that wanted to come. Trudging in his stocking feet, jeans and wrinkled tee, he makes it to the door, unlocking the deadbolt, then the knob.

Opening it just as crack, he squints in the dim light. But instantly his eyes widen. “Angel?”

His shock is evident, and he quickly pushes open the screen and steps aside, inviting her inside. “What are you doing here?” he asks, confused. “Someone said you’d been working with Misty, but…” He lets his sentence trail off, realizing that to say he hadn’t had time to see her sounded like he cared a whole lot less than he really did.

“I mean…” He searches her tired eyes, his own slowly revealing the mixed emotions that no one had been allowed to see lately. “Is anything wrong?”

Kyle watches Misty as she speaks, his eyes on a journey, searching for feelings... searching for meaning. Though standing motionless, it felt as though he were reaching out, only inches away from what he most wanted, but he could not stretch far enough to overcome the distance.

He knew Misty was trying to soften the blow. He knew she was trying to encourage him despite what this evening had become. He knew it in his mind, but his heart had yet to accept it. It was such a foreign feeling to him. He'd never gotten close to any woman other than Misty, and now it was misery that spoke to him, telling him why that was. He hated the pain. He hated feeling the fool.

Better to have loved and lost? Tonight it felt like a poor lyric, lost in an ocean of pain that could really care less about feeling better right now.

But rather than lash out with sarcasm like he wanted, he refrained. Misty was doing her best, and he had to respect that.

Watching her walk away, he just stands, helpless to stop this chain of events. Still not moving, he watches Misty get into her car, his eyes following the taillights until they disappear down the street. There was noise all around. Cars, people, dogs barking... but it was all drowned out, leaving Kyle in an empty world of silence.

He finally takes a deep breath and turns around to go back to his truck. Though he wanted to scream, he didn't. Though he wanted to hit something, he didn't. So much more had happened tonight than the simple concert it had been intended to be. So much more was going on in his heart and mind than anyone knew about. It was just so... hard.

Rick is gentle with his words to Katie. He hated seeing his friends like this. "I'm not positive why it was different, Katie. I've just been trying to help you guys based on my own theories. But I think what happened tonight was that Jason's emotions got to the boiling point, but they couldn't erupt like usual. Because they feed off his flashbacks... but he'd succeeded in burying those memories too deeply and wasn't letting them surface. So... it was just like he was a time bomb there, gaining more and more pressure. You helped release enough energy to pull him partway out of it, but it wiped you out, and then I..."

He sighs and shakes his head, still feeling rotten, even if it had been necessary. "...I provoked Jason's flashbacks. Once it occurred, the aftermath was the same."

Jason's eyes are down, even though he receives Katie's attempt to reassure him.

It's not going to be okay. Not as long as this keeps happening. What would have happened if Rick hadn't been around? We both could have died tonight, Katie... There's got to be a way to stop this.

When Katie relents to staying all night, Scott glances to Rick, questioning the arrangements. He didn't feel put out in the least - he simply didn't know where he fit tonight.

Rick thinks for a moment, letting a pause linger as the tension continues to settle down. "Jase, why don't you..."

"I'll take the spare room," Scott interrupts. "That way, you can... stay here and watch or... or whatever."

Rick lifts an eyebrow, noting that it was one of the first times he'd seen Scott take initiative in a long time. "You sure you're okay with that?"

Scott nods, even though a knot had formed in his stomach. "Just as long as I can keep the door open... if that's okay."

"Sure it is. I'll keep my eye open too and so will Hal. If you need anything, you just holler, okay?"

Scott stands up and glances to Katie. "I hope you feel better in the morning," he offers quietly. His eyes roam to Jason where he gives a little nod, then heads slowly out the infirmary door to the next room down where there was a bed.

Rick turns to Jason. "There's some blankets there in the closet. Help yourself. There's a folded cot in there too - it would be softer than the examining table if you want. I'm going to go make sure Scott gets settled and check in with Hal. Then I'll be around for the night."

Jason is quiet and when Rick leaves, he slides off the table to get some clean blankets. Moving to Katie first though, he sits down on the edge of the bed, now alone with her. Looking at her tired eyes, he takes her hand for a moment.

I really am sorry. Even when I know better, I keep messing this thing up. Even when I think I know how to handle it, I somehow manage to fail and put us both through this all over again. I know you don't like me apologizing, but... let me, okay?

Leaning down, he gives her lips a tender kiss. "Get some sleep," he advises quietly. "Tomorrow we'll both be feeling better."

Without even thinking twice, he helps Katie get her shoes off, then pulls the blanket up over her, tucking her in. He knows how tired she is, and knows that it will only be a matter of minutes before she's asleep. And it is...

Jason rolls over on the cot at the other end of the room, finding it uncomfortable. Fighting with the blanket, he tries out the floor next, but even though it doesn't hold the same bumps and lumps as the cot, it's cold. Despite his exhaustion, sleep just wasn't coming.

Frustrated, he tries the table again, but even with a warm blanket and soft pillow it doesn't provide enough comfort so his body can relax.

Rising once again, Jason sighs, blanket in hand. He could go to his office... his chair wasn't all that uncomfortable. And Rick would be in here to keep an eye on things, so his absence wouldn't matter.

Arriving at the doorway though, Jason stops. Turning around, he glances back to Katie's sleeping form. He didn't want to leave her. Not tonight.

A sigh is followed by him turning back inside. Making up his mind, he eases down quietly behind Katie, pulling his own blanket over himself. Curling up on his side, he reaches around Katie's waist from behind, gently with a strong arm to tuck her closer next to him, sharing the edge of her pillow. Feeling her heartbeat next to him, his eyes fall closed, and almost instantly, he's asleep.

Rick wanders back into the infirmary and for a moment, he thinks Jason is gone. Then spotting him with Katie, a small smile forms. Those two had something special... and Rick wouldn't interfere this time. He'd leave them be tonight.

Gram returns to the kitchen, opening her mouth to say something, but stops, pausing in the doorway. Looking down at her grandson, her face softens.

She'd left him five minutes ago at the table with a plate of freshly-baked cookies and a glass of milk. Usually, that was plenty of time for him to down at least two of the cookies, and never mind how fast the milk would be gone. But tonight, both had gone untouched.

She walks up slowly behind him, knowing he knew she was there, even though he was bent forward with his head resting on his arms. Laying a hand on him, she gently rubs his back just like she used to do when he had been a child.

"What's wrong, Kyle?"

Kyle keeps is face hidden in his arms that rested on the table, but shakes his head slowly. "I don't know."

Gram runs her fingers up to his hair, but stops, a slight grin curling her mouth. "Did you use gel or super glue?"

Kyle can't help a light laugh, and finally straightens up. "Gel."

"Mm." Gram moves around to pull out another chair and sit across from him. Her words are quiet and unassuming. "Why aren't you out with your friends tonight?"

Kyle shrugs and reaches for a neglected cookie, nibbling at it slowly. At the moment, he could allow himself to dwell on the concert and not the rampant thoughts about him and Misty. "I guess I did something I shouldn't have."

"Like what?"

He shrugs again. "It's a long story, Gram. Don't really want to get into it now."

She nods, respecting his privacy. Taking a cookie for herself, she lets the silence go, wise enough to know that some portion of the story would come out.

Kyle traces a mark on the table with his thumbnail, remembering the time a platter had been dropped on it, making a notch in the table. He and Phil had both gotten into trouble for that one.

Sighing, he finally takes a sip of his milk. "You ever do something that you always wanted to do, and felt so good about it... so proud of yourself... just to find out afterward that others were unhappy with it?"

Gram furrows her brow, chewing thoughtfully. "I don't think so..."

Kyle shoulders drop a little. Not that he'd expected her to say yes, but maybe he'd hoped for some understanding.

"...But your father did."

Kyle looks up quickly. The family could talk about his father, but usually didn't, especially when he was around. Usually the others avoided it for his sake, and he knew it. It was unusual for Gram to bring it up. "When?"

Gram chuckles. "He was a rebel, your father. Loved music. And I remember one time, he was in high school. He had joined a garage band." She smiles at the memory. "He didn't tell us about it though, because he knew we'd be against any kind of rock music at all. Oh, but he loved it... he loved it so much. And finally, one day, he decided that he'd show us just how far he'd come, and how good he was singing, and on his guitar."

A grin plays with the corner of Kyle's mouth. "But you didn't like it."

"We hit the roof." Gram starts to laugh, her eyes twinkling. "Oh my goodness. We walked out on the first song. The lyrics were fine and clean - they even sang good songs about God. But it was too loud, too rambunctious, and too close to rampant noise to us."

Kyle's grin comes out
as Gram continues, imagining how it must have been.

"Your father came home afterward. Gramps and I were both ready to chew him out and tell him he'd never be allowed back in that band again. But I'll never forget the look on his face." Gram's expression sobers. "He had been crushed, because he knew we hated what he loved so much."

"So what happened?"

"We sat down and talked to him about it. Gramps and I decided that as long as the lyrics were good, and they were because your father had written most of them, that he could stay in the band."

Kyle gives a little laugh. He had never heard that story, and it was interesting to find out about it now. "I knew he liked to write music, but I didn't know he'd been in a band. What happened to them?"

"Well, I guess the guys all went their separate ways after high school, so it ended by itself." Gram lets out a long sigh. "But he'd had the experience of a lifetime, and had lived his dream to be in a band, even if it was on a small scale. He always was a go-getter, even after that. He was the one to go against the flow and be different, even when not everybody would follow him." She cocks her head, a gentle smile still present.
"Out of all three of you siblings, you're the one that has carried on the Mitts spark, Kyle. Gramps has it, your father had it and you have it."

She pauses once more and reaches out to turn Kyle's head so she can see his eyes. "Ever since you were a baby, I knew you were the one that had that fire in you. But somehow... recently, something has started to snuff it out." The concern and love in her voice comes through. "Whatever happened tonight, Kyle... don't let it destroy your dreams."

Kyle swallows hard, finding it difficult to control his emotions. "But what if that dream isn't meant to be?"

"God doesn't give us dreams to taunt us, Kyle. There's always a reason." Gram gives him an encouraging smile. "But we can't always control the timing. Sometimes dreams take years and years to realize. Other times they come right away. And sometimes... they're realized even if we can't see it."

"What do you mean?"

"I knew a young man once who wanted to be a doctor so very badly. But... he didn't have the money to go to school. It was his dream to work in a big hospital and help people. But... it never happened."

Kyle furrows his brow, not sure where she was going with this. But he listens.

"Years later, he was sitting in church, just being a shoulder to someone who needed it, like he often did. And when he suddenly saw that he was helping so many people there, he realized that God truly had given him his dream. He had wanted to help people. He might not have been a doctor to do it. But he was indeed helping so many people. His dream did come true. It just came in a different package than he expected."

Kyle looks down for a moment, then back up, his half-grin having returned. "Gramps."

Gram nods. "Yes. Your father had a little dream that was realized early on, then stayed in his heart
as a cherished memory until the day he died . Your grandfather had a dream that was realized in ways he couldn't imagine at the time." She pauses before extending her hand to place it over Kyle's heart. "And you have dreams too. I don't know what they are, but you do. And you're tempted to give up for whatever reason. But don't give up. God's got a plan for you. Maybe you made mistakes, and maybe things just aren't falling into place. But there's a path there...somewhere, there's a path. Don't let that fire in you die out."

Carson eyes Jess with suspicion. "You think I'd believe you were just an innocent bystander?"

After hearing Jess razz Joel, then receiving her wink, Rocky intervenes. "Well you can at least believe the part about the pizza," he teases.

"Yes, now that I do believe." Carson grins at Jess, while nodding to Axel. "Just don't let this scallywag fool you. If there's anyone who doesn't need protection, it's him."

"Hey." Axel gives him a withering look. "You're not helping me any here."

"I didn't think you needed any."

Axel stops for a moment. "Come to think of it, I don't. Aren't you supposed to be cooking or something?"

Carson grins. "Alright guys... what'll ya'll have?"

"Pizza!" Joel shouts.

"Hush up, Joel," Max chides. "Remember, you're not suppose to speak anymore tonight."

It's not long before Carson is serving them their pizza's, baked to perfection. Laughter and chatter surround the table with teasing, talk of the concert and more. Axel is the quietest of the group, but it's no surprise. Sitting at the far corner, he's the farthest away from any of the others. To some they might not think a thing of it - to the rest of Cryptic, they knew well that he'd created the space around himself that was most comfortable.

A war of straw wrappers breaks out at one point, but overall he table remains well-behaved into the late evening. Eventually, some eyes begin to grow heavy, and a round of yawns ensues. Max is the first to get up and stretch, admitting how tired he was. A slap to the back of Joel’s head, gets him to stand as well, and after quick farewells, the two take off for the night.

The talk is light and a bit sparse after they leave, most knowing they should call it a night, but no one really wanting to. Carson has joined them to sit and talk, the food long since gone.

During a lull in conversation, Rocky looks to Phil who had been fooling with his cell phone. “Problems?”

Phil shakes his head. “Nah…” He sighs and pockets the phone again. “Just trying to get a hold of Kyle.”

“No luck?”

“No… either he let his battery run down again, or he’s just ignoring me. Probably it’s the latter.”

Rocky purses his lips in thought. “Well… knowing Kyle, he’ll be alright. He probably just needs some time alone. Tomorrow I’ll…”

He’s unable to finish his sentence as suddenly, the front door flies open. Three men in ski masks barge in, sawed-off shotguns in hand. “Nobody move!” the ringleader barks.

Everyone at the table jumps, and Jen giving a slight shriek of surprise. The men are on their feet in an instant, but back off as the guns are pointed at them. Axel’s eyes are quick to take in the scene, every bit and piece burned into his memory. Rocky’s jaw tightens, the fear turning to adrenaline in his veins. He instinctively reaches down beside him to set a hand on Jess’ shoulder, warning her not to move.

One of the masked men throws a duffel bag on the floor, and nervously looks out the window. Sirens could be heard in the distance. The ringleader moves closer to the little group, threatening with his gun. “You folks just settle down here. As long as the cops cooperate, you’ll be out of here in no time.”

Carson’s hands are held to the sides like the others, his eyes glazed with anger. His mind works quickly. The bank down the street. Something must have gone wrong with a robbery, and now they were seeking shelter here until they came up with another plan. “Let us go,” he advises. “You don’t need us.”

“Shut up!” The man comes a step closer, seeming to enjoy the fact that the two women in the group were terrified. “Talk and you die. Got it?” Several nods seem to satisfy him, and he backs off just a little bit.

Phil eases back a couple steps closer to Jen, in an effort to keep her calm, even though fear and worry coursed through his eyes. Axel and Carson were left in the forefront, a barrier to the thieves. Only once does Axel dare to turn his head just enough that his peripheral vision could make sure Jess was okay behind him. Rocky gives him a little nod.

A cop car suddenly appears outside, and one of the men carelessly shoots. The front window of the restaurant shatters, a million pieces of glass flying in all directions. Jen cries out in surprise, sliding further to her brother in fright. Axel stands his ground in front of Jess, and Rocky beside her, forming a shelter, as Phil tries to keep Jen calm, and Carson remains cool despite the development. The policemen outside quickly exit their car and move to the back for protection, shouting orders.

The three men inside pace and grow more nervous. “Man, it wasn’t supposed to happen this way,” the short one complains.

“Shut it,” another growls.

“What are we gonna do? Heath never showed up, so we’re stuck here without a car, and…”

“Both of you idiots shut up!” The ringleader whirls around, threatening his partner. “We’ll get out of here, alright.” He moves to the small group again, aiming for Jen.

Phil blocks his path angrily. “Don’t you dare,” he threatens.

“Or what?” The thug laughs, pointing his gun at them. “Move,” he orders. “Or somebody dies.”

“Phil,” Carson directs quietly. “Do as he says.” He knew the desperation of these men. He knew that if the group didn’t cooperate, those thieves would have no problem in killing them. Though his own fear pumped through his veins, he kept it in check, letting logic rule his actions. “It’ll be okay.”

Jen quivers, but is helpless. Unable to stop anything, the others watch in sickening fear as the guy takes Jen’s wheelchair toward the entrance of the restaurant, stopping, then pointing his shotgun at her. “You cops out there!” he shouts. “Make a move, and the girl dies! Got it?!”

The next few minutes are tense and filled with a fear that none of the group had ever wanted to face. Though everything was happening quickly, it felt like an eternity. Phil’s eyes never move from his sister. Quiet tears run down Jen’s face as she waits, a silent prayer constantly on her lips. Rocky stands firm, but has no idea what to do, only able to offer a reassuring squeeze to Jess’ shoulder. Carson is still in the front, his eyes keeping track of every little move. And Axel’s gaze remains steady, first checking on Jess again to give a slight nod, then landing on Carson to study his movements.

More police arrive. Indeed, it has been a robbery gone bad. The thugs wanted a bargain – their freedom for the lives of those inside the restaurant. A negotiator arrived within another ten minutes, the ticking clock only serving to heighten the tension.

By now, Jen was kept with a shotgun pressed to her head, while the others were forced to remain where they were, not allowed to move. It was a nightmare that had taken over reality.

“…we’ll get you the helicopter,” the negotiator calls from the sidewalk. “But let one of the hostages go first.”

“No!” The ringleader tightens his grip on his gun. “Your tactics aren’t gonna work on me. I want what I asked for now! We’re not leaving until we get it, and we’re not letting anyone go!”

Carson’s eyes roam the room. He was feet away from one thug, the other was several more feet away with his focus on the back door, and then there was the one who had Jen. There was a cop outside with a gun drawn, aiming inside in case anything went down. A broom was in the corner. And it had been too long. If the thieves hadn’t given up now, they weren’t going to. The only thing that would happen is that someone would die, and the first to go would be Jen, if something didn’t happen, and soon.

Axel’s voice comes low enough that the thugs don’t hear. “You got it, don’t you?” He’d been studying Carson and could see the wheels had been turning.

Carson’s fingers flex by his sides. He did. He had it all mapped out, and knew exactly what it would take. It’s what he was good at. It’s what he was trained for. But he couldn’t do it.

Axel’s eyes stay glued to him. “Why are you hesitating?” he hisses.

“I can’t do it,” Carson whispers back, his voice wavering as he looks at Jen’s trembling form. “I left that behind.”

Axel grits his teeth, waiting until one of the thieves turned around before speaking quietly again. “You’re the only one who can end this, Carson, and you know it.”

Carson’s voice is desperate and strained. “But it’s not who I am anymore.”

“Are you going to let Jen die?” Axel wasn’t about ready to take excuses. Not now. He saw as much as Carson did, and could tell anyone exactly where any object was in the room. But he didn’t have the skills. He forces Carson to glance over to him to see his eyes. “For such a time as this.” His quote from Esther hits home. They’d just studied those verses last week.

Carson swallows hard. He could see the ringleader’s finger twitching on the trigger. Could he live with himself if Jen died, and he could have saved her? He knew the answer to that, and it was no.

His body tenses, his eyes narrowing. The policemen’s orders from outside is just the distraction he needs. Before any of the thugs could see him, he’s unbuckled his belt and ripped it through his jean’s belt loops. The middleman turns around at the sound.

“Hey, wha…”

Too late, the leather’s buckle-end is brought across his face, bringing his sentence to a wail of pain. His shotgun is dropped to the floor, and he falls to his knees.

Though seeing the guy in the back whirl around with his gun, Carson aims for the ringleader instead. A shot is fired.

Axel ducks, and Phil steps back. Rocky doesn’t hesitate, and in an instant, he’s knocked Jess to the floor to avoid the spray of buckshot, covering her protectively.

Carson dives and rolls a summersault, grabbing the broom in the corner. Another shot is fired – this time from a cop outside, just as Carson had predicted, and the second thief is taken down.

The ringleader is startled, his shotgun drawing away from Jen just far enough for Carson to take the risk. The broom handle goes up, and so does the gun, flying through the air. The thug hurls a curse at Carson and lunges at him.

Carson is hit hard, brought to the floor with a punch to his jaw. But his strength and expertise win out, and in an instant, he’s got the thief pinned to the floor, twisting the guy’s arm behind his back, and pressing a knee into his back.

By the time a police officer is relieving Carson, Axel has pulled one of the guys up off the floor who had a bloody face from the belt buckle, and the third is being dragged away with a bullet wound to the shoulder. Phil is immediately next to his sister, pulling her into a hug that’s returned with tears and trembling arms.

And… just as quickly as the reign of terror had descended on the restaurant, it ends, leaving a mess of broken glass, relief that lives had been spared, and a sickening reminder of what could have been.

Phil is taken to the side, a target for questioning by the police, while a female officer sees to Jen to make sure she’s alright.

Rocky withdraws from Jess to crouch next to her, helping her sit up, and brushing some broken glass out of her hair. His eyes are filled with worry and apology in case he’d scared her even more. Carefully, he helps her to her feet. “Are you okay?”

Carson looks around the room, making sure everything really was over, and ensuring that Jess was being taken care of as well. Axel follows his gaze, and is also reassured that she was not hurt or alone.

Looking back to Carson though, his eyes take on a different stare. “Good job.”

Carson smirks. “Bringing guys down isn’t something I should be that proud of.”

Axel sets his hands on his hips, able to see that this was so much bigger an issue than just this one event. “If it wasn’t for you, Jen would probably be dead right now.” He pauses in thought. “You have skills, Carson. Ever think maybe God gave them to you for a reason?”

Carson frowns. “But… who I was…”

“Being able to knock a guys block off wasn’t who you were,” Axel states flatly. “You had bad intentions. You beat guys up for all the wrong reasons.”

“Exactly. I don’t want to go back to that.”

“But you just proved that you can beat guys up for the right reasons.”

Carson bites his lip. “But…action… feels good.”

“So?” Axel shrugs. “It’s in your blood. Actions aren’t the problem, don’t you see that?” He shakes his head. “You have passions, taught or inbred, it doesn’t matter. The more you try to change your core, the worse time you’re going to have. Stop trying to leave behind you, Carson. Leave behind the bad intentions and the bad habits. But don’t leave behind the man who was strong… the man who will jump into the fire just because he likes to prove he won’t get burned.”

Carson cocks his head, a smile quirking just the corner of his mouth. “That’s about the most you’ve ever said in one setting.”

Axel gives a soft chuckle. “Maybe. But do you see what I’m trying to say?”

“I don’t know.”

“There was a reason you were here tonight,” Axel emphasizes. “You can use your skills and your passions for good. Give up the bad. Don’t give up you.”

“But I was the bad.”

“No you weren’t.” Axel shakes his head, almost frustrated. “Your intentions were.”

Carson groans and rubs his forehead tiredly. “I’m just glad everyone is okay and safe, and it’s over. Why are we talking about me anyway?”

Axel is quiet for a moment. “Because you hesitated.”

Carson lifts his eyebrows, but doesn’t have time to respond as he’s approached by a police officer to take down some extra information.

Axel leaves him be, and wanders back to the table where Rocky and Jess were. He looks at her with a bit of concern, his eyes searching her own. Though he could see Rocky had been helping her, the redundant question still rose. “You alright?”

Finished with the officer, Carson looks around to Phil, Jen, then Axel, Jess and Rocky. The restaurant was a total mess. He’d be here for hours cleaning up for the morning. Everything had happened so quickly. But now there was one thing that bothered him more than anything else. He really had hesitated. He’d hesitated to save someone’s life. Had he really gone that far? Had he really walked that far away from who he used to be? That didn’t feel right either. Was Axel right? Were there parts of himself that he could still hold onto that weren’t bad in themselves?