

Shaking her head Charlotte just leans her back on the counter as she listens to her husband a quirky grin on her face.

"Well I guess I am gonna have to sit down and have a talk with these guys. Have to let them know there is no rough housing while I am around. Gonna have to put my foot down solid."

Letting the silence linger for a moment and hearing nothing She gives a laugh.

"I was only kidding. I can see this means alot to you, and there a new light in your eyes. I am happy this makes you happy. Not to mention when I told everyone at work that my husband was a race car driver they all went gaga and told me if you make it big I'll get to travel all over the place with you."

Seeing as how this was the last week she would be working at the cave just helping them shut down fold the winter months Charlotte saw no problem with her being able to watch Bret race. Finding a temp job would be no problem and she had already agreed with Bret to only be working part time for now.

Turning around again she takes the flowers and set them over on the table gaving them on last look and just smiling. Than hearing her statment about being prefect makes her smile grow that much more as her heart fluttered.

Grabbing her leather jacket and putting it on Charlotte heads to the bathroom and just leans on the door frame as she watches her husband get ready.

Crossing her arms she teases just a little.

"Its been past 10 min you know your late."

Giving a nod to Rocky she agrees to letting him follow her home. After tonights avents she was a little shook up and knowing that someone was close behind her would bring a little bit of comefort. Turning back to Axel she gives a shake of her head.

"Maybe tomarrow I can see a double rainbow at lunch. I hurd that pizza place down the road is not to bad."

Turning again Jess new no one alse would know what she said but the one who she was talking to would.

"Ok lets head out. I'll talk to you later Axel and thank you for the invite."

Leaving the restront Jess heads to her car, but before getting in she grins as she turns in the direction Rocky was walking.

"I'll try not to be a speed demon so you can keep up."

Pulling out of the driveway Jess squiels her tired and jets out of the parking lot. Heading down the road she makes sure she dosnt go to fast. It dosnt take to long to get to get apartment and Jess pulls into her parking lot. Sitting in the car for a moment Jess thinks before finally getting out. She was still a bit shaken and it probley would not be a while till she fell asleep.

Finally getting out ok the car Jess heads over to Rocky's car and taps on the window. Waiting for him to roll it down Jess leans on it for a moment.

"Thanks you very much for the escort. "

Thinking for a moment again she gives a small smile.

"This might be forward of me and if it is I am sorry but would you like to come in for a little bit? I dont have much but maybe we could shair a soda and watch a movie or something? It will be a while before I head to bed."

Jess was nervouse about asking Rocky inside and she was not sure why. She felt a bit shaky as well. It could of been the cold wind or the fact she was still a bit shook up but she wasnt to sure thats what it was. She herself wasnt even sure why she was asking him. She hardly new him but just something about how he had protected her tonight had put a feeling of being safe around him in her. Standing there she waits for Rocky's reply hoping he wont think ill of her for asking.

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