

*Charlotte sits on the blanket next to Bret her arms wrapped around her knees as she looks out across the plane. How pretty the view was up here. As Bret leans back on the blanket Charlotte turns her head and just eyes Bret for a moment a smile curling on her lips.

Hearing Bret's comment Charlotte stretches her legs out in front of her and scoots closer to Bret laying down she leans her head on his chest as her arm wraps over his waist.*

"I think for once I don't need a coin to tell me I want to stay here for indefinitely as long as you were here too. The sad part is though, even if the coin landed tails we couldn't."

*Charlotte lifts her head from Bret's chest and looks at him one of her famous smile showing through.*

"Ok, thanks Rick."

*Hanging up the phone Angelica lets out a small sigh as she gathers up Jess file. Looking over the paper work once again Angelica gives herself time to come up with her game plan and her questions. She wanted to go into Jess knowing exacly what she wanted to say. This was hard enough on Jess as it was and she dident want to drag it out by fumbaling around with words. It was best to sit, pray, and know word for word what to say.*

*Misty comes back into the room where Kyle was and cant help but laugh as he talks to Rick. Seeing the boredum in his eyes Misty's own twinkles. Going over to him she puts a finger in his chin with some pressure and tilts his head to look at her. Smiling down at him her eyes sparkling she states.*

"If I can get my work done in an hour or so I will be able to spend time with you so you arnt bored."

*Misty cant help but giggle a little as she leans down and gives Kyle a small kiss the lingers for a moment before breaking away and walking twords the office. Turning to throw Kyle a wink before disapearing and walks up next to Rick.*

"Whats up?"

*Looking up as she hears Carson's voice a small smile spreads on Jess dull and weary face. swinning her legs around so they hang off the bed Jess takes the bag from Carson and gives a small nod. She wasent hungry or thirsty but she would take it anyways.*

"Thanks. Thanks for coming too. Its nice to see someone I know."

*Taking the shake out of the bag Jess puts the straw into the cut and takes a sip. Though she normaly liked anythink strawberry today it just wasent settaling right.*

"How did you know I liked strawberry?"

*Katie smiles and is happy that Jason liked the idea of going to Texas with her. She hadn't been in so long and she was started to get a little stressed at work. The time away would be nice. *

"Oh come now J, what kind of Hero would I be if I let something happend to you guys this weekend? Don't worry, I am gonna have the best of the best for sacurity. You guys will be ok."

*Giving Jason a reasuring smile Katie stands pating his arm one last time before making her way to the door and exiting.

After tomarrow planing the roadtrip would be fun but for now she had to stay focused at the task on hand.

Geting back to her cubicle Katie starts to type an email.*

TO: Wyatt, Con, Nate
FROM: Katie P.
SUBJ: Tomarrow Sacurity

Hey Guys,

Jetstream has a gig going down tomarrow night and I need some extra sacurity to help me out. You three along with me should do just fine. We are the best of the best and I could really use both of you. Please let me know as soon as possable if you can go or not. Thank you guys....*hugs* Oh ya....FYI: CINDY HAD HER BABY!!!!! Kaylee Rose Henson. They are both healthy and well.

Katie P.


Rick watches Jess leave and a silent prayer is lifted. No one should have to go through what she was. And it happened too many times...too many women were put in that position...too many times they were hurt. And the emotional scars were far worse than the physical ones.

Sighing, he turns back to his work, though picks up the phone first to call Angelica's office. "Angelica...Jess is ready to talk whenever you are. She's in her room...be gentle."

Kyle grimaces at Misty, but the twinkle in his eye proves his humor as she takes the bill. He mouths to her, "I'm paying for supper tonight."

Getting up, they pay and leave the restaurant, heading to Kyle and Phil's. Kyle is quick to gather a few things in his backpack, though he takes a little longer than planned, needing a short rest when he's alone in his room to catch his breath after another coughing fit. The red flag in the back of his mind goes up, but he tries to ignore it. He was fine...

Finished, he slings his bag over his shoulder and comes back out to the living room to find Misty and head on out once again, this time going to her place, then finally back to TJY. It's late afternoon by then, and Kyle sends Phil a message to let him know where he is, then follows Misty on in to the infirmary.

Tossing his bag in the corner, he flops down on the edge of the bed and looks around the room, boredom already lingering in the back of his eyes. He would stay here because he had a different goal in mind...but if it weren't for that, he knew he would have refused to stay here. It was just a little cough...why should Misty be so worried about him all of a sudden? Maybe he'd simply caught a cold.

Rick rolls his chair back from his desk far enough to see into the other room, and lifts his eyebrows. "Well hi there, Kyle."

Kyle gives a little wave and a smile.

"Anything wrong?"

Kyle thumbs to Misty and shrugs, rolling his eyes.

Rick thinks for a moment, wondering if Kyle would be wearing that smile if Misty had told him what they'd discovered. He opted not to say anything in case she hadn't yet. He respected her timing. "How's the voice?"

Kyle shakes his head and grimaces, but shrugs again. He holds out his hand and rotates it back and forth, showing Rick that it wasn't the worst, but it was iffy.

Rick nods. "Well, just take it easy." He calls a little louder. "Misty, if you need anything, call me. When you have a minute come in here too, I want to show you something." He rolls back to his desk again, out of sight.

Kyle sets his hands in his lap and sighs. This was going to be a long evening.

Bret lays back on the blanket, tucking his hands under his head and staring up at the clouds in the sky. The drive had been long, the trek had been harder than anticipated, and the trail had been longer than figured. But he and Charlotte had made it to the small plateau where the view was amazing.

After eating their picnic lunch of sandwiches, it was already late afternoon, but the desire to hike all the way back down just wasn't there yet.

Bret closes his eyes and takes a deep breath of the fresh air. It was chilly today and having a jacket on felt good, but the sun was warm. He was used to physical work, but being able to relax up here had made him tired and taken away the want to leave.

"Heads we go back down in fifteen minutes," he mumbles. "Tails we stay here indefinitely."

Jason's head shoots up at Katie's offer to go with him. The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them. "Would you?" His face reddens slightly. "I mean...the company sure would be nice and..." He stops, knowing that he needn't try and explain. Katie knew him too well to question his motives. "...and I guess I just don't want to go alone."

In a way, Jason felt the need of someone else's company. He hadn't felt that for a long time...he'd always been too proud to admit the need of someone else...too sure of himself to say that extra company would be nice. But he was finding that if he was truly honest with himself...being a loner wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

Katie's words to him made sense too. He knew his mom loved him no matter what...and though she might be disappointed, it wouldn't be in him. He'd just jumped on the wagon of sidling around the truth too quickly, and hadn't been able to get back off.

Giving a little weary grin, he shakes his head. "I guess you're still my hero, aren't you." He pauses, searching Katie's face. "Thanks. We can make plans after this harry weekend is over." He quickly changes the subject, his mind bouncing to the first obstacle that needed to be overcome. "I know Kyle wants this concert to go on as a trap for those goons, whether that's what he says or not, so if we live through it, we can make that trip to Texas. As far as tomorrow night goes...would you mind recruiting the security?"

Carson heads across the TJY parking lot, a small sack in his hand. The sun was starting to set, and he was banking on most of the people to be gone for the night. Stopping near the door though, he glances around and sees Misty's car. She was working late.

His shoulders drop a little. He didn't want another discussion like he'd had this morning. Maybe he could get away with just slipping in and out without even seeing her. It was worth a try anyway.

Getting inside, he receives a few strange looks from those still lingering on the main floor, but he heads straight down the hall toward the spare room. The infirmary door was open, but he passes by it, not even daring to pause or look inside.

Reaching the guest room, he taps lightly on the door. "Jess?" He knew she'd probably been miserable all day...he knew she'd probably eaten very little if anything...he knew she probably wouldn't be hungry for supper. But he'd wanted to check on her. It was the least he could do, not to mention it gave him something to do other than sit alone at Mom and Pop's.

The paper sack crinkles in his grip. "I got a strawberry milkshake here with your name on it."


*Misty smiles and nods back*

"Not a problem we can stop by your place when we are done here."

*Misty trys to keep herself calm with Kyle's condition maybe later tonight she would tell him, but at this moment he didn't need to know. Misty wanted to keep him from worrying as much as she could. She was doing enough of that for the both of them.*

"Than we can stop by my place and I can get something for tomarrow as well."

*Standing and taking the bill before Kyle can a grin curles on her lips and heads to the front.*

"My turn to pay."

*Jess looks at Rick and gives a small nod but dosn't say much. It was easy said than done to stay looking twords the bright side. To her right now, there was no brightside. She had been down and out before, but this was lower than low for her and there was nothing she could do to change it. Even after Peter was behind bars the pain wouldn't go away that easly. Though Jess couldn't deni that the people in this place were differnt.*

"Th...thank you. I guess for a little bit I'll just stay here."

*Jess stands and heads to the door but stops and turns again looking at Rick. Trying to offer the best smile she can.*

"If you see Miss. Lockheart let her know I am ready when she is."

*Turning and making her way for the door again Jess walks slowly and heads back to the small room. For now that was her home, for now that was her fortress, for this was her nightmare and her safe haven. Rick had said she could cry, how Jess wish right now she could and though the tears were there they just wouldn't come out.*

*Katie sits down in the chair across from Jason's desk and takes the email from his hand. Scanning over it Katie gets the point of what Jason was saying and lets out a sigh. In a way she felt bad for Jason.*

"You didn't tell her because you wanted her to be proud of you, and because this didn't work out you think she will be disapointed. "

*Katie reaches her hand out and lays it on Jason's arm as he leans his head into them.*

"J, you should know by now your mom loves you no matter what. Yeah she is going to be sad your not geting married but she wont be disapointed in you J."

*Katie offers him a smile.*

"You need to tell her, she is you mom and she loves you. Just because there are new people in the picture dosn't make that love any less eather. If anything it makes it more. She has the family she always wanted and your part of it."

*Katie thinks for a moment as a plan forms in her head. She hadent been home in a while. Maybe...*

"Ya know J, if you dont feel like going alone I would be more than happy to. I would like to see Kaylee and just see home. I miss it."

The truth

Kyle raises his eyebrows at Misty’s ultimatum. His eyes narrow slightly, not liking the worry in her tone. His mind drifts back to seeing her and Rick talking quietly and he begins to wonder if there was something he didn’t know about. It’s a thought that evokes slight fear, but he swallows it, clinging to faith instead. He was going to trust Misty to tell him anything he needed to know.

A smile creeps across his face as he locks eyes with her in a daring gaze. It would be well-worth the stay at the infirmary if it would provide him an opportunity to get his foot in the door to spiritual matters.

He gives her a nod. It was agreed. He gestures to her though, letting her know that he’d need to go home sometime today to get a change of clothes for the morning.

His beeping phone startles him and he rolls his eyes, picking it up and reading the text message. He gets a wry grin on his face and shows Misty the message. It’s from Mike this time.

Have it ur way. Ur bro is ticked. But its a go. Tmw night. Setup at four. Jase will recruit security.

Kyle shakes his head in amusement. Sometimes his stubbornness paid off…sometimes.

After coughing a little, he waves to the waiter to come bring the bill.

Rick greets Jess warmly, knowing that she must feel like crap, but trying his hardest to ease the pain and stress. “You can sit right over here on the table. I just want to have a follow-up check-up on you to make sure everything is okay.”

Checking her over lightly, Rick gives a nod of satisfaction. “You’re going to be okay physically, Jess. I got some results back yesterday after your original examination, and you’ll be fine. You just need some rest and time for your body to heal.”

He leans casually on the table next to Jess, eying her with thoughtful sympathy. "The only thing I worry about is in here." He reaches over and taps over her heart. "I want you to know that there are people here who can help with that too. Any time you want to talk...need a shoulder...need a good cry, or just want to sit with someone...we're here for you."

He pauses for a moment. "You're not alone, Jess."

Nodding, he moves to put some of his things away. "Angelica Lockheart is the lawyer here. She's been given the information on your case, and has all of the information from me she needs. When you're ready, she'll want to sit down and talk with you to explain how the rest of this will go. In the meantime...you can stay here if you want. Or we can even find another place for you to stay. Or you can go home. It's completely up to you. We want you to feel the most comfortable."

As Katie makes her presence known in Jason's office, he can't help a little grin. It felt odd to be called a brother. He could remember when he'd been little, he'd always wanted a sibling. It seemed strange now that he was an adult to finally have that honor. It was a bit different, obviously, but it still there.

"Hey. I guess it's my mom and Wes who the congratulations go to."

Jason shakes his head a little and gestures to his extra chair. "Yeah, um..." His eyes drop, knowing that he couldn't, and shouldn't hide this. After taking a few minutes to regroup, he finally reaches over to where he'd printed out the latest email from his mom. Handing it to Katie, he lets her read it, knowing that she'll realize what had happened by the way his mom was talking.

When he sees Katie is finished reading, he leans back in his chair, letting out a long sigh. "I don't know why I didn't tell her anything, Katie...I just...I don't know."

Leaning forward instead, he buries his face in his arms on his desk, his voice muffled. "And now I have to go see her...and the baby...and I don't know how."

Big Brother

All Wes can think about doing is letting his wife and new baby sleep. They were so small, so comfortable, they both looked so peaceful. Wes could never ask for anything more or even think about wanting more. God had answered his prayers over and over again making him happy and content. Letting both mother and daughter sleep Wes keeps a watchful eye over them both making sure they both would be ok.

*Misty smiles to Kyle across the table as he signs.*

"Yeah that would be cool, but something tells me at times they don't think so. Those two certinly have a special gift thats for sure."

*Misty watches Kyle closely as he dosn't want anything alse to eat and his cough continues. Misty knows what its from and on the outside she might be fine but on the inside it was killing her to see Kyle like this. Is scaired her to think he could go home sleep and she might not even get to see him again. Letting out a sigh Misty is a bit saprised when Kyle asks her to church. She hadent been in so long, did she really want to start going again? She new who god was, and she believed he was there but she had lost touch. When one thing after another happend, she blamed God and now, she had blamed him so much suraly he wouldent look past her flats now. As she is about to reply and think of a reson not to go, something stricks her...maybe...*

"I'll go to church with you tomarrow Kyle if you sleep at the infermary again tonight so I can keep an eye on you. I don't like that cough."

*Jess rolls back over on her side facing the wall as Rick talks. Not saying anything. Her mind was moving to much to talk, her hurt to much to talk, and she felt to depressed to talk or even move. Once Rick leaves Jess just stairs at the wall for a long while. Her life had been turned around and upside down and now she was stuck in a place she dident even know. She had decied she wanted to change somethings about her life but this is not what she exspected. Not to mention now she was probley jobless and if she wasent she dident want to go back there and face Sean and Velvet.

Throwing the sheets back Jess swings her legs out of the bed and just sits on the edge for a long moment. Finally standing Jess exits the room her bear feet scuffing on the floor. Slowly making her way to the infermary she knocks on the door and opens it.*

"Ok, I'm here where do you need me?"

*As Katie sits at her cubicle she thumbs through some paperwork Jamie had given her. Most of the stuff was old cases they had worked on in the past that had never been put into the computer. So now it was her job to do so.

As she sits at her desk she is suddonly slowly hit with waves of emotions. Happyness, mixed with sadness and a bit of depression. Looking twords Jason's office Katie is confused for a moment than receving his message a smile spreads across her lips. But still something felt wrong.

Ok..I'll be right there.

Turning her computer screen off Katie stands and heads to Jason's office. Knocking and than poking her head in Katie offers hims a smile.*

"Congradulations Big Brother!!! You wanted to talk to me?"


Cindy just smiles, giving a soft sigh. She was so happy...so excited...so many things were running through her mind. There were so many things to do. But right now.... Her eyes start to drift shut. Right now.... her head sways a little to rest against Wes. Right now all she wanted.... Her hand nestles comfortably in his. All she wanted was sleep.

Kyle grimaces and waves Misty off, but obeys anyway. It hurt to talk right now anyway. He had just wanted to say his piece without the trouble of writing things down or trying to sign.

Looking down at his half-eaten plate, he decides he really doesn't want any more. He usually liked eating here...he never left food on his plate. But something just didn't feel right. He simply wasn't hungry, and the thought of eating more almost made his stomach turn. He was tired too and wasn't sure why, after the long night of sleep he'd gotten.

A grin creases his lips and he mouths and signs to Misty, getting across, "I wish I could talk to you like Jason does to Katie...then this would be easier." He shakes his head in amusement.

Just sitting and trying to relax a little, the scratch in his throat persists, bringing more coughing, though he tries to stifle it. Finally he changes subjects altogether, proving his mind had been bouncing around several different subjects. He scribbles on a napkin. "Join me for church tomorrow?"

Rick offers Jess a warm smile. "I know you're tired, but I want you to get up and come on over to the infirmary just for a few minutes. I want to give you a quick checkup today and I want you to at least drink something even if you're not hungry, okay?"

He stands up, ready to leave the room. "And I need to talk with you about some results I got this morning."

Rick turns, heading for the door. "Take your time."

Jason hangs up the phone and leans back in his chair. Trooper can sense his anxiety and comes over to rest his head on his lap. Jason absentmindedly scratches the dog's head. He felt...happy...excited...apprehensive. The news was good. Everyone was fine. He'd been hoping for that. The news was exciting. Yet at the same time, it also meant that Jason needed to take a trip to Texas...and with that, came the truth that he had not been sharing with his mother.

Giving a little sigh, Jason isn't sure what to do with his feelings. He felt boxed in...he just didn't know what to do. When did he need to go? Right away? In a few weeks? Could he take that time off work? Could he afford the trip?

Excuses started to seep into his mind that might keep him from going. But there was enough of him that really wanted to go...that longed to go, that he knew he would...it was just when that was the question and how.

Jason grins a little, letting the news sink in. He was a big brother. That in itself was as new sensation. And there was one person he could share that with, without feeling stupid.

Hey, it's a girl. Kaylee.

But even though he tries to convey pure happiness, he knew that his apprehensiveness would show through too if Katie was paying attention. He needed help...he needed to tell someone what was going on...he couldn't decide what to do on his own with this one, he'd dug his hole too deep.

When you're free...come talk?

Dr. Orders

*Wes looks down at his wife his own eyes dance. The smile on his lips never fades.*

"And she has your mouth. The one that curls into a smile and lights up my world."

*Wes leans down and gives Cindy a soft kiss.*

"Now I have two candles to light my way. I love you so very much too."

*Wes brushes a bit of hair from Cindy's face and than rests his hand on Cindy's and on the small baby. How happy and proud he was indeed.*

*Misty gives a nod as she listens to Kyle and shakes her head everytime he goes into a coughing fit. She new there would not be much sleep for her tonight. She planed of working late. She had to find an antadot, a cure. Misty had to save Kyle's life.*

"Yeah tomarrow works good for me, and I am sure Katie is taking care of everything alse with Jason. Don't worry. We will get there guys Kyle."

*As he goes into another cough fit she sits up and watches him, the worry showing in her eyes.*

"Rest your voice now ok, please Dr. orders."

*Misty cant help the small grin that slips onto her lips.*

*Jess hears the door to the room open and knows its probly someone to wake her. Giving a small jump even though she new Rick was next to her she stays silent for a few moments. She didn't want to wake up, she dident want to start a new day. She just wanted to disapear. Finally though Jess relizes that Rick isent going to go away. Rolling to her back in a soft, horse whispers she replys.*

"I've been awake."

Time to wake

Mick smiles as he watches his brother go to his wife and new baby, proud of the family.

As Becky retreats to the front office after Angel, she offers Mick a smile and pats him on the arm. "Thanks for being here for Wes."

"Everyone okay?"

Becky nods. "Yep. Cindy was a real trooper."


"I guess your job is done now," Becky laughs. "You're free to go."

Mick chuckles. "Actually...I was thinking about going and telling my wife how much I love her."

Cindy can't help her smile as Wes comes into the room, and finally feeling him near to her, her fears are dissolved. She reaches over to take Wes' other hand and just holds it tight. She knows she must look a mess, her hair matted with sweat, her face paled from exhaustion. But she didn't care.

She turns her head to look at the baby one more time, then back to Wes, her eyes tired but sparkling. "She has your eyes," she whispers. "Your beautiful eyes." Reaching up, she cradles Wes' face. "I love you."

Kyle smirks at Misty and slides out of the truck, shutting his own door. "Very funny." Taking the lead to the restaurant door, he opens it for her and then goes inside too, scanning the room for a table.

It's not much later that Kyle and Misty are eating, Kyle determined to talk about Sunday night's concert and what should happen. He still wanted Katie and the others there for security, but wanted things to go as normal as possible so no one would suspect a thing. The security needed to blend, so the Agency goons would feel comfortable enough to try something. And though risky...everyone needed to be there, even Jen.

"...We leave her behind the sound booth, and we'll be up on stage..." Kyle stops, trying to stifle a cough. "...keeping our own eyes out." Coughing again, he shakes his head, irritated, and takes a sip of his water. "If anything happens, we'll have enough eyes there to take them down. And if not, then it will simply be a successful concert."

As the scratchiness from talking is too much, Kyle's taken into another fit of coughing before finally bringing it under control. Leaning his head back in the booth, he closes his eyes for a moment, catching his breath. taking another swig of water, he pushes his plate aside. Some wouldn't notice, but those who knew Kyle, knew that him leaving half his food on his plate was rare.

"...and then you can sing with us. Tomorrow I can show you the music and give you a rundown on how we do things."

Rick glances up at the clock and sighs. It was after noon already, and there had been no sign of Jess yet. He knew she wanted to sleep, but he had to check on her.

Leaving his clipboard in the infirmary, he goes slowly down to the guest room. Knocking lightly, he enters with caution, then sees that Jess is still in bed. He moves quietly to the chair next to the bed, easing down into it.

Reaching over, he tries not to scare her, just lightly shaking her shoulder. "Jess...wake up, hon."


Our Baby

*Wes can't help but give a little laugh as his brother enters the room.*

"I'm no sure if I am more scaired or excited."

*Wes continues to listen to his brother talk finding Mick shairing his own experinces to be a little comforting. Though he was still a baskit of nerves his brother presence was welcome and helped having someone to talk to.

The minutes drag on, and the hours seem like an eternity. Wes continues his silent praying that his wife and child would be ok. While talking to Mick, and trying to keep him mind on other things while stay out of the way.

As the baby's cry echos through the office Wes snaps his head twords the door and stands. Ignoring his brothers pround look Wes wairs a smile of his own.*

"Thats our baby..."

*Just standing for a long moment Wes stairs at the closed door untill Becky opens it and lets him know its ok. Turning to look at Mick Wes smiles and than heads back into the other room.

Entering the room slowly Wes' smile grows as his eyes rest on Cindy and there new baby. Now Wes smile beaming even more and the pride that shown in his eyes as her looked down on his daughter and wife. Moving closer to the bed Wes puts on arm behind Cindy as he sides onto the edge. Never had he thought she looks more radeint than at this moment. Taking his rough hand Wes gently runs it over the small babys forhead and around her small cheek cheek making sure this prescuse gift infront of him was not a dream.*

"Our baby girl....look at our baby girl."

*Giving Cindy a squeeze and a kiss to the forhead he leans his head on hers as the look down apone that treasure infront of them.*

*Angel stands cleaning up for a moment and watching the two pround new parents. For a moment Angel's mind goes back to when she first had Wendy and how her father hadent been there but Trent was and that was good enough. Wendy was her world and so was Luke, Angel loved he looked at her like his own daughter. Now if only the title would match.

Giving another smile and a sigh Angel leavs the room and closes the door behind her letting the family get to know there newest member. Walking out onto the pourch Angel lets out a long sigh and looks around the ranch. How things had changed, and how life had moved on offering more hope to those who had little.*

*Misty takes note to the life that was missing from Kyle's eyes showing how searouse he was. Giving a nod Misty shows she agree's with Kyle and will help as much as she can.

Opening the car door Misty throws Kyle another smile trying to hid the consern her had about the cough he was now contracting.*

"Food sounds good, I'm starved lets go."

*Getting out of the car Misty closes her door than goes to Kyle's playfuly opening it for him.*

"Well ya coming or what I have been waiting all day."

*Jess slowly opens her eyes as the bright sun shines into the window. Stairing at the white wall with her back to the door she trys to get her bearings for a moment. Remebering where she was as a bit of pain surges through her Jess closes her eyes again. She still hurt all over and just wanted to sleep. Nothing alse but sleep, and make everything go away.

The dark rings under Jess eyes tell the story that she hadn't slept very well that night. Waking up many times from horrable nightmares, and sounds she dident know. If they let her Jess just wanted to stay in the bed forever. Closing her eyes Jess fights the emotions, the feelings, the anger and pain.*


Kyle lets out a long sigh at the news of the cancellation, though seems to have known that would probably happen.

At Misty’s suggestion of Katie or then herself, he quirks an eyebrow, keeping his gaze on the road. He knew there were options. The other guys knew it too. But Kyle knew that the other three had probably talked more amongst themselves and most likely felt it was too big of a risk to go ahead with the concert. Kyle had been surprised they’d even agreed to asking Rocky. Him not being able to come was simply a prime out for them.

Kyle slowly shakes his head and takes back his phone to close it. “Sounds good to me…try convincing the guys.” He purses his lips in thought. “How ‘bout me on keyboard one-handed…you on vocals as another pair of eyes from stage. We go ahead with the show…” He pauses, coughing a little and wincing. “…as bait. I know they’re gonna strike again…I can feel it.”

Coming up on the Mexican restaurant, he parks, but doesn’t get out of the truck. He turns to Misty, the mischief gone from his eyes. “We need to do this…to stop the Agency. They’ll come…the guys will say we’re endangering the public, but…the Agency is after me or Jen, no one else, and they send experts.” He swallows hard. “Whether it’s a good show or not…we have to act like everything is normal…and get those goons out in the open. With the security we’ll have we have to be able to catch them.”

Without waiting for a response, Kyle’s stubbornness shows through as he opens his phone again to send Phil a text message. “I have backup. The show’s still on. Up to you to come or stay home.

After sending, Kyle looks back up to Misty. “I’m hungry. We going inside or what?

Cindy tries to let Angel and Becky keep her calm, though knowing Wes was up front more nervous than she was made her own nerves heighten.

Getting settled in the bed in the back room, the pains grow more severe and frequent, proving that it had not been a false alarm. She can’t help but cry out once, though Becky and Angel are right there to help her through.

Footsteps are heard coming up on the porch, the boots approaching the door. They enter without knocking, then stop. A wry grin spreads on Mick’s face as he sees his brother walking back and forth. “You’re gonna wear a hole in the floor,” he muses teasingly.

Going over to Wes, he puts his hands on his shoulders and sets him down in a chair, sitting next to him. “You pacing isn’t going to make it go any faster. Trust me. I know.” He rolls his eyes. “When Jade came along, Jill was in labor for nine hours. I was a wreck by the time it was all over, and even after everything she’d been through, I dare say she looked in better shape than me.” Mick chuckles a the memory. “It was easier with Dylan.”

He turns to look at Wes, grinning. “Let nature take its course, bro. She and the baby will be fine. They’re in good hands.”

Two hours and much more pacing later, Mick is standing at the window, sipping a glass of water himself after staying with Wes in an attempt to keep him calm and out of the women’s way.

Suddenly a baby’s cry rings out. Mick stops and turns around, a smile spreading as he looks at his brother. Not only was Wes a father, but Mick was an uncle again too.

The next few minutes seem like an eternity, but Becky finally shows up, beaming. She smiles at Wes. “Mother and baby are both fine. Tired, but just fine. Come on and meet your daughter.”

Poor Wes

*As Kyle makes his comment and bolt for the door Misty is right on his tail chasing him and laughing the whole way. Getting close to the car she catches up with him and jumps on his back.*


*Making a whip cracking sound her laugh grows till they are finally at the car. Sliding off his back she goes around and gets into the car.*

"Mmmm...Mexican sounds great to me...I...."

*Misty's words stop as she glances down at the text message. Her heart sunk a little reading the news about this weekend. Turning to Kyle her own eyes are filled with the sadness felt. She new this ment the word to Kyle and now it was being taken away.*

"It's from Phil, Kyle. He said Rocky can't make it so the show is canceled."

*Misty lets out a long sigh and looks out the window. As if a lightbulb went off in her her Misty sits up straght quick remembering something.*

"Hey, what about Katie? I hurd her sing that once and she was real good. I know its not the same but it would do so you dident have to cancele. Oh she is doing the sacurity thing hu. Well Heck I would even sing than. I'm not the best but I am by far the worse. I wonder if the guys would go for it. What do you think? I mean it would only be for the one show."

*Wendy pokes her head from the office and giggles hearing he new.*

"I'll get right on it...poor Wes. He's excited and nervouse at the same time."

*Wendy goes back into the office and dials her mom letting her know that Wes and Cindy would be showing up.*

*As Wes drives with Cindy back to the ranch he drives fast but with car trying to avoide any big bumps. As Cindy's hand slips into Wes his own fingers give her hand a gentil squeeze.

Wes can't help but beam at Becky and the mention of being called Daddy. He couldent help but be excited and scaired at the same time.*

"Oh...Becky be gentil...oh Hun watch that stick there I dont want you to trip."

*Wes took the greatest care as he helped Cindy into the office. About to follow them into the back room Wes is cut off and told to wait outside he cant help but grow more nervouse.*

"Is something wrong is that why I can't come in? Is everything ok?"

*Not receving an answer Wes starts to pase the floor. Trying not to worry but everytime he hurd Cindy, or even a bump Wes would jump. Sitting down His leg bounces, standing he pases drinking water glass after glass.*

*Angel smiles at Cindy and cant help but laugh at Wes a little bit.*

"Everything is gonna be ok Cindy. We will get you through this. Poor Wes."

*Angel helps Cindy to the back continuing to talk to her and keep her calm.*

On the way

Cindy's eyes widen at the sound of Wes on the other end of the line. "Wes...Wes, are you okay? What..." He's already telling her he's on his way, then hangs up. She blinks, a wry grin twitching the corner of her mouth, and she shuts her phone off to wait.

Glancing at the clock, she predicts the amount of time it would take for her husband to arrive, and sure enough, it's twice as fast as normal.

As he struggles with the door, Cindy cringes. "Wes...hun....slow down, I..." She watches him go down the hall, then leave the house, only to finally return for her.

Stifling a laugh, Cindy accepts the help to the car. Pulling on her seatbelt, she glances over to Wes. "Now take it easy, just calm down, will you?" How ironic that she was the one telling him to be calm.

As the hit a little bump in the road, Cindy's met with another wave of pain. Holding in a cry, her hand slips over to find Wes', her fingers tightening around his. She might be perfectly calm on the outside, but on the inside she was a bit frightened. Things had not been easy when she'd had Jason so many years ago, and she only prayed that this time around it would be easier.

Clint's eyes widen as he sees Wes laid flat by the phone cord, then stumble around, barely able to talk before he shoots out of the shop. He just stares at the door for a minute before a grin spreads. Looking over to the open door of the office, he calls out. "Hey, Wendy. You might wanna give your mom a call. We got a Henson baby on the way and one father who may need attention as well."

He laughs and shakes his head, leaning back into the engine of the car. Looked like he'd be on his own for this one. He'd have to find the problem himself. Wes wouldn't be back any time soon.

As the truck pulls in to the ranch yard, Cindy has a bit of relief. Parked, and walking slowly to Angel's office, they're met by a smiling Becky who immediately steps in to help. "Well, looks like we're going to have some excitement today after all." She smiles up at Wes, having heard about his frantic behavior from her son. "We might just have to call you Daddy by the end of the day." She tucks an arm around Cindy as they step into Angel's office, guiding her to the back room and directing Wes to stay up in the front room for now.

Kyle's jaw drops in faked shock at Misty's comment, then he recovers, his eyes narrowing with playfulness. Rushing beside her, with his good arm he puts her in a side headlock and drags her down the hall a ways before he finally lets her go with a light shove with his shoulder to make her stagger. "I know," he whispers, "In realty you've missed my...charming...voice." He bats his eyes at her, then sprints for the exit, knowing that he's in trouble now.

Once they're to his truck and pulling out, Kyle hangs a left, not really sure where they're going, but figuring he'll think of somewhere good to go as he sees it.

His phone beeping makes him roll his eyes. Picking it up, he hands it to Misty to read the text message while he drives. "And we're going to go for Mexican food today," he states decidedly. "Unless that's a message from someone inviting us to something better."

The text message is from Jason.
Phil called. Rocky can't come. Show canceled. Relax the weekend. More later.

Luke sits in the tack room, rubbing oil into one of the saddles. It seemed he spent a lot of time here lately...it was one of the few tasks around the barn that he could handle himself.

A spasm of pain shoots down his leg and he holds his breath until it passes, gritting his teeth and continuing to work. It was getting harder to ignore these bouts. A few weeks ago he was up and walking almost like normal. But it didn't take but a couple days for him to be right back where he'd been. Most of the time he walked with a cane. If he went on any outings, he used a wheelchair.

He hated it...he hated feeling helpless, and he hate being helpless around those he cared about.

A tap on the doorway makes him look up and he lifts an eyebrow at Trent. The two men usually avoided each other. Though they never fought, and though much of the tension between them had eventually subsided, they were far from friends.

Luke looks at him with question. "Yeah?"

Trent shrugs and enters, his hands hooked in his pockets. "Cindy's having her baby."

"Oh yeah?" A smile spreads on Luke's face. "Good."

Trent grins a little. "Yeah...Wes is beside himself."

"I bet he is." Luke chuckles and returns to his work. "He's been hyped since they first found out Cindy was pregnant."

Trent can't help his laugh. He steps in a little further and sinks down on another bench, quiet for several moments. "Those two seem pretty happy."

Luke pauses again, now wondering why Trent was sticking around. That wasn't like him. "Yeah, they do. Looks like they were made for each other."

"Mm-hmm..." Trent thinks. "Mick and Rosetta sure look like they're happy too."

Now Luke looks up at Trent, questioning the motive of this conversation. It was rare to chat with him, let alone on a subject such as this. "Yes...they do. Been a long time coming with them."

"I suppose so." Trent looks down, picking at a loose thread on hsi jeans. "So...when are you and Angel gonna tie the knot?"

Luke's shoulders drop and he sighs. "Look, Trent, I don't know what you're getting at, but you know good and well that she and I are staying together, whether you're back in the picture now or not."

Trent looks back up quickly, his eyes widening slightly. "Hey, take it easy. I didn't mean anything like that."

"Well why else would you make it your business?"

"Because I see the look in Angel's eyes when she looks at you." Trent cocks his head. "There was a time she looked at me like that...and I'd give just about anything to get that again. But I know you're her man now, not me."

Luke swallows hard. "What's your point?"

"My point is, she's being a whole lot more patient than a lot of women would be."

"You think I'm dragging my feet?"


Luke grows defensive. "This really isn't any of your business."

"I know, but I just couldn't not say anything." Trent shakes his head. "Why haven't you married her yet?"

Luke concentrates on the saddle in front of him, rubbing the oil in just a little harder. Trent of all people, had to be the one to bring it up. "I guess I keep hoping for better days."

"With what? What could be better?"

"The Agency...my health."

Trent sighs. "First off, we got two couples here who dared to prove their love and nothing bad has happened. The Agency has backed off and from what I hear, they're hitting the folks in Nevada now more than here. And second..." He looks to Luke's legs then back up at his face. "Do you think Angel loves you less just because you can't walk as well as you used to?"

Luke rolls his eyes. "It's just that we decided we wouldn't get married until we knew the Agency was over."

"You think she'd turn you down if you said you wanted to get married sooner?" Trent looks to Luke, but receives no response. "Forget about that excuse, Luke. It's your legs, isn't it?"

"Maybe." Luke looks down. "I just...I don't know. I'm already enough of a burden to her the way it is. What kind of responsibility will she be taking on if I were her husband? At least now I can rely on other people and not always her. In the middle of the night when I get into trouble, it's Sparky...or Jeff. I don't want Angel to have to worry about me twenty-four/seven. It isn't fair to her."

Trent purses his lips. "Don't you respect her enough to make up her own mind? Or do you think you're more intelligent and therefore you feel the need to make decisions for her?"

"That's not fair."

"No, you're the one not being fair," Trent retorts. "You're making up Angel's mind for her, when you know good and well that she'd marry you tomorrow in a heartbeat if you asked. She loves you, Luke...and if taking care of you is part of the package deal, then she not only doesn't mind, but she enjoys it. She doesn't like to see you hurting, but being able to help you gives her fulfillment...because she's helping the one she loves."

"But what good am I?" Luke argues. "I can't give her a home...I can't get a job to earn the money to support us. Oh, sure, I could get some kind of disability benefits, but how much would that be?"

"Quit feeling sorry for yourself." Trent shakes his head. "If you're too proud to stay here and let her have her practice here, and remain here at the ranch, then that's stupid. Look at Mick. If ever a man had pride, it's him. If ever a man wanted to provide for his own family and be the man of the house, it's him. And look...he moved into Rosetta's place. She's still running this ranch. Sure, he helps out, and he's got the horse training business here. But in reality, he moved into her world, not the other way around. And you think he cares? No...why? Because he's with her and that's what matters most. Not his status...not his money...not his position."

Luke swallows hard and leans his arms on the saddle, feeling the pains of the pointed statements. He wasn't used to this, let alone from Trent. "I just...want to give her what she deserves."

Trent offers a slight grin. "When will you get it, that she doesn't care about what she deserves? All she cares about is having you...you, Luke...she loves you. Quit putting her off."

Luke eventually looks up, his eyes narrowing. "Why do you suddenly care about this? You of all people?"

Trent grows a little more serious, the melancholy in his eyes. "I guess because I care about that woman enough that I want her to be happy, and I know she'll be most happy with you. You know good and well that if I thought I had another chance, I'd take it. But I don't...and there is no chance. She has eyes only for you, and you need to stop taking it for granted."



Wes picks up the phone in the shop as some music plays in the background. Clint close by as Wes continues to work while on the phone. Hearing Cindy's voice brings a smile to his face. He always loved hearing from his Wife.

"Its ok Hun, I like when you call."

As the conversation continues and Wes hears the baby is ready to come he drops his tools with a claddder.

"Ok, I'm coming hold tight...I'm on my waaaaa.......WAHHHHH"

Wes is rickashayed backwards the phone cord only goes so far and finally hits resistince. Laying on the ground he looks up at the roof for a moment holding the phone to his hear still.

"Ouch, I'm..I'm on my way Hun hold tight."

Wes gets up in a hurry and puts the phone on the hook yelling to Clint.

"Hold the fort down Clint I need to go. The baby is having Cindy, I mean Cindy needs the baby..NO I mean Cindy is having the baby."

Standing for a moment Wes shakes his head and than heads out the door as he his out side he lets out a loud whooping sound and drives away twords home.

Pulling in the driveway Wes dosn't even shut off the truck as he hops out of the truck and sprints inside. Opening up the screen door he goes to step inside but gets caught in the latch the door swinging back and slaming on his arm. Giving a little yelp he struggles with the door trying to get himself unstuck till finally he does and stumbles inside.

"Cindy...I'm here."

Seeing her sitting at the kitchen table he gives a smile his face beaming. Heading into the bedroom Wes grabs Cindy's overnight back that was ready and waiting and heads out the door throwing it in the car than jumping into the passangers seat. Pulling out of the driveway Wes starts to head back to the ranch when he stops and rolls his eyes at himself. Geting out again her goes back inside. Smiling at Cindy once again.

"I bet you thought I forgot about you huh?"

Coming over to where Cindy was siting Wes slings her one arm around his shoulder and than gently slids his one arm around her back and his other under her legs Wes gently lifts her up and carrys her out the door with great care. The smile never leaving his face as he beams down at Cindy. Wes whole word had come together and this was another wonder avent that was taking place.

Puting her into the truck Wes finally makes sure everything is ready and heads back to the ranch and Angel's office.*

Misty shakes her head and brings a hand to her mouth as she giggles at Kyle. Heading for the door she turns and walks backwards grinning at him.

"Ok, your turn to drive. Where are we going anyways? Now that you can talk I probley wont be able to get a word in edge wise."

Misty cant help but let her grin grow as the humor dances in her eyes proding Kyle to play back.


Bret chuckles and heads for the door with Charlotte close behind. "Alright then...the mountains it is."

Locking the door, he aims for his car, sliding in behind the steering wheel, now fully awake. The necklace Charlotte had given him still hangs from his rearview mirror, swaying gently as the car moves.

Backing out of his driveway and seeing no one coming from either direction, Bret steers the car's tail in he wrong direction. Gunning it, then slamming on the breaks and twisting the wheel, he spins the car back around in a circle, then burns rubber, squealing down the street going the way they want to. "Yeehaw!"

A figure watches from the shadows, lifting an eyebrow at the driving. Making a mental note, they slink away.

Kyle looks up at Misty and nods, though is a bit confused. He knew she and Rick hadn't been discussing lunch.

Rick stops Misty once more before she can leave, his voice still low. "We better find a cure fast...because if that poison gets through with his vocal cords, it will just move on to something else until eventually it will kill him." He sees in her eyes the concern and her sincere want to help Kyle, and Rick knows she cares about him. "I know we'll figure this out...just keep cool. In the meantime, don't give him too bad a time about talking. The poison is doing more harm to him than him using his voice."

Finally he turns back to Kyle, offering a little smile. "Well, other than some added strain, not a whole lot has changed. I know I said three weeks the last time, but I'm giving you he okay to talk a bit. Just don't strain too hard, and if there's pain, stop. Got it?"

Kyle nods with enthusiasm and gives Rick a thumbs up. Sliding off the table, he looks to Misty again and holds up his keys, jingling them as the mischief shines in his eyes.

Jason looks at his computer screen, tapping his fingers on his desk. He felt deceptive. He hadn't lied, exactly...he'd just...left things out....hadn't said everything... but... He hadn't known how. He hadn't known how to tell his mom those things...he didn't want to be a failure...a disappointment. He hadn't wanted her to worry.

He reads her email again, realizing though, that he might have gotten himself in more of a mess than planned...

Yes, the days just seem to get longer and longer. Wes is around more lately though, so it's nice to have the company. Clint's taking care of things well at the shop. The only drawback for him was he didn't get the vacation for a road trip with his motorcycle like he wanted. Now he's thinking next year.

You forgot to answer me about the dresses - did Camryn decide if she was going with the blue or purple? I wanted to get a dress to match. I know, I know, don't ask - it's a woman thing. ;)

Glad your knee is doing so much better. I'm sure if you wanted, Reese would put you back in the field at this point.

By the way, Austin might be coming back to TJY. Reese doesn't like it that he's been gone this long. He'll have to send a replacement though, so I don't know what will happen. I asked Austin the other day about what he'd heard through Reese about you and he seemed a little evasive. Know what's up there?

Anyway, it's time to dust the living room. It's the little things that keep me busy.

Love you and talk to you more soon.

"Jason, you've got a call."

"Thanks, Susanne." Jason picks up his office phone, closing out his email and reverting his mind to other things. "Yeah, this is Jason."

"Hey, Jase."

Jason raises his eyebrows at Phil's voice. "Since when do you use the TJY phone?"

Phil laughs. "Since all I get is your voicemail on your phone."

"Oops." Jason turns around and grabs his cell phone, realizing that he'd turned the ringer off. "Sorry."

"No problem. Hey listen, I just called Rocky...the guy from Cryptic."


"Well, good news and bad news."

Jason leans back in his chair with a sigh. "Shoot."

"The good news is that Cryptic isn't disbanding. They're just coming back home and staying in the area, taking things easier than they have been."

"And the bad news?"

"They're in Washington state at the moment. They were going to come back tomorrow, but a flight got canceled and they got stuck."

Jason purses his lips, disappointed. "So Rocky can't come."

"Nope." Phil pauses. "Said he would have if he could have...he'd love to still get together with us sometime. I told him about Kyle and he couldn't believe it. Said the guys would be praying."

"Mm-hmm." Jason nods absentmindedly. He was used to the praying and the talk about God all the time now. In the back of his mind, something always started asking questions when the subject came up, but he'd always dismissed it. It was getting harder though... Bringing himself back, he sighs again. "Well...that's that, then. Who's gonna call to cancel the show?"

"I will if you tell Kyle."

"Oh, thanks a lot."

Cindy walks slowly through the kitchen, one hand on her back, and she stops to stare at the large pile of dishes. Everything seemed to take twice as long to do lately, and not having done the dishes for several days made this task the biggest for the day.

Giving a little sigh, she goes to turn the water on, but stops as she experiences a sudden pain. Wincing, she leans on the counter until it has passed. Catching her breath, she shrugs it off and starts forward, but again, another sharp sensation sends up the red flags in the back of her mind.

Turning around, she changes her route and finds a kitchen chair to sit in. Resting for a moment, she thinks it has passed, but another wave hits her.

Grabbing the cordless phone, she dials Wes' cell. He'd gone to work just a half hour ago after Clint had called, needing help with something. Hearing him answer, she tries to keep her voice calm. "Sorry to interrupt your work hun, but...I need to get over to Angel...I don't think this baby of ours is going to wait much longer."


*Charlotte smiles as she watches Bret walk away and head back up the steps. Turning she lets out a small sigh and looks down in the sink piled with dishes. Didn't I just do these the other day? Men! Laughing she fills the sink and starts to do some more up. Charlotte really didn't mind cleaning for Bret. She found it fun and it was nice to tease him about something. Not to mention it meant spending more time with him and she certainly didn't mind that. Ever since she had first met Bret Charlotte liked spanding time with him, never did she regret one moment.

Hearing Bret come down the steps Charlotte drains the water from the sink and turns just in time to catch the coin that was thrown at her.

Giving a smile she flips the coin in the air.*

"Sounds good to me. Heads we go to the mountains to hike, Tails we go on the swamp trail."

*Slapping it down on her hand Charlotte removes the other. Revealing heads."

"Alright to the mountains it is..."

*Letting out a sigh Charlotte can't help her grin that curled on her lips.*

"I have fond memories of those mountains."

*As Rick pulls Misty aside to talk to her she cant help but feel her heart sink a little bit. Kyle had to get better, he couldn't let his dream go not like this.*

"Well if we can find out what the added substince is I am sure I can come up with another antadote. I have to, we have to and I wont rest untill we do. Kyle has to get better Rick."

*Misty's eyes show her secsarity as she looks at Rick. Than turning away she smiles at Kyle.*

"Ready for lunch?"



Bret lifts his eyebrows as Charlotte nears, a small grin forming. As she leans against him to kiss his lips, he cocks his head, his eyes closed as he sets his coffee mug down on the counter behind himself. Both hands free, he wraps his arms around Charlotte, gently rubbing her back as he returns the kiss with equal passion.

Finally drawing back, Bret sighs deeply and rests his forehead against hers, looking her in the eye. "You're better than coffee, you know that?"

Grinning, he pulls her into a hug, squeezing her tight. "Mm....okay...shower." Letting Charlotte go, he grabs his coffee mug to down the rest of the contents before putting it in the sink, and heads out of the kitchen, calling over his shoulder. "Give me five minutes!"

It's actually ten minutes, but Bret is quick, and soon he's grabbing his jacket and his keys. "My turn to drive." He tosses her a quarter. "Your turn to flip."

Distraction = my middle name. Checkup first. Rick. Then lunch. C U then.

It's eleven o'clock when Kyle parks his truck in the TJY parking lot. For all that had happened, he was feeling pretty good, and with a few pain killers, his hand wasn't giving him too much trouble either.

Bounding down the hallway he skids past the infirmary door, only to look back and see Misty, putting on the breaks and backing up, throwing her a silly salute.

Rick looks up from where he's working and raises an eyebrow. "Someone must feel good today."

Kyle shrugs and hops up on the table.

Rick chuckles and shakes his head. "Alright. Let's see how that throat of yours is doing. Have you been doing what I told you?"

Kyle bites his lip, looks to Misty, then back at Rick, giving an unsure nod.

Rick smirks at him. "Kyle..."

"Mostly?" he whispers.

"That's what I thought. And by the sounds of things, it hasn't gotten much better, has it?"

Kyle shakes his head.

Rick sighs and brings a light, starting to examine Kyle's throat. The more he sees, the more he wants to examine, and he winds up taking a whole lot longer than planned. But looking at a couple charts, he believes it was worth it.

Kyle feels as though his throat is on fire after all is said and done, and he doesn't understand Rick's growing enthusiasm.

Rick stares at his notes, and is quick to go to Misty. "Hey...remember when Kyle was poisoned, we thought something was a little different about it?" He nods. "There was. I believe...that they added something to that lethal mixture. Something that they knew the antidote wouldn't get. And it's not enough to kill, but enough to cause trouble." Rick shows her a few of his notes. "Kyle's still got some of that poison in his system. Something about the mixture attacked his weakest spot - his vocal cords. Only problem is, that it's not going away. It's just slowly making things worse."

He glances over to Kyle. "We have to get it completely out of his system somehow, or it's not gonna take long and he'll never be able to talk again. Hard part is finding the cure. Good thing is, once we find it, I believe he'll have a full recovery. We just have to find that cure before there's permanent damage."

Kyle swings his legs as he sits on the table, trying to overcome his worry. He couldn't understand what Rick was saying to Misty, but he had a bad feeling about it. What was going on? Was the news bad?

Carson wipes off the front counter for Mabel, his mind everywhere but his work today. He hadn’t gotten into trouble for being late, since Herb had known he’d been helping with Jess…but his tardiness had affected his work throughout the morning, just seeming to encourage everything to go wrong.

He couldn’t get his mind off of what had happened earlier. He should have known better. He shouldn’t have approached Misty. Though her forgiveness, he felt was genuine did ease some guilty feelings, what remained was still an open wound.

“Oh, Carson!”

He whips back to attention and looks over the counter to a middle-aged woman who had just come in. It was his former landlord. He raises his eyebrows. “Mrs. Flowers.”

She chuckles, obviously loving the accent. “I’m glad I caught you here…” She reaches into her purse and rummages around. “I had some new tenants move into your old apartment…that was quite a while ago, you know. But they kept most of the stuff where it was I guess…that is, the furniture you left.”

She pauses, squinting into her handbag and rolling her eyes. “I know it’s here somewhere,” she mutters. “Anyway, so they were moving the entertainment center last week – you know, where your television set was. And they found something…” Her face is still buried in her purse and finally she pulls the object out. “Ah hah!”

She holds it up so it glints in the light. “I knew it had to be yours because before you were there that place was stark clean.”

Carson looks at the object, stunned for a moment.

Mrs. Flowers’ face drops a little. “It is yours…isn’t it?”

“Y…yes…I mean…yes…it is.” Carson numbly reaches out to take the gold chain and locket from her hand.

“I took the liberty of cleaning it up,” Mrs. Flowers informs. “It had gotten a bit dusty behind that big ol’ thing.” She gives Carson a sly grin. “That picture in there…old love of yours?”

Carson barely hears her as he flips the locket open with his thumbnail. A young Misty stares back at him. Breaking his gaze away from it, he looks up again at Mrs. Flowers, and forces a grateful smile to let her know she’d done a good thing. “You could say that,” he finally replies. “Thanks. I thought I’d lost this for good.”

Clutching the small treasure, Carson retreats to the kitchen where he finds the corner chair. Though supposed to be working, his mind wanders for a few minutes. He rests his elbows on his knees and flips the locket open again.

A slight smile quirks the very corner of his mouth as he replays the memories in his mind. He’d refused the necklace more than once, but Misty had found a way to get him to not only keep it, but wear it. The only other keepsake he’d ever had, had been his own ID bracelet, and he’d given that to her. He wonders now if she had discarded that as he had this necklace on such a night he didn’t want to remember.

Carson finally shuts the locket and collects the chain in his palm to place it in his jeans pocket. Misty was gone now…wearing her close to his heart would just create a new wound. But he wouldn’t be throwing it away again.

You look

*Giving a jump as her phone beeps loudly Misty grabs it from her pocket. Looking down at the message a small smiles forms on her face as the shadows and clouds start to slowly clear. There was something about Kyle. He always had good timing. Flipping open the phone Misty jots a quick text back. Lunch. You, Me. 12, you pick the place. Need the distraction.

Standing up Misty brushes herself off and goes over to the sink and splashing water on her face to finish washing off the rest of her tears. Letting out a sigh Misty heads back to her desk to continue her day till Lunch.*

*Charlotte cocks hear head for moment as if thinking before a grin spreads across her lips.*

"I think it was your idea to get up at seven. We were going to flip but you said you wanted to do it early and get a whole day in."

*Heading into the kitchen Charlotte grabs her own glass down from the shelf and gets some coffee. Taking a sip she finally puts the cup into the sink her eyes twinkling.

Walking over to Bret she places both her hands on the counter around and behind him pinning him up against it and leaning closer to him.*

"I think you look good either way, but a shower might be a good idea. I guess I can wait a little longer or I am gonna go alone."

*Not giving Bret a chance to answer Charlotte press her lips against his in a passionate kiss that lingers for a moment.*


For a fleeting instant, Carson could almost feel the tiny flame of hope. But just as quickly, it’s vanished.

There is relief there. Misty’s forgiveness was something he’d longed for, and it did ease some pain. But still, forgiveness without the love made him feel just as empty.

He reaches out a hand, ready to say more, but she’s already turned her back and gone into the infirmary. And like the shifting wind, his last chance was gone.

Gritting his teeth, Carson aims back for the little guest room. Ignoring a greeting by Hal, he desperately fights the unwanted tears that have filled his eyes. Confused. Lost. Alone.

Blinking back the emotions, he slips into the dim room and finds his socks and tennis shoes. He had to get out of here.

Scribbling a quick note to Jess that he was at work and Rick would take care of her, he leaves it on the bedside table.

And without another stop, he heads back down the hall at a quick pace, the exit his only destination. Just passing the infirmary makes his heart scream in pain, but he keeps walking. He had to. It was all he had now.

Unaware of events unseen from across the town, a text message is typed out and sent to reach its destination. Perhaps the sender can feel the tears across the miles. Or perhaps it's Someone else's timing that creates the moment's time.
"Dreamed of singing last night. Dreamed you were the cure. Didn't need a nightlight. 'Cause I thought of you."


*Listing to Carson Misty's own heart aches. Its being torn in two all over again. Stand to the mornal of thing or give into her heart Misty was standing again...*

"I forgive you Carson."

*Taking a step back Misty can no longer controll herself and as the tears fall more she enters back into the infermary and closes the door behind her. The memories had flooded back ten fold, the memories had been to much to bare the pain she felt again from what had happend had been tomuch and made her break down.

Leaning aganst the door Misty slids to the floor, her head spinning, but than a soft voice enters her mind and brings a small smile to her face through the pain. Kyle had been there, Kyle was there now even though he wasent in the flesh, his memorie was there trying to cheer her up. Kyle...Misty new where her heart truly layed, and though she had forgiven Carson, thats where it stoped.*

entire world

Carson just stares back at Misty for several seconds, his eyes not wandering from hers. His heart felt as though it were being ripped in two all over again. "Because I'm a fool. Because I'm the kind of guy who doesn't know what he's got until it's gone. Because I played with fire. Because I couldn't say no to a good time."

He shakes his head slowly. "Take your pick."

His own emotions pool behind his eyes but he doesn't care. "And if I could go back and change one thing in my entire life, that would be it. Because the day I made that stupid mistake, I lost my entire world."


*Misty blinks and flicks some tears away from her eyes. Her heart hated seeing Carson like this, her heart hated seeing her like this.*

"Than why, why did you do this? Why did you let this happen again Carson?"

*Misty's eyes plead for the answer to the question she had been asking for so long.*


Carson spins around in surprise, the agony written all over his face at seeing Misty's tears. A sorry shadow of a smile toys with the very edges of his mouth. "They always have, Misty...and they always will."