
Poor Wes

*As Kyle makes his comment and bolt for the door Misty is right on his tail chasing him and laughing the whole way. Getting close to the car she catches up with him and jumps on his back.*


*Making a whip cracking sound her laugh grows till they are finally at the car. Sliding off his back she goes around and gets into the car.*

"Mmmm...Mexican sounds great to me...I...."

*Misty's words stop as she glances down at the text message. Her heart sunk a little reading the news about this weekend. Turning to Kyle her own eyes are filled with the sadness felt. She new this ment the word to Kyle and now it was being taken away.*

"It's from Phil, Kyle. He said Rocky can't make it so the show is canceled."

*Misty lets out a long sigh and looks out the window. As if a lightbulb went off in her her Misty sits up straght quick remembering something.*

"Hey, what about Katie? I hurd her sing that once and she was real good. I know its not the same but it would do so you dident have to cancele. Oh she is doing the sacurity thing hu. Well Heck I would even sing than. I'm not the best but I am by far the worse. I wonder if the guys would go for it. What do you think? I mean it would only be for the one show."

*Wendy pokes her head from the office and giggles hearing he new.*

"I'll get right on it...poor Wes. He's excited and nervouse at the same time."

*Wendy goes back into the office and dials her mom letting her know that Wes and Cindy would be showing up.*

*As Wes drives with Cindy back to the ranch he drives fast but with car trying to avoide any big bumps. As Cindy's hand slips into Wes his own fingers give her hand a gentil squeeze.

Wes can't help but beam at Becky and the mention of being called Daddy. He couldent help but be excited and scaired at the same time.*

"Oh...Becky be gentil...oh Hun watch that stick there I dont want you to trip."

*Wes took the greatest care as he helped Cindy into the office. About to follow them into the back room Wes is cut off and told to wait outside he cant help but grow more nervouse.*

"Is something wrong is that why I can't come in? Is everything ok?"

*Not receving an answer Wes starts to pase the floor. Trying not to worry but everytime he hurd Cindy, or even a bump Wes would jump. Sitting down His leg bounces, standing he pases drinking water glass after glass.*

*Angel smiles at Cindy and cant help but laugh at Wes a little bit.*

"Everything is gonna be ok Cindy. We will get you through this. Poor Wes."

*Angel helps Cindy to the back continuing to talk to her and keep her calm.*

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