
Our Baby

*Wes can't help but give a little laugh as his brother enters the room.*

"I'm no sure if I am more scaired or excited."

*Wes continues to listen to his brother talk finding Mick shairing his own experinces to be a little comforting. Though he was still a baskit of nerves his brother presence was welcome and helped having someone to talk to.

The minutes drag on, and the hours seem like an eternity. Wes continues his silent praying that his wife and child would be ok. While talking to Mick, and trying to keep him mind on other things while stay out of the way.

As the baby's cry echos through the office Wes snaps his head twords the door and stands. Ignoring his brothers pround look Wes wairs a smile of his own.*

"Thats our baby..."

*Just standing for a long moment Wes stairs at the closed door untill Becky opens it and lets him know its ok. Turning to look at Mick Wes smiles and than heads back into the other room.

Entering the room slowly Wes' smile grows as his eyes rest on Cindy and there new baby. Now Wes smile beaming even more and the pride that shown in his eyes as her looked down on his daughter and wife. Moving closer to the bed Wes puts on arm behind Cindy as he sides onto the edge. Never had he thought she looks more radeint than at this moment. Taking his rough hand Wes gently runs it over the small babys forhead and around her small cheek cheek making sure this prescuse gift infront of him was not a dream.*

"Our baby girl....look at our baby girl."

*Giving Cindy a squeeze and a kiss to the forhead he leans his head on hers as the look down apone that treasure infront of them.*

*Angel stands cleaning up for a moment and watching the two pround new parents. For a moment Angel's mind goes back to when she first had Wendy and how her father hadent been there but Trent was and that was good enough. Wendy was her world and so was Luke, Angel loved he looked at her like his own daughter. Now if only the title would match.

Giving another smile and a sigh Angel leavs the room and closes the door behind her letting the family get to know there newest member. Walking out onto the pourch Angel lets out a long sigh and looks around the ranch. How things had changed, and how life had moved on offering more hope to those who had little.*

*Misty takes note to the life that was missing from Kyle's eyes showing how searouse he was. Giving a nod Misty shows she agree's with Kyle and will help as much as she can.

Opening the car door Misty throws Kyle another smile trying to hid the consern her had about the cough he was now contracting.*

"Food sounds good, I'm starved lets go."

*Getting out of the car Misty closes her door than goes to Kyle's playfuly opening it for him.*

"Well ya coming or what I have been waiting all day."

*Jess slowly opens her eyes as the bright sun shines into the window. Stairing at the white wall with her back to the door she trys to get her bearings for a moment. Remebering where she was as a bit of pain surges through her Jess closes her eyes again. She still hurt all over and just wanted to sleep. Nothing alse but sleep, and make everything go away.

The dark rings under Jess eyes tell the story that she hadn't slept very well that night. Waking up many times from horrable nightmares, and sounds she dident know. If they let her Jess just wanted to stay in the bed forever. Closing her eyes Jess fights the emotions, the feelings, the anger and pain.*

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