

Kyle lets out a long sigh at the news of the cancellation, though seems to have known that would probably happen.

At Misty’s suggestion of Katie or then herself, he quirks an eyebrow, keeping his gaze on the road. He knew there were options. The other guys knew it too. But Kyle knew that the other three had probably talked more amongst themselves and most likely felt it was too big of a risk to go ahead with the concert. Kyle had been surprised they’d even agreed to asking Rocky. Him not being able to come was simply a prime out for them.

Kyle slowly shakes his head and takes back his phone to close it. “Sounds good to me…try convincing the guys.” He purses his lips in thought. “How ‘bout me on keyboard one-handed…you on vocals as another pair of eyes from stage. We go ahead with the show…” He pauses, coughing a little and wincing. “…as bait. I know they’re gonna strike again…I can feel it.”

Coming up on the Mexican restaurant, he parks, but doesn’t get out of the truck. He turns to Misty, the mischief gone from his eyes. “We need to do this…to stop the Agency. They’ll come…the guys will say we’re endangering the public, but…the Agency is after me or Jen, no one else, and they send experts.” He swallows hard. “Whether it’s a good show or not…we have to act like everything is normal…and get those goons out in the open. With the security we’ll have we have to be able to catch them.”

Without waiting for a response, Kyle’s stubbornness shows through as he opens his phone again to send Phil a text message. “I have backup. The show’s still on. Up to you to come or stay home.

After sending, Kyle looks back up to Misty. “I’m hungry. We going inside or what?

Cindy tries to let Angel and Becky keep her calm, though knowing Wes was up front more nervous than she was made her own nerves heighten.

Getting settled in the bed in the back room, the pains grow more severe and frequent, proving that it had not been a false alarm. She can’t help but cry out once, though Becky and Angel are right there to help her through.

Footsteps are heard coming up on the porch, the boots approaching the door. They enter without knocking, then stop. A wry grin spreads on Mick’s face as he sees his brother walking back and forth. “You’re gonna wear a hole in the floor,” he muses teasingly.

Going over to Wes, he puts his hands on his shoulders and sets him down in a chair, sitting next to him. “You pacing isn’t going to make it go any faster. Trust me. I know.” He rolls his eyes. “When Jade came along, Jill was in labor for nine hours. I was a wreck by the time it was all over, and even after everything she’d been through, I dare say she looked in better shape than me.” Mick chuckles a the memory. “It was easier with Dylan.”

He turns to look at Wes, grinning. “Let nature take its course, bro. She and the baby will be fine. They’re in good hands.”

Two hours and much more pacing later, Mick is standing at the window, sipping a glass of water himself after staying with Wes in an attempt to keep him calm and out of the women’s way.

Suddenly a baby’s cry rings out. Mick stops and turns around, a smile spreading as he looks at his brother. Not only was Wes a father, but Mick was an uncle again too.

The next few minutes seem like an eternity, but Becky finally shows up, beaming. She smiles at Wes. “Mother and baby are both fine. Tired, but just fine. Come on and meet your daughter.”

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