

Kyle cocks his head at Katie, the corner of his mouth turning up into a slight grin as she looks at him. He makes her break the gaze first, then sighs with content. “Yeah…it’s peaceful… I think it’s kinda like life though… you get storms, and the waves can be high…so high you can’t even see over them. But then one morning you wake up, and the water is like glass, with the sun reflecting off of it just right to bring warmth to every fiber of your being, reviving the soul and refreshing the spirit.”
He stops and just soaks in the moment before finally giving a short laugh. “Okay, I’m gonna have to do something about that seaweed.” He trudges back through the water and walks across the sand to deposit Katie gently on the blanket near Jen. He goes back over to the waters edge and starts to shake one of his legs, trying to get the stray seaweed out.
Mike and Phil burst out laughing at his antics and go to “help” him.

Jen watches wide-eyed as Mike and her other brother go to Kyle. She and Katie are just far enough away not to be able to hear what’s being said, but it doesn’t take long before Mike has Kyle by the feet, and Phil has his arms and head. Within two swings, Kyle is airborn, landing in deeper water with a huge splash.

Mike and Phil’s laughter rings out as Kyle comes up sputtering and spitting out lake water. Glaring at the other two he’s quick to exit the water and start after them. All three make a mad dash along the beach. Kyle’s wet clothes hold him back, though his quick legs get him almost within reach of his brother. Pulling off his sopping shirt as he runs, he flings it at Phil’s head.

Smacked in the back of the head with the wet shirt, Phil staggers just enough slow him down, though by now Kyle has given up and just stand, panting, and leaning over to try and catch his breath. Mike is already far ahead and skids to a stop, spinning around and still laughing. “Give up, Kyle?!”

Kyle waves him off. “For now…for now. One of these days, when you least expect it….” He lets his humorous threat linger and turns around to walk back to the girls. This time it’s him who receives the shirt to the back of his head, and he grimaces, simply slinging it over his shoulder.

Reaching the girls, Jen is in stitches. “Kyle..you look so….ridiculous!”

Kyle smirks and goes over to her, shaking out his wet hair on her.

“Oh, stop!” Jen shrieks, holding up her hands.

Kyle grins and flops down next to Katie, still trying to catch his breath. “I’m sorry you had to witness that. I’m sure such a horrific scene will traumatize you for weeks to come.”

Cindy finishes getting ready, and heads out to the barn. Arriving, she sees Wes ready to go. “Guess I’m the one who’s late today, huh? Which horse should I take today?”

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