
It's Amazing

*Katie giggles as Kyle takes her to the water. Any other time a guy has picked her up she usaly would object but in this case she dident. It was one of her only ways around not to mention she felt comfortable leting Kyle do it. Katie reaches down to touch the water.* " It feels so nice. Back at my Aunts ranch she has a pond but...nothing like this. The water is clear and cool." *Katie's hand still runs through the water. Looking up at Kyle she smiles with her arm wraped around his neck. For a moment gazing into his eyes she gets lost. Relizing she quickly looks away out at the water harozen.* "Its amazing no matter how rough if gets, or dark it might look there is still a pritty,calm, and brightside that can make anyone feel good."

*Wes smiles and nods to Cindy.* "Sounds good to me. I'll be in the barn geting my horse ready. Just mean me out there when your ready." *Wes heads to the barn a smile on his face. He had already told Clint that the shop was all his for the day and if he wanted to close up early he could. It was such a nice day out he dident want to keep him inside, figureing he might want to do something with Wendy. Once geting to the barn he goes over to Saviour's stall.* "Well buddy, its time for you to strech your legs." *Taking him out Wes grabs his saddle and slings his pack with the blanket and food onto the horse as well. Today he was only going to need the one horse. Cindy was gonna ride with him.*

*Jamie smiles as Con leave. She sure did miss him while he was gone and was happy to have him back.*

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