

*Katie sighs at Jason's attitude. She knows his sugar was low and he dident know what he was talking about but the word still stung.* "No problem Clint. Just keep an eye on him. If anything alse dosent seem right go to Angel at once than call me. I'll talk to ya again soon. Call anytime. Bye!" *As Katie buts her phone away she sighs again. Seeing Kyle coing over she smiles and starts to push herself half way.* "Hey you. Sorry about that. When I comes to Jason I have a gift and sometimes a curse. Maybe sometime when you have time you can hear about it." *Katie smiles up at Kyle.*

*Jamie smiles at Con.* "I'll see what I can do with Reese, but I know your needed here so its not a problem." *Jamie dosent addmit it but she really did want Con's help but she wasent going to push it.* "I'll be here tomarrow. Bright and early. A big all of sunshine." *Jamie giggles and throws a playing punch at Con.* "See ya tomarrow."

*Wes grins back at Cindy giving a small bow.* "Well my dear its a wonderful day out, and I am full of energy, I was wondering if a lovly lady as yourself would go for a horse ride with me and have a picnic lunch."

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