

Con rolls his eyes at Jamie's mention of Jason. "Yeah. I don't know what his problem is. If it's something Wyatt said, I've never known Jase to back down like this before, so I don't know what it is. I have a feeling he was trying to resolve the whole mess by removing himself from it, but it just made things worse. Anyway..."
He listens to Jamie talk about her parents, and when she finally ends, he chuckles. "I bet you could find somebody to help you out down there if you want to give your parents a break. Ed's got some vacation time backed up, I know, and so does Gary. You might check with them - I know they like Mom and Pop's as well as I do." He smiles. "You're sweet to do something like this for your parents...they deserve it...always giving of themselves."

Kyle lifts an eyebrow, at Katie's odd behavior, but he respects her privacy and continues to help the other guys and Jen as they argue about where to go on the little beach.

Clint heads to the refrigerator as he talks. "Jason? That butthead is in the mess hall here ready to pass out." He grabs the orange juice carton and shakes it up as he walks to the cupboard for some sugar. "He and I were out back - he's been showing me a thing or two about defending myself, and his sugar crashed big time." Clint has to open several kitchen drawers before finding a spoon, fumbling just a little as he tries to hurry. He doesn't want to worry Katie, but he knows he needs to act fast. "Hasn't eaten all day. He's plum miserable, as I would be, so I'm assuming he just wasn't paying attention to himself."

Clint pours some juice and adds a teaspoon of sugar, stirring it up well. "I'd hand you over to him, but I seriously doubt he'll make much sense at this point." He knew the truth was that had Jason been lucid, he probably wouldn't have wanted to talk to Katie anyway, but Clint holds his tongue. He may have razzed Jason, but good sense told him not to say so much to Katie. He aims back for the other room, his jaw tight with concern at seeing Jason's weak form. If he couldn't get him to drink this juice, he'd would have to go get Angel. He tries to keep his conversation casual though, masking his fear. "I heard you were up and walking a bit - congratulations."

He nudges Jason's arm and holds out the juice to him, but Jason shakes his head, as he's to the point of not even thinking straight. Clint removes the phone from his mouth and speaks to Jason hoarsely. "Come on, Jason. Don't give me a bad time or I'm gonna force it down your throat."

Jason kind of knows what's going on, but his mind is in a fog. He knows he feels stupid for some reason, and he's pretty sure that he should be doing something different, but his stomach doesn't feel like taking on anything, so the thought of a glass of orange juice is simply nauseating.

"Jason!" Clint holds the phone out to the side, trying to avoid Katie hearing too much. He tries to rouse Jason again, but it's not working. "Good grief." He puts the phone back to his ear. "Katie, I can't get him to take any sugar. I'm gonna have to go get Angel."

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