
Not now

*Jamie walks out of the break room and see Con.* "Hey Con!" *As Con keep walking Jamie shrugs figuring he was probley busy. She heads to her desk so many she can leave early today but he dident think would happen. With Katie in the hopetal her work was backed up.*

*As Wyatt's name is braught up Katie's face hangs alittle. She better let them know now so they dont keep bringing him up. Katie just wants to forget for now.* "His name is Wyatt, and you dont have to worry about him anymore. He broke up with me the other day." *Katie pasts a smile on her face the best she an thanful for Mike kind arm of friendship.* "Its ok though. I'll deal today I just want to have fun." *Katie looks at Kyle.* "Witch I am sure I will." *As they drive alittle farther they finally arrive. Katie stairs out the window in awww.* "Ohhhh...it looks so nice. Look at that water, and the flowers." *KAtie cant help but feel like alittle kid again finding something new. As Katie is out of the truck a wave hits her. Jason...his sugar was droping.* "Oh man...not now." *Katie pulls out her phone and dials Jason's number.* "Come on J, Answer you idot."

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