

*Jamie smiles at Con.* "Ya I could ask them. Maybe a certin someone standing with me right now might help out too. Its not hard to run a grill." *Jamie cant help but giggle at Con.* "Your a sweet guy yourself Con." *Looking down at her papers Jamie groans.* "Well I better get this stuff done before I head out. Not that I am doing anything exciting." *Jamie giggles again.*

*Katie listens to Clint coaking Jason as she watches the guys and Jen find a spot for the picnic. Katie hoped the would understand when she was done what had happend.* "Clint put the phone up to Jason's ear. Hold it for him...just put it up there and put me on speaker phone ok." *As Katie hears the click on the static in the background she know she is on speaker. In a very soft tone Katie speaks.* "Jason...listen to me J. Its Katie. You need to drink you OJ ok. Its important. I am sure your feeling like crap right now, and if you dont drink that OJ your just gonna feel worse. Please drink it for me." *Katie pauses for a moment.* "Clint hand Jason the OJ again." *As Katie waits she hopes Jason will drink it. If not Clint would have to go get Angel. But Katie wasent geting off the phone till she new he was ok.*

*Wes smiles as he breaths the fresh air. What a nice day out it was. Wes was happy for these days. No storms coming it. It was warm yelt not to hot. This was perfect riding and picnic weather. Not knowing where Cindy was at this point in time Wes walks to her bunk and Knocks on the door waiting.*

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